Leaker from Pentagon identified

What were the documents in Biden's possession?
Were they the EXACT, SAME documents as the ones Trump stole?
look it up, it's there, he wasn't allowed to have them, they were classified and he didn't have executive privilege at the time as senator. So stop running to the corner so often.
You don't think it is possible for Senators to have security clearances?

Members of Congress don't have security clearances in the same way an employee does.

IIRC, they are considered to have the clearance as an elected official, and are then given access depending on what business they are working. For example someone working on an agricultural committee might not have access to much, someone on the Intelligence Committee or Foreign Relations Committee will have a lot.

Were they the EXACT, SAME documents as the ones Trump stole?
Xiden wasn't senator when Trump was in office, and trump's documents were when he was president. you don't do this well fkface.
so again, you're saying he's above the law, cause no, there is no clearance to remove documents except president.

so no one's above the law unless it's a demofk. gotcha.
Do you know wtf you are even talking about?
What were the documents in Biden's possession?
What were the documents in Trump's possession?
Come on!
If you are trying to make BOTH cases the same then tell me....
Are they REALLY the same cases?
A young man with a possible great future and all down the toilet. If he ever gets out of prison he will end up on skid row.
And for no reason possible than he wanted to look like a big shot to impress his online buddies.
Members of Congress don't have security clearances in the same way an employee does.

IIRC, they are considered to have the clearance as an elected official, and are then given access depending on what business they are working. For example someone working on an agricultural committee might not have access to much, someone on the Intelligence Committee or Foreign Relations Committee will have a lot.

Then you need to call Jack Smith RIGHT NOW and let him know what you have discovered!

Apparently, he was a gun loving racist, which in my view, is the main reason the leaker was found and ratted out.

Now if it was a Leftist leaking a Supreme court decision or things about Trump then all of a sudden finding the person leaking the information is too hard to do.

The article says that about 1.25 million people have such security clearance to such data. How on earth then do they keep any of it secret?

It is ridiculous to believe that a secret stays secret when over a million folks have access.

It is concerning that anyone in any branch of our military would leak any classified information. If he really is the one.

I think your headline omits the word “alleged.”
Do you know wtf you are even talking about?
What were the documents in Biden's possession?
What were the documents in Trump's possession?
Come on!
If you are trying to make BOTH cases the same then tell me....
Are they REALLY the same cases?
it's obvious you have no clue what you're talking about. Again, senators are not allowed to remove classified documents. Presidents can. It's called....shhhhhhh.... executive privilege. look it up.
Trump has encouraged kids like this one to act against government in a way that could earn them capital punishment!

If Trump is going to get serious about opposing Biden's war, he's going to have to temper his comments to being acceptable.

Instead of charging the next kid who commits treason, the blame might be placed on Trump for his encouragement!

~ another duplicate thread that seems to have become an allowable practice.
you say it, he had possession of documents that were classified as a senator. That's illegal.
The trump indictment will not be about possessing the documents. It will be about hiding, concealing, lying, and obstructing.

He directed his lawyers to lie. Trump is a traitor.
trump praises Xi and you equate Biden with the dictator. Did you miss trump drooling over Xi?

Did trump sell classifed info that he stole from the WH? How much did he make? A Billion maybe?
Trump was smart enough to schmooze until he could not schmooze if it came to it.
It was a weekend warrior. Better safeguards need to be in place as to who can access classified information.

so he accessed somebody who had access, who did not hide his access all too well
A young man with a possible great future and all down the toilet. If he ever gets out of prison he will end up on skid row.
And for no reason possible than he wanted to look like a big shot to impress his online buddies.
Back Again makes a good point. I hope the young man arrested can afford good lawyers.
The trump indictment will not be about possessing the documents. It will be about hiding, concealing, lying, and obstructing.

He directed his lawyers to lie. Trump is a traitor.
Is he a traitor or a Chinese loyalist?
Lots of Lefty loyalists are stumping hard in this thread to steer the conversation away from the substance of these leaks...
Hmmm... I wonder why..?

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