Leaker from Pentagon identified

A senator is NOT allowed to HAVE IN THEIR POSSESSION documents that are classified they must read them at the SCIF and cant remove them RETARD.
So why don't you tell me how sensitive these docs were that Biden had in his garage.
I'll wait.
Or maybe you don't even know and you're just talking out your ass right?
TWS on full display!

Pentagon Leaker Caught​

So why don't you tell me how sensitive these docs were that Biden had in his garage.
I'll wait.
Or maybe you don't even know and you're just talking out your ass right?
TWS on full display!
Maybe everyone should know what was in there like they did with Trump
A senator is NOT allowed to HAVE IN THEIR POSSESSION documents that are classified they must read them at the SCIF and cant remove them RETARD.

While I agree in general Gunny, not all classified documents have to be maintained in a SCIF.

In the Tweet shop we had a GSA approved save with classified manuals. Also a different safe for classified codes for loading aircraft. The electronics show was not a SCIF.

Trump has encouraged kids like this one to act against government in a way that could earn them capital punishment!

If Trump is going to get serious about opposing Biden's war, he's going to have to temper his comments to being acceptable.

Instead of charging the next kid who commits treason, the blame might be placed on Trump for his encouragement!

~ another duplicate thread that seems to have become an allowable practice.
OMG it's Trump's fault? Trump didn't cause this shit. Leftists caused this shit. With no personal accountability for your actions.
So why don't you tell me how sensitive these docs were that Biden had in his garage.
I'll wait.
Or maybe you don't even know and you're just talking out your ass right?
TWS on full display!
Still supporting xiden’s above the law
Maybe everyone should know what was in there like they did with Trump
You dumb shits.
You all TALK like you have some understanding of how this sensitive/classified/top secret business works in D.C......but it is painfully obvious you DON'T!
There is junk floating around everywhere...all the time, where it shouldn't be.
Why do you think the decision was made not to prosecute Hillary for her private server?
It's because when investigators starting REALLY digging into the issue they discovered that what she had been doing wasn't that abnormal.
Sloppiness in this regard was actually the NORM rather than the exception.
So instead of bringing charges down on half the government workers in D.C. the Justice Department just said "oops....lesson learned" and used it as an opportunity to tighten up some sloppy practices and systems.

It is the same with hard copy material.
But that idn't even what Trump's classified document scandal is about.
If Trump had just simply handed over the docs to National Archives when asked (like Biden did) we wouldn't even have heard anything about it.
But he didn't.
And he still hasn't.
And that is why he is in a world of hurt right now over this.
He took what could have been another simple "oops" to a WHOLE different level.
And THAT is the main difference between Trump's document scandal and Biden's "oops."
Show me the Biden indictments then.

Come now, we both know you are not THAT stupid.

We both know the corrupt DOJ and FBI have been and will continue to protect Joe. At least you did not deny the facts that this was exposed.
What were the documents in Biden's possession? Were they the EXACT, SAME documents as the ones Trump stole?

Of course not - how could they be since many of tbe documents Joe stole were classified info dating back to the time Joe was a SENATOR.

Your desparation and panic is starting to show.

OMG it's Trump's fault? Trump didn't cause this shit. Leftists caused this shit. With no personal accountability for your actions.
Trump is sitting on the fence on making an antiwar case, and if he does then he's going to have to stay completely away from promoting any interference with Biden's war efforts.

He risks legal action against him as well as extra-legal action. America is at war, declared or not!

This kid may spill the beans that he was motivated by Trump and his agenda against Biden's war!
You dumb shits.
You all TALK like you have some understanding of how this sensitive/classified/top secret business works in D.C......but it is painfully obvious you DON'T!

Like you do. :auiqs.jpg:

Tell us, Tinkerbell, how does a VP ... or Senator ... get TS/SCI information out of the WH without knowing he has this information in his possession ... after he has been READ-IN to the SCI program, fully briefed .... and, more importantly, having been READ-OUT of the program, briefed, told he can no longer possess or even TALK about this information outside of a SCIF?

Being 'STUPID' does not cover it.

'Oops, my bad' doesn't cover it...

...especially when you are engaged in influence peddling and 'kick-back' schemes involving Hunter, Ukraine, and Burisma AND while getting millions from our enemy, China...

...which, according to an Ex-Obama staff member, Joe WAS involved in.
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What were the documents in Biden's possession?
Were they the EXACT, SAME documents as the ones Trump stole?
If they were classified, why would we know? It’s why they’re classified! Hahaha can’t make it up

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