Leaker from Pentagon identified

MTG, Trump, and half this forum has always sided with Putin and Russia in their brutal war of aggression.
That's it!
But now Trump has been called to come to the aid .............................. and he has to get his balls up to doing it.
It's just an Eastern European regional problem. Not ours.

If it is so much a problem why can't the EU deal with it? The combined EU GDP is far bigger than that of Russia. And now Macron has told us France will not aid us against the real enemy which is the CCP.
I don't believe this story at all about the leaker being identified.

Total disinformation campaign.

The story is real but to say that the culprit is a 21 year old....well that's a fabrication!

Are most Indian's as slow on the uptake as you?
Dude was handling the upper crust of intelligence! The protocols must've been smoke signals....:smoke:.
He was a junior grade enlisted guy, B. Kidd. At least a lieutenant and an E6 or E7 were the security team in the S1 shop.

They are tasked with the protocols and missed it.
Like you do. :auiqs.jpg:

Tell us, Tinkerbell, how does a VP ... or Senator ... get TS/SCI information out of the WH without knowing he has this information in his possession ... after he has been READ-IN to the SCI program, fully briefed .... and, more importantly, having been READ-OUT of the program, briefed, told he can no longer possess or even TALK about this information outside of a SCIF?

Being 'STUPID' does not cover it.

'Oops, my bad' doesn't cover it...

...especially when you are engaged in influence peddling and 'kick-back' schemes involving Hunter, Ukraine, and Burisma AND while getting millions from our enemy, China...

...which, according to an Ex-Obama staff member, Joe WAS

Come now, we both know you are not THAT stupid.

We both know the corrupt DOJ and FBI have been and will continue to protect Joe. At least you did not deny the facts that this was exposed.
Conspiracy theory much?
Trump is sitting on the fence on making an antiwar case, and if he does then he's going to have to stay completely away from promoting any interference with Biden's war efforts.

He risks legal action against him as well as extra-legal action. America is at war, declared or not!

This kid may spill the beans that he was motivated by Trump and his agenda against Biden's war!
You dumbfuck
Sure will be interesting to see how many Trump followers defend this fool, or make him out to be another “hero.” Many are so used to playing free and loose with facts, supporting Putin against Ukraine, denouncing the FBI for being partisan and the DOD for being “woke” … they don’t even recognize where the line between patriotism and treason lies.

In this respect Trumpsters and the young National Guardsman who circulated these documents so casually may be like the Jan. 6 rioters. This young man seems to have crossed the line — not out of any deep commitment to stop spying on civilians (like Snowden), or to expose details of bloody U.S. imperialist wars overseas (like Assange & Manning) — but just to impress his little group of friends in an internet chat group!

The group itself has been described this way:

“The New York Times first reported Teixeira's identity earlier on Thursday, describing him a National Guardsman who led Thug Shaker Central, an online group where about 20 to 30 people shared their love of guns, racist memes and video games.”

Of course the NYTimes and Washington Post have their own agendas, so it is surely too early to draw any certain conclusions about Teixeira’s motivations. But let this at least serve as a warning to any who think that the law & national security norms don’t apply to them … just because they think they are “real Americans” and “patriots.”

Even our arrogant ex-President and billionaire Donald Trump may finally get his comeuppance — learning there is a price to pay for keeping top secret documents and refusing to return them.
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It was a weekend warrior. Better safeguards need to be in place as to who can access classified information.

LOL you're calling him a weekend warrior YOU LIED ABOUT YOUR SERVICE you fraud

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