Leaker from Pentagon identified

Biden isn't smart enough to do this, who is pulling these strings?

Another idiot from this Administration......just a stupid as Biden....aren't they all? who work in this stolen Administration?

Everybody knows the 21 year old spreading this..... is a total fabrication.

Mixing lies with half baked truths....
Another idiot from this Administration......just a stupid as Biden....aren't they all? who work in this stolen Administration?

Everybody knows the 21 year old spreading this..... is a total fabrication.

Mixing lies with half baked truths....
Evidently, it is true. The unelected Biden regime has been sending our military to fight in Ukraine without anyone knowing and without congressional authority. Someone put these syncophant generals before congress and find out what orders they gave. Milley said he would give the Chinese advance notice of our military movements. What has he been up to?
This leaker needs to be prosecuted. If he’s a truly the guilty party he needs to spend the rest of his life in prison.
Another idiot from this Administration......just a stupid as Biden....aren't they all? who work in this stolen Administration?

Everybody knows the 21 year old spreading this..... is a total fabrication.

Mixing lies with half baked truths....

I was watching a video of the kids arrest and was struck by the difference in the way criminals are approached and apprehended by LEOs and government goons. A murderous, dangerous criminal is generally gone after by a couple of overweight, sloppy looking policemen who go in and either shoot the guy or overpower him. The Gubmint sends in 150 man swat teams with dogs. Armed with automatic weapons, backed up by a battalion of tanks, APCs and a squadron of attack helicopters. A National Guard battalion is on standby alert and every TV news crew from 3 other states are recording the invasion. After a 6 hour standoff, they break the door down, go in and drag the skinny little gamer out of the house in his underwear, handcuffed and in leg shackles. Sixteen warriors, each with a weapon pointed 2 inches from his head bravely escort him to a squad car. Only when he is safely locked in the car do they all breathe a sigh of relief and spend 5 minutes giving each other high fives.

Then everyone ambles over to the set of microphones (which have been set up for 6 hours) and the Governor talks, introduces 27 state and local officials, mentions the Senator and Congressman in attendance, praises the 12 police departments, firemen, medical crews and then reminds everyone about the annual taffy pulling contest on Saturday.

Has anyone seen this movie before.
Access to top secret information at the age of 21?

Is that normal? I hope not.

That's about the average age of an RM3 (Radioman Third Class which is an E-4 in the Navy), and those people have access to a great deal of Secret and Top Secret information.

Wanna talk about John Walker who was a spy for the Russians who recruited his son Michael Walker to spy for them with him? That was a serious problem for the Navy.

Apparently, he was a gun loving racist, which in my view, is the main reason the leaker was found and ratted out.

Now if it was a Leftist leaking a Supreme court decision or things about Trump then all of a sudden finding the person leaking the information is too hard to do.

The article says that about 1.25 million people have such security clearance to such data. How on earth then do they keep any of it secret?


His buddies on the discord server shared his views, so.....what does any of this have to do with being leftist when they're the ones who ratted him out? You're so hyper partisan and deranged that you are literally looking over shoulder at anything you can turn into a culture war, even when none could possibly exist. They may all agree on the same things he does, but i think it ends at going to jail. That's the bottomline.

I'm surprised that 1.25 million ppl have the same sort of security clearance the idiot did, but I think the government thinks that if they make the penalty for leaking so severe that will deter anyone. This kid will be court mashalled and will probably never see the outside world again. Who the hell would choose that fate just to be a big man on a discord server? The biggest problem here is that the Pentagon literally never accounted for the fact that people with shit for brains could possibly be handling all this information. Nineteen and twenty year olds do stupid stuff, go figure.
Whoever the leaker is, I hope they they either put him to death or send him to Girmo.

No one is afraid if committing espionage, stealing clasdified. There is no deterent. Traitors need to face consequences.

It was worth it in the end. His discord server friends will always remember him, as the OG.
For all of this handwringing, there's an issue I have with all of this. The report was that this was a leak from the Pentagon. How would someone from the Air National Guard have access to Pentagon files? The story said that the guardsman works at Ft. Bragg? What job can Jack have that would allow him access to high-level classified material from the Pentagon? It's not like all these documents are in some kind of repository that anyone with a clearance can just access with a login/password.
Easy. AG Garland said so. Needed a scapegoat.
Jack Teixeira is the guy apparently a 21 y/o member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard.

Florence CO gets pretty cold at night. Hope he enjoys the next 70 years or so in isolation.

Unbelievable we (this is on Biden) let these kids loose around our state secrets.

There is not a single Govco boot you won't lick clean, is there?

I feel better about that one, somehow. I don't like the idea of someone barely able to drink alcohol for the first time having access to top secret documents.

Too many people are operating on the assumption that we still have a functioning country.

We don't.

Embrace that, and go from there.
Award him the Presidential Medal of Freedom!
After finding out what "top secret" information that he leaked I share the same view. When the government lies to America as bad as this information is it should be leaked. And the media is working with the government to deflect the government lying to the American people.
That's not how this works.

You all don't get to crap the bed and tell us we have to sit in your filth

This has gone from "You will be made to care" to "you will be made to clean this up"

or at the very least, slink away.
Nobody is making you leave and nobody is making you stay, drama queen. I'm simply asking you a question.

You're constantly whining about how terrible this country is. You're sitting in filth, you no longer have a functioning country, you've given up, blah blah blah. So why don't you just leave if you hate it here so much? You seem completely miserable here.
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