Leaker from Pentagon identified

Nobody is making you leave and nobody is making you stay, drama queen. I'm simply asking you a question.

You're constantly whining about how terrible this country is. You're sitting in filth, you no longer have a functioning country, you've given up, blah blah blah. So why don't you just leave if you hate it here so much? You seem completely miserable here.
Hate to say it but on her grave stone it will read, "Someone did the world a favor".
Nobody is making you leave and nobody is making you stay, drama queen. I'm simply asking you a question.

You're constantly whining about how terrible this country is. You're sitting in filth, you no longer have a functioning country, you've given up, blah blah blah. So why don't you just leave if you hate it here so much? You seem completely miserable here.

I'm not even close to miserable, personally.

My personal feelings or experience of happiness don't have much to do with the fact that we are clearly a nation in swift decline
Jack Teixeira is the guy apparently a 21 y/o member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard.

Florence CO gets pretty cold at night. Hope he enjoys the next 70 years or so in isolation.

Unbelievable we (this is on Biden) let these kids loose around our state secrets.

Honestly, I think he gets 1-2 years and probation. I don't see him getting the maximum sentence of 10 years.
I'm not even close to miserable, personally.

My personal feelings or experience of happiness don't have much to do with the fact that we are clearly a nation in swift decline
So why don’t you just leave if you hate it here so much? You still haven’t answered this.
Well, back when I was in late 60's and early 70's you were investigated quite thoroughly. They interviewed your neighbors, friends, schools and checked police records. Today, who knows how they investigate.
So, you don't know?
Well, back when I was in late 60's and early 70's you were investigated quite thoroughly. They interviewed your neighbors, friends, schools and checked police records. Today, who knows how they investigate.
Maybe this will help?

trump had authority,, sorry wilbur.

why are you demoks so ignorant so often?
He stole classified documents from the US government when he left on January 20th 2021. That was not good, but then he hid them and lied about them, even after the DOJ issued him a subpoena. The DOJ was very patient and negotiated with him and his lawyers for months to get the documents back. He "obstructed" those efforts over and over. And now there are reports that he shared top secret information with people at Mar-a-lago.

No one with a brain wants this man back in the WH...which explains why maga does.
well how stupid is that? LOLOL

What do you mean how stupid is that? Most of the people who join the military do so while they are still young (18 to 24), and the reason that those of lower rank are more numerous than those of higher rank is because of the way the military is structured.

And yes, if you go into a job that is classified, you will be training with most of the stuff you will work with for the rest of the time you are in. Everyone who joins gets what's called a NAC (National Agency Check), where they check your name and SSN against the databases in this country to make sure you disclosed all information concerning civil involvement (arrests). If you go into a security field, they do a further investigation that takes up to 6 months to a year to complete, and you are only given an interim clearance until your investigation comes back and you get your full clearance. Once you get your full clearance, you then work fully in your field.

As far as the crappy pay? Hey...............nobody ever joined the military to get rich, and if you think that the military isn't paid enough (I for one do, since everyone in the military who is E-5 or below is paid at a level that makes them eligible for many assistance programs such as WIC or SNAP), then talk to your congress person about increasing the pay for the military. Even at the higher ranks, a person is only making about half of what their civilian counterparts pull down.

Sorry, but there is no way to ensure that a person won't be tempted to spy on their country, as there are some out there who can be bought. Even though there are screenings and in some cases, psychological testing, there will always be a few that slip through the cracks.
Evidently, it is true. The unelected Biden regime has been sending our military to fight in Ukraine without anyone knowing and without congressional authority. Someone put these syncophant generals before congress and find out what orders they gave. Milley said he would give the Chinese advance notice of our military movements. What has he been up to?
You really shouldn't believe a thing MTG tells you.

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