Leaker from Pentagon identified

Well, back when I was in late 60's and early 70's you were investigated quite thoroughly. They interviewed your neighbors, friends, schools and checked police records. Today, who knows how they investigate.

I know that they were still that thorough up until at least the late 90's. There were 2 times (once for initial, and once for my 5 year follow up investigation), that I'd gone home on leave, and all my relatives as well as many of my friends and neighbors were asking me why some nice people from the government had shown up and asked them all sorts of questions about me.
What do you mean how stupid is that? Most of the people who join the military do so while they are still young (18 to 24), and the reason that those of lower rank are more numerous than those of higher rank is because of the way the military is structured.

And yes, if you go into a job that is classified, you will be training with most of the stuff you will work with for the rest of the time you are in. Everyone who joins gets what's called a NAC (National Agency Check), where they check your name and SSN against the databases in this country to make sure you disclosed all information concerning civil involvement (arrests). If you go into a security field, they do a further investigation that takes up to 6 months to a year to complete, and you are only given an interim clearance until your investigation comes back and you get your full clearance. Once you get your full clearance, you then work fully in your field.

As far as the crappy pay? Hey...............nobody ever joined the military to get rich, and if you think that the military isn't paid enough (I for one do, since everyone in the military who is E-5 or below is paid at a level that makes them eligible for many assistance programs such as WIC or SNAP), then talk to your congress person about increasing the pay for the military. Even at the higher ranks, a person is only making about half of what their civilian counterparts pull down.

Sorry, but there is no way to ensure that a person won't be tempted to spy on their country, as there are some out there who can be bought. Even though there are screenings and in some cases, psychological testing, there will always be a few that slip through the cracks.
Maybe this will help?

Well, then someone they interviewed must have lied or they didn't go far enough.
Maybe this will help?

Second thought here, since I read this info was only suppose to be at the Pentagon. Maybe someone passed it to him or he hacked a security system.
You actually like being lied into WWIII, don't you?

This is the part where we throw our heads back and giggle profusely upon yet one more reminder that there just isn't a nickel's worth of difference between a war hawk, regardless of the letter D or R, regardless of whatever the narrative calls for.

Though they do put on quite a show pretending to be different when it suits.

It reminds me of a thread I've been meaning to initiate, though I'd intended to aim it more toward explaining how cutlrual Marxists historically operate. But it does apply here as well. We hear so much about the tried and true divide and conquer routine that the equally detructive, the equally tried and true hemogenize and conquer routine is often overlooked, and even more often ignored completely. Perhaps even unknown to most.

But whatever. Same story, different day...
Klaus_Schwab_-_World_Economic_Forum_Annual_Meeting_2011 (1).jpg
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Well, back when I was in late 60's and early 70's you were investigated quite thoroughly. They interviewed your neighbors, friends, schools and checked police records. Today, who knows how they investigate.
That's exactly where Democrat progressive ideology has led us to today's circumstances. They only care about keeping their secrets from the citizenry, National Security be damned.

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That's exactly where Democrat progressive ideology has led us to today's circumstances. They only care about keeping their secrets from the citizenry, National Security be damned.
So you support tye leaker? He is a maga...so I guess you do.

The Arrest of a 21-Year-Old National Guard Member for Leaking Classified Docs Leads to More Questions than Answers

14 Apr 2023 ~~ By Larry Johnson

Until I saw the document labeled, CIA Operations Center Intelligence Update, I was inclined to believe that the leaked documents were the work of a frustrated whistleblower. But I have changed my mind. This looks like a controlled, directed leak by individuals who manipulated the 21-year-old National Guard troop member into taking certain documents and posting them on a public server.
The CIA Operations Center Intelligence Update is a document produced by analysts in the Operations Center to be delivered to the regular CIA analysts. When I worked in the Ops Center I was responsible for monitoring traffic from Latin American posts and flagging items that the analysts in the Latin American Division need to know. I would write up summary paragraphs just like the ones in the documents leaked online.
This was an internal CIA document. It was not broadcast to the other intelligence agencies. In my 23 years working with U.S. military commands around the world, I never saw a copy of this type of report circulating among those with the highest clearances. Never. How did a 21-year-old kid get his hands on at least two of these?
I do not believe it is a coincidence that he served in an information warfare unit. Remember, he was a low-ranked enlisted guy. He had a chain of command. He did not show up to work and decide what duties he had to perform while on the job. He reported to and worked at the direction of Non-Commissioned Officers and Commissioned Officers. He did not just waltz into a SCIF and print documents at his leisure. A guy at his level would attract attention if he was printing off a document like the CIA Ops Center report.
I believe that the alleged leaker did have access to Top Secret intelligence by virtue of his job. I don’t know if there was a polygraph requirement for him and his cohorts.

Regardless, all of the intelligence that has been leaked was on a Top Secret computer net and could only be accessed inside a SCIF. How could a 21-year-old obtain these documents?
Let me explain why I think the story currently being sold to the public about this young man is too good to be true and, in my view, is a smoke screen.

The Washington Post report is written perfectly for credulous readers. It touches all the hot buttons — e.g., racist, religious extremist, anti-Semite, loves guns, hates the U.S. Government. The only thing lacking is that the fellow, Jack Texeira, was not wearing a MAGA cap.
To reiterate an earlier point, the leaked material is not random intelligence material.
It is designed to tell several stories. The most prominent is the deterioration of Ukrainian capabilities and the major obstacles confronting the United States and the rest of NATO in supplying badly needed air defense, artillery shells, artillery pieces and tanks. In other words, Ukraine is going to crash and burn.
The information about Israel, South Korea and the UN Secretary General also is enormously damaging to U.S. foreign policy equities. This is a real black eye.

Let me suggest one possibility for this leak — create a predicate for forcing Joe Biden from office. The revelations in the classified documents are not fabrications designed to deceive the Russians. Nor are they the kind of material to rally more U.S. support for pouring more resources into the black hole of Ukraine. These leaks feed the meme that the Biden team is incompetent and endangering American interests overseas.
Just consider what has transpired since these documents were first posted in the “private” gamers chat. Putin and Xi Jinping consequential historic summit in March marked the destruction of the Nixon policy that had guided U.S./China relations for fifty-one years. In the aftermath of the summit, China facilitated a rapprochement between longtime adversaries, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Those two countries now have formal diplomatic relations and are working together to end the U.S.-backed war in Yemen. The U.S. support for the Yemen conflict was an important element in the United States’ effort to contain and weaken Iran.
There was another leak today that is quite damaging to Joe Biden.
Former Obama stenographer Mike McCormick blows the whistle on Biden kickback scheme: He is ‘a criminal’. McCormick claims then-Vice President Biden used American taxpayer money to enrich his family and says Jake Sullivan a ‘conspirator.’ I am unable to post the video so you will have to click on the following link: Obama-era staffer blows whistle on Biden kickback scheme: He is 'a criminal' | Fox News Video
Just another coincidence? I do not think so. Besides painting Biden as a foreign policy failure who is endangering American interests, this twist in the story reinforces the meme of Biden corruption.

Isn't it amazing the Feds have no idea on who could have leaked information out of the Supreme Court even though there is a finite number of folks that could have done it. What's also amazing is they have no idea who leaked information out of Alvin Braggs office, even though there is a finite amount of folks that could have done that. But when it fits their agenda they know exactly who did the leaking.
How does a part time ANG Airman 1st Class could “just waltz into a SCIF and print documents at his leisure.” Methinks there is more going on here.
I agree with Larry Johnson, this is probably a planted misdirection or an attempt to force something or someone into making some kind of a move.
My takeaway, given the several False Flags that have been presented and outed of late, by complicit and weaponized government agencies expecting Sheeple to believe, that this young poor sap is neither smart enough to do this on his own, nor dumb enough to get caught alone. Yet, that is the story and They are sticking to it.
But I don’t know anything about anything. I have no agenda.
So you support tye leaker? He is a maga...so I guess you do.
You ask a question and try to answer it yourself... Bravo.
Obviously you've been reading WAPO, because only in WAPO the report is written perfectly for credulous readers. It touches all the hot buttons — e.g., racist, religious extremist, anti-Semite, loves guns, hates the U.S. Government. The only thing lacking is that the fellow, Jack Texeira, was not wearing a MAGA cap.

Apparently, he was a gun loving racist, which in my view, is the main reason the leaker was found and ratted out.

Now if it was a Leftist leaking a Supreme court decision or things about Trump then all of a sudden finding the person leaking the information is too hard to do.

The article says that about 1.25 million people have such security clearance to such data. How on earth then do they keep any of it secret?


There is something seriously wrong with DoD's internal security if some numb-nuts gamer can get ready access to highly classified material and walk out of a building with it. Way, way too many people have access to that kind of info apparently.
He’s not a whistleblower. He’s just trying to look cool.

I've come across posters who've gone to great lengths to win the internetz, but holy shit did this little prick take it the next level with this shit.

Troll A: Oh yeah? Well I got this kewl Wikipedia citation!

Troll B: Oh yeah? Oh YEAH?! I got Espionage Act violation-level shit here, dawg!

Troll A: Haha! No way

Troll B: <Top Secret>

Troll A: Oh yeah, well I got a criminal defense lawyer's 1-800 number. Cause you're gonna need it <troll face>
I don't believe this story at all about the leaker being identified.

Total disinformation campaign.

The story is real but to say that the culprit is a 21 year old....well that's a fabrication!


Like I said, the story is real.....but there is more to this.

That's all my friends. :)
Interesting! now this makes total sense.:thup:

" Former CIA Officer Larry Johnson Says the Leaked Pentagon Documents are a 'Controlled Leak' "This is a coordinated media strategy, this is a disinformation campaign. The documents are real. I’m not saying the documents are fabrications, they are not. But this cover story that's been manufactured to explain how these documents came to be produced, it just falls apart...The information was leaked...to prepare the U.S. public for the crash landing that's going to take place with respect to U.S. foreign policy."

Why do Conservatives side with our enemies?
Why do they want to terminate the Constitution and break up the Country?

Do you always hate America or only when a Democrat is President
Flipping the script is beginning to be a habit with you leftist.

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