Leaker from Pentagon identified

Yea, a flunky in the ANG intelligence and had a top secret clearance. I guess they should have investigated him a little harder before they gave his a TS clearance.
Shuck's, they better change this COUNTRY back into the "United" States of America before it's to late for everyone. MAGA was moving it into the right direction again, but that leftist turn was a doozy.
What do you mean how stupid is that? Most of the people who join the military do so while they are still young (18 to 24), and the reason that those of lower rank are more numerous than those of higher rank is because of the way the military is structured.

And yes, if you go into a job that is classified, you will be training with most of the stuff you will work with for the rest of the time you are in. Everyone who joins gets what's called a NAC (National Agency Check), where they check your name and SSN against the databases in this country to make sure you disclosed all information concerning civil involvement (arrests). If you go into a security field, they do a further investigation that takes up to 6 months to a year to complete, and you are only given an interim clearance until your investigation comes back and you get your full clearance. Once you get your full clearance, you then work fully in your field.

As far as the crappy pay? Hey...............nobody ever joined the military to get rich, and if you think that the military isn't paid enough (I for one do, since everyone in the military who is E-5 or below is paid at a level that makes them eligible for many assistance programs such as WIC or SNAP), then talk to your congress person about increasing the pay for the military. Even at the higher ranks, a person is only making about half of what their civilian counterparts pull down.

Sorry, but there is no way to ensure that a person won't be tempted to spy on their country, as there are some out there who can be bought. Even though there are screenings and in some cases, psychological testing, there will always be a few that slip through the cracks.

Except this kid wasn't bought. Maybe he thought leaking wasn't that big a deal.
Interesting! now this makes total sense.:thup:

" Former CIA Officer Larry Johnson Says the Leaked Pentagon Documents are a 'Controlled Leak' "This is a coordinated media strategy, this is a disinformation campaign. The documents are real. I’m not saying the documents are fabrications, they are not. But this cover story that's been manufactured to explain how these documents came to be produced, it just falls apart...The information was leaked...to prepare the U.S. public for the crash landing that's going to take place with respect to U.S. foreign policy."

Whatever makes people rationalize stuff I guess :rolleyes:
This story isn't complicated. His Discord friends have already ratted him out and explained what he did. There's no controlled leak. Larry Johnson is full of shit.
No, I love it here and always have. You don’t. So why don’t you just leave instead of staying here being so miserable?

We keep going around and around. Just because you don't like my answer doesn't mean I'm going to change it. You don't like my answer. I don't care.

Apparently, he was a gun loving racist, which in my view, is the main reason the leaker was found and ratted out.

Now if it was a Leftist leaking a Supreme court decision or things about Trump then all of a sudden finding the person leaking the information is too hard to do.

The article says that about 1.25 million people have such security clearance to such data. How on earth then do they keep any of it secret?

i think he may have been copying Q from QAnon. Probably trying to get the same number of global followers.

Apparently, he was a gun loving racist, which in my view, is the main reason the leaker was found and ratted out.

Now if it was a Leftist leaking a Supreme court decision or things about Trump then all of a sudden finding the person leaking the information is too hard to do.

The article says that about 1.25 million people have such security clearance to such data. How on earth then do they keep any of it secret?

I remember reading an article years ago that said 60 to 90% of classified documents weren't necessary of that status. They had to create an agency just to try to keep track of it all. Most documents are not declassified for 25 years when it's done automatically. Why so long. Surely any secret documents about the Iraq war and afghan war are no longer relevant,all that kind of junk should be declassified once the event is over.
You dumb shits.
You all TALK like you have some understanding of how this sensitive/classified/top secret business works in D.C......but it is painfully obvious you DON'T!
There is junk floating around everywhere...all the time, where it shouldn't be.
Why do you think the decision was made not to prosecute Hillary for her private server?
It's because when investigators starting REALLY digging into the issue they discovered that what she had been doing wasn't that abnormal.
Sloppiness in this regard was actually the NORM rather than the exception.
So instead of bringing charges down on half the government workers in D.C. the Justice Department just said "oops....lesson learned" and used it as an opportunity to tighten up some sloppy practices and systems.

It is the same with hard copy material.
But that idn't even what Trump's classified document scandal is about.
If Trump had just simply handed over the docs to National Archives when asked (like Biden did) we wouldn't even have heard anything about it.
But he didn't.
And he still hasn't.
And that is why he is in a world of hurt right now over this.
He took what could have been another simple "oops" to a WHOLE different level.
And THAT is the main difference between Trump's document scandal and Biden's "oops."
Now that was some dreamed up bull shite right there. Wow... You leftist can attempt to do damage control all you want, but what's fit for the goose is also fit for the gander ... You all's relentless pursuit of Trump, and basically turning every norm on it's head trying to get him, will come back to haunt big time in the end.

Apparently, he was a gun loving racist, which in my view, is the main reason the leaker was found and ratted out.

Now if it was a Leftist leaking a Supreme court decision or things about Trump then all of a sudden finding the person leaking the information is too hard to do.

The article says that about 1.25 million people have such security clearance to such data. How on earth then do they keep any of it secret?

The people with guns are always the more dangerous ones, all they need to do is justify a reason to use them and the reasoning doesn't have to be realistic at all.

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