Leaker from Pentagon identified

I remember reading an article years ago that said 60 to 90% of classified documents weren't necessary of that status. They had to create an agency just to try to keep track of it all. Most documents are not declassified for 25 years when it's done automatically. Why so long. Surely any secret documents about the Iraq war and afghan war are no longer relevant,all that kind of junk should be declassified once the event is over.
It comes down to laziness, paranoia and control

You don’t declassify a document. You declassify the information in it and then the document is no longer Secret

Once you declassify information, you need to trace all documents that contain that information. That is a lot of work.

Easier to run out the clock
Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner
Another Conservative wanting to break up the United States

Do you say the Pledge of Allegiance in the morning?

You know…..the part with One a nation, Under God, INDIVISIBLE

Said by one of the UNDIVORCEABLES.


Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner
Another Conservative wanting to break up the United States

Do you say the Pledge of Allegiance in the morning?

You know…..the part with One a nation, Under God, INDIVISIBLE

Who divided it?

How many times did you call people racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic?

Why do you do this and think it never, ever has repercussions? It's the most mind-bendingly stupid thing I've seen play out.

Liberals: "We hate you! You're disgusting!"

Cons: "Okay. We're out."

Liberals: "Waaaaahhh, wait wait wait! You can't goooo you can't divide us!"

Screw that.
Who divided it?

How many times did you call people racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic?

Why do you do this and think it never, ever has repercussions? It's the most mind-bendingly stupid thing I've seen play out.

Liberals: "We hate you! You're disgusting!"

Cons: "Okay. We're out."

Liberals: "Waaaaahhh, wait wait wait! You can't goooo you can't divide us!"

Screw that.

I want to get a beautiful engraving of this post and frame it and hang it on my wall.

It explains everything.

Who divided it?

How many times did you call people racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic?

Why do you do this and think it never, ever has repercussions? It's the most mind-bendingly stupid thing I've seen play out.

Liberals: "We hate you! You're disgusting!"

Cons: "Okay. We're out."

Liberals: "Waaaaahhh, wait wait wait! You can't goooo you can't divide us!"

Screw that.
Funny watching Republicans demand we break up the United States while the wrap themselves in the flag.

Why do they do it?

Because they realize they can no longer win popular elections.
They control vast areas of land but not the people

That is why they want a country where people only believe as they do
Funny watching Republicans demand we break up the United States while the wrap themselves in the flag.

Why do they do it?

Because they realize they can no longer win popular elections.
They control vast areas of land but not the people

That is why they want a country where people only believe as they do

Tidy little attempt at deflection, per wrongwinger's usual MO.

It comes down to laziness, paranoia and control

You don’t declassify a document. You declassify the information in it and then the document is no longer Secret

Once you declassify information, you need to trace all documents that contain that information. That is a lot of work.

Easier to run out the clock
25 years is a long time to wait for automatic declassification. Given that circumstances are changing at a more rapid pace than ever, Maybe it's time to cut that down to 15 or 20 years at least.
Because of his job in the air national guard. He had the highest clearance so he could review top secret information.
Age, race, gender, hairstyle and other has nothing to do with anything, but the assessment of one's character has everything to do with everything. Of course the liberatis/leftist/democraps won't let anyone assess character anymore (might hurt someone's wittle fweewings), so in this country we get what we get now. So everyone just "drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may all die" said the King from the book of wisdom.

Tidy little attempt at deflection, per wrongwinger's usual MO.

Wrongwinger doesn't understand, that the country is being duped by a handful of radicals whom got their hands on the mechanism's of destruction, otherwise it's likened to a kid finding a key left in a bull dozer on a housing construction site, and he's knocking down frame after frame until he's pulled from the dozer by his father, and proceeds to get his ace whooped all the way home. Unfortunately the family ends up having to deal with the cost of the destruction, and the kid gets out lucky by just getting his ace whooped.

Purdy much sums up our current situation in the dysfunctional family business of running America today.
What country? The one you demolished? I don't give a crap about that one.

And there it is - there's the money quote. If libs wanna understand MAGA, that's what has to be understood. In the eyes of MAGA, their country is already destroyed. It's not theirs anymore, so may as well just burn it all down and start anew, ammiright?
Because of his job in the air national guard. He had the highest clearance so he could review top secret information.

Should never have had access to those documents, though -- that's where the breakdown occurred. He had no need to know any of the shit he released.

It's as obvious as day that the military is seriously, seriously unprepared to safeguard the country's most important secrets in the day and age of social media if some punk in some far flung military/national security facility can just walk out of said facility with that kind of stuff.
Excellent comment coming from Klan mom.

If the other crazies parrot her, Trump could be getting himself in real trouble for promoting the idea that it's a good thing to commit treason.

I knew that dumb cow had potential!
Ok, but what if it's the truth what she says ? You people got all kinds of political jingle's you like to throw around when something is said that you all don't like, but shouldn't the country be beyond the bull crap jingling and jangling, and getting down to what is right and what has gone terribly wrong now in this country ??

The fact that the young man did what he did should prompt a bigger investigation into what is causing all this chaos that is going on, otherwise it's time to start connecting all the dot's going back, and being extremely honest about it all

And no it's not traditional Christian loving America that's the problem, so save your idiocy for the radical leftist forum's, and pull your head out of your ace when finally deciding to be truthful about the current state of America, and it's deteriorating culture's that we are witnessing all due to leftism and political pandering gone on steroids now.
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And there it is - there's the money quote. If libs wanna understand MAGA, that's what has to be understood. In the eyes of MAGA, their country is already destroyed. It's not theirs anymore, so may as well just burn it all down and start anew, ammiright?
No, MAGA was intent on restoring America (job's, safer streets, better opportunities for those who try hard and work hard, stronger military, space force, right to try, veteran's care acts, oil independence, better trade agreements, strengthening our allies or coalition's and on and on it went), so you got it all ace backwards you hack. We know exactly who is tearing the country to the ground, so flipping the script won't help you to cast it over to where it don't belong.
No, MAGA was intent on restoring America (job's, safer streets,

By making it easier for psychopaths to get guns.

better opportunities for those who try hard and work hard,


stronger military, space force,

Cutting deals to surrender to the Taliban

right to try, veteran's care acts, oil independence,

When the rest of the developed world wants to get away from oil altogether.

better trade agreements,

Stupidly backing out of trade agreements and giving China more leverage.

strengthening our allies or coalition's and on and on it went), so you got it all ace backwards you hack.

The whole world laughed at MAGA, especially when it kissed Kim Jung Un and Vladimir Putin's asses.

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