Leakers... Trump Wants to Find Them and Fire Them


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
Even John Bolton, Trump's National Security adviser said in 2017:

""He ought to do the best job he can to find out who's doing the leaks and fire them," Bolton told Fox News' "America's Newsroom" program. "He may get the wrong person, but I think firing somebody at this point is very critical.""

Bolton: Trump Needs To Find White House Leakers and Fire Them

So with that said, someone working in the FBI leaked to Guiliani that there were Hillary Clinton emails on Weiner's laptop. Guiliani is Trump's lawyer, so why hasn't he told Trump who leaked him that information and had them fired?

"“It perplexes numerous F.B.I. agents who talk to me all the time,” Mr. Giuliani said during an August interview with Chris Cuomo on CNN. “And it embarrasses some F.B.I. agents.”

Mr. Giuliani has not named the embarrassed or perplexed agents, and as Wayne Barrett noted in The Daily Beast on Thursday, it is a violation of F.B.I. policy for agents to share investigative information."

As Trump Ally, Rudy Giuliani Boasts of Ties to F.B.I.

So where's the investigation into this? I mean if Ohr, Comey, and all these other FBI guys are in trouble for leaking... where are the names of the FBI guys who leaked to Guiliani? Why is Trump not tweeting about them and asking that they be investigated?

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