Learn Something

You are uneducated.

Your failure to grasp terms does not alter our Republic in any way.

You fucktards started the whole "muh dumbmobcracy" because you lost the 2016 election and wanted to overthrow Trump using idiots in California and New York as the basis to disenfranchise the rest of the nation - "popular vote."

We have never been a democracy - and you seek a Marxist/fascist dictatorship.
We live in democracy you Nazi cuck. Embrace it or get out. We don't need you. :)
You want a dictator..an orange dictator. Well, WE don't. And we;ll move on without you.
An Anti-Populist Manifesto Scribbled by Wags Wearing Wigs

Constitutionazis treat their elitist oligarchic document the same way Fundamentalist fanatics treat the Bible. And, in their predatory delusion, the scheming and ignorant Founding Fodder are as saintly and benevolent as the Twelve Apostles.
Anyone who is openly hostile to the Constitution of the United States of America has no place here.
We are not a democracy. True democracy is no more than mob rule. Get the rope.

“The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty. In this century, great strides have been made toward the goal of subverting our republic, and transforming it into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of “language” — by calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept the term, and use the term. Totalitarians have obscured the real meanings and principles of American government.” ~ Dan Smoot
Can you name any Country that is a pure democracy, in this world that we live in? Name one pure democracy, out of the 195 Countries, please!

NONE that I could find, maybe you can do better?

There are 126 nations in the world's 195, that are democracies, in one form of government or another, including the United States, which is a Democratic (constitutional and representative) Republic.
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Can you name any Country that is a pure democracy, in this world that we live in? Name one pure democracy, out of the 195 Countries, please!

NONE that I could find, maybe you can do better?

There are 126 nations in the world's 195, that are democracies, in one form of government or another, including the United States, which is a Democratic (constitutional and representative) Republic.

Your ignorance continues to astound us all.

No, North Korea and Venezuela are not "democracies," nor is the USA.

We get it, you don't like the Electoral College and want the president selected by California and New York, disenfranchising all other states. So you spin this moronic lie about "muh duhmobcracy".

We are a Representative Republic, retard.
Why do you detest America?

Constitution-bangers think that the majority of Americans are nothing but a mindless greedy "mob." They slavishly prefer Snob Rule.

Why wouldn't someone who thinks of the rest of us that way betray our country? They are pathetic and selfish sheep who think that the bipartisan ruling class are their Good Shepherds. They are not men; they are manservants. They also have betrayed their forefathers, who emigrated here to get away from Europe's totalitarian class-biased tyranny.
Representation Is a Re-Presentation of European Elitist Tyranny

Utter stupidity.

In fact, "socialism" is nothing more the feudalism with a thin veneer on it.

Whether we call it the "state" or the "crown" the reality is the same. The supreme ruler(s) own everything. Whether we call them "Barons" or "Cabinet Ministers" the reality is the same - the crown appoints rulers to manage what they own. Whether we call them "serfs" or "comrade," slaves are just slaves.

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