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You don't vote on issues (democracy) you vote for representatives who vote on issues (republic)

democracy is direct voting on laws by the public.


A republic is marked by elected representatives.

We could be a constitutional democracy if we had a constitution coupled with direct vote by the public,

Democracy - direct vote on issues and laws

Republic - representatives vote on issues and laws
Thanks for that. You make good points.

Not saying I agree with everything you have stated but definitely some points to consider.
You're babbling again.

I assume it's the crack. Do you even know what a "slaver" is? This would be far easier, had you completed 2nd grade.

And yes, America was and continues to be a bastion of freedom and liberty. Your ignorance, racism, and bigotry in no way alter that fact.
Do you know what a slaver is Dipshit? It's hilarious you fantasy players come here to warn us about the evils of democracy and the brilliance of Republics because the slaving Founders told you it was the bestest. 😄
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Look. I don't know why you people keep hashing this minutia. Enlighten me. What's your point here? What is it that your purpose in drawing this difference? The only reason I can see is that you want a justification for an iron man, or strong man (dictator). Specifically, to fawn over a specific man that for some unknown reason makes you feel safe.

We are a democracy. Either embrace it, or get the fuck out. The rest of us are tired of your constant complaining.

The only dictator I'm aware of Joe's boss, the Emperor Xi, who is ruler of the democrat party.

What "dictator" are you fascists yapping about?
Do you Dipshit? It's hilarious you fantasy players come here to warn us about the evils of democracy and the brilliance of Republics because the slaving Founders told you it was the bestest. 😄

It was, until you globalist neo-Marxists came out of the woodwork like a legion of roaches since Obama began transforming America.
I find it hilarious that Democrats bitch about gerrymandering without truly understanding the concept. They don't realize it was named for a Vice President of the United States. They also do not realize that both political parties use it.

An article in today's paper was Democrats bitching because the state legislature in Tennessee had divided Nashville into 3 different Congressional districts and none of the Replicant reps who were elected live inside the city of Nashville, which is required nowhere in the Constitution for them to even live in their district much less the largest city.
I find it sad that the partisan blinders you wear leaves you unwilling or unable to acknowledge one party (D's) wants to do away with gerrymandering and one party (R's) doesn't. Because it sees the continued use of making partisan districts as the only means to stay in power so that it can rule as a minority. Like in WI.
We are a democracy. Embrace it...or leave.

You are uneducated.

Your failure to grasp terms does not alter our Republic in any way.

You fucktards started the whole "muh dumbmobcracy" because you lost the 2016 election and wanted to overthrow Trump using idiots in California and New York as the basis to disenfranchise the rest of the nation - "popular vote."

We have never been a democracy - and you seek a Marxist/fascist dictatorship.
its just a response to lastamender's open borders nonsense.

So you're just flinging shit, like the feral baboon you are.


Do you know what a slaver is Dipshit?

One who transports and sells slaves as part of the international slave trade.

You clearly do not.

It's your lack of education, coupled with your general stupidity.

Bad genes?

It's hilarious you fantasy players come here to warn us about the evils of democracy and the brilliance of Republics because the slaving Founders told you it was the bestest. 😄

Speaking of fantasies, where did I say anything about what you just vomited out?

28 days straight of meth is enough for anyone - give it a rest goat boi.
If billion dollar climate reparations is NOT globalist Neo-Marxism, then I don't know what is. (But, I do!!).
You don't know what reparations are because multi national crony capitalists have conditioned you to not even ask for the lube before they fuck you.
One who transports and sells slaves as part of the international slave trade.
You think they stopped transporting and selling them once they got here? The slavers here quickly shut down the international slave trade to protect their own growing domestic slave trade. Read a history book you ignorant twat. 😄
Give it up, chump. The workers of the world are NOT going to unite.
But we can stick up corporations for a billion here and there when we apply social pressure. That's better then bending over for them like you cucks.

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