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We are not a democracy. True democracy is no more than mob rule. Get the rope.

“The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty. In this century, great strides have been made toward the goal of subverting our republic, and transforming it into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of “language” — by calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept the term, and use the term. Totalitarians have obscured the real meanings and principles of American government.” ~ Dan Smoot
Lowlife Needing to Associate Themselves With a Vicious Elitist Self-Styled Higher Power

Constitution-bangers are inferior people who desperately desire to feel superior by imagining that all the rest of us are a mob.

It was a "mob" that settled our frontier. It was a "mob" that built what was once the greatest industrial base in the world. It was a "mob" that died on the beaches of Normandy.
Lowlife Needing to Associate Themselves With a Vicious Elitist Self-Styled Higher Power

Constitution-bangers are inferior people who desperately desire to feel superior by imagining that all the rest of us are a mob.

It was a "mob" that settled our frontier. It was a "mob" that built what was once the greatest industrial base in the world. It was a "mob" that died on the beaches of Normandy.

Social groups who aren't mutants so they have social support and aren't nihilist little pussies who've already given up on life. 😄


You're a Nazi working to end the United States Republic and the Constitution it's founded on.

Your fellow vermin aren't "social support," they are power mad villains, as you are. You seek to end liberty and bring about the dull despair of socialist dictatorship. Not killing all your victims, but denying life to the living.

Orwell did a good job describing life under those like you in "1984," but Ayn Rand did so even better with "We the Living,"
An Anti-Populist Manifesto Scribbled by Wags Wearing Wigs

Constitutionazis treat their elitist oligarchic document the same way Fundamentalist fanatics treat the Bible. And, in their predatory delusion, the scheming and ignorant Founding Fodder are as saintly and benevolent as the Twelve Apostles.
An Anti-Populist Manifesto Scribbled by Wags Wearing Wigs

Constitutionazis treat their elitist oligarchic document the same way Fundamentalist fanatics treat the Bible. And, in their predatory delusion, the scheming and ignorant Founding Fodder are as saintly and benevolent as the Twelve Apostles.

Our rule of law, like it or not, is rooted in Judeo-Christian roots and the 10 Commandments.
Can't have freedom without it!!

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