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Constitution-bangers think that the majority of Americans are nothing but a mindless greedy "mob." They slavishly prefer Snob Rule.

Why wouldn't someone who thinks of the rest of us that way betray our country? They are pathetic and selfish sheep who think that the bipartisan ruling class are their Good Shepherds. They are not men; they are manservants. They also have betrayed their forefathers, who emigrated here to get away from Europe's totalitarian class-biased tyranny.

You should use less drugs.

Can you name any Country that is a pure democracy, in this world that we live in? Name one pure democracy, out of the 195 Countries, please!

NONE that I could find, maybe you can do better?

There are 126 nations in the world's 195, that are democracies, in one form of government or another, including the United States, which is a Democratic (constitutional and representative) Republic.
Our Googoo Gurus Are Given Jobs Just Because They Can Go Four Years Without a Job

"Representative Republic" is a contradiction in terms (what college- "educated" frauds ignorantly tell us is an "oxymoron").
Our Googoo Gurus Are Given Jobs Just Because They Can Go Four Years Without a Job

"Representative Republic" is a contradiction in terms (what college- "educated" frauds ignorantly tell us is an "oxymoron").
I was in college for nearly 12 years.

I worked during all of them. I sacrificed my social life and in some ways, family life.
Your ignorance continues to astound us all.

No, North Korea and Venezuela are not "democracies," nor is the USA.

We get it, you don't like the Electoral College and want the president selected by California and New York, disenfranchising all other states. So you spin this moronic lie about "muh duhmobcracy".

We are a Representative Republic, retard.
You are being an ignoramus! :thup:


It turns out that Madison's definition of democracy describes a sort of regime that exists nowhere on earth. No country and no regime actually has democracy or "mob rule" as described by Madison, nor is any regime — including that of the United States — in danger of becoming that way. In fact, using Madison's republican criteria of having a small number of representatives represent a large number of people, the United states is far more republican than nearly every other modern republic. And, the US is becoming more republican as time goes on.

Moreover, virtually no one argues for the sort of democracy denounced by Madison. Wanting to abolish the electoral college, or even abolishing the Senate, does not make one into an advocate of Madison's version of a democracy.

In fact, every single regime on earth today that calls itself "a democracy" clearly qualifies as a republic according to Madison's definition. All the countries that are described as democracies in contemporary discourse use representative schemes of government, and all have a system which at least in part "derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people." They also all elect representatives instead of employing direct lawmaking.

Consequently, in contemporary usage, there is no relevant difference between the words "republic" and "democracy." Thus, claiming a preference for a republic over a democracy communicates essentially zero information unless one precisely defines the two terms in a way that departs significantly from Madison's definitions.

Not surprisingly, of course, those who bring up the Founding Fathers and their republic-not-a-democracy claim rarely bother to define the actual difference between the two. If these modern republicans were to use Madison's definition, of course, they would quickly find that warnings about Madison's sort of democracy are irrelevant in the modern world.

Now, this isn't to say that one cannot argue against the excesses of majoritarian government — or even against majoritarian government in toto. There are many plausible and respectable arguments against it.

But, if anyone wants to argue against majoritarianism, he should simply do so. There is no need to rely on a half-baked usage of the writings of "the Founding Fathers" who clearly supported a political system in which majority votes play a big part in selecting elected officials, and which is obviously a democracy according to the modern usage of the term
You are being an ignoramus! :thup:


It turns out that Madison's definition of democracy describes a sort of regime that exists nowhere on earth. No country and no regime actually has democracy or "mob rule" as described by Madison, nor is any regime — including that of the United States — in danger of becoming that way. In fact, using Madison's republican criteria of having a small number of representatives represent a large number of people, the United states is far more republican than nearly every other modern republic. And, the US is becoming more republican as time goes on.

Moreover, virtually no one argues for the sort of democracy denounced by Madison. Wanting to abolish the electoral college, or even abolishing the Senate, does not make one into an advocate of Madison's version of a democracy.

In fact, every single regime on earth today that calls itself "a democracy" clearly qualifies as a republic according to Madison's definition. All the countries that are described as democracies in contemporary discourse use representative schemes of government, and all have a system which at least in part "derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people." They also all elect representatives instead of employing direct lawmaking.

Consequently, in contemporary usage, there is no relevant difference between the words "republic" and "democracy." Thus, claiming a preference for a republic over a democracy communicates essentially zero information unless one precisely defines the two terms in a way that departs significantly from Madison's definitions.

Not surprisingly, of course, those who bring up the Founding Fathers and their republic-not-a-democracy claim rarely bother to define the actual difference between the two. If these modern republicans were to use Madison's definition, of course, they would quickly find that warnings about Madison's sort of democracy are irrelevant in the modern world.

Now, this isn't to say that one cannot argue against the excesses of majoritarian government — or even against majoritarian government in toto. There are many plausible and respectable arguments against it.

But, if anyone wants to argue against majoritarianism, he should simply do so. There is no need to rely on a half-baked usage of the writings of "the Founding Fathers" who clearly supported a political system in which majority votes play a big part in selecting elected officials, and which is obviously a democracy according to the modern usage of the term
This Inferior-Race Popular Vote Can Only Happen in the Elitist Oligarchic Tyranny of a Constitutional Republic

The present electroughate is itself anti-democratic. In a democracy, the existent majority, through a national referendum, gets to vote on who else can vote. The tyranny of only politicians deciding that, including who we, the people, are forced to accept as immigrant future-voters, is exactly like only the club officers deciding who can become new members, with the old members having no power of deciding that.
This Inferior-Race Popular Vote Can Only Happen in the Elitist Oligarchic Tyranny of a Constitutional Republic

The present electroughate is itself anti-democratic. In a democracy, the existent majority, through a national referendum, gets to vote on who else can vote. The tyranny of only politicians deciding that, including who we, the people, are forced to accept as immigrant future-voters, is exactly like only the club officers deciding who can become new members, with the old members having no power of deciding that.
I agree a PURE Democracy would do that! But we and all other nations considered a democracy, small d, we do NOT have a pure Democracy, capital D....

As example, we have a democratic constitutional Republic, as our form of a democracy....Canada has a Parliamentary government as their form of a democracy....
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I agree a PURE Democracy would do that! But we and all other nations considered a democracy, small d, we do NOT have a pure Democracy, capital D....

As example, we have a democratic constitutional Republic, as our form of a democracy....Canada has a Parliamentary government as their form of a democracy....

We don't have a "democracy" at all, moron.

This is a representative republic.

You Nazis play this "duhmobcracy" shit because you want to end the Electoral College so that California and New York can disenfranchise the other 48 states and dictate every president.
We are not a democracy. True democracy is no more than mob rule. Get the rope.

“The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty. In this century, great strides have been made toward the goal of subverting our republic, and transforming it into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of “language” — by calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept the term, and use the term. Totalitarians have obscured the real meanings and principles of American government.” ~ Dan Smoot
You and whosoever made this thread are absurd.

How did each member of the House of Representatives keep or get their seat in the house?

How does each Senator get his seat in the Senate?

How many Governors in the 50 states get or keep their job.

How would all of the elected official's campaign for the votes needed to get their job?

The Constitution has added laws to allow former male slaves to vote, women to vote, and other Amendments in COTUS to protect the Rights to vote.

As a good liberal Democrat I'm helping you and whosoever made this silly propaganda, to wit:

Q. In what manner was the Constitution of the United States promulgated?
A. By the votes of the Original States.
Liberal activities are all about ego - to demonstrate "I care more than you do"
without really helping anyone.
Sure, how about the ACA, also known Obamacare? How about Childrens Health Insurance Program and VAWA for just three of what the liberals have supported?
I agree we are a constitutional Republic in regards to federal laws emanating from the constitution, however most of our laws are based on democratically elected officials as is most of our electrical processes.

This guy is whining about irrelevant semantics.
True, they're trying to feed us the lie that we can't be both a democracy and a republic.
This lame shit is what they try to pass off as 'a moral high ground'. :laughing0301:

YOUR "moral high ground" includes:
1. The most incompetent, most corrupt president in US history,
2. Welcoming in millions of illegals, including terrorists and drug dealers,
3. Championing the slaughter of millions of unborn babies even after they are born
alive, by some state laws,
4. Highest gas prices ever,
5. Insane inflation, hurting the poor the most,
6. Pretending that you are smarter than everyone else and therefore you are right, both of which
are laughable,
7. Brainwashing innocent children into transgender and LGBTQ perversions...

just for starters, giggles.
```Dem values vs Repub values.jpg

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