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"Representative Republic" is a contradiction in terms (what college- "educated" frauds ignorantly tell us is an "oxymoron").


A representative democracy is always better because you filter out the most egregious of harmful mob emotions.
All groups will have good, evil, ignorant, and perceptive, but a representative layer should allow the standard to rise to a higher level.

A republic implies that instead of choices being made after the fact on each case, (like the UN does), instead generic principles are codified ahead of time, using Blind Justice and Rule of Law, to enshrine that the inherent rights of all individuals to then become involatile. The point is the inherent rights of any one single individual are supposed to come out supreme to the mere desires of all others.
What is government for, if not for the people?

If not for crushing the people?

That's what fascist care does.

Your inflation adjusted dollar gets you half of what you used to get, but no worries, care is inferior under fascist care - so it's a classic "lose-lose."

No lives have been destroyed, when the people haven't lost all of their currency to the private/greed of yester-years.

Dumb ass, medical coverage costs over twice what it did. The "greed" is all the insiders who are fleecing the public with fascist care.

The tax table under the prior Republican Administration (trump) and Speaker of the House (Ryan) screwed the Middle Classes and Working Poor. You're are either stupid or a damn liar.

Oh look, the scumbag tries to build a straw man when he gets crushed on fascist care...
YOUR "moral high ground" includes:
1. The most incompetent, most corrupt president in US history,
2. Welcoming in millions of illegals, including terrorists and drug dealers,
3. Championing the slaughter of millions of unborn babies even after they are born
alive, by some state laws,
4. Highest gas prices ever,
5. Insane inflation, hurting the poor the most,
6. Pretending that you are smarter than everyone else and therefore you are right, both of which
are laughable,
7. Brainwashing innocent children into transgender and LGBTQ perversions...

1. I don't see much difference. I do not like Biden's position on the Ukraine, but that is really up to Congress.

2. The US is mostly illegal European invaders, and those "illegals" you complain about are mostly natives who have more right to be here. And when we invade or colonize countries, those people have a right to "follow their money". The main "terrorist" work at the Pentagon. Drug dealers have a right to operate. What is illegal is the War on Drugs. This country's prosperity is entirely based on immigrants.

3. Unborn babies are not sentient and only have value to the mother to decide. We clearly are doubling population ever 30 years or so, and that has to be stopped by any means necessary.

4. I agree Biden ruined gas prices with his illegal economic sanctions on Russian oil.

5. High prices due to economic sanctions is NOT inflation. Inflation is where prices increase due to higher demand from prosperity.

6. I know I am smarter because I have multiple degrees, programmed successful apps used by millions, rebuild automatic transmissions, install HVAC, install electrical panels, do septic systems from scratch, do construction like additions, etc.

7. I agree children can not possibly understand what they will not experience until after puberty.
We are a democracy. We are ORGANIZED as a constitutional republic.
Stop making excuses for wanting a dictatorship.
We aren’t a democracy. Our Constitutional republic does make limited use of some elements of democracy but deliberately installs various instructions to it. For good reason. We didn’t seek to be a democracy. We wished to avoid being a democracy. And that’s why we aren’t a democracy.

Stop seeking to impose your deliberately false narrative, jackoffwithnobrains.
Dumb ass, medical coverage costs over twice what it did. The "greed" is all the insiders who are fleecing the public with fascist care.

Simply not true.
I do not like ObamaCare because it mandated prepaid private health insurance.
But it did NOT double costs.
I used to pay about $1200/month before ObamCare and it dropped to about $500/month after.
It is still bad because insurance companies skim without adding any benefit, and it was mandatory.
We aren’t a democracy. Our Constitutional republic does make limited use of some elements of democracy but deliberately installs various instructions to it. For good reason. We didn’t seek to be a democracy. We wished to avoid being a democracy. And that’s why we aren’t a democracy.

Stop seeking to impose your deliberately false narrative, jackoffwithnobrains.

I tend to agree.
I think JackofNoTrades point is that we started with nothing after the revolution from England, so then had to be a democracy to start with.
But I disagree with him because I think the best people pushed values to the public like Franklin did with his newspaper.
So I think we already had a bunch of well intentioned and informed representatives long before the actual revolution.
Dr. Franklin was a genius. He was an integral part of the creation of our nation. And when he was asked what the Constitutional Convention had given us, his reply wasn’t guesswork; it wasn’t ill-informed; it wasn’t a lie.

A republic if we can keep it.

Had he meant a “democracy,” he understood the difference and would have said “democracy.” But that’s not what he said. He knew exactly what he was speaking about.
What is government for, if not for the people? No lives have been destroyed, when the people haven't lost all of their currency to the private/greed of yester-years.

The tax table under the prior Republican Administration (trump) and Speaker of the House (Ryan) screwed the Middle Classes and Working Poor. You're are either stupid or a damn liar.

Often, if not usually, government has been abused by the wealthy elite, in order to abuse the public in order to gain the most profits.
Like all the wars intended to turn out taxes into munitions profits.
Or like Biden's illegal economic sanctions on Russia, designed to increase Texas oil profits.
We all know that the point of debating is winning.

You got what you came for!

Maybe that’s the point for you but not for me. I see debate as a medium to share and challenge ideas and if done honestly and thoroughly usually the best ideas prevail. A good debate opens the minds of people on both sides to gain better understanding of each others perspectives
Simply not true.


I cited my facts.

You pay FAR more, but get a whole lot less.

I do not like ObamaCare because it mandated prepaid private health insurance.
But it did NOT double costs.

In fact it did.


Insurance Premiums Doubled

Obamacare’s mandates and regulations dramatically increased the cost of health insurance in the individual market in nearly all states. In fact, the cost doubled.

Nationally, the average monthly premium paid by consumers in 2019 was $558, a 129% increase from $244 in 2013. In 40 states, the average monthly premium for health care coverage in the individual market more than doubled by 2019.

Even more concerning, five states (Alabama, Nebraska, Missouri, West Virginia, and Wyoming) saw average monthly premiums triple. Only one state, Massachusetts, had a lower monthly premium in 2019 than in 2013.}

But hey, you get less service.

I used to pay about $1200/month before ObamCare and it dropped to about $500/month after.



It is still bad because insurance companies skim without adding any benefit, and it was mandatory.

It isn't "insurance companies" but massive "providers" like Kaiser and Blue Cross, who collectively spent nearly a billion dollars in promoting Obama's fascist care.

Did the do that because it helped consumers? :rofl:

The whole thing is a scam. Pelosi and other foul vermin in congress got filthy rich from fascist care.

The middle class got fucked with no lube.
Maybe that’s the point for you but not for me. I see debate as a medium to share and challenge ideas and if done honestly and thoroughly usually the best ideas prevail. A good debate opens the minds of people on both sides to gain better understanding of each others perspectives

Have you ever, even once, changed your mind away from your party talking points because of facts presented here?
Maybe that’s the point for you but not for me. I see debate as a medium to share and challenge ideas and if done honestly and thoroughly usually the best ideas prevail. A good debate opens the minds of people on both sides to gain better understanding of each others perspectives
So you say.

The whole point of a "mob" is that it allows the lowest common denominator to take total control.
The whole point of a constitution and representation is that it filters out the lowest common denominator and instead allows the best to have the most influence, by using blind justice ahead of time, and by allowing time for proper media dissemination of events and ideas.
The whole point of why the Founders are respected is that they implemented methods of preventing mob rule almost entirely.
We had a Constitution and the Founders created a slave state, Numb Nuts. You're not very bright are you?
So Georgia has no slaves before the founding fathers came along?

You really are quite stupid.
Try to follow along you moron. The Constitution is not some magic talisman against injustice and mob rule. You idiots have taken fantasy and built a mythology around it and are now incapable of seeing reality. This country has had a Constition all along and for most of its existence its treated black people as property and second class citizens longer than it has treated us as equals. The constitution wasn't divinely inspired or gleamed from a burning bush. It was written by men. A mob of men. A mob of Slavers. That's the reality and then you emotionally stunted cosplayers come here and tell me that it isn't a mob because the Slavers themselves told you so.
Have you ever, even once, changed your mind away from your party talking points because of facts presented here?
I don’t have a party. But yes I’ve changed my mind on several things based on conversations here. But why are we making this about me. It always has to turn to the personal with you doesn’t it? Are you that incapable of just discussing the topics at hand?

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