Learn Something

Sure, how about the ACA, also known Obamacare?

You're right, that destroyed a lot of lives. Doubling the cost of medical care for all Americans, lowering the standard of living for the middle class you seek to obliterate.

How about Childrens Health Insurance Program and VAWA for just three of what the liberals have supported?

All part of fascist care.
You're right, that destroyed a lot of lives. Doubling the cost of medical care for all Americans, lowering the standard of living for the middle class you seek to obliterate.

All part of fascist care.
What is government for, if not for the people? No lives have been destroyed, when the people haven't lost all of their currency to the private/greed of yester-years.

The tax table under the prior Republican Administration (trump) and Speaker of the House (Ryan) screwed the Middle Classes and Working Poor. You're are either stupid or a damn liar.
What is government for, if not for the people? No lives have been destroyed, when the people haven't lost all of their currency to the private/greed of yester-years.

The tax table under the prior Republican Administration (trump) and Speaker of the House (Ryan) screwed the Middle Classes and Working Poor. You're are either stupid or a damn liar.

Lives are being destroyed DAILY by you Leftist Fascist Democrats.
Thousands of unborn babies are being butchered daily, without father's consent or even knowledge.
Thousands of impressionable young children are being brainwashed by you Leftist LGBTQ and transgender
sickos. Their lives are ruined when they listen and go that direction.
Millions of illegals are coming across our southern border and being given hotel rooms, food and cell phones NOT "FOR THE PEOPLE" but for Democrat insanity.
You talk "greed" and your leaders are the greediest, from Pelosi who has scammed for decades, to Bidens who bribed Ukraine and China for millions in quid pro quos, to Soros, billionaire who funds anything destructive to America.
Tax cuts invariably reduce taxes for middle class workers by a larger relative percentage than higher income brackets, but facts mean nothing to you. All you do is spit out your Talking Point Lies.

See if you can learn something. I seriously doubt that you can.
Watch Milton Friedman take apart one of your fellow Leftists in this brief video on YouTube:

Just another typical rich, spoiled Leftist little girl:


Watch: 'Black Supremacist' Gives Appalling Hate-Filled Speech at her Father's Funeral - 'Trump-Loving Cis Straight White Man'

By Carson Choate, Western Journal November 21, 2022 at 6:18pm

Samantha Foss, the youngest daughter of billionaire Donald Foss and a self-described “black supremacist,” has gone viral after giving a eulogy in which she bashed her father as a “racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, Trump-loving, cis straight white man.”

The video was originally shared by Samantha herself on Nov. 6, on her TikTok account @saginthesunforever.

According to multiple outlets, including The Blaze and the UK Daily Mail, Samantha, 19, describes herself as a “black supremacist” and prefers to use they/them pronouns in her TikTok bio, which has since been made private.

Massive Migrant Caravan Marches Toward US with LGBT Flags Flying as Mexican President Snubs Biden at Summit

“Dad, please know that while I am grateful and highly aware of all that you’ve given this family, I still don’t miss you. When you died, I felt like there was a hole. I missed something, but it wasn’t you,” adding that she simply missed “the idea of what you could become,” Samantha reportedly said.

“I missed being able to hope and wish that one day you’d turn a corner and see the world from my perspective. I missed the idea that one day you might help me fight for the things that matter. I missed my fantasy of you. Because when you died it solidified the fact that you’ll never be what you could have been but only what you are. And what you are is a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, Trump-loving cis straight white man. That is all you will ever be to me …

“And Dad, before you tell me to respect the dead, please remember that you disrespected and disregarded the lives and deaths of entire communities of people with your ideology. You told me to never back down, so I won’t …

“You are everything I aspire not to be, and I refuse to stand up here and sing the praises of a man who is the paradigm of white supremacy. So I’ll take your racist mindset, I’ll take your money, and I’ll take your advice. And I swear to God I will make this world a better place, not at all because of you, but in exact opposition to you. Thank you.”

While her words drew mostly applause from the large crowd, some could be heard murmuring and gasping at certain moments.

The Blaze reported that, as of Thursday, over 1,800 people commented on her longer video, with most people praising her.

Samantha later responded to reports of her eulogy, saying in a story on Instagram: “Friendly reminder that n*** calling a white man racists is literally not newsworthy and y’all need to focus on actual real-world events.”

The identity of Samantha and her father Donald was later revealed by the Daily Mail.

Donald died from cancer on Aug. 14. According to Forbes, he was the founder and former CEO of the subprime auto-lender Credit Acceptance, and was once one of largest shareholders of GameStop before cashing out when shares in the company shot up 420% in 2020.

At the time of his death, Donald was worth an estimated $2 billion.

He had two children with his first wife, before divorcing her and marrying Samantha’s mother Constance. Samantha was his youngest daughter.

Sources close to the family told the Daily Mail that Samantha was raised “wanting for nothing,” and grew up living in a $7.3 million mansion in Michigan.

“He is a businessman who is definitely on that side of politics, but I hardly think she has a case,” the source said. “He dated women of color, he married her mother, if anybody loved a black woman, it was Don.”

They added, “I don’t understand where it is coming from; maybe it is teenage rebellion because it is not coming from her mom. At her graduation, she did the black lives symbol on the stage, with her fist in the air, and there was a bit of pushback from her. It’s very strange that she would do that; it doesn’t make any sense.”
Liberal activities are all about ego - to demonstrate "I care more than you do"
without really helping anyone.
  • Disagree
Reactions:The Sage (sic) of Main Street

About as "sage" as Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Maxine Waters, AOC, and LGBTQ perverts.
Liberal activities are all about ego - to demonstrate "I care more than you do"
without really helping anyone.
Rome Lasted 500 Years Under the Caesars Only Because Julius Caesar's Uncles Killed Off Two-Thirds of the Patricians

Liberals are sons of Conservative plutocrats. Entitled bossy brats, they only care about the power and dependency their Daddies' Constitutional government gives them over the 99%.
Last edited:
Just another typical rich, spoiled Leftist little girl:


Watch: 'Black Supremacist' Gives Appalling Hate-Filled Speech at her Father's Funeral - 'Trump-Loving Cis Straight White Man'

By Carson Choate, Western Journal November 21, 2022 at 6:18pm

Samantha Foss, the youngest daughter of billionaire Donald Foss and a self-described “black supremacist,” has gone viral after giving a eulogy in which she bashed her father as a “racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, Trump-loving, cis straight white man.”

The video was originally shared by Samantha herself on Nov. 6, on her TikTok account @saginthesunforever.

According to multiple outlets, including The Blaze and the UK Daily Mail, Samantha, 19, describes herself as a “black supremacist” and prefers to use they/them pronouns in her TikTok bio, which has since been made private.

Massive Migrant Caravan Marches Toward US with LGBT Flags Flying as Mexican President Snubs Biden at Summit

“Dad, please know that while I am grateful and highly aware of all that you’ve given this family, I still don’t miss you. When you died, I felt like there was a hole. I missed something, but it wasn’t you,” adding that she simply missed “the idea of what you could become,” Samantha reportedly said.

“I missed being able to hope and wish that one day you’d turn a corner and see the world from my perspective. I missed the idea that one day you might help me fight for the things that matter. I missed my fantasy of you. Because when you died it solidified the fact that you’ll never be what you could have been but only what you are. And what you are is a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, Trump-loving cis straight white man. That is all you will ever be to me …

“And Dad, before you tell me to respect the dead, please remember that you disrespected and disregarded the lives and deaths of entire communities of people with your ideology. You told me to never back down, so I won’t …

“You are everything I aspire not to be, and I refuse to stand up here and sing the praises of a man who is the paradigm of white supremacy. So I’ll take your racist mindset, I’ll take your money, and I’ll take your advice. And I swear to God I will make this world a better place, not at all because of you, but in exact opposition to you. Thank you.”

While her words drew mostly applause from the large crowd, some could be heard murmuring and gasping at certain moments.

The Blaze reported that, as of Thursday, over 1,800 people commented on her longer video, with most people praising her.

Samantha later responded to reports of her eulogy, saying in a story on Instagram: “Friendly reminder that n*** calling a white man racists is literally not newsworthy and y’all need to focus on actual real-world events.”

The identity of Samantha and her father Donald was later revealed by the Daily Mail.

Donald died from cancer on Aug. 14. According to Forbes, he was the founder and former CEO of the subprime auto-lender Credit Acceptance, and was once one of largest shareholders of GameStop before cashing out when shares in the company shot up 420% in 2020.

At the time of his death, Donald was worth an estimated $2 billion.

He had two children with his first wife, before divorcing her and marrying Samantha’s mother Constance. Samantha was his youngest daughter.

Sources close to the family told the Daily Mail that Samantha was raised “wanting for nothing,” and grew up living in a $7.3 million mansion in Michigan.

“He is a businessman who is definitely on that side of politics, but I hardly think she has a case,” the source said. “He dated women of color, he married her mother, if anybody loved a black woman, it was Don.”

They added, “I don’t understand where it is coming from; maybe it is teenage rebellion because it is not coming from her mom. At her graduation, she did the black lives symbol on the stage, with her fist in the air, and there was a bit of pushback from her. It’s very strange that she would do that; it doesn’t make any sense.”
Leftists Are Unconscious Agents of the Right Wing They Were Born In
Reactions:The Sage (sic) of Main Street

About as "sage" as Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Maxine Waters, AOC, and LGBTQ perverts.
Little Mamas' Boys Desperately Searching for a Richkid Father-Figure

You bootlicking preppylovers need to go back and toil all day in the fields of Europe while your spoiled-silly idols feast all night on the fruits of your gutless-peasant labor.
We are not a democracy. True democracy is no more than mob rule. Get the rope.

“The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty. In this century, great strides have been made toward the goal of subverting our republic, and transforming it into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of “language” — by calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept the term, and use the term. Totalitarians have obscured the real meanings and principles of American government.” ~ Dan Smoot
True. The Founders wisely knew that there would be far larger concentrations of people in the cities than in the rural areas, and, without the concept of a republic, those who didn't live in the cities would have no voice or power at all. Now LA County alone has more people in it than the population of 44 U.S. states. In a democracy, a dozen or so large metropolitan areas would determine the outcome of every presidential election. And all the $ and resources could go to those large metropolitan areas because there would be no reason to care if anybody else was happy or satisfied.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.
Democratic principle in a republic is that the majority in each community/state can decide for itself what sort of society it wants to have.
True. The Founders wisely knew that there would be far larger concentrations of people in the cities than in the rural areas, and, without the concept of a republic, those who didn't live in the cities would have no voice or power at all. Now LA County alone has more people in it than the population of 44 U.S. states. In a democracy, a dozen or so large metropolitan areas would determine the outcome of every presidential election. And all the $ and resources could go to those large metropolitan areas because there would be no reason to care if anybody else was happy or satisfied.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.
Democratic principle in a republic is that the majority in each community/state can decide for itself what sort of society it wants to have.
So The Sage of Main Street, please point out what in my post is inaccurate or 'fake news' please.
True. The Founders wisely knew that there would be far larger concentrations of people in the cities than in the rural areas, and, without the concept of a republic, those who didn't live in the cities would have no voice or power at all. Now LA County alone has more people in it than the population of 44 U.S. states. In a democracy, a dozen or so large metropolitan areas would determine the outcome of every presidential election. And all the $ and resources could go to those large metropolitan areas because there would be no reason to care if anybody else was happy or satisfied.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.
Democratic principle in a republic is that the majority in each community/state can decide for itself what sort of society it wants to have.
A Republic Is Each Elected Wolf Making All the Decisions for Hundreds of Thousands of Sheep.
A Republic Is Each Elected Wolf Making All the Decisions for Hundreds of Thousands of Sheep.
And if that 'elected wolf' makes decisions the people don't want, the people can vote out that 'elected wolf' and choose somebody else to represent them.

John Adams wrote to a friend:
“It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies of men, never."

Pure democracy invariably evolves into pure totalitarianism/tyranny. A constitutional republic ensures that no one segment of society or no oligarchy will be able to exercise control over all. The people democratically elect those who will represent them in government. And the constitution limits what those representatives are authorized to do. so long as the constitution is upheld, no tyranny can develop.
We are a democracy. We are ORGANIZED as a constitutional republic.
Stop making excuses for wanting a dictatorship.

We can not be a democracy, because a democracy is bad, evil, and should be destroyed.
Democracy is majority rule always.

That means no layer of indirect representation to try to filter our mob rule.
That means if a good talker can whip up emotions over fake news, you can get the majority to commit all sorts of crimes, such as invading innocent countries like Iraq.

That means no Rule of Law codified individual rights protected by a Constitution.
That means the majority can decide to enslave or exterminate any minority, like Blacks or Jews.
Nothing about us being a Constitional Republic stops us from also being a Representative Democracy. Also the Constitution wasn't written by mother nature it was written by a mob of men. Make no mistake everywhere there are rules they are mob rules. Why do words and simple reality frighten you Simps? 😄

The whole point of a "mob" is that it allows the lowest common denominator to take total control.
The whole point of a constitution and representation is that it filters out the lowest common denominator and instead allows the best to have the most influence, by using blind justice ahead of time, and by allowing time for proper media dissemination of events and ideas.
The whole point of why the Founders are respected is that they implemented methods of preventing mob rule almost entirely.
A Republic Is Each Elected Wolf Making All the Decisions for Hundreds of Thousands of Sheep.

By codifying generic principles ahead of time in a constitution, you get the protection of Blind Justice in the Rule of Law.
Which is where no one wants to write in a corrupt principle that might later end up being used against them.

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