Learning about free market rationed healthcare - at the vet?


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
The mother in law's terrible terrier got sick a few months back and she took it to the vet. Not eating and throwing uo bile.

At first they chose to do the economical thing and gave the dog some medicine. It was cheaper than x- rays and all that.

It did not get better after a couple days so the ol gal sprung for x-rays.

Tumors! They found. In a dog that was only 8 none the less. Darn dog looked healthy two weeks before. High quality of life and all.

What really was unfortunate was the cost of treating these tumors.

Thanks to that the vet and the old gal decided to put the dog down instead of opt for treatment.

Reminded me of an incident I had a decade back when my cat got sick. It ended up dying that first night at the animal hospital. Now things make sense. When I first walked it with the animal it seemed like the vet was talking in code. "How far do you want us to go?" must have meant what do you want to spend. In a way as long as the animal had to die, at least it died before costing me my house.

Oh well. I have insurance which blunts the cost of human healthcare. But the math is still the same. A little better if everyone like them healthy 20 somethings are compelled to pay in.

Regardless it seems capitalism, or my mother in law's lack of capital, sure rationed that terrier's healthcare.

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