Leaving the Left

The left reached zenith with BS and dirty tricks with Kavanaugh, anyone with an ounce of integrity wants nothing to do with destroying someone on fact less allegations
The left reached zenith with BS and dirty tricks with Kavanaugh, anyone with an ounce of integrity wants nothing to do with destroying someone on fact less allegations
I expect they'll go lower -- until they completely self destruct.
You hear about this more and more. Trump was one. Dave Rubin has finally had enough.

I left the Left. I was born in a very highly totally blue Democratic region. But back then the Democrats weren't so bad. We're talking the 60s and 70s. Then I grew up, got burned by leftists and leftist ideas and began to see the logic and solidity behind conservative thought. The intrinsic wholeness of it. So I find it really funny when Lefties call me knuckle dragger and other backward names just because I'm ultra-right leaning now. When I was a Democrat I was just fine.

I began to see flaws in liberalism, patterns, began to predict their words, thoughts and actions, meantime saw that conclusions I had independently reached on my own were shared by others, all conservative. Different people with different experiences coming independently to exactly the same conclusions--- it couldn't be an accident. Then I began to discover conservative thinkers on radio who all saw the very same things: Rush and others. Meantime I continued to see a pattern of sheepery where the Left were all following a playbook, what they were all told to say and think. Using the same words. The intense dislike, hatred, distrust and contempt for anyone who didn't think the way they did.

While conservatives would debate you and respect your opinion, Lefties had it out for you and would try to "get you" if they found out you were not one of them. Like you were some sort of enemy.

Then I discovered radio personality Jim Quinn back during the Clinton years who laid it all out in perfect clarity about the mental disorder of the Left. There's no going back. Once you wake up to the realization that you're being fed ground horse meat you can't believe your eating Prime Rib anymore.
You hear about this more and more. Trump was one. Dave Rubin has finally had enough.

Rubin finally realized where his bread is buttered.
This is what MONEY does to Americans; they see MONEY as their God.
People don't matter to Republicans; it's all about MONEY.
You hear about this more and more. Trump was one. Dave Rubin has finally had enough.

I left the Left. I was born in a very highly totally blue Democratic region. But back then the Democrats weren't so bad. We're talking the 60s and 70s. Then I grew up, got burned by leftists and leftist ideas and began to see the logic and solidity behind conservative thought. The intrinsic wholeness of it. So I find it really funny when Lefties call me knuckle dragger and other backward names just because I'm ultra-right leaning now. When I was a Democrat I was just fine.

I began to see flaws in liberalism, patterns, began to predict their words, thoughts and actions, meantime saw that conclusions I had independently reached on my own were shared by others, all conservative. Different people with different experiences coming independently to exactly the same conclusions--- it couldn't be an accident. Then I began to discover conservative thinkers on radio who all saw the very same things: Rush and others. Meantime I continued to see a pattern of sheepery where the Left were all following a playbook, what they were all told to say and think. Using the same words. The intense dislike, hatred, distrust and contempt for anyone who didn't think the way they did.

While conservatives would debate you and respect your opinion, Lefties had it out for you and would try to "get you" if they found out you were not one of them. Like you were some sort of enemy.

Then I discovered radio personality Jim Quinn back during the Clinton years who laid it all out in perfect clarity about the mental disorder of the Left. There's no going back. Once you wake up to the realization that you're being fed ground horse meat you can't believe your eating Prime Rib anymore.

I left the Left.

If you can think well enough, you eventually do.

If you can't think at all, you stay there. If liberals could think better, they wouldn't be liberals.
You hear about this more and more. Trump was one. Dave Rubin has finally had enough.

I left the Left. I was born in a very highly totally blue Democratic region. But back then the Democrats weren't so bad. We're talking the 60s and 70s. Then I grew up, got burned by leftists and leftist ideas and began to see the logic and solidity behind conservative thought. The intrinsic wholeness of it. So I find it really funny when Lefties call me knuckle dragger and other backward names just because I'm ultra-right leaning now. When I was a Democrat I was just fine.

I began to see flaws in liberalism, patterns, began to predict their words, thoughts and actions, meantime saw that conclusions I had independently reached on my own were shared by others, all conservative. Different people with different experiences coming independently to exactly the same conclusions--- it couldn't be an accident. Then I began to discover conservative thinkers on radio who all saw the very same things: Rush and others. Meantime I continued to see a pattern of sheepery where the Left were all following a playbook, what they were all told to say and think. Using the same words. The intense dislike, hatred, distrust and contempt for anyone who didn't think the way they did.

While conservatives would debate you and respect your opinion, Lefties had it out for you and would try to "get you" if they found out you were not one of them. Like you were some sort of enemy.

Then I discovered radio personality Jim Quinn back during the Clinton years who laid it all out in perfect clarity about the mental disorder of the Left. There's no going back. Once you wake up to the realization that you're being fed ground horse meat you can't believe your eating Prime Rib anymore.

I left the Left.

If you can think well enough, you eventually do.

If you can't think at all, you stay there. If liberals could think better, they wouldn't be liberals.

LOL. Jesus was a liberal; I bet you hate Him too?

For years I looked up to Will as the barometer of conservative thought and provocative thinking. Then like many others, he went off into deep end with Trump. A visceral dislike. I eventually came back to Charles Krauthammer, he at least in some ways conceded his error, but Will just went off into psychotic deep end. Rigid, inflexible, bitter, all one way. Everything is black or white. Can't stand the guy. The guy means nothing now, he's totally irrelevant. Let him go suck Pelosi's ass.
You hear about this more and more. Trump was one. Dave Rubin has finally had enough.

I left the Left. I was born in a very highly totally blue Democratic region. But back then the Democrats weren't so bad. We're talking the 60s and 70s. Then I grew up, got burned by leftists and leftist ideas and began to see the logic and solidity behind conservative thought. The intrinsic wholeness of it. So I find it really funny when Lefties call me knuckle dragger and other backward names just because I'm ultra-right leaning now. When I was a Democrat I was just fine.

I began to see flaws in liberalism, patterns, began to predict their words, thoughts and actions, meantime saw that conclusions I had independently reached on my own were shared by others, all conservative. Different people with different experiences coming independently to exactly the same conclusions--- it couldn't be an accident. Then I began to discover conservative thinkers on radio who all saw the very same things: Rush and others. Meantime I continued to see a pattern of sheepery where the Left were all following a playbook, what they were all told to say and think. Using the same words. The intense dislike, hatred, distrust and contempt for anyone who didn't think the way they did.

While conservatives would debate you and respect your opinion, Lefties had it out for you and would try to "get you" if they found out you were not one of them. Like you were some sort of enemy.

Then I discovered radio personality Jim Quinn back during the Clinton years who laid it all out in perfect clarity about the mental disorder of the Left. There's no going back. Once you wake up to the realization that you're being fed ground horse meat you can't believe your eating Prime Rib anymore.

I left the Left.

If you can think well enough, you eventually do.

If you can't think at all, you stay there. If liberals could think better, they wouldn't be liberals.

LOL. Jesus was a liberal; I bet you hate Him too?

Honey you're a poster child for today's mantra:

If they could think better, they wouldn't be liberals.

Do try to think about that.

For years I looked up to Will as the barometer of conservative thought and provocative thinking. Then like many others, he went off into deep end with Trump. A visceral dislike. I eventually came back to Charles Krauthammer, he at least in some ways conceded his error, but Will just went off into psychotic deep end. Rigid, inflexible, all one way. Everything is black or white. Can't stand the guy. He's another McCain. The guy means nothing now, he's totally irrelevant. Let him go suck Pelosi's ass.
Since George Will is admittedly smarter than you I can only assume you were so enamored with Drumpfs carnival barker routine that you dumped your brain in the trash bin. You dont seem to have a clue as to why people take an instant disliking to Drumpf. If I were you I would be pissed off that Drumpf thinks so low of your intelligence he repeats his words twice just to convince the witless to believe him in one of the most obvious and amateur marketing attempts on record.

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