Leaving the US! More and more everyday

Fast food is now in the government regulation headlights and they are going to follow manufacturing off shore.

Fast food CEO: How govt regulation is driving us aboard

"It's difficult to open in the U.S., but we love the U.S. and continue to fight the good fight to open restaurants and create jobs," Puzder said. "It's just that the government is making it hard for us to build those restaurants."

Over the last three years, Hardee's and Carl's Jr. opened more restaurants internationally than in their own backyards—a first, he added. CKE now operates restaurants in 30 foreign countries.

(Read more: McDonald's removes worker site after fast food flap)
On a percentage basis, the growth rate is striking. During this period, the company increased its restaurant count domestically by 2 percent. Meanwhile international locations jumped by 53 percent as CKE filled in "white space" or areas where it currently doesn't have restaurants.

Easier to open in Siberia than California

"Under the current U.S. business climate, regulatory and tax restrictions tend to curb otherwise dynamic entrepreneurial energy," Puzder said. "We'd love to see more growth in domestic markets. Unfortunately, it's easier for our franchisees to open a restaurant in Siberia than in California."
Good, we can poison the rest of the world with obesity and watch their healthcare costs soar.
Can you believe trashy Republicans screaming for more cheap garbage food? Lamenting McDonald's?

These people are nutz.
Not a surprise. They don't want to pay livable wages and that's what its coming to soon. People know its the correct thing to do next we need to ban these companies from going overseas completely. They can not be allowed to escape the US for somewhere they can pay literal slave wages to people and make their huge salaries while leaving workers in the US behind because they demanded a living wage.

No one can ban any company from going overseas. The only thing that can be done is prohibit them from doing business here.
Not a surprise. They don't want to pay livable wages and that's what its coming to soon. People know its the correct thing to do next we need to ban these companies from going overseas completely. They can not be allowed to escape the US for somewhere they can pay literal slave wages to people and make their huge salaries while leaving workers in the US behind because they demanded a living wage.
I get it. You want to "ban" private companies from doing business overseas. You don't want them to "escape" America.
You're an imbecile.
The hilarious thing about you is if you had to spend a month in 'Mother Russia' you would be crawling on your hands and knees begging to return to the US.
Go up to a hundred thousand Russians today and hold out a plane ticket to the US and a green card and watch what happens. You need to wake up pal.
If every person living under communism today anywhere in the world was offered an opportunity to escape 100% would. And if you are capable of sentient thought you would have to agree.
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Why not? I wouldn't choose NZ although its a beautiful place. Any place I move would have to allow freedom of speech so the shuts down a lot of Europe. Would love to travel to all countries though...well most anyways...not really interested in most of Africa or Asia although there are certain places would like to go.

you will have to work where freedom of speech still exists - so it is not for YOU :lol:
not a surprise. They don't want to pay livable wages and that's what its coming to soon. People know its the correct thing to do next we need to ban these companies from going overseas completely. They can not be allowed to escape the us for somewhere they can pay literal slave wages to people and make their huge salaries while leaving workers in the us behind because they demanded a living wage.

no one can ban any company from going overseas.
the only thing that can be done is prohibit them from doing business here.

Even in the worst part of Soviet communism, they could not prevent people from leaving and could not prevent capital from leaving.

The fast food joints are cheap. We could be moving to an entirely new era, the end of fast food. The restaurants that survive will have starting prices at about $50.00 with maybe $20 for an appetizer. The servers won't be slapping cold cuts on a bun. They will be highly paid professionals. You want cold cuts slapped on a bun, go home and do it yourself. Otherwise, be prepared to shell out $200.00 for an average dinner.

The trend is for less expensive food offerings to be mobile, by truck, with very few employees. An owner to collect money and a cook to fix it. In New York, cheap food is the hot dog vendor who has no employees at all.
Not a surprise. They don't want to pay livable wages and that's what its coming to soon. People know its the correct thing to do next we need to ban these companies from going overseas completely. They can not be allowed to escape the US for somewhere they can pay literal slave wages to people and make their huge salaries while leaving workers in the US behind because they demanded a living wage.

No one can ban any company from going overseas. The only thing that can be done is prohibit them from doing business here.

I think the government can block American companies from going overseas. It depends on the business the company is in though.
Not a surprise. They don't want to pay livable wages and that's what its coming to soon. People know its the correct thing to do next we need to ban these companies from going overseas completely. They can not be allowed to escape the US for somewhere they can pay literal slave wages to people and make their huge salaries while leaving workers in the US behind because they demanded a living wage.

No one can ban any company from going overseas. The only thing that can be done is prohibit them from doing business here.

I think the government can block American companies from going overseas. It depends on the business the company is in though.

No they can't. Unless the government becomes totally North Korea, they can't stop people from leaving. When people leave, they take their idea with them. They get local investment. Then they slowly start shutting down American interests. They stop opening new outlets and let the old ones close.

We either become North Korea or Cuba or we just slowly wither away.
No one can ban any company from going overseas. The only thing that can be done is prohibit them from doing business here.

I think the government can block American companies from going overseas. It depends on the business the company is in though.

No they can't. Unless the government becomes totally North Korea, they can't stop people from leaving. When people leave, they take their idea with them. They get local investment. Then they slowly start shutting down American interests. They stop opening new outlets and let the old ones close.

We either become North Korea or Cuba or we just slowly wither away.

There are certain American companies who cannot even sell their merchandise overseas without acquiring approval from the government. They certainly cannot move their operations to for example China. But as I said earlier, it depends on the business the company is in.
I would recommend singapore to relocate to, or costa rica or belieze.
No one can ban any company from going overseas. The only thing that can be done is prohibit them from doing business here.

I think the government can block American companies from going overseas. It depends on the business the company is in though.

No they can't. Unless the government becomes totally North Korea, they can't stop people from leaving. When people leave, they take their idea with them. They get local investment. Then they slowly start shutting down American interests. They stop opening new outlets and let the old ones close.

We either become North Korea or Cuba or we just slowly wither away.

But if the demand is still here someone else can do their business. This is the problem we're having. At one time to get a charter a corporation had to have serving the common good as part of it's mission. Now the only thing they serve is profit even if it tears down communities and ruins lives.
Not a surprise. They don't want to pay livable wages
Yup, it is true. People working in fast food restaurants cannot afford to live on their salaries, so they are all dead. Most of the deaths were from starvation or exposure, but some were casualties from factional infighting for the best caves to live in.

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