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Lebensraum Lieberman

When I say "race"…it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” ...

You are fucking ridiculous, Larrkin. And what's more you know it. :rofl:

Maoris have big noses too - does that make them Jews? Rastifarians wear their hair in Shirley Temple ringlets too - does that make them Jews?

How you wear your hair has nothing to do with race. And you are making a very common logical flaw here.

What about blue-eyes blondes, do you readily identify them as the Herrenvolk (master race) that Hitler says they were?

If you know there is strictly no such thing as race, then why are you playing to the parrot grandstand - who faithfully repeat anything anyone they perceive to be in authority says - by using the meaningless (except to PC indoctrinated drones like you) epithet "racist" on me? Doesn't grasping a straws like looks determine race make you a raving racist too? :eusa_think:

That there is no strict definition of race, does not mean it is a useless term. You hate people because you think they are Jewish. Therefore it depends on what you think of race, not what I think, that makes you a racist or not.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to people-please, eh?! Sheez, Shartzi, all you had to do was call me a **** hating \!/ and I would have freely admitted it! :rolleyes:

I'm not trying to please anyone. I just have a sense of decency and respect that you obviously lack.

I think what you and the other mindless Little Sir Echoes here really mean by calling me a racist is that my denigration of the Kikes might somehow deny them of the definitive victimhood, that they have carefully crafted for themselves and got you gullible Seppo drongos to believe it as Gospel. :rofl:

You calling them kikes helps to make them into victims. However, by default, no, they are not victims.

Anyone who can be in the least bit honest with himself knows that there was/is far more justification for wiping Israel off the map than there was with Iraq and Diwmit's other axes of evil.


Finally, I got a hot flash for you and your brainwashed mates in the PC Jewish Inquisition – I couldn’t give a flying fuck for what you think of me. :cool:

How you wear your hair has nothing to do with race. And you are making a very common logical flaw here.

That there is no strict definition of race, does not mean it is a useless term. You hate people because you think they are Jewish. Therefore it depends on what you think of race, not what I think, that makes you a racist or not.

I'm not trying to please anyone. I just have a sense of decency and respect that you obviously lack.

You calling them kikes helps to make them into victims. However, by default, no, they are not victims.



You hate people because you think they are Jewish. Therefore it depends on what you think of race, not what I think, that makes you a racist or not.


I hate Jews because, like their Muslim and Christian offspring, they are the epitome of hypocrisy and always have been.

And as any “decent” person/nation demands collective punishment for the sins of a few, I too demand that Israel should suffer the same fate as Germany, Japan, and Eye-raq for its crimes against humanity.

The corpses in Auschwitz hadn’t even cooled down before these chronically racist arseholes we doing to the same to the true Semites that Hitler had done to them. The only difference (so far) is the numbers.

I hate Jews because, like their Muslim and Christian offspring, they are the epitome of hypocrisy and always have been.

And as any “decent” person/nation demands collective punishment for the sins of a few, I too demand that Israel should suffer the same fate as Germany, Japan, and Eye-raq for its crimes against humanity.

The corpses in Auschwitz hadn’t even cooled down before these chronically racist arseholes we doing to the same to the true Semites that Hitler had done to them. The only difference (so far) is the numbers.

Decent people do not demand collective punishment.

And no, sorry, Israel acts inhumanely often and the system there is not one of equality, but it is nowhere close to what the Nazis did.
Decent people do not demand collective punishment.

I've been saying that since I got here! Nice to see you too think Americans are inherently INdecent! (Check out its history of collective punishment and global genocide since its evil Foundling Facist Fathers slithered ashore.)

And no, sorry, Israel acts inhumanely often and the system there is not one of equality, but it is nowhere close to what the Nazis did.

Like I said, not YET. However, going by the Nuremberg War Crimes Court, the whole nation is already guilty of complicity in its leaders crimes against humanity.

Anyhow, seeing you are so "decent" and utterly disgusted with my racism, I just know you will join me in condemning the uber decent Bible for its blatant racism. :eusa_pray:

I hate Jews because, like their Muslim and Christian offspring, they are the epitome of hypocrisy and always have been.

And as any “decent” person/nation demands collective punishment for the sins of a few, I too demand that Israel should suffer the same fate as Germany, Japan, and Eye-raq for its crimes against humanity.

The corpses in Auschwitz hadn’t even cooled down before these chronically racist arseholes we doing to the same to the true Semites that Hitler had done to them. The only difference (so far) is the numbers.
Chips, does the mental ward attendant realize you are sneaking computer time when he is on break? Take another look at your prescription of Lexapro. It says take one per day, not one per month.
I've been saying that since I got here! Nice to see you too think Americans are inherently INdecent! (Check out its history of collective punishment and global genocide since its evil Foundling Facist Fathers slithered ashore.)

Err what? Some American actions are indecent, that does not mean Americans are inherently indecent. Two completely different things.

Like I said, not YET. However, going by the Nuremberg War Crimes Court, the whole nation is already guilty of complicity in its leaders crimes against humanity.

Link please?

Anyhow, seeing you are so "decent" and utterly disgusted with my racism, I just know you will join me in condemning the uber decent Bible for its blatant racism. :eusa_pray:

I've never been a fan of the Bible, no.
Err what? Some American actions are indecent, that does not mean Americans are inherently indecent. Two completely different things

Link please?.

My justification is the German civilians who were collectively punished for waging WW1, which directly led to WW2. For which they were again collectively punished, both during the war and after, for waging a war of aggression and tolerating Hitler as their leader – even though only 30% of them voted for him in their last free election in 1933.

Poor Germany. When all is said and done, all it did was what America has never had the guts to do – invade Russia. :badgrin:

O-o-ops! I take that back. It looks like you’ve even invaded Russia! Although, needless to say, Russia was completely prostrated and bleed white at the time.

At any rate, The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal - in which America was the major mover and shaker in introducing the retrospective legislation that punished Germany for war crimes/crimes against humanity - established that ANY future wars of aggression, even against the likes of the “beastly Huns,” or the satanic Russians, was to be deemed a crime against humanity.

To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”


“The question is, what was the legal effect of this pact? The nations who signed the pact or adhered to it unconditionally condemned recourse to war for the future as an instrument of policy, and expressly renounced it. After the signing of the pact, any nation resorting to war as an instrument of national policy breaks the pact. In the opinion of the Tribunal, the solemn renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy necessarily involves the proposition that such a war is illegal in international law; and that those who plan and wage such a war, with its inevitable and terrible consequences, are committing a crime in so doing.”

In 1945, the United Nations Charter, Article 2 Clause 4, reiterated the principles of the Kellogg- Briand Pact, stating, “All members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.”

From here

In light of this, not even those Fox News fashioned androids and flag-waving morons, OneDomino and RSR, could deny AmeriKKKA has most certainly criminally aggressed against dozens of countries in their lifetimes.

Most times in a manifestly racist manner. :eusa_think: :eusa_think:

But seeing Heckle and Jekyll have the brains of first trimester aborted amoebas, they should be excused from any collective guilt on the grounds of their patent vegetative states. It must be blatantly obvious to all here, even their fellow rent-a-mind Republicans, that these poor beetle browed bastards failed "play dough" (sp?) in grade school. :rofl:

I expect infinitely better deductive reasoning from you though, Farkin. After all, you are a graduate from a contemporary colle…better make that a modern widget producing factory of perfunctory political correctness.

Ever since Nuremberg, America has repeatedly and hypocritically manufactured counterfeit casus belli to collectively punish whoever it pleases for upsetting it. Particularly civilian Iraqi, Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Korean “coloureds.”

The former being continually and collectively punished by your intrinsically evil country for the last sixteen years. For doing no more than what America does with imperious impunity whenever its populace is despondent about getting whupped by some VC Pygmies in Pyjamas and the nation needs to crack a collective “chubby” (erection) to cheer it up. It invades a powerless Lilliputian coral atoll and makes self-aggrandizing movies about "neutralising" the army of this scarcely inhabited nutmeg plantation in a week. :lol:

Your excuse for the First Gulf Coon Shoot it was supposedly for Saddam waging aggressive war against another powerless country, the notoriously despotic Kuwait.

The second time it was for Iraq ALLEGEDLY having what America has in super abundance, WMD, and for having a nasty pasty anti-Semite (Saddam) as their leader.

Who, you'll remember, was hanged for ordering the killing of a couple of hundred American incited terrorists who tried to kill him, The President of Ayewrack. This, BTW, was another of the Lone Deranger’s bogus casus belli against Iraq, “An….an…he tried to kill mah Paw an yo’ Prezinit!” :wtf:

America also collectively punished, and still IS collectively punishing, Afghan civilians for having a couple of dozen tin-pot formerly American armed and financed freedom fight… er, terrorists in their country.

The foregoing is just a handful of the trumped up instances of US wars of outright aggression since WW2. In fact, America’s entire history is one long saga of trumped-up wars of aggression.

And now it is clearly planning another counterfeit and criminal war of aggression against Iran.

Again ALLEGEDLY for having what America has in obscene abundance i.e. WMD, and for having nasty pasty anti-Semite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as their leader.

I remind you that a majority of aparently mindless Americans democratically elected AND THEN RE-ELECTED a messianic Methodist madman as their leader. For no better reason than he snidely implied that they wouldn’t catch him getting his born-again beef bayonet syphoned off in the Offal Office by a chubby Jewish groupie. :eusa_snooty:

The second time knowing full well it was likely he had fabricated his casus belli for a war of aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan. Knowing also that this cosseted, inherently cowardly little cipher and consummate failure at everything he has ever turned his hand to, has publicly and CRIMINALLY declared on many occasions that any country on earth (except Israel, of course!) that is “agin him” is deserving of death and destruction and God's Archchangel "Murka" will visit it on them.

Then there are His insane insinuations that He and god play golf together most every day and jesus is seriously dating the Blessed Virgin Jenna and thinking of making a sequel to his original blockbuster “The New Testament” – rumoured to be called “Whose Ya Daddy, Jenna’s Li’l Goy Boy?!”

To summarise, G-o-o-d Americans are just as guilty as WW2 Germans of waging aggressive wars. Vowing that “Ve vass only followink Der Phewrer’s orders,” and swearing like Sergeant Shultz that you “Know nuthink” of Dimwit of Arabia’s criminal adventures and his Gritsmo archipelagos, is no excuse.

America, like Germany, must be collectively punished for its habitual crimes against humanity. :eusa_naughty:

Accordingly, to be really even-handed about it, we should ethnically cleanse around 36 million Americans to Canada, Mexico, or the Mojave Desert; slave labour much of the American armed forces reconstructing Iraq and Afghanistan, and purposely starve to death around 30 million Americans - to proportionately and collectively punish Americans the same way Germans were punished AFTER WW2.

For the sole creator, custodian, and distributor of the world’s democracy to object to this justice would set a new height of hypocrisy on its part.

Permit me, a sardonic old contrarian, to plagiarise, paraphrase, and reverse a hackneyed expression often heard on this farcically obtuse, supremely hypocritical board,

“America is the “Axis of Evil” and we oughta nook dem goddamn devil-denyin’ Christian bastards inta a sheeta glass!!”

I've never been a fan of the Bible, no.

PS: Good call. From Go to Whoa it is nothing BUT an account of disproportionately pitiless collective punishment for inconsequential contraventions of “God’s” genital based morality

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