LeBron James Takes a Knee For The National Anthem

This is so disgusting. Anybody (celebrity or no) who does this at any kind of sporting event should be removed immediately and not be allowed to come back.

Lebron is the new Bill Russell

As a consequence of his endured racist abuse, Russell was extremely sensitive to all racial prejudice. According to Taylor, he often perceived insults even if others did not. He was active in the Black Power movement. Russell's public statements became increasingly militant, and he was quoted as saying: "I dislike most white people because they are people ...

In 1995, The crowd gave Russell a prolonged standing ovation, which brought tears to his eyes.

So I don't expect a white like you to understand where Lebron is coming from just like your white ancestors didn't understand Bill Russell.

I thought Republicans gave us Civil Rights?
Racism on the blacks. Explaiin that.
Point it out in todays country’s laws and we can fight it together.

If you can’t (which you can’t), then stop harming the next generation of black kids by crushing them with the hopelessness of your woke radical BLM message.

You want these kids to fail to progress your anti-American/white ideology. If too many succeeded (which many do), you’d cease to have any leg to stand on. But since our country has corrected itself, you have to bully kids into your victimhood hopeless racial depression.

These kids deserve better than what you, media, elitist academia, Democrats, and too many black leaders give them.
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Point it out in todays country’s laws and we can fight it together.

If you can’t (which you can’t), then stop harming the next generation of black kids by crushing them with the hopelessness of your woke radical BLM message.

You want these kids to fail to progress your anti-American/white ideology. If too many succeeded (which many do), you’d cease to have any leg to stand on. But since our country has corrected itself, you have to bully kids into your victimhood hopeless racial depression.

These kids deserve better than what you, media, elitist academia, Democrats, and too many black leaders give them.

Quit lying to yourself. Racism exists in full definition. This country hasn't corrected jsack squat.

You talk about laws as if they are being followed. So I will post up this example again to show just how racism by whites operates right now.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never short listed anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them

Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time. Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

This is from USMB member Flash. He was doing this and coming in here talking the same jibberish as you. He denied blacks chances at jobs for 20 years while asking people to show laws proving that white racism exists. He did this for 20 years while lecturing blacks on how we need to get off our asses and find jobs. He did this for 20 years while telling people how we're teaching young blacks victimhood. He's not the only white person doing this and you know it. You've seen it done and I don't doubt that you have participated in doing it yourself. So just stop.

The only young people being taught to be victims are white kids. And it's liars like you who do it. Racism exists right now and you are a participant. Your post is classic modern racism.

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”

Take your gaslighting elswhere chump, because this thread is about Lebron James using the First Amendment right he has as an AMERICAN.
Quit lying to yourself. Racism exists in full definition. This country hasn't corrected jsack squat.

You talk about laws as if they are being followed. So I will post up this example again to show just how racism by whites operates right now.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never short listed anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them

Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time. Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

This is from USMB member Flash. He was doing this and coming in here talking the same jibberish as you. He denied blacks chances at jobs for 20 years while asking people to show laws proving that white racism exists. He did this for 20 years while lecturing blacks on how we need to get off our asses and find jobs. He did this for 20 years while telling people how we're teaching young blacks victimhood. He's not the only white person doing this and you know it. You've seen it done and I don't doubt that you have participated in doing it yourself. So just stop.

The only young people being taught to be victims are white kids. And it's liars like you who do it. Racism exists right now and you are a participant. Your post is classic modern racism.

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”

Take your gaslighting elswhere chump, because this thread is about Lebron James using the First Amendment right he has as an AMERICAN.
So I ask for where there are racist laws, and you give a single anecdote that’s illegal to do.

If you’re going to make claims that America is racist, you have to provide proof. What laws are racist. So far you’ve provided nothing.

Individuals are going to be racist, we can speak against them together (well, you won’t speak against the black on white racism I’d presume)… but that means nothing in regards to the topic.
I see blacks all over in sports and TV including commercials, so where is the racism? I think he's beating a dead horse. If I was black I would just want to forget about racism and get on with life, but guys like LeBron keep bringing it back.
So I don't expect a white like you
That’s very racist to say someone can’t understand something based in their skin color. That’s Democrat Jim Crow stuff.. again, coming from the left. All the major racist movements have been from democrats, including today’s
to understand where Lebron is coming from just like your white ancestors didn't understand Bill Russell.
His problem is he has to explain and prove his point. He didn’t and won’t do that. It’ll just be this ambiguous, vague anger towards America and white people that has no end game. I don’t think most race activists want to get past racism at all, they enjoy attempting to exploit it too much. The problem is, their activism harms the next generation of black kids, as they are crushed by an ideology of hopelessness, apathy, anger, and victimhood.
I thought Republicans gave us Civil Rights?
Yep, and the woke left is regressing away from them
So I ask for where there are racist laws, and you give a single anecdote that’s illegal to do.

If you’re going to make claims that America is racist, you have to provide proof. What laws are racist. So far you’ve provided nothing.

Individuals are going to be racist, we can speak against them together (well, you won’t speak against the black on white racism I’d presume)… but that means nothing in regards to the topic.
I DGAF what you asked for. You know how racism is done today because you do it. Individuals have nothing to do with this. That one example can be multiplied millions of times.

Payscale did a two-year study from 2017 to 2019, and this is theirconclusion: “We find equal pay for equal work is still not a reality.” They studied the earnings of white men and men of color using data from 1.8 million employees. They found that no matter how far they advanced, black men made less than white men with the same qualifications.

According to the study, “black men were the only racial/ethnic group not achieving pay parity with white men at some level.” The study showed that black men had the most significant “uncontrolled pay gap” relative to white men and that on average, black men earned eighty-seven cents for every dollar a white man earned. The Payscale study showed that black men are paid less compared to all other men. Even when black and white men had the same job, experience, education, and worked in the same geographic location, the study shows a controlled pay gap whereby black men earned less. Executive-level black men still earn less than white men at that same level. At that level, black men are paid ninety-seven cents fo revery dollar a white man is paid.

So just stop asking for laws like Jim Crow racism still exists. Jim Crow racism was outlawed and you know good and damn well that structural racism still remains. I have nothing to prove to you. You show me how America is not racist. And don't try pointing out 1-2 rich blacks, the NBA, NFL or other entertainment. Because with all of these rich blacks, black people have 2.7 percent of the wealth in this country while being 13 percent of the population. Blacks had 2 percent of the wealth after slavery. And don't try telling me this is because blacks don't try.

Stop the denial.
I see blacks all over in sports and TV including commercials, so where is the racism? I think he's beating a dead horse. If I was black I would just want to forget about racism and get on with life, but guys like LeBron keep bringing it back.
Black people have 2.7 percent of the wealth in this country while being 13 percent of the population. Blacks had 2 percent of the wealth after slavery.

You're not black, and we go on with life while facing racism. Blacks like Lebron can't bring back what has never left.
I use to be a huge Laker fan... I never missed a game... the day they gave a contract to James I turned them off and I haven't watched a Laker game or any NBA game since....
He is a dumb Mfer and has a big mouth that he should learn to keep shut....
You people are gonna eventually be sitting in an empty, dark room by yourselves, drinking your own piss.
This is so disgusting. Anybody (celebrity or no) who does this at any kind of sporting event should be removed immediately and not be allowed to come back.

Kneeling is a gesture of fealty and respect. Some people are so damn stupid.
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Because you can’t provide specifics, you just want to make vague claims.

Full stop. Prove that. what do I do that’s racism. I’ll wait lol
I have shown you specifics. Now if you want to see a law that says" blacks aren't allowed" in order for you to believe that racism still exists, then you're either obtuse or ignorant.

Your first post was a classic example of this:

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”

And I showed that to you. I don't play the right wing game of "prove it to me and I'll deny it and continue asking for proof". Racism isn't done Jim Crow style anymore and you know it. So if you can't see the things that are going on law wise that are racist, such as banning books by non white writers, eliminating the teaching of race relations in schools unless it favors whites, opposition to DEI and other attempts at equal opportunity, voter suppression, racial gerrymandering, and the latest case in Arkansas whereby voting rights violations cases can only be taken to court by the DOJ, then you are purposefully blind to the racism that continues in this country.
I have shown you specificcs. Now if you want to see a law that says blacks aren't allowed in order for you to believe that racism still exists, then you're either obtuse or ignorant.

Your first post was a classic example of this:

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”

And I showed that to you. I don't play the right wing game of "prove it to me and I'll deny it and continue asking for proof". Racism isn't done Jim Crow style anymore and you know it. So if you can't see the things that are going on law wise that are racist, such as banning books by non white writers, eliminating the teaching of race relations in schools unless it favors whites, opposition to DEI and other attempts at equal opportunity, voter suppression, racial gerrymandering, and the latest case in Arkansas whereby voting rights violations cases can only be taken to court by the DOJ, then you are purposefully blind to the racism that continues in this country.
Well, your made-up term of “laissez-faire racism” is laughably ridiculous.

It states that if someone rejects your massive vague claims, they are racist.

It’s on you to prove it. just because people don’t connect dots and create boogeymen as you do doesn’t mean they are racist. You’re completely reckless here, a blazing radical ideologue, throwing a temper tantrum at people who don’t believe what you believe by slandering them using made-up terms.

Is that really all you have?
Kneeling is a gesture of fealty and respect. Some people are so damn stupid.
Let’s here Lebron say he did it because of his appreciation and support of the USA.

Think that’s why he did it?


So, your claim is flawed

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