LeBron James Takes a Knee For The National Anthem

My policy is take a knee, break a knee

Then we all have something to cheer about

Actually he's not dumb. But your raciist white --- can't stand a black man who refuses to bow and genuflect.
I've heard him speak... its like he never went to his English class... he said he read DR King's book but couldn't recite anything in the book... he is a fraud who likes applause and worship... which is fine as long as you stay in your lane and his lane was professional Basketball... but there is one thing he likes more than applause... its money... and he doesn't care where that money comes from....
Hide the women and children....that's going to be a 3 quart booger there.

It's too bad he wasn't born in sub-saharan africa where he could languish in a mud hut snacking on lice off his nutsack and not be so oppressed by YT.
They have basketball arenas in African cities. With houses and skyscrapers. And stadiums.

In America and we have a first amendment. You know, the one morons like you skip over to whine about losing your guns. Try reading what it says.
I've heard him speak... its like he never went to his English class... he said he read DR King's book but couldn't recite anything in the book... he is a fraud who likes applause and worship... which is fine as long as you stay in your lane and his lane was professional Basketball... but there is one thing he likes more than applause... its money... and he doesn't care where that money comes from....
You've never heard squat. His lane is freedom of expression and he doesn't have to stand for the anthem. King wrote more than one book and you only know one line that he spoke. America is a capitalist country, so he has the right to earn money legally. It's not his fault he's rich and you're a white loser crying because he didn't stand up for the anthem.
It's easy to detest that piece of shit. Imagine being that angry all the time... meh, who gives a fuck.
You punks stay mad and you're mad about some shit you imagine. If James is mad, he has a right to be.

"To be black and conscious in America is to be in a constant state of rage."-James A. Baldwin
Find where we are required to stand forr the National Anthem in the constitution.
You think James has a constitutional right to be respected by white people when he makes a fool of himself

As he clearly did when he took the knee

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