LeBron James Takes a Knee For The National Anthem

Well, your made-up term of “laissez-faire racism” is laughably ridiculous.

It states that if someone rejects your massive vague claims, they are racist.

It’s on you to prove it. just because people don’t connect dots and create boogeymen as you do doesn’t mean they are racist. You’re completely reckless here, a blazing radical ideologue, throwing a temper tantrum at people who don’t believe what you believe by slandering them using made-up terms.

Is that really all you have?
You better look up the term son. Or better yet, let me help you.


Another term is symbolic racism.

Symbolic racism (also known as modern-symbolic racism, modern racism, symbolic prejudice, and racial resentment) is a coherent belief system that reflects an underlying one-dimensional prejudice towards a racialized ethnicity. These beliefs include the stereotype that black people are morally inferior to white people, and that black people violate traditional White American values such as hard work and independence. However, symbolic racism is more of a general term than it is one specifically related to prejudice towards black people. These beliefs may cause the subject to discriminate against black people and to justify this discrimination. Some people do not view symbolic racism as prejudice since it is not linked directly to race but is indirectly linked through social and political issues.

David O. Sears and P.J. Henry characterize symbolic racism as the expression or endorsement of four specific themes or beliefs:

  1. Black people no longer face much prejudice or discrimination.
  2. The failure of black people to progress results from their unwillingness to work hard enough.
  3. Black people are demanding too much too fast.
  4. Black people have gotten more than they deserve.
Symbolic racism is a form of modern implicit racism, as it is more subtle and indirect than more overt forms of racism, such as Jim Crow laws. As symbolic racism develops through socialization and its processes occur without conscious awareness, an individual with symbolically racist beliefs may genuinely oppose racism and believe they are not racist. Symbolic racism is perhaps the most prevalent contemporary form of racism.

I didn't make up the term and you practice the behavior. Your gaslighting won't work. You came in here off topic trying to lecture me about what I should be teaching black kids as if that's not being done. Your whole first post was nothing but pure white racist trash. You don't think racism exists? YOU PROVE IT! Because your post shows that white racism is still a problem.
You better look up the term son. Or better yet, let me help you.

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Another term is symbolic racism.

Symbolic racism (also known as modern-symbolic racism, modern racism, symbolic prejudice, and racial resentment) is a coherent belief system that reflects an underlying one-dimensional prejudice towards a racialized ethnicity. These beliefs include the stereotype that black people are morally inferior to white people, and that black people violate traditional White American values such as hard work and independence. However, symbolic racism is more of a general term than it is one specifically related to prejudice towards black people. These beliefs may cause the subject to discriminate against black people and to justify this discrimination. Some people do not view symbolic racism as prejudice since it is not linked directly to race but is indirectly linked through social and political issues.

David O. Sears and P.J. Henry characterize symbolic racism as the expression or endorsement of four specific themes or beliefs:

  1. Black people no longer face much prejudice or discrimination.
  2. The failure of black people to progress results from their unwillingness to work hard enough.
  3. Black people are demanding too much too fast.
  4. Black people have gotten more than they deserve.
Symbolic racism is a form of modern implicit racism, as it is more subtle and indirect than more overt forms of racism, such as Jim Crow laws. As symbolic racism develops through socialization and its processes occur without conscious awareness, an individual with symbolically racist beliefs may genuinely oppose racism and believe they are not racist. Symbolic racism is perhaps the most prevalent contemporary form of racism.

I didn't make up the term and you practice the behavior. Your gaslighting won't work. You came in here off topic trying to lecture me about what I should be teaching black kids as if that's not being done. Your whole first post was nothing but pure white racist trash. You don't think racism exists? YOU PROVE IT! Because your post shows that white racism is still a problem.
The terms are made up by race activists in academia. They make no sense in real life. I don’t recognize them, nor should anyone.

You can stay in your “find racism under every rock” bubble, but don’t expect normal people to not chuckle at them
Quit lying to yourself. Racism exists in full definition. This country hasn't corrected jsack squat.

You talk about laws as if they are being followed. So I will post up this example again to show just how racism by whites operates right now.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never short listed anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them

Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time. Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

This is from USMB member Flash. He was doing this and coming in here talking the same jibberish as you. He denied blacks chances at jobs for 20 years while asking people to show laws proving that white racism exists. He did this for 20 years while lecturing blacks on how we need to get off our asses and find jobs. He did this for 20 years while telling people how we're teaching young blacks victimhood. He's not the only white person doing this and you know it. You've seen it done and I don't doubt that you have participated in doing it yourself. So just stop.

The only young people being taught to be victims are white kids. And it's liars like you who do it. Racism exists right now and you are a participant. Your post is classic modern racism.

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”

Take your gaslighting elswhere chump, because this thread is about Lebron James using the First Amendment right he has as an AMERICAN.

But you're OK with the idea that math is racist and discriminates against blacks, right?
But you're OK with the idea that math is racist and discriminates against blacks, right?
That has nothing to do with this topic and if whites like yourself can believe they are being discriminated aagainst or purposefully replaced, then blacks who do so can believe math is racist. That's not what the claim was, but blacks have the same right to believe crazy stuff as whites do.
Nope... after next November you will be fitted for a straight jacket and institutionalized with long TDS.... you then can drink your roommates pee...
Don't try another insurrection when trump loses.
The terms are made up by race activists in academia. They make no sense in real life. I don’t recognize them, nor should anyone.

You can stay in your “find racism under every rock” bubble, but don’t expect normal people to not chuckle at them
But they do make sense and your behavior matches the description. What you don't recognize is irrelevant. I don't have to look under rocks for racism. Yours is apparent.

Point it out in todays country’s laws and we can fight it together.

If you can’t (which you can’t), then stop harming the next generation of black kids by crushing them with the hopelessness of your woke radical BLM message.

You have ignored voter suppression, racially gerrymandered voting districts created to reduce non white representation, banning books and censorship of any racial discussion that doesn't show whites as heroes. The opposition to CRT based on a race baited lie. The opposition to DEI and Affirmative action based on another racist lie.

You want these kids to fail to progress your anti-American/white ideology. If too many succeeded (which many do), you’d cease to have any leg to stand on. But since our country has corrected itself, you have to bully kids into your victimhood hopeless racial depression.
This is a racist assumption made only by far right extremists. There is nothing anti American or anti white about teaching our children the truth in order to provide them with the necessary tools they can use to cope with the inevitable racism they will face. These kids need to be able to understand the proper techniques to survive a routine traffic stop. You racists have deluded yourselves to believe that we teach our youth that they can never make it because of racism. But that's not how things are done.

We teach our kids how to handle racism and we impress upon them in no uncertain terms that they should NEVER let white racism beat them. So you see, moron, there is no such thing as black victimhood, thats a made up term by whites like you that is used to try gaslighting us into silence so you can keep practicing racism. Nobody black recognizes those terms.

These kids deserve better than what you, media, elitist academia, Democrats, and too many black leaders give them.

What they deserve is the end of ignorant whites like you and your dumb opinions based on not being black while thinking you can tell blacks what we need to do.
Don't try another insurrection when trump loses.
Won't need to because Trump is going to win and the FBI won't do their dirty shenanigan's because Trump is going to fire the entire 7th floor of the DC office....
But they do make sense and your behavior matches the description. What you don't recognize is irrelevant. I don't have to look under rocks for racism. Yours is apparent.
Prove it.
You have ignored voter suppression
Where are blacks not allowed to vote. Let me answer for you; there are none. Next.
racially gerrymandered voting districts created to reduce non white representation
Both sides gerrymander to win elections. Democrats racially gerrymander to get more obediant blacks to offset GOP strongholds.. they take blacks for granted because of simply their skin color. Next...
banning books and censorship of any racial discussion that doesn't show whites as heroes.
You'll have to prove that one, that's doozy. It sounds like you made it up. Did a BLM activist tell you that on Tik Tok and now you're telling me it as some sort of fact?
The opposition to CRT based on a race baited lie. The opposition to DEI and Affirmative action based on another racist lie.
CRT is a racist ideology that explains any differences between groups/cultures based on discrimination. If we followed CRT, then the NBA is completely racist against white people because more black people play in it. Do you agree with that?

DEI/Affirmative action select people based on their skin color only.. they are racist institutions by definition.

Again, it's the left that supports this racism, just as they did with slavery, Jim Crow, etc.
What they deserve is the end of ignorant whites like you and your dumb opinions based on not being black while thinking you can tell blacks what we need to do.

Oh look, more racist anger from a person such as yourself who is clearly a racist.

You don't oppose racism, you cheer on racism against whites out of some sort of vengeance... you are what you hate.. a racist.
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That has nothing to do with this topic and if whites like yourself can believe they are being discriminated aagainst or purposefully replaced, then blacks who do so can believe math is racist. That's not what the claim was, but blacks have the same right to believe crazy stuff as whites do.

I see, LeBron needs to start a GoFundMe account to help overcome the crushing racist oppression he has to endure every day
Prove it.

Where are blacks not allowed to vote. Let me answer for you; there are none. Next.

Both sides gerrymander to win elections. Democrats racially gerrymander to get more obediant blacks to offset GOP strongholds.. they take blacks for granted because of simply their skin color. Next...

You'll have to prove that one, that's doozy. It sounds like you made it up. Did a BLM activist tell you that on Tik Tok and now you're telling me it as some sort of fact?

CRT is a racist ideology that explains any differences between groups/cultures based on discrimination. If we followed CRT, then the NBA is completely racist against white people because more black people play in it. Do you agree with that?

DEI/Affirmative action select people based on their skin color only.. they are racist institutions by definition.

Again, it's the left that supports this racism, just as they did with slavery, Jim Crow, etc.

Oh look, more racist anger from a person such as yourself who is clearly a racist.

You don't oppose racism, you cheer on racism against whites out of some sort of vengeance... you are what you hate.. a racist.

Your post is full of ignorance. Whites selected based on race for nearly 200 years before AA, annd still do now. CRT is a legal theory that you know nothing about. The NBA has tryouts where players compete against each other for jobs. Why do you single out the NBA, when MLB, hockey, tennis and other sports are out there and are mostly white?

The left has never supported slavery, Jim Crow or anything similar. I don'tt have shit to prove,you have to prove that what I saay isn't so. Bbecaause everybody has seen that the things I mentioned have indeed occurred. You know they have occurred yourself.

Black voters were purged from voter rolls in several states during recent elections, you really don't get to try this tired trifling denial of what most of America knows that's happening. Your entire argument is factless and intellectually lazy. You doubt what I say, do a search. Stop asking people to do the work for you.
That’s very racist to say someone can’t understand something based in their skin color. That’s Democrat Jim Crow stuff.. again, coming from the left. All the major racist movements have been from democrats, including today’s

His problem is he has to explain and prove his point. He didn’t and won’t do that. It’ll just be this ambiguous, vague anger towards America and white people that has no end game. I don’t think most race activists want to get past racism at all, they enjoy attempting to exploit it too much. The problem is, their activism harms the next generation of black kids, as they are crushed by an ideology of hopelessness, apathy, anger, and victimhood.

Yep, and the woke left is regressing away from them
You are falling for right wing spin. I love it how now we are the racists. Affirmative Action, something we came up with to fight racism, is now racism. You were the ones who gave us Civil Rights, the hated passing MLK day. yea right. LOL.

No it's not racist to say you lack empathy for black people. So does Ben Carson and Herman Cain and Tim Scott.

Lebron doesn't have to explain himself to you snowflakes. Freedom baby. OMG what a nazi you are to point at anyone not hailing Hitler. Mind your own business. Michael Jordan never told you he hates white people because you buy sneakers too. That doesn't mean he disagrees with Lebron. Lebron has bigger balls.
I see, LeBron needs to start a GoFundMe account to help overcome the crushing racist oppression he has to endure every day
Just because Herman Cain and Ben Carson get to be house n**Rs doesn't mean racism doesn't exist.

You want LeBron to forget and forgive racism just because he was born with a gift that made him millions? What about all the black people not born with that gift? That's what Ben Carson doesn't get. Not everyone is smart enough to become a brain surgeon. What would he be if he wasn't an idiot savant on medical school? His one gift.
That has nothing to do with this topic and if whites like yourself can believe they are being discriminated aagainst or purposefully replaced, then blacks who do so can believe math is racist. That's not what the claim was, but blacks have the same right to believe crazy stuff as whites do.
Poor poor LeBron!! America is so racist!!! Keeping LeBron down!!!
Poor poor LeBron!! America is so racist!!! Keeping LeBron down!!!
This is the mistake you cons make. He's not crying for himself. He's crying for his people. If he was a selfish son of a bitch he'd fake it. Is that what you want?
I love it how now we are the racists. Affirmative Action, something we came up with to fight racism, is now racism.
I just know that if you view hiring someone based on filling a skin color quota and not on their competence, that’s racism. It’s the same exact thing as some Jim Crow Democrat going out of his way to only hire white people. They both used the same logic.

So yes, you’re the racists here.
No it's not racist to say you lack empathy for black people.
How so

Michael Jordan never told you he hates white people because you buy sneakers too. That doesn't mean he disagrees with Lebron. Lebron has bigger balls.
When he makes an actual point, let me know. It takes no balls to crap on America and white people.. that’s what gets you applauded and beloved in the media, academia, big tech, corporations, etc.

It takes bigger balls to stand against the grain. Lebron is a coward who won’t speak against his Chinese corporate overlords despite horrible human rights violations. Lebron just coasts down the easy path
I just know that if you view hiring someone based on filling a skin color quota and not on their competence, that’s racism. It’s the same exact thing as some Jim Crow Democrat going out of his way to only hire white people. They both used the same logic.

So yes, you’re the racists here.

How so

When he makes an actual point, let me know. It takes no balls to crap on America and white people.. that’s what gets you applauded and beloved in the media, academia, big tech, corporations, etc.

It takes bigger balls to stand against the grain. Lebron is a coward who won’t speak against his Chinese corporate overlords despite horrible human rights violations. Lebron just coasts down the easy path
So a tool we use to fight racism is racist? Ever heard of fighting fire with fire?

That's like saying the cops killing a murderer is murder.

Your posts reak of right wing ideology. Let's just agree to disagree. And know if we were both stuck in a concentration camps in Russia or North Korea together, we would both be Americans.

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