Left Gearing Up to Support Open Obama Dictatorship

Do you get a free tin foil hat when entering this thread?

Do you get a free Obamaphone for posting you stupid crap everywhere?

I realize you don't give a shyte about our Republic, but some of us have made a solemn oath to defend it.

So piss off.
More hate and fear? Posting one Prof's opinion and one Congressman's suggestion as evidence of anything greater than the opinion of two people is ridiculous. If you wanted your thread to be substantive, you might have expanded the scope to include signing statements; and "I'm the Decider" comments made by President G.W. Bush, such arrogance has never been part of President Obama's rhetoric.

You might have included a number of examples of President Obama's use of executive power not used by the aforementioned George W. and other occupants of the Oval Office.

As it stands, you're (IMO) a bitter, angry, highly partisan and ignorant gun lover who doesn't give a damn for anyone but themselves. A callous conservative who wouldn't give up one round of ammunition even if he knew doing so would end the carnage of gun violence in America.
Still bitterly clinging to the failed idea that "it's just two guys' opinions".


Yeah, I do laugh out loud at you. .

Yeah like some shit hurling monkey that has no clue it's in a cage.
Well Rangle's idea is simply nuts. However, Obama hasn't issued as many EO's as GWB or Reagan* but that doesn't excuse him for being simply overzealous. And to be real, it depends on how the EO is used.
* Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
A/O October 4th, Obama has 163, GWB had 290 and Reagan had 380.
Also, I think the thread's title is an over-statement. I'm darn sure, based on Obama's performance, that many Dems don't want a Obama dictartorship. They just want 2016 to come quickly so Hillary can replace "O".
OK, let's be real and look at how Obie has (ab)used executive power, as compared to Reagan.

For example, how many times did Reagan just make up bankruptcy law out of whole cloth, so he could use the Treasury to pay off his political allies?

If you reread my post, I did mention how the EO was used. The link I supplied gives you the ability to see what EO's were used. Some EO's are more profound than other's. Thus the provided link and the comment about the usage of types of eO's used. I'm not defending anyone nor am I accusing anyone. I'm simply stating facts along with what my theory is regarding most liberal's view of Obama (excluding the hyper liberals of course). Most of the liberals I know are embarrassed and are grinding their teeth over the developments with ACA.

She was offended you used facts with her; that is an insult to most libtards these days.
Rangel calls for Obama to rule by decree
Charlie Rangel Wants Presidential Executive Orders for ?Everything? | Politicker

Professor calls for unlimited terms for Obama...i.e. President for life.
End presidential term limits - The Washington Post

And Obama has long used executive power to just ignore Congressionally passed laws or to use regs to implement laws Congress never passed and the libtards love it. They eat it all up.

People, this country will not tolerate a President for Life like Chavez and if this course is continued we will have a shooting war, and I guarantee the libtards will have their asses handed to their survivors in a dump truck.

Well Rangle's idea is simply nuts. However, Obama hasn't issued as many EO's as GWB or Reagan* but that doesn't excuse him for being simply overzealous. And to be real, it depends on how the EO is used.
* Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
A/O October 4th, Obama has 163, GWB had 290 and Reagan had 380.
Also, I think the thread's title is an over-statement. I'm darn sure, based on Obama's performance, that many Dems don't want a Obama dictartorship. They just want 2016 to come quickly so Hillary can replace "O".

For me the issue about Obama's EO's isn't their number so much as the scope of powers he claims for himself, EO 13603 being a prime example.

And I don't disagree,,see post #17.
Obama theatened iran with the red line statement. If your not going to go through with it, then don't say it. He even blame everyone but himself for his blunder.
Rangel calls for Obama to rule by decree
Charlie Rangel Wants Presidential Executive Orders for ?Everything? | Politicker

Professor calls for unlimited terms for Obama...i.e. President for life.
End presidential term limits - The Washington Post

And Obama has long used executive power to just ignore Congressionally passed laws or to use regs to implement laws Congress never passed and the libtards love it. They eat it all up.

People, this country will not tolerate a President for Life like Chavez and if this course is continued we will have a shooting war, and I guarantee the libtards will have their asses handed to their survivors in a dump truck.

More hate and fear? Posting one Prof's opinion and one Congressman's suggestion as evidence of anything greater than the opinion of two people is ridiculous.

That is a blatant lie and you know it. For the press to run this profs opinion is a very bad sign as that means that they don't think it too kooky to publish, and Rangles people have done their polling and breeze testing way before he ever said this openly.

You are either stupid, or niave or sinister, and my money is on the latter of the two.

Yeah, but I don't think very highly of you either. My post was not a lie, you simply are not smart enough to understand. Do you even know what "probative evidence" is? I doubt it, I doubt even if you looked it up you would understand within the context where I wrote it.

Now, go hug your guns and think how much fun it would be to shoot me for disrespecting you. And by the way, do you have any evidence - probative or otherwise - to prove "Rangles people have done their polling and breeze testing way before he ever said this openly."? BTW, Rangle is a Bronze Star and Purple Heart Vet of the Korean War.
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OK, let's be real and look at how Obie has (ab)used executive power, as compared to Reagan.

For example, how many times did Reagan just make up bankruptcy law out of whole cloth, so he could use the Treasury to pay off his political allies?

If you reread my post, I did mention how the EO was used. The link I supplied gives you the ability to see what EO's were used. Some EO's are more profound than other's. Thus the provided link and the comment about the usage of types of eO's used. I'm not defending anyone nor am I accusing anyone. I'm simply stating facts along with what my theory is regarding most liberal's view of Obama (excluding the hyper liberals of course). Most of the liberals I know are embarrassed and are grinding their teeth over the developments with ACA.

She was offended you used facts with her; that is an insult to most libtards these days.
Not offended at all. Just making a valid comparison.

I don't like the overuse or abuse of EOs either.

But to put the blatant overreach of the current administration on a par with any other in recent history -democrat or republican alike- is absurd, IMO.
So, a couple of guys said some stuff that the op disagrees with; and the only answer he comes up with is, all out civil with "libtards"..........:rofl:

Run with that in 2016, bro :lol:
Do you get a free tin foil hat when entering this thread?

Do you get a free Obamaphone for posting you stupid crap everywhere?

I realize you don't give a shyte about our Republic, but some of us have made a solemn oath to defend it.

So piss off.

I care a lot about my country and my constitution, which is how I know you are a ignorant nutter.
Why do you have so much disrespect for your constitution and fellow Americans?
And I don't need a phone, I have an iphone. Thanks, anyways.
OK, let's be real and look at how Obie has (ab)used executive power, as compared to Reagan.

For example, how many times did Reagan just make up bankruptcy law out of whole cloth, so he could use the Treasury to pay off his political allies?

If you reread my post, I did mention how the EO was used. The link I supplied gives you the ability to see what EO's were used. Some EO's are more profound than other's. Thus the provided link and the comment about the usage of types of eO's used. I'm not defending anyone nor am I accusing anyone. I'm simply stating facts along with what my theory is regarding most liberal's view of Obama (excluding the hyper liberals of course). Most of the liberals I know are embarrassed and are grinding their teeth over the developments with ACA.

She was offended you used facts with her; that is an insult to most libtards these days.

Did you present facts in the OP and I missed them?
Rangel calls for Obama to rule by decree
Charlie Rangel Wants Presidential Executive Orders for ?Everything? | Politicker

Professor calls for unlimited terms for Obama...i.e. President for life.
End presidential term limits - The Washington Post

And Obama has long used executive power to just ignore Congressionally passed laws or to use regs to implement laws Congress never passed and the libtards love it. They eat it all up.

People, this country will not tolerate a President for Life like Chavez and if this course is continued we will have a shooting war, and I guarantee the libtards will have their asses handed to their survivors in a dump truck.

I'll bet you, or anyone, $10,000 Obama is not the President in March 2017.
If you reread my post, I did mention how the EO was used. The link I supplied gives you the ability to see what EO's were used. Some EO's are more profound than other's. Thus the provided link and the comment about the usage of types of eO's used. I'm not defending anyone nor am I accusing anyone. I'm simply stating facts along with what my theory is regarding most liberal's view of Obama (excluding the hyper liberals of course). Most of the liberals I know are embarrassed and are grinding their teeth over the developments with ACA.

She was offended you used facts with her; that is an insult to most libtards these days.
Not offended at all. Just making a valid comparison.

I don't like the overuse or abuse of EOs either.

But to put the blatant overreach of the current administration on a par with any other in recent history -democrat or republican alike- is absurd, IMO.

Nothing is absurd here at USMB! You must be new.
Do you people ever read the links you post? Or are you just betting no one else will?
Do you get a free tin foil hat when entering this thread?
What this thread demonstrates is the politically tea bagged do not own enough guns (we all know Obama grabs them as fast as they can buy them), baggers need to go out and buy more guns and ammo. That is the only way they will prevent Obama from becoming a dictator.

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