Left wants to Ban the Death Penalty

Abolish the death penalty and the prison accounts of life inmates will be filled with money. That's what happened to Jeffrey Dahmer. An inmate with nothing to lose was paid to bash Dahmer's head in.

Dahmer was a sexual predator. When inmates of his type are in general population, they often don't last long.
This week, Cuomo celebrated a bill passed by the legislature that legalized the murder of unborn infants up to the point of birth – and even changed the criminal code so that there would be no separate punishment for the murder of an unborn infant (so, for example, if a boyfriend beat his pregnant girlfriend in the belly so hard she miscarried, the only crime would be for his assault on her, not for his killing of the baby). Cuomo ordered that state sites be lit up in pink, in honor of the imminent murder of thousands of more children.

Meanwhile, Cuomo came out strongly in favor of banning the death penalty in New York, hilariously citing Catholic doctrine in his own defense:

Andrew Cuomo on Twitter

The death penalty is morally indefensible and has no place in the 21st century. Today, in solidarity with @pontifex and in honor of my father, I will be advancing legislation to remove the death penalty from State law once and for all.

I am pro choice but I am also pro death penalty. How come Leftists are pro choice, like me but also anti death penalty? Why the hypocrisy?
One of the chief talking points of Roe v. Wade opponents is that abortion should be decided by the states not the federal government.

The state of New York just made their decision, and so the giant flaw in this talking point is demonstrated.

I agree with you that Cuomo is a hypocrite when he claims to be a good Catholic by opposing the death penalty while simultaneously passing very aggressive pro-abortion laws which are as antithetical to Catholicism as it gets.

But as I've said many, many, many times on this forum, the repeal of Roe would barely have an impact on the number of abortions in America. New York just proved it.

As a pro-lifer, I believe Roe should be repealed as a matter of moral imperative. However, it will not make a dent in the number of murders committed against the unborn.

Therefore, we need to concentrate most of our energy on efforts which actually would reduce the number of abortions in America.

For instance, birth control. Half of all abortions are the result of no contraception being used during the sex which led to the unwanted pregnancy. Another fifth are caused by the inconsistent or improper use of birth control.

We could reduce the number of abortions by more than half with birth control education. Then abortion would be so rare that it would regain its moral stigma.
In theory, I have no problem with the death penalty But if the death penalty means waiting on death row for 20 or more years before it's carried out then we may as well do away with the death penalty and give them life in prison. And life in prison should actually mean life in prison.

Also, to get the death penalty, there should be an extremely high standard. There should be absolutely no doubt that the person is guilty of the heinous crime that deserves the death penalty. There have been several cases in which eye witnesses have been wrong and the wrong person has been convicted of murder and rape. The memory of eye witnesses often sucks big time.

The far Left Marxonian court systems have ensured that executing someone on death row is more expensive than locking them up for an entire life time.

It has nothing to do with people on the left. It has everything to do with people who know how to properly interpret the Constitution correctly.
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This week, Cuomo celebrated a bill passed by the legislature that legalized the murder of unborn infants up to the point of birth – and even changed the criminal code so that there would be no separate punishment for the murder of an unborn infant (so, for example, if a boyfriend beat his pregnant girlfriend in the belly so hard she miscarried, the only crime would be for his assault on her, not for his killing of the baby). Cuomo ordered that state sites be lit up in pink, in honor of the imminent murder of thousands of more children.

Meanwhile, Cuomo came out strongly in favor of banning the death penalty in New York, hilariously citing Catholic doctrine in his own defense:

Andrew Cuomo on Twitter

The death penalty is morally indefensible and has no place in the 21st century. Today, in solidarity with @pontifex and in honor of my father, I will be advancing legislation to remove the death penalty from State law once and for all.

I am pro choice but I am also pro death penalty. How come Leftists are pro choice, like me but also anti death penalty? Why the hypocrisy?
/----/ Now in NY if the baby survives the abortion the baby doc can legally finish the job.
Nope. Not true.
This week, Cuomo celebrated a bill passed by the legislature that legalized the murder of unborn infants up to the point of birth – and even changed the criminal code so that there would be no separate punishment for the murder of an unborn infant (so, for example, if a boyfriend beat his pregnant girlfriend in the belly so hard she miscarried, the only crime would be for his assault on her, not for his killing of the baby).
This is not correct.

The NY criminal code outlawed anyone who was not a medical doctor from performing an abortion. That is the part which was repealed so that now other medical professionals can perform abortions.

It has nothing to do with a boyfriend killing an infant in the womb.
This week, Cuomo celebrated a bill passed by the legislature that legalized the murder of unborn infants up to the point of birth – and even changed the criminal code so that there would be no separate punishment for the murder of an unborn infant (so, for example, if a boyfriend beat his pregnant girlfriend in the belly so hard she miscarried, the only crime would be for his assault on her, not for his killing of the baby). Cuomo ordered that state sites be lit up in pink, in honor of the imminent murder of thousands of more children.

Meanwhile, Cuomo came out strongly in favor of banning the death penalty in New York, hilariously citing Catholic doctrine in his own defense:

Andrew Cuomo on Twitter

The death penalty is morally indefensible and has no place in the 21st century. Today, in solidarity with @pontifex and in honor of my father, I will be advancing legislation to remove the death penalty from State law once and for all.

I am pro choice but I am also pro death penalty. How come Leftists are pro choice, like me but also anti death penalty? Why the hypocrisy?
/----/ Now in NY if the baby survives the abortion the baby doc can legally finish the job.
Nope. Not true.
/——/ Very True: In another chilling change, New York's new law repealed the protection for babies who survive abortion. Public Health Law 4164 required that after the 20th week of pregnancy, a separate doctor must be present at an abortion, in order to provide life-saving treatment to a child who survives. While the current law still considers an abortion survivor a "person" in terms of homicide law, it no longer requires a physician ready to save this baby's life. New York's Radical Abortion Law Repealed Protections for Wanted Babies, Too

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