Left wing actress hopes Louis CK is raped and shot at twitter does nothing

But a security camera was and it shows Deputy Dawg just standing around and then wandering away.
The only armed law enforcement officer at the scene and he did jack squat!
Parkland Shooting Surveillance Video Shows Deputy Remained Outside
You just can't win, can you. If you have any other weak excuses just let me know.

You mean there's a whole section where he isn't on camera, and we don't know what he was doing during that six minutes?

Again- Six minutes. That's how long it took between the first shot being fired and Cruz running away to the WalMart.

Your disingenuous over simplification is absurd.

They gave this nut a military grade weapon without even trying to find out who he was and what he wanted it for. Um, yeah, this is pretty simple.

You keep giving guns to nuts, one of them is going to do something pretty nutty with it.

Stop this continuous lie and bullshit after you've been shown to be wrong! If the little baby wants attention he will stop repeating the same lies over and over again like a naughty child.

Again, the FBI doesn't investigate social media. If they busted everyone who said something crazy on Facebook, we'd need every other person to be in the FBI.

Nikolas Cruz was known to school officials and local law enforcement and the FBI as a dangerous unstable person who
expressed a desire to be a "professional school shooter". Stop being a fucking coward and lying ideologue and accept the fact that law enforcement knew Cruz was a danger to others and did nothing!
No intervention and removal of any weapons....nothing!
The FBI or Broward sheriffs COULD have used their authority
to hold Cruz and his weapon based on what they knew about him but....naaah.

I think you forget what state Cruz LIved in. He lived in a state where a racist nut could shoot a kid in the middle of the street, and get his gun back. Every horrific mass shooting in FL, and the NRA doubles down and actually makes it EASIER to get guns.

You really think they were going to take away his guns based on some shit he was talking on facebook? Don't be silly. The NRA complains when they take guns away from people who are mentally ill.

It's easier to let school children die and blame the NRA in retrospect. That's what real lying douchebags do.

The NRA has made us a country of 300 million guns... most of them in the hands of nuts. Yes, they deserve more blame than some Sheriff's depute who couldn't tell where the shots were coming from in an enclosed compound.

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