Left wing actress hopes Louis CK is raped and shot at twitter does nothing

Except it wasn't Sheriff, it was one guy handling the evacuation of hundreds of students, and yup... he lost his job (forced into retirement).
It wasn't who? And who lost his job? Try a reference once in awhile to who you are talking about. Christ!
Scott Israel - Wikipedia

"Afterwards Israel criticized the deputy, saying that he should have "went in, addressed the killer, killed the killer". It was later discovered that there may have been at least two other deputies, that arrived later, who also did not enter the building"

Who is running the Broward county sheriff's department? I thought it was Scott Israel (a political ally of Shrillary Clinton).
Turns out either he apparently was not aware of what was going on at Marjorie Stoneman High School when Nikolas Cruz (a wacked out troubled kid with many run ins with Israel's sheriff's department who they kept ignoring) was killing students there or Israel was hiding somewhere.
Three deputies there and not a one did a thing? Where was Israel when the killing was going down?

Incompetence and dereliction of duty like that deserves time in prison. Not just loss of his position. And you are making excuses for this ass? Incredible.
Incompetence and dereliction of duty like that deserves time in prison. Not just loss of his position. And you are making excuses for this ass? Incredible.

Uh, guy, Cops make decisions every day to put their own safety first.

Let's be blunt, the only reason why you are upset is because the kids who survived are asking the very valid question of why it was so easy for Cruz get a gun to start with.
Uh, guy, Cops make decisions every day to put their own safety first.
So you are rationalizing three Broward county deputies sitting on their asses without lifting a finger while school children are being slaughtered like animals? Amazing! Fucking amazing!
There isn't the slightest bit of evidence they did one fucking thing!

I hope I never become so politically indoctrinated and such an ideologue that I can justify and condone such cowardly dereliction of duty.
Let's be blunt, the only reason why you are upset is because the kids who survived are asking the very valid question of why it was so easy for Cruz get a gun to start with.
Let's be blunt indeed...the real question is why did law enforcement (including the FBI twice, who knew he had commented online he wanted to be a "professional school shooter" and the other time being on January 5, 2018, when a person close to Cruz "provided information about Cruz's gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting.")
who interacted with Cruz dozens of times due to his
troubling behavior (39 times the police had to come to his mother's house) let this ticking time bomb run loose?

You tell the surviving kids that!

I don't know how Cruz got a weapon. I do know thanks to shoddy indifferent law enforcement practices
from everyone from the Broward county sheriff's office to the FBI they took little notice of this dangerous psychotic killer.
Nikolas Cruz

You go ahead and rationalize again however. You are good at it.
So you are rationalizing three Broward county deputies sitting on their asses without lifting a finger while school children are being slaughtered like animals? Amazing! Fucking amazing!
There isn't the slightest bit of evidence they did one fucking thing!

Just so we are clear, Cruz entered the building at 2:19 PM and left the school at 2:28. The Broward deputies didn't arrive until 2:50.

Florida school shooting timeline

So, yeah, they didn't stop the shooting that had ended 22 Minutes before they arrived.

I hope I never become so politically indoctrinated and such an ideologue that I can justify and condone such cowardly dereliction of duty.

I hope some day you learn to actually RESEARCH facts before shooting off your mouth.

I don't know how Cruz got a weapon.

He got a weapon because the NRA has made it NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE for any gun control to get passed. That's how he got a gun.
Just so we are clear, Cruz entered the building at 2:19 PM and left the school at 2:28. The Broward deputies didn't arrive until 2:50.

Florida school shooting timeline

So, yeah, they didn't stop the shooting that had ended 22 Minutes before they arrived.
There was as least one sheriff's deputy working as a school guard there the entire time so on that basis alone you are wrong or being misleading. The Broward's sheriffs through tweets gave their version of the time line.
One could say they were greatly invested in giving their side of the story.
And even at that, to say it took an entire half hour for Israel's department to respond and arrive at Stoneman Douglas High School is just scandalous and shows a tremendous lack of efficiency and alertness.

How can you make the Broward county sheriff's department seem like they were on the ball and on top of things?
You can't. They had a man there the entire time and what good did he do?
I hope some day you learn to actually RESEARCH facts before shooting off your mouth.
Did you see my post with documented facts about how the FBI completely dropped the ball even after they had two
strong reports that Cruz was interested in killing people at his school? Or the 39 times law enforcement went to the Cruz residence because of the behavior of Nikolas Cruz?
That's thirty-nine times, by the way! I've done my research, so fuck off!
He got a weapon because the NRA has made it NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE for any gun control to get passed. That's how he got a gun.
And he used that gun because the FBI totally fucked up even after they were informed Cruz had a weapon
and wanted to kill people.
The FBI and the law enforcement in Broward county knew very well about this nut job time bomb and did nothing!

The NRA isn't responsible for the carnage at Stoneman Douglas High. Stop being an ideologue and a coward.
Put the blame where it belongs...with the Keystone Cops in Broward county Florida and their politically protected
sheriff, Scott Israel. Seventeen dead needlessly.
There was as least one sheriff's deputy working as a school guard there the entire time so on that basis alone you are wrong or being misleading. The Broward's sheriffs through tweets gave their version of the time line.

One cop who was going to do, what, exactly? Go hunting through the school while hundreds of people were running for their lives?

Your argument was that the deputies did nothing. By the time they got there, it was over... This is almost always the problem with your "Good guy with a gun" theories... The bad guy with the gun usually does what he was planning on doing long before the Good Guy even realises what was going on.

Cruz was done in nine minutes....

Did you see my post with documented facts about how the FBI completely dropped the ball even after they had two
strong reports that Cruz was interested in killing people at his school?

I saw it, it was stupid. If the FBI started arresting people for saying stupid shit on Facebook, they'd have to arrest half the current subscribers.

Or the 39 times law enforcement went to the Cruz residence because of the behavior of Nikolas Cruz?
That's thirty-nine times, by the way! I've done my research, so fuck off!

Yes, hindsight is always 20/20. But doesn't take away from the fact you claimed deputies didn't do anything when they hadn't arrived until 22 minutes after the shooting was over.

And he used that gun because the FBI totally fucked up even after they were informed Cruz had a weapon
and wanted to kill people.
The FBI and the law enforcement in Broward county knew very well about this nut job time bomb and did nothing!

That's because the NRA has called gun ownership a RIGHT! When you call something a RIGHT, you can't take it away form people on the basis of what they MIGHT do. This is the bed you gun nutters have made, and the rest of us have to sleep in it.
One cop who was going to do, what, exactly? Go hunting through the school while hundreds of people were running for their lives?

Your argument was that the deputies did nothing. By the time they got there, it was over... This is almost always the problem with your "Good guy with a gun" theories... The bad guy with the gun usually does what he was planning on doing long before the Good Guy even realises what was going on.

Cruz was done in nine minutes....
Presumably the one sheriff on patrol had a pair of working ears
but he chose not to intervene. He's like the fireman who sees a house on fire and chooses to watch it all go up in flames. Rationalize your ass off...there is no excuse for inaction while seventeen high school students are being murdered a short distance away.
All you have succeeded in doing is making yourself look like an asshole for trying.

I saw it, it was stupid. If the FBI started arresting people for saying stupid shit on Facebook, they'd have to arrest half the current subscribers.
Oh Jesus! This wasn't merely "stupid shit". This was a direct threat of violence from
a troubled mental case with a history of run ins with the law.

Yes, hindsight is always 20/20. But doesn't take away from the fact you claimed deputies didn't do anything when they hadn't arrived until 22 minutes after the shooting was over.
Already dealt with that.
How about the 39 visits by law enforcement to the Cruz home? Care to comment?

That's because the NRA has called gun ownership a RIGHT! When you call something a RIGHT, you can't take it away form people on the basis of what they MIGHT do. This is the bed you gun nutters have made, and the rest of us have to sleep in it.
That's pathetic bullshit! Your cowardly and dishonest rationalizing is sickening.
Credible threats of violence are supposed to call for intervention by the law. The NRA stopped nothing because nothing happened though it should have. Your dishonesty nauseates me.
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Don't care for either one I do like it when Hollywood hypocrites go after each other though.
^^This right here. Love that they are starting to eat their own. Other then that. Meh. They deserve what they dish out.
Presumably the one sheriff on patrol had a pair of working ears
but he chose not to intervene. He's like the fireman who sees a house on fire and chooses to watch it all go up in flames. Rationalize your ass off...there is no excuse for inaction while seventeen high school students are being murdered a short distance away.
All you have succeeded in doing is making yourself look like an asshole for trying.

Uh, dude, the School had five floors, and had 900 students in it. And the shooting was over in 9 minutes... Tell you what, you go through a five story building trying to find something that is also moving while hundreds of people are trying to get the hell away... let me know what you accomplish in 9 minutes.

Oh Jesus! This wasn't merely "stupid shit". This was a direct threat of violence from
a troubled mental case with a history of run ins with the law.

Yeah, again, stupid shit. Last time I checked, we don't arrest people for merely SAYING stupid shit.... for which you should be glad.

Already dealt with that.
How about the 39 visits by law enforcement to the Cruz home? Care to comment?

About what? 39 visits, no cause to arrest or detain him.

That's pathetic bullshit! Your cowardly and dishonest rationalizing is sickening.
Credible threats of violence are supposed to call for intervention by the law. The NRA stopped nothing because nothing happened though it should have. Your dishonesty nauseates me.

You have 300 million guns and 18% of the population is mentally ill.

How are we supposed to guess which crazy person with a gun is supposed to go off, once you've established crazy people have a RIGHT to own a gun.

We are building our whole society around your weird gun fetish. Surveillance cameras, metal detectors, security guards, key-carded doors... all meant to protect us from the gun nuts the NRA considers their prime customers.

"You didn't do enough to protect us from the problem we created!"

That's nuts, man.
Uh, dude, the School had five floors, and had 900 students in it. And the shooting was over in 9 minutes... Tell you what, you go through a five story building trying to find something that is also moving while hundreds of people are trying to get the hell away... let me know what you accomplish in 9 minutes.
I know for sure if I was assigned to provide security to that school I wouldn't be simply standing outside the building where the loud gun shot sounds were coming from doing nothing.
I find your absurd rationalizing more and more disgusting all the time. You are a pathetic apologist. Don't pretend you cared for those students.
Yeah, again, stupid shit. Last time I checked, we don't arrest people for merely SAYING stupid shit.... for which you should be glad.
And last time I checked a credible threat from a known troubled nut case is NOT merely "stupid shit". You make it impossible to take you seriously.
About what? 39 visits, no cause to arrest or detain him.
That's moronic! First of all, how many of those visits where you in on? You have no idea in the world if there was cause or not to do something about this troubled psycho so feared that his school banned him from bringing a backpack to school
they were so aware of his danger to others.

Secondly, after how many trips from law enforcement does it take for them to realize that just based on the number of times they've had to intervene alone they had a real sick individual on their hands? Five trips? Ten trips? Twenty trips? Thirty?
Combine that with the two very credible threats of violence that were just ignored by the Comey FBI and you have
an utter failure to protect the lives of children....and you don't give a fuck for whatever sick reason!
You can rationalize all day long.
You have 300 million guns and 18% of the population is mentally ill.

How are we supposed to guess which crazy person with a gun is supposed to go off, once you've established crazy people have a RIGHT to own a gun.
How about when people contact you with personal knowledge
of an individual and tell you this individual has guns and wants to kill people?

Does that clarify things for you? Does that take the guess work out of things? How stupid can you get?
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I know for sure if I was assigned to provide security to that school I wouldn't be simply standing outside the building where the loud gun shot sounds were coming from doing nothing.
I find your absurd rationalizing more and more disgusting all the time. You are a pathetic apologist. Don't pretend you cared for those students.

I do care. I care that a crazy person was able to get a military grade weapon and shoot them. And if it had been you, you'd have probably pissed yourself hiding behind something.

And last time I checked a credible threat from a known troubled nut case is NOT merely "stupid shit". You make it impossible to take you seriously.

The only thing that made it "serious" is that he later went on and did something. So people say stupid shit on social media all day long, we have a mass shooting, and for a week or two, they follow up on this shit.
I do care. I care that a crazy person was able to get a military grade weapon and shoot them. And if it had been you, you'd have probably pissed yourself hiding behind something.
LOL...you mean if I was the deputy who waited outside politely while Nikolas Cruz was through killing students before
making a move? I'm sure you would defend me. And as far as anyone knows, he did piss himself.
The only thing that made it "serious" is that he later went on and did something. So people say stupid shit on social media all day long, we have a mass shooting, and for a week or two, they follow up on this shit.
The thing that made the threat serious is the FBI had someone come to them to tell them personally about the danger of Nikolas Cruz that he knew himself for a fact and they never even bothered to get off their asses and check the threat out.
Fucking idiot! The FBI was told what would happen and it did! It's inexcusable

I'm done now with your brainless excuse making. Feel free once more to fuck off.
It is quite amusing that feminists that cry about the me too movement have no problem calling for the rape of others that they don’t like. See Ellen Barkin,Sandra Bernhardt etc.

Such Hypocrites.
LOL...you mean if I was the deputy who waited outside politely while Nikolas Cruz was through killing students before
making a move? I'm sure you would defend me. And as far as anyone knows, he did piss himself.

Again, the whole rampage was over in six minutes. The idea that you can get a cop to stop it was kind of silly.

But any scapegoat from examining the real problem, which is easy access to guns by crazy people.

The thing that made the threat serious is the FBI had someone come to them to tell them personally about the danger of Nikolas Cruz that he knew himself for a fact and they never even bothered to get off their asses and check the threat out.
Fucking idiot! The FBI was told what would happen and it did! It's inexcusable

Sorry, was there a federal issue... you realize that the FBI is the FEDERAL Bureau of Investigation. It really wasn't their place to investigate Facebook postings.

Simple enough solution. Let the families of gun violence sue the gun selllers. Bet you they start looking at facebook postings after that.
Again, the whole rampage was over in six minutes. The idea that you can get a cop to stop it was kind of silly.

But any scapegoat from examining the real problem, which is easy access to guns by crazy people.
Okay, how long would the shooting of school kids going on practically in front of this guy's face have to go on
in order for some sort of response? Any sort at all. Parkland surveillance video shows officer standing outside school during shooting

Sorry, was there a federal issue... you realize that the FBI is the FEDERAL Bureau of Investigation. It really wasn't their place to investigate Facebook postings.

Simple enough solution. Let the families of gun violence sue the gun selllers. Bet you they start looking at facebook postings after that.
Oh, after half a dozen posts or more now you think the FBI didn't have to respond to a warning of a possible school massacre?
Well you are one brainy fucker! And by "brainy" I mean you are one desperate shit head!
But the FBI admits it fell asleep and the Miami FBI office should have been notified. Ooops...sorry kids.
Too busy trying get Donald Trump impeached, perhaps, to worry about a warning about
a psychotic kid with an AR rifle who wanted to be a "professional school shooter".

Go fuck yourself.
Okay, how long would the shooting of school kids going on practically in front of this guy's face have to go on
in order for some sort of response? Any sort at all.

In front of his face meaning in a building he wasn't in at the time, while a fire alarm is going off, and the shooting is going on three floor above him. Yup, it's very brave to second guess the guy.

Here's the bottom line. Arguing over who should have done what is silly when Cruz NEVER SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN THE GUN THE NRA LET HIM HAVE.

Oh, after half a dozen posts or more now you think the FBI didn't have to respond to a warning of a possible school massacre?

Still waiting to see where their authority extends over Facebook posts, yeah.

Frankly, this is the world you gun nuts have given us, where the FBI has to start investigating what kids say on social media because you've made it too easy to get guns?
In front of his face meaning in a building he wasn't in at the time, while a fire alarm is going off, and the shooting is going on three floor above him. Yup, it's very brave to second guess the guy.
I guess Scott Israel didn't mind second guessing this man's cowardice and inaction. Why should I?
Here's the bottom line. Arguing over who should have done what is silly when Cruz NEVER SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN THE GUN THE NRA LET HIM HAVE.
He never would have gotten a chance to use his gun had law enforcement done their jobs. You are like the idiot that blames Budweiser and Ford for the actions of the drunk who plows into a car and kills it's occupants.I don't know how he got access to his gun. Neither do you.

Still waiting to see where their authority extends over Facebook posts, yeah.
Are you really? That's fucking stupid! A public threat of mass murder is the business of law enforcement regardless of how it was issued.
Go ahead and tell me again how the FBI has no authority in the matter. I guess you missed or forgot about my link to the FBI itself. Moron....

Frankly, this is the world you gun nuts have given us, where the FBI has to start investigating what kids say on social media because you've made it too easy to get guns?
Is that your question? Or just your idiotic statement?
I don't own a gun or belong to the NRA, Skippy. Some "gun nut", huh?

Start a thread on the matter, if your butt is chapped over the issue. Frankly Nikolas Cruz could have had a whole arsenal of weapons in his possession and it wouldn't have made a single bit of difference if our Keystone Kops hadn't all fallen down on the job.
Learn what's truly important, you fucking nitwit.
I guess Scott Israel didn't mind second guessing this man's cowardice and inaction. Why should I?

Oh, I don't know, since neither of you were there.

He never would have gotten a chance to use his gun had law enforcement done their jobs. You are like the idiot that blames Budweiser and Ford for the actions of the drunk who plows into a car and kills it's occupants.I don't know how he got access to his gun. Neither do you.

Sure I do. He walked into a gun store and said, "Gimme one of those". And the gun industry said, "Sure!"

Are you really? That's fucking stupid! A public threat of mass murder is the business of law enforcement regardless of how it was issued.
Go ahead and tell me again how the FBI has no authority in the matter. I guess you missed or forgot about my link to the FBI itself. Moron....

again, the FBI isn't "Face Book Investigations", last time I checked. I know you are a bit confused.

Start a thread on the matter, if your butt is chapped over the issue. Frankly Nikolas Cruz could have had a whole arsenal of weapons in his possession and it wouldn't have made a single bit of difference if our Keystone Kops hadn't all fallen down on the job.
Learn what's truly important, you fucking nitwit.

He hadn't committed a crime before that day....

Therefore totally entitled to a gun under our crazy laws.
Oh, I don't know, since neither of you were there.
But a security camera was and it shows Deputy Dawg just standing around and then wandering away.
The only armed law enforcement officer at the scene and he did jack squat!
Parkland Shooting Surveillance Video Shows Deputy Remained Outside
You just can't win, can you. If you have any other weak excuses just let me know.

Sure I do. He walked into a gun store and said, "Gimme one of those". And the gun industry said, "Sure!"
:icon_rolleyes: Your disingenuous over simplification is absurd.

again, the FBI isn't "Face Book Investigations", last time I checked. I know you are a bit confused.
Stop this continuous lie and bullshit after you've been shown to be wrong! If the little baby wants attention he will stop repeating the same lies over and over again like a naughty child.

He hadn't committed a crime before that day....

Therefore totally entitled to a gun under our crazy laws.
Nikolas Cruz was known to school officials and local law enforcement and the FBI as a dangerous unstable person who
expressed a desire to be a "professional school shooter". Stop being a fucking coward and lying ideologue and accept the fact that law enforcement knew Cruz was a danger to others and did nothing!
No intervention and removal of any weapons....nothing!
The FBI or Broward sheriffs COULD have used their authority
to hold Cruz and his weapon based on what they knew about him but....naaah.
It's easier to let school children die and blame the NRA in retrospect. That's what real lying douchebags do. Florida shooting suspect bought gun legally, authorities say

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