A California judge doesn't want justice served at the courthouse because (and I quote) "stalking undocumented immigrants" at the facilities thwarts people's access to justice. You get that? By serving justice against criminals, she feels that it "thwarts people's access to justice". Sweetie - justice is arresting illegal aliens and prosecuting them. Justice is deporting illegal aliens.
You don't get the concern about victims or witnesses of crime not showing up? I think you've got a problem beyond logic, lack of basic intelligence!
I hardly think the vast majority of illegals coming out of the courthouse are victims or witnesses. They are probably the perpetrators of some additional crime.
Assertion without evidence and irrelevant to the court ruling..., NEXT!
ROFL! Of course, everyone in this forum knows it's more than likely to be true.
The mafia used to prey mostly on other Italians, so people caught up in the justice system are more likely to be witnesses and victims. Your "logic" fails you..., AGAIN!
A California judge doesn't want justice served at the courthouse because (and I quote) "stalking undocumented immigrants" at the facilities thwarts people's access to justice. You get that? By serving justice against criminals, she feels that it "thwarts people's access to justice". Sweetie - justice is arresting illegal aliens and prosecuting them. Justice is deporting illegal aliens.
You don't get the concern about victims or witnesses of crime not showing up? I think you've got a problem beyond logic, lack of basic intelligence!
I hardly think the vast majority of illegals coming out of the courthouse are victims or witnesses. They are probably the perpetrators of some additional crime.
Assertion without evidence and irrelevant to the court ruling..., NEXT!
ROFL! Of course, everyone in this forum knows it's more than likely to be true.
The mafia used to prey mostly on other Italians, so people caught up in the justice system are more likely to be witnesses and victims. Your "logic" fails you..., AGAIN!

That's what you call "logic?"
snippet from the Washington Post:

California’s top judge criticized federal immigration agents for using courthouses as “bait” — a place for “stalking” immigrants who “pose no risk to public safety.”

Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye wrote a letter Thursday to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Department of Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly amid reports of federal agents going to courthouses and scouting for immigrants who are not in the country legally.

Such incidents have been reported in California, Texas, Oregon, Colorado and Arizona.

In the letter, Cantil-Sakauye requested that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents stop arresting immigrants at courthouses.

“I am deeply concerned about reports from some of our trial courts that immigration agents appear to be stalking undocumented immigrants in our courthouses to make arrests,” she wrote. “… Courthouses should not be used as bait in the necessary enforcement of our country’s immigration laws.”

ICE spokeswoman Virginia Kice said immigration officers make arrests at courthouses only after exhausting other options.

“It’s important to note that many of the arrest targets ICE has sought out at or near courthouses are foreign nationals who have prior criminal convictions in the U.S.,” Kice said in a statement. “In years past, most of these individuals would have been turned over to ICE by local authorities upon their release from jail based on ICE detainers. … In such instances where deportation officers seek to conduct an arrest at a courthouse, every effort is made to take the person into custody in a secure area, out of public view, but this is not always possible.”

Kice said making an arrest at a courthouse eliminates the safety risks of detaining someone on the street.

California chief justice to ICE: Stop ‘stalking’ immigrants at courthouses

This is the Chief justice on the California Supreme Court. I would say it depends on the individual, are we talking about a violent person or a mother of 3 who is herself a victim. Look, the law is the law, and if local officials were turning over illegals to ICE like they should then all this stuff at the courthouse wouldn't be happening.
You don't get the concern about victims or witnesses of crime not showing up? I think you've got a problem beyond logic, lack of basic intelligence!
I hardly think the vast majority of illegals coming out of the courthouse are victims or witnesses. They are probably the perpetrators of some additional crime.
Assertion without evidence and irrelevant to the court ruling..., NEXT!
ROFL! Of course, everyone in this forum knows it's more than likely to be true.
The mafia used to prey mostly on other Italians, so people caught up in the justice system are more likely to be witnesses and victims. Your "logic" fails you..., AGAIN!
That's what you call "logic?"
Why am I not surprised that you're confused by the word? :rolleyes:
A California judge doesn't want justice served at the courthouse because (and I quote) "stalking undocumented immigrants" at the facilities thwarts people's access to justice. You get that? By serving justice against criminals, she feels that it "thwarts people's access to justice".

Sweetie - justice is arresting illegal aliens and prosecuting them. Justice is deporting illegal aliens. :eusa_doh:

California justice doesn't want immigration arrests in court
It is not a State crime.
Then the state Supreme Court justice should shut her mouth and not worry about federal employees enforcing federal law which is their jurisdiction to do, right? Oops...
I was never home schooled a single day in my life. I also did not attend a private school. I went to public school my entire life. Are there any other lies you would like to try telling? This is like the twelfth lie I've caught you in during the past 24 hours.
Don't like it when people say things about you that you know are not true, do ya?
I don't like liars. Why do you insist on lying? Because you can't support your position with the truth?
Look, the law is the law, and if local officials were turning over illegals to ICE like they should then all this stuff at the courthouse wouldn't be happening.

Every problem we experience is because left-wing hatriots who want to violate the law so they can win elections and control other people.
People don't vote for people NOT to do their jobs.
You're right. And the Republicans did their job - which was to restore constitutional government, stop the spending that was about to collapse the U.S. (and still will), and stop the illegal, radical left-wing agenda.
People didn't send the Republicans to Washington to make sure the government ran out of money.
You're right. Barack Obama did that. The American people sent Republicans to Washington D.C. in record numbers to stop Obama's spending. They did the exact job they were sent to Washington to do.
Nobody tells their representative, "Make sure I don't have a job!" The shit you say is absolute lunacy.
Exactly. And after Obama put everyone out of a job (like promising to collapse the coal industry and put everyone out of work), the American people elected Republicans to stop Obama and put people back to work.
BTW, I'm not a Democrat.
I know. JFK was a Democrat. You're a radical marxist/socialist who keeps making more and more bizarre, bat-shit crazy comments because you can't defend your indefensible position that criminals (illegal aliens) should be allowed to commit their crime without any repercussions and without any personal responsibility.
Folks....you can't make this stuff up. This is what happens when a left-winger is desperate to make an irrational argument.

Dumb-ass....law enforcement is step one in the "due process" process. If one is not arrested and charged - how can they have a trial? :eusa_doh:

You are a very special kind of stupid.
No its not. You can have law enforcement, without due process. People who are arrested (law enforcement) and indefinitely detained (no due process) is proof you're a walking idiot.
Oh snowflake.... U.S. citizens are not "indefinitely detained". You continue to lie.
The recourse is what it always was: obey the law.
That doesn't do you any good when you are being victimized by someone who isn't obeying the law and the law will not protect you. How would you like getting your little bitchy ass beaten knowing if you call 911, you're the one getting arrested? What a little fucked up bitch, you are.
She should want to get arrested. Remember? You gave a big (fake) patriotic speech about how we are a "nation of laws". As such, she she want to be arrested for her criminal actions so that the laws are properly enforced and obeyed.
People coming into the country to take minimum wage jobs are no big god-damn threat to Americans, you stupid bitch! There are much bigger problems this country is facing than your little immigrant fetish.
Oh snowflake....you are not only losing your shit again, but you are caught contradicting yourself yet again. Here you are in post #41 proclaiming "This is a country based on the rule of law" and insisting they must be enforced. Yet above you state "there are bigger problems". What an idiotic position. As if we can't walk and chew bubble gum at the same time (well, I mean, we know that Dumbocrats can't but Republicans are in charge now and we can).
And if that country has a tyrannical ruler who thinks its okay to abuse women, where's the recourse there? This is a country based on the rule of law and anyone who thinks its okay to deny someone due process of law, doesn't embrace American values.

Remind us again what you said earlier about hypocrisy and sin, son?
No, bin Laden was NOT on the CIA payroll. This has been debunked over and over, but as usual, you leftists think if you just keep screaming something over and over, you can make it an accepted part of history without ever having to produce any of that pesky "proof" stuff.
Not directly.

"Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted on CNN that the U.S. organized and supported Bin Laden and the other originators of “Al Qaeda” in the 1970s to fight the Soviets."
BTW, I said that figuratively, not literally.

*sigh* You have GOT to get some sources that are . . . y'know, actually SOURCES.
People coming into the country to take minimum wage jobs are no big god-damn threat to Americans, you stupid bitch! There are much bigger problems this country is facing than your little immigrant fetish. Like a President who is pushing an orgy of cruelty on the American people.
This really illustrates the astounding ignorance of Billo_Really and the depths of that ignorance. The poor little uneducated lad has no concept of "limited resources". We only have so much money in our economy and every single illegal alien needs some of it. We only have so much food and every single illegal alien needs some of it. We only have so much healthcare (available doctors, hospitals, etc.) and every single illegal alien needs some of it. We only have so much education (teachers, classrooms, etc.) and every single illegal alien is utilizing some of it. We only have so much judicial systems (judges, courts, etc,) and every single illegal alien is utilizing some of it.

Billo_Really is a typical marxist/socialist idiot. All ideology, no knowledge.
Then the state Supreme Court justice should shut her mouth and not worry about federal employees enforcing federal law which is their jurisdiction to do, right? Oops...
So you like burning the candle at both ends?

In this thread, the "state Supreme Court Justice" should shut her mouth because the feds have jurisdiction, but in another thread, you said the opposite...

"All President Trump has done so far is restore...power back to the states and back to the people."
I swear, you waffle more than IHOP!
This really illustrates the astounding ignorance of Billo_Really and the depths of that ignorance. The poor little uneducated lad has no concept of "limited resources". We only have so much money in our economy and every single illegal alien needs some of it. We only have so much food and every single illegal alien needs some of it. We only have so much healthcare (available doctors, hospitals, etc.) and every single illegal alien needs some of it. We only have so much education (teachers, classrooms, etc.) and every single illegal alien is utilizing some of it. We only have so much judicial systems (judges, courts, etc,) and every single illegal alien is utilizing some of it.

Billo_Really is a typical marxist/socialist idiot. All ideology, no knowledge.
The reason there is so little to go around, is because of the top 1%, not the bottom 1%.

The top 1% of the people in this country, own 94% of the assets in this country. That's the real problem, not your made up immigrant bullshit.
She should want to get arrested. Remember? You gave a big (fake) patriotic speech about how we are a "nation of laws". As such, she she want to be arrested for her criminal actions so that the laws are properly enforced and obeyed.
So you're claiming we're not a nation of laws?

How old are you?

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