I would like to introduce everyone to the lies of Billo_Really. In post #41 he emphatically states that we are a nation of laws, and that as such, anyone who doesn't support enforcing the law "doesn't embrace American values". But then in post #76 he states that nobody should enforce immigration laws as they are (and I quote) "no big god-damn" deal.
And if that country has a tyrannical ruler who thinks its okay to abuse women, where's the recourse there? This is a country based on the rule of law and anyone who thinks its okay to deny someone due process of law, doesn't embrace American values.
You must really hate this country if you insist on wasting all of our time and resources on this non-issue of un-documented aliens? People coming into the country to take minimum wage jobs are no big god-damn threat to Americans, you stupid bitch! There are much bigger problems this country is facing than your little immigrant fetish.
So by his own words and his own position, Billo_Really does not embrace American values. A typical anti-American, left-wing hatriot.
In the two examples you gave, junior, where did I say not to enforce immigration laws?
You break the law every time you log in to this website by verbally abusing other posters, no cops are at your door.
There are "no cops at my door" because my freedom of speech is protected by the 1st Amendment, stupid. I'm not breaking the law. :laugh:
Have you ever gotten away with driving over the speed limit, change lanes without signalling or rolled through a stop sign, then no, not all laws are enforced.
Nope. Never. Not even once. Where I live, if a law enforcement officer sees you doing any of those things, you will be pulled over.
There's a big law against domestic violence, you're arguing against the enforcement of that law by demanding lesser offenses get priority.
It is not binary, snowflake. You can charge someone with domestic violence while also holding the alleged victim responsible for their crimes. Let me know when you finally get it.
I would like to introduce everyone to the lies of Billo_Really. In post #41 he emphatically states that we are a nation of laws, and that as such, anyone who doesn't support enforcing the law "doesn't embrace American values". But then in post #76 he states that nobody should enforce immigration laws as they are (and I quote) "no big god-damn" deal.
And if that country has a tyrannical ruler who thinks its okay to abuse women, where's the recourse there? This is a country based on the rule of law and anyone who thinks its okay to deny someone due process of law, doesn't embrace American values.
You must really hate this country if you insist on wasting all of our time and resources on this non-issue of un-documented aliens? People coming into the country to take minimum wage jobs are no big god-damn threat to Americans, you stupid bitch! There are much bigger problems this country is facing than your little immigrant fetish.
So by his own words and his own position, Billo_Really does not embrace American values. A typical anti-American, left-wing hatriot.
In the two examples you gave, junior, where did I say not to enforce immigration laws?
Post #76. You'd realize that if you didn't have such a severe reading comprehension problem. You actually called someone a "stupid bitch" simply because she wants immigration laws enforced and you don't. Good grief - I even bolder it and colored it for you and your reading comprehension is so atrocious, I still need to explain it to you.
Post #76. You'd realize that if you didn't have such a severe reading comprehension problem. You actually called someone a "stupid bitch" simply because she wants immigration laws enforced and you don't. Good grief - I even bolder it and colored it for you and your reading comprehension is so atrocious, I still need to explain it to you.
"...I even bolder it and colored it..."

It's official, the country has been dumbed down to the point of the walking stupid. You put someone in the WH who would rather get his information from right wing tabloid rags like Brietbart and Fox News, than use the many intel agencies at his disposal. And because of that, you have put all Americans in danger.
There are "no cops at my door" because my freedom of speech is protected by the 1st Amendment, stupid. I'm not breaking the law. :laugh:
Are you talking about the 1st amendment right you're trying to suppress, by telling that judge to shut her mouth? That 1st amendment right?
It is not binary, snowflake. You can charge someone with domestic violence while also holding the alleged victim responsible for their crimes. Let me know when you finally get it.
Not if you arrest the victim first. ICE doesn't police local crimes, dumbass.
If they are being arrested at the courthouse then the victim clearly was not arrested first. :eusa_doh:
Post #76. You'd realize that if you didn't have such a severe reading comprehension problem. You actually called someone a "stupid bitch" simply because she wants immigration laws enforced and you don't. Good grief - I even bolder it and colored it for you and your reading comprehension is so atrocious, I still need to explain it to you.
"...I even bolder it and colored it..."
The "D" is right beneath the "R" on the keyboard, nitwit. I inadvertently hit the wrong key. You're actually stupid. There is a difference.
There are "no cops at my door" because my freedom of speech is protected by the 1st Amendment, stupid. I'm not breaking the law. :laugh:
Are you talking about the 1st amendment right you're trying to suppress, by telling that judge to shut her mouth? That 1st amendment right?
Yes. Yes it is, stupid. I have a 1st Amendment right to tell her to shut her mouth and she has a 1st Amendment right to tell me to go to hell.

By the way snowflake - I didn't tell the judge anything. I've never met her and never been in the same room with her. Posting something on USMB is not the same thing as telling a judge something. :eusa_doh:
*sigh* You have GOT to get some sources that are . . . y'know, actually SOURCES.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

BTW, I don't see you providing any.

Actually, pointing out the fact that your "evidence" is bullshit from The Nation IS a valid rebuttal. If you were citing The Onion (which would be about as reliable), would you expect me to treat it as a serious source and waste time arguing it as though it were?

Cite some proof that comes from somewhere that doesn't make me laugh until I snort coffee all over my keyboard, dimwit.
Home school
Where a "grade" is not a letter
of achievement,
but the level of dirt
you troll around in.

Maybe true, were you home schooled? then how would you know anything about it lying liberal. I was schooled in the US armed forces education program designed to give exceptional students the best education in the world. Unlike public schooling they are not controlled by shit worthless liberal liars as staff. They teach REAL history, REAL science, REALLLY PROGRESSIVE subjects instead of regressive failure oriented socialist dumbdown classes, with no real scoring system. Sad that people like you are products of your destructive ignorance and low IQ.

Have you read his posts? I doubt he was even SCHOOLED, let alone homeschooled.

For the record, all three of my kids have been homeschooled, and any one of them - including the 2nd grader who's still in homeschool - could out-argue Billo without breaking a sweat.
If we are a "nation of laws" (as we should be) then we enforce all laws. Not just the one's that a nobody like Billo_Really wants enforced.
Have you ever gotten away with driving over the speed limit, change lanes without signalling or rolled through a stop sign, then no, not all laws are enforced. You break the law every time you log in to this website by verbally abusing other posters, no cops are at your door.

There's a big law against domestic violence, you're arguing against the enforcement of that law by demanding lesser offenses get priority.

Jesus, you're dumb.

The fact that not all criminals get caught does NOT mean that all laws don't get enforced. Learn the difference between the two.

Furthermore, just because you love the idea of people flooding across our borders with little to no oversight or control does NOT make illegal immigration a "lesser offense".

And finally, who told you that being arrested for illegal immigration - or any other criminal offense - precludes getting an order of protection? You DO realize that people in law enforcement custody do still have access to the services of the legal system, right? A judge may decide not to issue an OOP if the plaintiff is going to be deported, since the OOP would be unenforceable outside the United States and therefore a waste of time, but he also may issue it if there's a chance that the plaintiff is going to remain in or return to the United States. Either way, she still retains the right to petition for it even while in custody. The two are not mutually exclusive.
It is not binary, snowflake. You can charge someone with domestic violence while also holding the alleged victim responsible for their crimes. Let me know when you finally get it.
Not if you arrest the victim first. ICE doesn't police local crimes, dumbass.

But amazingly enough, the victim still retains the right to petition the courts in state legal matters - like orders of protection - while in the custody of law enforcement at any level. I have no idea where you got the idea that it was otherwise.
Actually, pointing out the fact that your "evidence" is bullshit from The Nation IS a valid rebuttal. If you were citing The Onion (which would be about as reliable), would you expect me to treat it as a serious source and waste time arguing it as though it were?

Cite some proof that comes from somewhere that doesn't make me laugh until I snort coffee all over my keyboard, dimwit.
I don't give a shit if you take coffee rectally, you're a dumbass little bitch troll, who couldn't spell cat if I spotted you the 'c' and the 'a'.

My source was not the "Nation IS" or the "Onion", but it was a source. The fact that you don't care for my source, doesn't mean your objection is valid. If you can't provide a source of your own to counter my source, then you don't have a right to object to what I said.
Have you read his posts? I doubt he was even SCHOOLED, let alone homeschooled.

For the record, all three of my kids have been homeschooled, and any one of them - including the 2nd grader who's still in homeschool - could out-argue Billo without breaking a sweat.
You don't really set the bar that high.

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