Left Wing Media Befriends Westboro Baptist Church


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
ARLINGTON, Va. — Twenty-two media organizations have sided with a radical church against the father of a fallen Marine who is trying to sue it for picketing his son’s funeral.

The media organizations filed a friend-of-the-court brief on Wednesday with the Supreme Court in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church, which protests near servicemembers’ funerals because it believes that troops’ deaths and other national tragedies are divine revenge for America’s tolerance of gays and lesbians.

The list includes the Associated Press, Bloomberg News, Dow Jones, the E.W. Scripps Company, the Hearst Corporation, NPR, The New York Times, and the Tribune Company (parent of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times). Jeff Schogol of the military newspaper Stars and Stripes reported these companies joined other free-press advocates in supporting these hateful incitements:

Read more: NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

For some strange reason, this does not surprise me. They hate the military more than hate groups.
ARLINGTON, Va. — Twenty-two media organizations have sided with a radical church against the father of a fallen Marine who is trying to sue it for picketing his son’s funeral.

The media organizations filed a friend-of-the-court brief on Wednesday with the Supreme Court in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church, which protests near servicemembers’ funerals because it believes that troops’ deaths and other national tragedies are divine revenge for America’s tolerance of gays and lesbians.

The list includes the Associated Press, Bloomberg News, Dow Jones, the E.W. Scripps Company, the Hearst Corporation, NPR, The New York Times, and the Tribune Company (parent of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times). Jeff Schogol of the military newspaper Stars and Stripes reported these companies joined other free-press advocates in supporting these hateful incitements:

Read more: NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

For some strange reason, this does not surprise me. They hate the military more than hate groups.
Thanks for the link. I've rarely seen such a bullshit site.
No wonder cons are so misinformed.
ARLINGTON, Va. — Twenty-two media organizations have sided with a radical church against the father of a fallen Marine who is trying to sue it for picketing his son’s funeral.

The media organizations filed a friend-of-the-court brief on Wednesday with the Supreme Court in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church, which protests near servicemembers’ funerals because it believes that troops’ deaths and other national tragedies are divine revenge for America’s tolerance of gays and lesbians.

The list includes the Associated Press, Bloomberg News, Dow Jones, the E.W. Scripps Company, the Hearst Corporation, NPR, The New York Times, and the Tribune Company (parent of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times). Jeff Schogol of the military newspaper Stars and Stripes reported these companies joined other free-press advocates in supporting these hateful incitements:

Read more: NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

For some strange reason, this does not surprise me. They hate the military more than hate groups.

Why would you title this LEFT WING MEDIA GROUPS? Sheesh chanel

the article in the stars and stripes states MEDIA GROUPS and there are CLEARLY RIGHT WING media groups in the list that are trying to safeguard FIRST AMENDMENT rights????

Media groups side with Westboro protestors in court case - News - Stripes

Gee, chanel, I have read up on this and all that seems to be fueling anyone is a desire to preserve the right to freedom of speech and freedom of association. That almost always means defending speech which is repugnant, and none of these groups is defending the message of the Westboro Church. The willingness of lefty organizations to step up and defend the rights of those they find utterly repulsive should be a reason to applaud them, not criticize them.

I think you have better critical thinking skills than this. Did you also think the whole ACLU supported the Nazis when they defended their rights?
ARLINGTON, Va. — Twenty-two media organizations have sided with a radical church against the father of a fallen Marine who is trying to sue it for picketing his son’s funeral.

The media organizations filed a friend-of-the-court brief on Wednesday with the Supreme Court in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church, which protests near servicemembers’ funerals because it believes that troops’ deaths and other national tragedies are divine revenge for America’s tolerance of gays and lesbians.

The list includes the Associated Press, Bloomberg News, Dow Jones, the E.W. Scripps Company, the Hearst Corporation, NPR, The New York Times, and the Tribune Company (parent of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times). Jeff Schogol of the military newspaper Stars and Stripes reported these companies joined other free-press advocates in supporting these hateful incitements:

Read more: NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

For some strange reason, this does not surprise me. They hate the military more than hate groups.

Did you read the brief? The issue has ZERO to do with the military, and the brief is replete with admonitions of what Phelps et al. do. It has to do with First Amendment protections, PERIOD, something you folks yammer about 24/7.
Gee, chanel, I have read up on this and all that seems to be fueling anyone is a desire to preserve the right to freedom of speech and freedom of association. That almost always means defending speech which is repugnant, and none of these groups is defending the message of the Westboro Church. The willingness of lefty organizations to step up and defend the rights of those they find utterly repulsive should be a reason to applaud them, not criticize them.

I think you have better critical thinking skills than this. Did you also think the whole ACLU supported the Nazis when they defended their rights?

The brief also cites every single First Amendment lawsuit based on "repugnant" material and the right to publish it which establish the existing precedent.
ARLINGTON, Va. — Twenty-two media organizations have sided with a radical church against the father of a fallen Marine who is trying to sue it for picketing his son’s funeral.

The media organizations filed a friend-of-the-court brief on Wednesday with the Supreme Court in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church, which protests near servicemembers’ funerals because it believes that troops’ deaths and other national tragedies are divine revenge for America’s tolerance of gays and lesbians.

The list includes the Associated Press, Bloomberg News, Dow Jones, the E.W. Scripps Company, the Hearst Corporation, NPR, The New York Times, and the Tribune Company (parent of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times). Jeff Schogol of the military newspaper Stars and Stripes reported these companies joined other free-press advocates in supporting these hateful incitements:

Read more: NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

For some strange reason, this does not surprise me. They hate the military more than hate groups.

Only idiots would side with that group!!! I con;t claim any Christian brotherhood with them at all. I do love the people, and would certainly not mind having a chat with them, but their organization has brainwashed them and they need help.

The media... well, they are a lost cause anyway.
Care - I titled it as such because that's what the article says. It seems like a list of lefties to me.

And Madeline - filing a brief on their behalf goes beyond protecting free speech. This man won his judgment and it was reversed. Read the case. They should have kept their stinkin hate to themselves for once.

BTW - Bill O"Rielly is picking up the legal bills. This is what this is about. Stickin it to Fox.
Care - I titled it as such because that's what the article says. It seems like a list of lefties to me.

And Madeline - filing a brief on their behalf goes beyond protecting free speech. This man won his judgment and it was reversed. Read the case. They should have kept their stinkin hate to themselves for once.

BTW - Bill O"Rielly is picking up the legal bills. This is what this is about. Stickin it to Fox.

WRONG as usual chanel...and your 'news' source is either purposely lying or obtuse, like you. IF you read the brief, those media organizations are filing to protect THEMSELVES from lawsuits that could be filed every time they report controversial or incendiary comments or positions made by a 3rd party.
Bullshit. This has NOTHING to do with them. This is a religious issue. And with all the "free speech issues" the Supreme Court handles, they could have waited for a better team to side with.

AMVETS believes the First Amendment’s religious rights protection give mourners the right to hold funerals in peace, said group spokesman Ryan Gallucci.

“Where’s the protection for the Snyder family’s rights?” Gallucci said in an e-mail. “This isn’t a censorship issue and we’re surprised to see media agencies come out in support” of the Rev. Fred Phelps and his family.

Joe Davis, a spokesman for Veterans of Foreign Wars, scoffed at the idea that ruling in favor of Snyder could open the floodgates for libel suits against the media.

“I have a job that requires me to be correct; why shouldn’t the press be held to that same standard?” Davis said.

Media groups side with Westboro protestors in court case - News - Stripes

Keep defending every single disgusting left wing cause. It will help the Reps in 2012.
Bullshit. This has NOTHING to do with them. This is a religious issue. And with all the "free speech issues" the Supreme Court handles, they could have waited for a better team to side with.

AMVETS believes the First Amendment’s religious rights protection give mourners the right to hold funerals in peace, said group spokesman Ryan Gallucci.

“Where’s the protection for the Snyder family’s rights?” Gallucci said in an e-mail. “This isn’t a censorship issue and we’re surprised to see media agencies come out in support” of the Rev. Fred Phelps and his family.

Joe Davis, a spokesman for Veterans of Foreign Wars, scoffed at the idea that ruling in favor of Snyder could open the floodgates for libel suits against the media.

“I have a job that requires me to be correct; why shouldn’t the press be held to that same standard?” Davis said.

Media groups side with Westboro protestors in court case - News - Stripes

Keep defending every single disgusting left wing cause. It will help the Reps in 2012.

WOW, you really are a pea brain chanel...the law doesn't work that way. They can't pick a different case to side with. If the court rules in in favor of Snyder, it will set precedent, which our laws are based on. There will not BE another case.

Ryan Gallucci is misinformed. It is NOT about being correct or accurate. It is about whether the 3rd party CONTENT being reported can be deemed an intrusion and
intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Why don't you read the brief chanel???


Amici write to make clear that far more is at
stake in this case than the ability of the Westboro
Baptist Church to protest near military funerals.
This case concerns an issue critical to a wide range of
speakers, including members of the news media:
whether a plaintiff may recover for intrusion and
intentional infliction of emotional distress where the
harm is based upon the publication of controversial
speech about matters of public concern.
Care - I titled it as such because that's what the article says. It seems like a list of lefties to me.

And Madeline - filing a brief on their behalf goes beyond protecting free speech. This man won his judgment and it was reversed. Read the case. They should have kept their stinkin hate to themselves for once.

BTW - Bill O"Rielly is picking up the legal bills. This is what this is about. Stickin it to Fox.

Look, I dun think I could defend them either, chanel. It's hard to imagine a more repulsive group and when I see little kids in photos with them it breaks my heart. But living in a free society means putting up with crap like theirs.....we dun get to pick and choose, based on the message.
Care - I titled it as such because that's what the article says. It seems like a list of lefties to me.

And Madeline - filing a brief on their behalf goes beyond protecting free speech. This man won his judgment and it was reversed. Read the case. They should have kept their stinkin hate to themselves for once.

BTW - Bill O"Rielly is picking up the legal bills. This is what this is about. Stickin it to Fox.

Look, I dun think I could defend them either, chanel. It's hard to imagine a more repulsive group and when I see little kids in photos with them it breaks my heart. But living in a free society means putting up with crap like theirs.....we dun get to pick and choose, based on the message.

Freedom of speech must be message neutral.

Disgusting speech I would spend my lifetime opposing MUST be protected just as much as speech I agree with and yes, I would also file in support of their right to speak were I in a position to do so. That does not mean I would agree with WBC, they are scum of the earth. But in the US even the scum of the earth has the right to speak. This suit is not the way to oppose the scum, there are other avenues.

And "Sticking it to Fox"? Who honestly thinks Bill O'Reilly is really that important to these people or any of the others who stand up and spend countless dollars and man hours to defend free speech? :cuckoo:
You mustn't be an O'Reilly viewer. He spends a good amount of time on his show exposing left wing bias in the media. He hates the NYT and NBC. And he has millions of fans.

Colleges have "free speech zones". There is no reason why military funerals can't be offered the same respect.

Imagine if Rush Limbaugh, Rupert Murdoch, or some other conservative filed a "friend of the court brief" supporting the Westboro Baptist Church., the KKK or some other hate group. Front page news.

Of course, this story will only be read on USMB. So predictable. Sigh...
And you must never have worked an appeal on a free speech or any other civil iberties case. Sure, all anybody involved is worried about is a talking head on tv. :lol::lol:

Give it up, chanel. This has no legs for a reason.
No I haven't but a judge in a lower court ruled in the fathers favor. And the appeals court not only over ruled but is forcing him to pay legal costs which they did not need to do. It was not a "frivolous case" obviously if it is going to the Supreme Court. Those newspaper could have let the judges decide the case on its own merit. But they chose to assist the scumbags. That should be news, but of course that might damage their rep. You wanna side with hate - then own it.

There are limits to hate speech. As there should be. They can always take an ad out in the NYT I heard they need the money.
No I haven't but a judge in a lower court ruled in the fathers favor. And the appeals court not only over ruled but is forcing him to pay legal costs which they did not need to do. It was not a "frivolous case" obviously if it is going to the Supreme Court. Those newspaper could have let the judges decide the case on its own merit. But they chose to assist the scumbags. That should be news, but of course that might damage their rep. You wanna side with hate - then own it.

There are limits to hate speech.
As there should be. They can always take an ad out in the NYT I heard they need the money.

THAT would put Fox, Limbaugh and a whole bunch of right wing hate-mongers out of business...but to YOU, it's not hate speech.

WHY do they allow you near our children???????

Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Rush Limbaugh, his whole thing is entertainment. Yes it's incendiary, yes it's ugly.
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele
No I haven't but a judge in a lower court ruled in the fathers favor. And the appeals court not only over ruled but is forcing him to pay legal costs which they did not need to do. It was not a "frivolous case" obviously if it is going to the Supreme Court. Those newspaper could have let the judges decide the case on its own merit. But they chose to assist the scumbags. That should be news, but of course that might damage their rep. You wanna side with hate - then own it.

There are limits to hate speech. As there should be. They can always take an ad out in the NYT I heard they need the money.

You're so much better off to let this die, honestly. You're way over your head and making yourself look like an idiot. You obviously haven't read or cannot comprehend the court documents if you think this is about a grand left wing media conspiracy to victimize one poor, helpless little blowhard on tv. Nor do you have the slightest comprehension of the court's role if you think they'd grant cert based on either some perceived attempt to attack a talking head or to assess the potential merit of the underlying tort. That is not their function. They're playing much, much higher stake games at this level. Seriously....give it a rest already.
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What a hack you've turned out to be, Chanel.

You probably always were one but my bleeding heart liberalism gave you the benefit of the doubt.

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