Left wing “Progressives” are now war pigs

I just do not understand how progs support the Military Industrial Complex.

Zelensky lied about the misslie that hit Poland. He wants to start WWIII.

If you ever once claimed Trump was going to get us nuked by noko from his tweets, and you are silent now? Please go to St Pete Beach and swim west as far as you can.

The left and the DemoKKKrats have been the war party for 20 years now.

I just do not understand how progs support the Military Industrial Complex.

Zelensky lied about the misslie that hit Poland. He wants to start WWIII.

If you ever once claimed Trump was going to get us nuked by noko from his tweets, and you are silent now? Please go to St Pete Beach and swim west as far as you can.

Zelensky's "sin" in this case is a mere drop in a vast ocean of Russian wrongdoing.

God bless the People of Ukraine and as they fight against a horrific Russian invasion.

And God bless any nation - including the United States - with the courage to lend aid and comfort to those brave Ukrainian souls.
Once upon a time, Russia stood for class-struggle of the Common Man against the Rich Man.

Mind you, they were stupidly and unforgivably ruthless and cold-hearted about it and their Gunpoint Collectivism was doomed to ultimate failure.

But on-paper the basic concept looked pretty damned good.

Which is how they managed to delude others around the world who sympathized with them for several decades prior to the fall of the Soviet Union.

Nowadays... Russia stands for nothing but its own myopic, selfish narrow interests... inspiring no one outside their borders, and very few inside, either.

They had no good cause to either forcibly annex Crimea in 2014 nor to invade Ukraine in 2021.

Their leadership are leftover meat-sandwiches from the Cold War with chips on their shoulder and delusional sugar-plum visions of restoration of Empire.

Their rank-and-file military are mostly conscripts who don't want to be there and who behave like medieval barbarians, not soldiers from a Christian nation.

Like their evil barbarian grandfathers in Berlin in 1945 they rape and loot and pillage without regard for the laws of God nor men. The Russian soldier is scum.

May God damn them to hell and eternal torment in whatever existence might follow and may they be known amongst Men as pariahs and unworthy souls.

May God grant strength and comfort to the besieged people of Ukraine and may He bless those who give aid and comfort to them. God grant them Victory.
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Once upon a time, Russia stood for class-struggle of the Common Man against the Rich Man.

Mind you, they were stupidly and unforgivably ruthless and cold-hearted about it and their Gunpoint Collectivism was doomed to ultimate failure.

But on-paper the basic concept looked pretty damned good.

Which is how they managed to delude others around the world who sympathized with them for several decades prior to the fall of the Soviet Union.

Nowadays... Russia stands for nothing but its own myopic, selfish narrow interests... inspiring no one outside their borders, and very few inside, either.

They had no good cause to either forcibly annex Crimea in 2014 nor to invade Ukraine in 2021.

Their leadership are leftover meat-sandwiches from the Cold War with chips on their shoulder and delusional sugar-plum visions of restoration of Empire.

Their rank-and-file military are mostly conscripts who don't want to be there and who behave like medieval barbarians, not soldiers from a Christian nation.

Like their evil barbarian grandfathers in Berlin in 1945 they rape and loot and pillage without regard for the laws of God nor men. The Russian soldier is scum.

May God damn them to hell and eternal torment in whatever existence might follow and may they be known amongst Men as pariahs and unworthy souls.

May God grant strength and comfort to the besieged people of Ukraine and may He bless those who give aid and comfort to them. God grant them Victory.
Only real morons buy into the propaganda and cheer on one side or the other.

Atrocities have occurred on both sides.

Putin and Neocons who push for NATO expansion are both bad.

Zelensky is a madman trying to start WW III.

The solution is not to throw billions at the corrupt Ukrainian government but to pressure both sides into ending this stupid ugly war.

The warmongers are serving Xi Jin Ping and war profiteers.
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Only real morons buy into the propaganda and cheer on one side or the other.

Atrocities have occurred on both sides.

Putin and Neocons who push for NATO expansion are both bad.

Zelensky is a madman trying to start WW III.

The solution is not to throw billions at the corrupt Ukrainian government but to pressure both sides into ending this stupid ugly war.

The warmongers are serving Xi Jin Ping and war profiteers.

Faux equivalency, Tvaritch... :auiqs.jpg:
Faux equivalency, Tvaritch... :auiqs.jpg:
You are serving a Communist dictator, not to mention a lunatic crazy for WW III.


You are serving a Communist dictator, not to mention a lunatic crazy for WW III.


You wouldn't recognize a Communist if he-or-she came up and bit you in the a$$ in broad daylight.

The Republic cannot take much more of Democratic Party rule under the present circumstances.

I am dying to vote Republican again.

Dump your Orange Albatross - who traitorously summoned and incited an Insurrection on January 6, 2021 - and I will consider standing at your side again.
You wouldn't recognize a Communist if he-or-she came up and bit you in the a$$ in broad daylight.

The Republic cannot take much more of Democratic Party rule under the present circumstances.

I am dying to vote Republican again.

Dump your Orange Albatross - who traitorously summoned and incited an Insurrection on January 6, 2021 - and I will consider standing at your side again.


No thanks.

As if WHAT?

That I would seriously consider voting Republican if you dumped Rump?

That millions of Independents and Reagan Democrats would consider voting Republican if you dumped Rump?

You should neither doubt nor laugh-at such an idea.

Blacks vote Democratic.

Hispanics (mostly) vote Democratic.

The Liberal-Progressive part of the White population votes Democratic.

Another large slice of the White population holds themselves to be Independents, or even "Reagan" Democrats (willing to toggle bacbk-and-forth).

What's left of the White population after all of that votes Republican.

The White Vote in the US is split amongst several large factions.

Republicans cannot win without the backing of White Independents and Reagan Democrats.

The math speaks for itself.

It's good that some small percentage of Black Folk also vote Republican.

It's good that a growing (but still relatively small) percentage of Hispanic Folk are beginning to vote Republican - but the Tipping Point is still years distant.

You need to make White Independents and White Reagan Democrats comfortable again with voting Republican.

You cannot do that if you run Cadet Bone Spurs again in 2024.

Dump your Orange Comb-Over Albatross while there is still time.

Or look stupid on the morning of Wednesday November 6 2024 when the truth of what I'm saying - above - becomes undeniable.

You have been warned.

The question before the bar is: are you (collectively) still rational enough - and can you re-discover your courage - to act on that all-too-likely prediction?

America needs a counter to the goddamned idiot Democrats.

Get your heads out of your a$$e$.

Snap out of it.

Those who have a track record of opposing the countless wrongheaded imperialist wars (coups, etc.) waged by the U.S. from Vietnam to South America to the Middle East — men like Bernie Sanders — should be listened to carefully when they stand against Russia’s bloody imperialist invasion of Ukraine.

Noam Chomsky too, who for generations has denounced the many errors in U.S. and NATO policy toward Russia and Ukraine, concluded that the mad Russian imperial attempt to destroy sovereign and UN-recognized Ukraine must be opposed — even to the extent of supporting Western military and financial aid to brutally invaded and embattled Ukraine.

I myself have opposed Ukrainian ultra-nationalists and actual fascists, and I’ve tried to publicize the political problems within the pro-European “liberal” nationalist movements in Ukraine. I did not support the Maidan overthrow of the corrupt (but elected) government in 2014. I even recognized that the Crimeans after Maidan had a legitimate historical and political right to vote for “self determination,” secession from Ukraine and even unity with dictator Putin’s Russia. Those votes then were actually popular expressions of what the great majority of Crimeans wanted, even if not recognized as “legal” by the U.N. or the West.

But despite all this, the bloody and idiotic Russian imperial invasion of Ukraine in February had to be opposed! Putin’s bloody gamble was repulsed by Ukrainian nationalists, but the war appears far from over. Western aid is still needed, but crucial issues remain unresolved. There will be a time for peace negotiations — if only after all sides are exhausted.

The inevitably increasing “proxy war” character of the war is terrible, tragic and dangerous. I note that without more defensive anti-missile weapons from the West, Ukraine may continue to be devastated by attacks from within Russia, and soon there may be powerful temptations for Ukraine (with Western weapons) to expand the war to Russian territory. I believe the Biden Administration will have to thread this needle carefully, and resist allowing this, as it has been doing so far.

Much of the talk from thoughtless pro-Russian “anti-U.S. imperialists” and from extremely partisan MAGA appeasers or semi-appeasers of Putin’s Feb. invasion … is cheap and shameful. Yet it is true that this war may still end as a disaster for Ukraine … as also for Russia and Europe as a whole.

Everybody is entitled to their opinions about this war, and our role in it. But please let’s try not to oversimplify the issues.
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