Left wing protests: Fires; Smashed cop cars; Violent assaults; Disgusting liberals.

You'd be wrong about that. My mother, a staunch democrat voter, just informed me via text that she is officially a registered Republican. She said it's time to put our foot down and say resoundingly that this kind of political protest coming from the Democrats is unacceptable... I told her it wasn't typical D's, but far left and paid protesters. She asked me who was paying them... I have no answer that can save Dem face. Does anyone else?
Both sides do it.

Both sides are wrong.

And the LEO should crush it immediately and brutally.
Both sides do it.

Both sides are wrong.

And the LEO should crush it immediately and brutally.

Both sides do it???? Where is the anti left wing, conservative mob burning stuff, smashing dozens of cop cars and committing multiple assaults on innocent counter protesters??? Because we can provide dozens of videos of lefties doing it.
Both sides do it.

Both sides are wrong.

And the LEO should crush it immediately and brutally.

Both sides do it???? Where is the anti left wing, conservative mob burning stuff, smashing dozens of cop cars and committing multiple assaults on innocent counter protesters??? Because we can provide dozens of videos of lefties doing it.
They have been not bold enough to go all the way, merely having beaten and hospitalized their enemies.

Now the far left has gone beyond the initial far right brutality and is scaring the crap out of the bucs90 type wannabees.

The police must crush those on left and right who do these types of things.
Both sides do it.

Both sides are wrong.

And the LEO should crush it immediately and brutally.

Both sides do it???? Where is the anti left wing, conservative mob burning stuff, smashing dozens of cop cars and committing multiple assaults on innocent counter protesters??? Because we can provide dozens of videos of lefties doing it.
They have been not bold enough to go all the way, merely having beaten and hospitalized their enemies.

Now the far left has gone beyond the initial far right brutality and is scaring the crap out of the bucs90 type wannabees.

The police must crush those on left and right who do these types of things.

WHERE??? Where are these right wing ones that are so violent? A few scuffles INSIDE a rally....where protesters came inside with intent to provoke a response.

But....lefties are OUTSIDE...in public spaces....burning, assaulting, smashing cop cars, throwing bricks and bottles, using pepper spray. Shutting down major interstates (a federal crime against interstate commerce by the way....but our POTUS doesnt enforce federal laws unless its against western cowboys). We know what the next level they'll use is.

Where are the conservative ones doing this???
I don't recall the Tea Party committing large numbers of assaults or arson. I don't remember them smashing dozens of cop cars.

I don't recall supporters of Cruz or Bush or Romney acting like this. Trump supporters?? I do recall a couple minor scuffles INSIDE a few when leftists came into it with the intent of provoking one.

I don't remember a Hillary or Bernie rally being invaded by thugs intent on disruption.

Liberals.....your mask has fallen off.

"Liberals.....your mask has fallen off."

This from a loose cannon who instructs people how to commit murder and get away with it.

As to the protests and riots, I have no doubt we will be seeing a lot more of it and like it or not, Trumpery demanded his fans attack, punch and even kill those with whom you disagree. He even said he would pay for the defense of murderers of protesters.

Trumpery, Repubs, tee potty assholes, gun nutters - you're all getting exactly what you have been working for - a fractured America.
A link to trump saying murder people. But Obama tells his supporters to get in the face of opponents. You're a Looney.
I wonder which cartel is funding them? We are looong overdue for water canons. Europe learned that decades ago.
But here in Europe we tend to use them on the wrong people and the liberal fascists get a free pass.
Yeah the poor young lady in the car in the video above really looked like a gun-nutter who needed to be harassed, her hands in the air practically begging the thugs to beat her ass. She was terrified all right, I guess she "deserves it" in you thug defenders eyes. All because she was going to listen to Trump speak.

How can /anyone/ think that is okay, by any stretch, for any reason?
The police shouldn't have been there. This was a matter for the military. An invasion of fighters carrying the flag of their homeland attacking a presidential candidate is an act of war.
The police shouldn't have been there. This was a matter for the military. An invasion of fighters carrying the flag of their homeland attacking a presidential candidate is an act of war.

Unleash a few SWAT teams and that horde is defeated instantly. But....our country has gone soft and will eventually collapse when this cancer gets bigger.
As to the protests and riots, I have no doubt we will be seeing a lot more of it and like it or not, Trumpery demanded his fans attack, punch and even kill those with whom you disagree. He even said he would pay for the defense of murderers of protesters.

Allegedly calling for violence is bad but lefties actually committing violence is OK?
Trump is gaining not one single vote because of the protests.

However, America wants the cops to stomp the protesters.
Trump is gaining not one single vote because of the protests.
dont bet on that Jake....you would lose....
OK, he might get seven. :) The fact is the protesters, as wrong as they are to do it this way, will mean nothing of significance in the campaign. I also believe that the cops need to do a laying on of hands on right and center and left who do this.
Trump is gaining not one single vote because of the protests.

However, America wants the cops to stomp the protesters.
Trump is gaining not one single vote because of the protests.
dont bet on that Jake....you would lose....
OK, he might get seven. :) The fact is the protesters, as wrong as they are to do it this way, will mean nothing of significance in the campaign. I also believe that the cops need to do a laying on of hands on right and center and left who do this.
jake ....out here there are lots of people who dont like these mexican protesters waving THEIR flags when they are "protesting".....usually there is nothing down the road and things just die down.....now we have an election coming up....many will remember not just 7 people....and they have to learn whether you like trump or not,the guy is not just out making speeches just because,the guy is running for president and its his right to go and tell people who want to hear what he has to say for him to say it.....if you dont like the guy voice your opinion in the voting booth,and if you cant vote?....become a citizen.....
He has every right to speak, and I agree the protesters are wrong, so you are making the wrong pitch.

And in California? Won't make a difference. It will go blue.
I see the animals in California are showing their true colors again. Liberals are once again becoming violent in their protests.

Libs....you can't lie or hide anymore. We see who you truly are. Violent feral animals.
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.
What’s disgusting is the propensity of most on the right to lie.
DONT QUOTE YOUR FUCKING COLLEGE PROFESSORS AND THINK YOURE WINNING THE ARGUMENT. When you don't condemn the violent protestors on your side, then you are just as guilty of preventing free speech and the right to assemble.
The #StopTrump retards are too stupid to realize they increase Trumps support every time they show up to silence free speech. The more violent they are, the more they motivate DECENT Americans to line up with Trump.
1968 election results prove it.
The #StopTrump retards are too stupid to realize they increase Trumps support every time they show up to silence free speech. The more violent they are, the more they motivate DECENT Americans to line up with Trump.
1968 election results prove it.

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