Left wing racists force white owners of restaurant to close...because they cook Mexican food....

The racism of left winger is never ending....these racists decided that whites can't make Mexican food....so they put them out of business......this is racism....and it is what the left wing/democrats are all about....using race as a weapon and a spear...to attack their enemies, and to hide their own crimes...

White Restaurant Owners Served Burritos, So SJWs Forced Them Out Of Business

The leftist snowflakes have enacted their own brand of social justice on white-owned businesses serving up all things ethnic, from burritos to kung-pao chicken. Scalps have been taken, with one restaurant shutting down as a result of their merciless trolling on social media. They care little about destroying another person's livelihood.

According to Heat Street, "Kali Wilgus and Liz 'LC' Connelly, owners of Portland pop-up shop Kooks Burritos, just wanted to make and sell some really great burritos. So when they were on a trip to Puerto Nuevo, Mexico, they “picked the brains” of the local tortilla ladies and brought those recipes back to the States."

In an interview with Willamette Weekly, Connelly described their fascination with tortilla making when visiting Mexico. Notice the white supremacy lurking between the lines.

“I picked the brains of every tortilla lady there in the worst broken Spanish ever, and they showed me a little of what they did,” Connelly told Willamette Weekly. “They told us the basic ingredients, and we saw them moving and stretching the dough similar to how pizza makers do before rolling it out with rolling pins. They wouldn’t tell us too much about technique, but we were peeking into the windows of every kitchen, totally fascinated by how easy they made it look. We learned quickly it isn’t quite that easy.”

Hateful! Just hateful. Her statements then launched a maelstrom of trolling on the internet, accusing them of "cultural appropriation," sentencing Kooks Burritos to death.

The SJW inquisitors did not stop there and have taken their mob mentality to the streets, targetting other white-owned businesses guilty of the same crime. A list has now been circulating on the web of white-owned “appropriative” businesses, featuring some of Portland’s top restaurants. They will soon feel the wrath of snowflake. From Reason:

Is this story real? Your source is a crap opinion blog.. Is there an actual source you can find for this?

It is in major news sources as well.......I listed the Daily Mail or the Guardian, one of those Brit. papers......
okay so because she called them out on culture appropriation it somehow "sentenced them to death"?

They were forced to close their shop.....how long before the left actually vandalized their shop?


Preemptive closing in response to non-existent, violence?
It is a good thing, people from Hamburg, don't get upset with us making hamburgers.
Funny and agreed.

Why aren't Asians equally attacked for wearing "western dress"? Blacks for straightening and dying their hair like Northern Europeans?


This is how fucked up "cultural appropriation" is:

White Woman wears dreadlocks = cultural appropriation.

Black Woman dyes her hair blond and straightens it = fashion trend setter
that's not a very good example...
black women can be born with blonde hair as well.. although it is less common.
Dreadlocks are something created not genetic, stemming from religious practice holding a spiritual meaning..

Just like some hardcore christians were offended by the rosary beads being turned into a fashion statement.
Last edited:
Speaking of honesty, I think you must have seen my answer, since you bothered to cut it out of the quote. ...
I stopped reading when I saw your emotionally-wrought personal attack. Call it what you will but if a person only seeks to sling false accusations around and not civilly discuss an issue, then, IMHO, their posts aren't worth reading.

Exactly. And yet I continued on in this thread in an effort to have a real discussion from an emotionally-wrought personal attack against "the left."
I run with people who hate white people for making burritos?

Yes, you do. This is your party and it's becoming more fringe everyday. As a matter of fact, your first reaction to this topic was to blame the victims instead of addressing the absurdity of the people attacking them. Your actions speak louder than your words.

Uhhh.... where do you see a "party" mentioned here?

Actually I'm not even convinced this is a real story rather than Fake News. Didn't get that far since both of the OPs contrived dishonest titles. That they run away from when called on it.
It is a good thing, people from Hamburg, don't get upset with us making hamburgers.
Funny and agreed.

Why aren't Asians equally attacked for wearing "western dress"? Blacks for straightening and dying their hair like Northern Europeans?


This is how fucked up "cultural appropriation" is:

White Woman wears dreadlocks = cultural appropriation.

Black Woman dyes her hair blond and straightens it = fashion trend setter
that's not a very good example...
black women can be born with blonde hair as well.. although it is less common.
Dreadlocks are something created not genetic, stemming from religious practice holding a spiritual meaning..
Nice dodge. So are you claiming Beyonce was born that way? Here, let me help you decide:
Speaking of honesty, I think you must have seen my answer, since you bothered to cut it out of the quote. ...
I stopped reading when I saw your emotionally-wrought personal attack. Call it what you will but if a person only seeks to sling false accusations around and not civilly discuss an issue, then, IMHO, their posts aren't worth reading.

Exactly. And yet I continued on in this thread in an effort to have a real discussion from an emotionally-wrought personal attack against "the left."
Attacking the right or the left is not a personal attack. Calling someone as asshole, cocksucker, motherfucker, douchebag and the like is, indeed, a personal attack. Hopefully you will learn the difference. If not, then I'm sure others will see it for themselves.

The fact remains that the Left Wing pushes "political correctness". "Cultural appropriation" is a subdivision of the PC agenda. Like "white privilege", it only applies to Americans who are white and no one else. Ergo, it is a racist agenda effort.
It is a good thing, people from Hamburg, don't get upset with us making hamburgers.
Funny and agreed.

Why aren't Asians equally attacked for wearing "western dress"? Blacks for straightening and dying their hair like Northern Europeans?


This is how fucked up "cultural appropriation" is:

White Woman wears dreadlocks = cultural appropriation.

Black Woman dyes her hair blond and straightens it = fashion trend setter
that's not a very good example...
black women can be born with blonde hair as well.. although it is less common.
Dreadlocks are something created not genetic, stemming from religious practice holding a spiritual meaning..
Nice dodge. So are you claiming Beyonce was born that way? Here, let me help you decide:

Maybe you should start a campaign to shut Beyoncé down. Only she sells too well, and she wouldn't cave to such flimsy criticism as "cultural appropriation."
It is a good thing, people from Hamburg, don't get upset with us making hamburgers.
Funny and agreed.

Why aren't Asians equally attacked for wearing "western dress"? Blacks for straightening and dying their hair like Northern Europeans?


This is how fucked up "cultural appropriation" is:

White Woman wears dreadlocks = cultural appropriation.

Black Woman dyes her hair blond and straightens it = fashion trend setter
that's not a very good example...
black women can be born with blonde hair as well.. although it is less common.
Dreadlocks are something created not genetic, stemming from religious practice holding a spiritual meaning..
Nice dodge. So are you claiming Beyonce was born that way? Here, let me help you decide:

I want to state, clearly, that I have no problem with Beyonce choosing her own hair color and style and feel no sense of being "robbed" or having something taken from me.

And any white person that does is a fucking moron.
Speaking of honesty, I think you must have seen my answer, since you bothered to cut it out of the quote. ...
I stopped reading when I saw your emotionally-wrought personal attack. Call it what you will but if a person only seeks to sling false accusations around and not civilly discuss an issue, then, IMHO, their posts aren't worth reading.

Exactly. And yet I continued on in this thread in an effort to have a real discussion from an emotionally-wrought personal attack against "the left."

The first iteration of this thread was an emotionally-wrought blanket personal attack against "Liberals". I called out the OP to essplain how he arrived at that, and he ran away. Then it got merged into a previous emotionally-wrought blanket personal attack about "racists". I called out the new OP to essplain how burritos are racist, and he's still running away.

We knew where this was going without even bothering to read the story. The Bubble they live in must be a weird-ass place. One where literacy is frowned on. :nono:
Speaking of honesty, I think you must have seen my answer, since you bothered to cut it out of the quote. ...
I stopped reading when I saw your emotionally-wrought personal attack. Call it what you will but if a person only seeks to sling false accusations around and not civilly discuss an issue, then, IMHO, their posts aren't worth reading.

Exactly. And yet I continued on in this thread in an effort to have a real discussion from an emotionally-wrought personal attack against "the left."
Attacking the right or the left is not a personal attack. Calling someone as asshole, cocksucker, motherfucker, douchebag and the like is, indeed, a personal attack. Hopefully you will learn the difference. If not, then I'm sure others will see it for themselves.

Actually, when you hold up the actions of a few and conflate it as something that "the left" does, it is a personal attack to anyone YOU identify as "the left."
Speaking of honesty, I think you must have seen my answer, since you bothered to cut it out of the quote. ...
I stopped reading when I saw your emotionally-wrought personal attack. Call it what you will but if a person only seeks to sling false accusations around and not civilly discuss an issue, then, IMHO, their posts aren't worth reading.

Exactly. And yet I continued on in this thread in an effort to have a real discussion from an emotionally-wrought personal attack against "the left."

The first iteration of this thread was an emotionally-wrought blanket personal attack against "Liberals". I called out the OP to essplain how he arrived at that, and he ran away. Then it got merged into a previous emotionally-wrought blanket personal attack about "racists". I called out the new OP to essplain how burritos are racist, and he's still running away.

We knew where this was going without even bothering to read the story. The Bubble they live in must be a weird-ass place. One where literacy is frowned on. :nono:

The actions of the libs in the op are driven by THEIR belief that a white person making them, and making money doing so, is wrong.

They are judging the people by their skin color, not their actions, and attacking them because of that skin color.

That's racism.
It is a good thing, people from Hamburg, don't get upset with us making hamburgers.
Funny and agreed.

Why aren't Asians equally attacked for wearing "western dress"? Blacks for straightening and dying their hair like Northern Europeans?


This is how fucked up "cultural appropriation" is:

White Woman wears dreadlocks = cultural appropriation.

Black Woman dyes her hair blond and straightens it = fashion trend setter
that's not a very good example...
black women can be born with blonde hair as well.. although it is less common.
Dreadlocks are something created not genetic, stemming from religious practice holding a spiritual meaning..
Nice dodge. So are you claiming Beyonce was born that way? Here, let me help you decide:

Maybe you should start a campaign to shut Beyoncé down. Only she sells too well, and she wouldn't cave to such flimsy criticism as "cultural appropriation."
Why would I do that? I strongly believe "cultural appropriation" is a bullshit term fabricated by the LWLs as part of their PC campaign. It's racist to attack people for such a thing.
Speaking of honesty, I think you must have seen my answer, since you bothered to cut it out of the quote. ...
I stopped reading when I saw your emotionally-wrought personal attack. Call it what you will but if a person only seeks to sling false accusations around and not civilly discuss an issue, then, IMHO, their posts aren't worth reading.

Exactly. And yet I continued on in this thread in an effort to have a real discussion from an emotionally-wrought personal attack against "the left."
Attacking the right or the left is not a personal attack. Calling someone as asshole, cocksucker, motherfucker, douchebag and the like is, indeed, a personal attack. Hopefully you will learn the difference. If not, then I'm sure others will see it for themselves.

Actually, when you hold up the actions of a few and conflate it as something that "the left" does, it is a personal attack to anyone YOU identify as "the left."
Are you denying that Political Correctness and Cultural Appreciation are not common LW agenda items? If so, we can discuss it. If not, then you just blew apart your entire line of argument.
Soooo... even leaving aside the obvious attempts by the Bubblists to hijack what they think is a story into hissyfits about "Liberals", "Racists", "political parties", "Sagittarians" or whatever, I actually looked it up.

Snopes reports that the roach coach got some introductory splash in a local paper, the Willamette Weekly, after which a Yelp page about the roach coach filled up with reviews apparently riffing on this concept of "cultural appropriation", whatever that means. Yelp responded with a notice that it would and did remove posts that had nothing to do with the food service itself.

Some time later the business folded. No connection between the Yelp reviews and the business closing was expressed or implied. No indication of anyone having been "forced" to do anything, with the exception of Yelp reviewers being required to stay on topic. No causation has been claimed by anyone, including the business itself.

In other words that connection was entirely pulled out of Duh Bubble's collective ass. After which the Bubblists came charging in to the kitchen to add "Liburruls", "racists", 'political parties" and I'm sure "Michelle O'bama" can't be far behind, to this goulish goulash. With no evidence for such causation whatsoever.

Summary: Trolls review-bomb Yelp over roach coach. Bubblists transmogrify Yelp trolls into the entire body of "Liberals" or "racists" or whatever they're supposed to be, "forcing" a business to close. Meanwhile toad turns into prince and peasant girl spins straw into gold, because that's how we roll in Duh Bubble.

Verdict: Fake News.
Last edited:
It is a good thing, people from Hamburg, don't get upset with us making hamburgers.
Funny and agreed.

Why aren't Asians equally attacked for wearing "western dress"? Blacks for straightening and dying their hair like Northern Europeans?


This is how fucked up "cultural appropriation" is:

White Woman wears dreadlocks = cultural appropriation.

Black Woman dyes her hair blond and straightens it = fashion trend setter
that's not a very good example...
black women can be born with blonde hair as well.. although it is less common.
Dreadlocks are something created not genetic, stemming from religious practice holding a spiritual meaning..
Nice dodge. So are you claiming Beyonce was born that way? Here, let me help you decide:

Maybe you should start a campaign to shut Beyoncé down. Only she sells too well, and she wouldn't cave to such flimsy criticism as "cultural appropriation."
Why would I do that? I strongly believe "cultural appropriation" is a bullshit term fabricated by the LWLs as part of their PC campaign. It's racist to attack people for such a thing.

But the biggest reason not to is that it wouldn't work.
Speaking of honesty, I think you must have seen my answer, since you bothered to cut it out of the quote. ...
I stopped reading when I saw your emotionally-wrought personal attack. Call it what you will but if a person only seeks to sling false accusations around and not civilly discuss an issue, then, IMHO, their posts aren't worth reading.

Exactly. And yet I continued on in this thread in an effort to have a real discussion from an emotionally-wrought personal attack against "the left."
Attacking the right or the left is not a personal attack. Calling someone as asshole, cocksucker, motherfucker, douchebag and the like is, indeed, a personal attack. Hopefully you will learn the difference. If not, then I'm sure others will see it for themselves.

Actually, when you hold up the actions of a few and conflate it as something that "the left" does, it is a personal attack to anyone YOU identify as "the left."
Are you denying that Political Correctness and Cultural Appreciation are not common LW agenda items? If so, we can discuss it. If not, then you just blew apart your entire line of argument.

Political correctness happens in all ideologies.
It is a good thing, people from Hamburg, don't get upset with us making hamburgers.
Funny and agreed.

Why aren't Asians equally attacked for wearing "western dress"? Blacks for straightening and dying their hair like Northern Europeans?


This is how fucked up "cultural appropriation" is:

White Woman wears dreadlocks = cultural appropriation.

Black Woman dyes her hair blond and straightens it = fashion trend setter
that's not a very good example...
black women can be born with blonde hair as well.. although it is less common.
Dreadlocks are something created not genetic, stemming from religious practice holding a spiritual meaning..
Nice dodge. So are you claiming Beyonce was born that way? Here, let me help you decide:

Maybe you should start a campaign to shut Beyoncé down. Only she sells too well, and she wouldn't cave to such flimsy criticism as "cultural appropriation."
Why would I do that? I strongly believe "cultural appropriation" is a bullshit term fabricated by the LWLs as part of their PC campaign. It's racist to attack people for such a thing.

You continue to run away from any explanation of how making burritos can be "racist".
It is a good thing, people from Hamburg, don't get upset with us making hamburgers.
Funny and agreed.

Why aren't Asians equally attacked for wearing "western dress"? Blacks for straightening and dying their hair like Northern Europeans?


This is how fucked up "cultural appropriation" is:

White Woman wears dreadlocks = cultural appropriation.

Black Woman dyes her hair blond and straightens it = fashion trend setter
that's not a very good example...
black women can be born with blonde hair as well.. although it is less common.
Dreadlocks are something created not genetic, stemming from religious practice holding a spiritual meaning..
Nice dodge. So are you claiming Beyonce was born that way? Here, let me help you decide:

I want to state, clearly, that I have no problem with Beyonce choosing her own hair color and style and feel no sense of being "robbed" or having something taken from me.

And any white person that does is a fucking moron.
Agreed, just as I don't have a problem with two women who happen to be white selling tacos or Katy Perry dressing up as a Geisha to sing the song "Unconditionally". A controversy to which Lady Gaga defended her, stating: "I think people are generally too sensitive and they should just leave her be".
I stopped reading when I saw your emotionally-wrought personal attack. Call it what you will but if a person only seeks to sling false accusations around and not civilly discuss an issue, then, IMHO, their posts aren't worth reading.

Exactly. And yet I continued on in this thread in an effort to have a real discussion from an emotionally-wrought personal attack against "the left."
Attacking the right or the left is not a personal attack. Calling someone as asshole, cocksucker, motherfucker, douchebag and the like is, indeed, a personal attack. Hopefully you will learn the difference. If not, then I'm sure others will see it for themselves.

Actually, when you hold up the actions of a few and conflate it as something that "the left" does, it is a personal attack to anyone YOU identify as "the left."
Are you denying that Political Correctness and Cultural Appreciation are not common LW agenda items? If so, we can discuss it. If not, then you just blew apart your entire line of argument.

Political correctness happens in all ideologies.
Examples please.

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