Left wing racists force white owners of restaurant to close...because they cook Mexican food....

HUH? where does it say anyone was forced out of business? This is the usual Koch corporate conservative complex nonsense in Reason, a magazine supported by wealthy right wing donors to keep the puppets occupied. Much ado about nothing unless you are a tool of corporate money.

Gosh, I dont know where it said that.

Portland Burrito Shop Forced to Close After Getting Hounded for ‘Stealing From Mexico’

The ironic part is the two people in question are probably good leftists themselves (Portland).

It's sad to watch, but better they eat their own than go after us.
We've seen the fake news for this story. Anybody have a link to the real news?

Here you go shit head...a nice, left wing source......

Burrito shop shuts after being accused of stealing culture | Daily Mail Online

Two white women have been forced to close their pop-up burrito shop after they were accused of cultural appropriation.

Kali Wilgus and Liz 'LC' Connelly opened Kooks Burritos in Portland, Oregon, after taking a trip to Puerto Nuevo, Mexico, last December.

For the first few months, the weekend pop-up shop housed in an taco truck was a smash hit. It gained so much popularity, a local weekly newspaper decided to profile the entrepreneurial duo.

But that's when the trouble started for Wilgus and Connelly, after quotes they gave to the Williamette Week led to them being accused of stealing their success.

Read more: Burrito shop shuts after being accused of stealing culture | Daily Mail Online
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Better. The right wing sites were just copying and pasting each other. It's why you can't ever trust them. DailyMail did a pretty poor job on this too, posting just 4 or 5 online comments from random nobodies. I suspect they would have been fine if they'd stayed open. We'll see if there's really more to this once people stop sensationalizing it.

Get a good workout moving those goalposts.

"Shit source"
"OK source did a shit job, shit sources copied, blah blah blah"
Surely there are bigger problems in the world other than trivial left wing BS such as this!

All over the world restaurants are cooking different ethnic food and nobody feels offended.

The owner of the restaurant should have told the snowflakes to f*** off. :cuckoo:

That is the proper response, however just like big corporations, the need to be gutless overrides the desire to tell people to "sod off, you wankers"
Nothing in this story relates in the slightest fashion to "Liberals". Go learn what the hell you're talking about.

Only liberal retards talk about "cultural appropriation." Derp McDerp.

That doesn't even mean anything. And what the fuck is a "derp"?

Your head's up your ass pal. Liberals are the people who wrote the Constitution and started this country. They had nothing to do with burrito roach coaches.

As I said --- go learn what the fuck you're talking about before you dig yourself deeper.

It's Portland. If you think outraged conservatives in Portland shut down this burrito shop over "cultural appropriation," you're probably the result of liberal inbreeding.

There is a common fallacy on this board to politicize EVERYTHING, and you've fallen into this trap.

Liberals don't give a shit about "cultural appropriation". It's bullshit. But conservatives think that everything that is stupid, goofy, or just plain nuts, is liberal. It's not. It's just stupid. They scour the internet looking for shit like this to prove all liberals are whack jobs.

Stupid knows no political party. Some conservatives are just as stupid as liberals, you being principle among them.

Stop labelling everyone and everything as liberal or conservative.
And is it wrong for us to take issue over the reasons these SJWs decided that it's wrong for whites to make burritos? Is it wrong to think the ousting of Eich (Firefox) because of his position on gay marriage, was totally inappropriate?

No, not at all.

Sure there was no "force" or "policy", that ran these girls out of business...the real issue is SJWs squashing diversity, "Mexicans can only make burritos." Wanting to shut down other people's voice, business, whatever, when we should be voting and promoting freedom. THIS IS NOT FREEDOM, SJWs do NOT want nor BELIEVE in actual freedom. Not of speech, or conscious, beliefs, or religion.

40% of Millennials OK with limiting speech offensive to minorities

Poll: 51% of Democrats support criminalizing hate speech - Hot Air

LOOK at these articles, this is a very bad direction we are taking. Also ask yourself, what constitutes hate speech these days? The term hate speech has gotten immensely broader. This is the issue we are taking up with the social justice warriors in this situation. The fact that they do not believe in basic freedoms, to the point where they believe MAKING FOOD IS STRICTLY BASED ON SKIN COLOR!!!! This is straight up RACIST!! And these people are voting to have this agenda done. Get your head out of the sand and recognize this problem, we should together (left and right) shame these reincarnated puritans the same way they shamed these white girls out of business, something that they probably made a big financial risk to undertake and now are SOL. These SJWs are our new puritans.

"THIS IS NOT FREEDOM, SJWs do NOT want nor BELIEVE in actual freedom. Not of speech, or conscious, beliefs, or religion."

I have to agree with the last part. Most of the lefties I talk to either don't understand freedom, or fear it. But the same goes for most conservatives I talk to. And FREEDOM is exactly what this is. You have every right to complain about it, but no one's freedom is being violated.

Well I think there is a case for liable & slander, and in that case, yes freedoms were violated. Being a con artist is punishable since you are technically stealing from people, which is infringing on their property rights, there is no 1st amendment protecting people who use the first to infringe on others rights. Is it wrong to make and sell Mexican food as a non-Mexican? No not at all. Is it wrong to cause harm to defame a business who does so in order to effect their lively Hood, yes it is wrong. This does not make it wrong to be against non Mexicans making Mexican food, but when you take it to the level of publicly trying to shut down someone else's business...I think that's moving into slander and liable.

The word is "libel", not "liable".
iPhone thought better.
The contraction of "that is" makes "liable" the correct word.

LIBEL, not liable. Why are you trying to bullshit your way through an error?

Libel :A published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.

Liable: Responsible by law; legally answerable.

Oxford Dictionaries - Dictionary, Thesaurus, & Grammar
Whites making burritos is cultural appropriation...it is not.

Of course it is.

I'm not saying that cultural appropriation is a bad thing, but your statement above (which you haven't attributed to anyone, a requirement for "defamation") isn't false (also a requirement for defamation).
Technically, a burrito is simply a flour tortilla with closed ends wrapped around a filling. The Mexican style meat, beans, and cheese type are the most common, but fillings can differ greatly. I make one stuffed with German style chicken and dumplings.

That sounds scrumptious. I often make 'em with an omelette in the morning, with whatever fillings strike my fancy at the time.
A little bit of filling goes a long way. I use about two tablespoons of filler per 7 inch tortilli burritio. With filler ingredients that aren't to liguidy you can strech that out to three tablespoons. I like to give them a quick fry in a pan with a film of olive oil to help them hold together and give them a crunchy texture.
Isn't that a chimichanga?
Close, sort of. Chimichangas are usually deep fried. The things I make are only lightly browned after applying a film of olive oil, but ya, you could call them cousins to the chimichanga or half-breed burritos.
Nothing in this story relates in the slightest fashion to "Liberals". Go learn what the hell you're talking about.

Only liberal retards talk about "cultural appropriation." Derp McDerp.

That doesn't even mean anything. And what the fuck is a "derp"?

Your head's up your ass pal. Liberals are the people who wrote the Constitution and started this country. They had nothing to do with burrito roach coaches.

As I said --- go learn what the fuck you're talking about before you dig yourself deeper.

It's Portland. If you think outraged conservatives in Portland shut down this burrito shop over "cultural appropriation," you're probably the result of liberal inbreeding.

There is a common fallacy on this board to politicize EVERYTHING, and you've fallen into this trap.

Liberals don't give a shit about "cultural appropriation". It's bullshit. But conservatives think that everything that is stupid, goofy, or just plain nuts, is liberal. It's not. It's just stupid. They scour the internet looking for shit like this to prove all liberals are whack jobs.

Stupid knows no political party. Some conservatives are just as stupid as liberals, you being principle among them.

Stop labelling everyone and everything as liberal or conservative.

So, as a "Liberal" do you consider cultural appropriation bullshit or not?
Guess political-correctness or racism, has become a food problem. White people aren't allowed to learn, cook, and serve traditional Mexican dishes.

Just one week after Kooks Burritos in Portland, Ore., was featured in a profile for local publication Willamette Week, the pop-up Mexican food cart has closed down amid accusations that they ripped off their recipes.

Kali Wilgus and Liz “LC” Connelly, the two white women who started Kooks earlier this year, have been accused of stealing their techniques from the “tortilla ladies” of Puerto Nuevo, Mexico — because Connelly told Willamette Week that they gathered their recipes and tortilla-making processes during a holiday road-trip to the Baja California village.

In other words, they did what cooks and chefs have done since the beginning of time. They learned how to make a dish from somebody else, and they started making it themselves. I always kind of figured that was how it worked. Right?

But of course, because these two women are white and they’re living in America in 2017, they get criticism like this:​


If You’re A White Person In Portland, You Can’t Sell Burritos Anymore
No one shut them down except the marketplace.

Maybe they should have sold whine like you do ........
So only Mexicans can make burritos without criticism? Portland has something in their water.
No one shut them down except the marketplace.

Maybe they should have sold whine like you do ........

It's not even clear that the marketplace shut them down. What it looks like is that they caved to some internet people criticizing them
No one stopped them from selling burritos.
Horseshit! You libtards are nuts!

Who stopped them?
Ever hear of the term "white guilt"?
No one shut them down except the marketplace.

Maybe they should have sold whine like you do ........

Oh look, another extremist defending bigotry and bullying. Welcome to today's Democratic Party
No one shut them down except the marketplace.

Maybe they should have sold whine like you do ........

It's not even clear that the marketplace shut them down. What it looks like is that they caved to some internet people criticizing them
No one stopped them from selling burritos.
Horseshit! You libtards are nuts!

Who stopped them?
Ever hear of the term "white guilt"?

Yeah. What of it? Ever hear of not getting traumatized by every little thing someone puts up on the internet?

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