Leftards Beware When Assaulting Trump Fans

So does England. However last year, London surpassed New York city in murders. They didn't use guns, they used knives instead. In fact they were trying to institute knife control policies over there, because they still haven't figured out an inanimate object is not the problem. The people are the problem.

The US is an extremely diverse country compared to many others. Here, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. So if you remove our murder rate caused by minorities, even with our guns, we are probably more inline to the statistics of your country and others like it.

That aside, while you don't have firearms for protection, it leaves people defenseless to protect themselves. That's why you will have higher robbery rates, higher rape rates, higher assault rates. A rapist here has to really consider the possibility of getting killed by attacking a woman because she very well may be armed. A rapist where you live is quite confident he will get away with his attack because there, she is defenseless.

1) Show me a link with regard to London vs NY. Even if it is true, you've been more armed over the past 100 years. Why cherrypick only last year. Anyway, let's talk about the country as a whole. Not just cherrypick

2) The US is no more diverse than France, Germany, the UK, Canada and Australia.

3) Please add links to these supposed higher robbery, rape and assault rapes and HOW they are reported.

According to this link the US rape right is slightly higher than NZ and slightly lower than Australia. It is markedly higher than most EU countries with the exception of Belgium.

Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at NationMaster.com
So does England. However last year, London surpassed New York city in murders. They didn't use guns, they used knives instead. In fact they were trying to institute knife control policies over there, because they still haven't figured out an inanimate object is not the problem. The people are the problem.

The US is an extremely diverse country compared to many others. Here, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. So if you remove our murder rate caused by minorities, even with our guns, we are probably more inline to the statistics of your country and others like it.

That aside, while you don't have firearms for protection, it leaves people defenseless to protect themselves. That's why you will have higher robbery rates, higher rape rates, higher assault rates. A rapist here has to really consider the possibility of getting killed by attacking a woman because she very well may be armed. A rapist where you live is quite confident he will get away with his attack because there, she is defenseless.

1) Show me a link with regard to London vs NY. Even if it is true, you've been more armed over the past 100 years. Why cherrypick only last year. Anyway, let's talk about the country as a whole. Not just cherrypick

2) The US is no more diverse than France, Germany, the UK, Canada and Australia.

3) Please add links to these supposed higher robbery, rape and assault rapes and HOW they are reported.

According to this link the US rape right is slightly higher than NZ and slightly lower than Australia. It is markedly higher than most EU countries with the exception of Belgium.

Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

Difficult to find them right now, but here's a start:

Violent Crime: The US and Abroad - Criminal Justice Degree Hub

Germany is mostly white. They have .5% of Africans.
France is 85% white, or other European decent. About 3.5% blacks.
Austria is over 80% white when you include their German population. They list 10% as other.
The only statistics I can find about Canada is that 23% of their population are people of color.
Australia is about 77% white, about 15% Asians, and only .7% African.

The US is 72% white, 16% Hispanic, and 12.6% black. So there is a huge difference in demographics, especially among those who are the most violent groups in our country.
The mall is a gun free zone! The rumpy butt should have been arrested for that.
As for tezass you may prefer a .40 but I love me some 22 inch biceps.
I carry in gun free malls. Just for the reason of the OP - self defense from crazies.

All they can do is to ask you to leave.

Most people have no idea that it's not illegal to bring a gun into a "gun free zone" like at a mall or whatnot. Since that is not a gov't issued law it can't result in a gov't issued penalty like arrest for gun possession. The most the guy could get is a trespassing charge IF they knew about his gun and he refused to leave AFTER being asked.
So does England. However last year, London surpassed New York city in murders. They didn't use guns, they used knives instead. In fact they were trying to institute knife control policies over there, because they still haven't figured out an inanimate object is not the problem. The people are the problem.

The US is an extremely diverse country compared to many others. Here, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. So if you remove our murder rate caused by minorities, even with our guns, we are probably more inline to the statistics of your country and others like it.

That aside, while you don't have firearms for protection, it leaves people defenseless to protect themselves. That's why you will have higher robbery rates, higher rape rates, higher assault rates. A rapist here has to really consider the possibility of getting killed by attacking a woman because she very well may be armed. A rapist where you live is quite confident he will get away with his attack because there, she is defenseless.

1) Show me a link with regard to London vs NY. Even if it is true, you've been more armed over the past 100 years. Why cherrypick only last year. Anyway, let's talk about the country as a whole. Not just cherrypick

2) The US is no more diverse than France, Germany, the UK, Canada and Australia.

3) Please add links to these supposed higher robbery, rape and assault rapes and HOW they are reported.

According to this link the US rape right is slightly higher than NZ and slightly lower than Australia. It is markedly higher than most EU countries with the exception of Belgium.

Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

Difficult to find them right now, but here's a start:

Violent Crime: The US and Abroad - Criminal Justice Degree Hub

Germany is mostly white. They have .5% of Africans.
France is 85% white, or other European decent. About 3.5% blacks.
Austria is over 80% white when you include their German population. They list 10% as other.
The only statistics I can find about Canada is that 23% of their population are people of color.
Australia is about 77% white, about 15% Asians, and only .7% African.

The US is 72% white, 16% Hispanic, and 12.6% black. So there is a huge difference in demographics, especially among those who are the most violent groups in our country.
Germany murdered all of their undesirables.
So does England. However last year, London surpassed New York city in murders. They didn't use guns, they used knives instead. In fact they were trying to institute knife control policies over there, because they still haven't figured out an inanimate object is not the problem. The people are the problem.

The US is an extremely diverse country compared to many others. Here, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. So if you remove our murder rate caused by minorities, even with our guns, we are probably more inline to the statistics of your country and others like it.

That aside, while you don't have firearms for protection, it leaves people defenseless to protect themselves. That's why you will have higher robbery rates, higher rape rates, higher assault rates. A rapist here has to really consider the possibility of getting killed by attacking a woman because she very well may be armed. A rapist where you live is quite confident he will get away with his attack because there, she is defenseless.

1) Show me a link with regard to London vs NY. Even if it is true, you've been more armed over the past 100 years. Why cherrypick only last year. Anyway, let's talk about the country as a whole. Not just cherrypick

2) The US is no more diverse than France, Germany, the UK, Canada and Australia.

3) Please add links to these supposed higher robbery, rape and assault rapes and HOW they are reported.

According to this link the US rape right is slightly higher than NZ and slightly lower than Australia. It is markedly higher than most EU countries with the exception of Belgium.

Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

Difficult to find them right now, but here's a start:

Violent Crime: The US and Abroad - Criminal Justice Degree Hub

Germany is mostly white. They have .5% of Africans.
France is 85% white, or other European decent. About 3.5% blacks.
Austria is over 80% white when you include their German population. They list 10% as other.
The only statistics I can find about Canada is that 23% of their population are people of color.
Australia is about 77% white, about 15% Asians, and only .7% African.

The US is 72% white, 16% Hispanic, and 12.6% black. So there is a huge difference in demographics, especially among those who are the most violent groups in our country.
Germany murdered all of their undesirables.

It's hard to convince people that violent crime are the actions of the individual instead of the tool they happen to be using to commit the crime.

Point is, if you took a nice quiet middle-class suburb, created a law that all residents must own a firearm, and did the opposite with low-income high crime areas where guns would then be illegal, the violent crime rate would not change in either area.

Since gun ownership is available to most everybody in the country, but only certain places have repeated gun violence, it's clear it's not the gun or ability to own one that's the problem. It's who has the guns that are.
As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Thanks for the setup.


Can't argue truth.... so just mock truth. Sure it makes you look stupid, but it'll feel good in the moment.

Truth cannot be mocked. But inane stupid ideas can.

It's too bad no one taught you which was which.
I hope he shit his pants.


Today you shit; yesterday you shat. Tomorrow, if it's a good day, you will have shut.

Wow, look who's all up on the terminology of scat. Anything else you'd like to share? LMAO

tRust a tRumpling to scoff at educated people.

So we have two that seem to be a bit too interested in the process of deification, any wonder they're both commies? And both seem to be a bit wrong. LMAO


shits (third person present) · shitted (past tense) · shitted (past participle) · shat (past tense) · shat (past participle) · shitting (present participle)

I guess the only thing you "shut" is a valve, window, door, lid or drawer.

The verb "to shit" needs to be a strong verb (shit/shat/shut). Unless you want your writing to be weak. I will concede that you could use the simple past (shat) as a participle, but it's weak.

See sing/sang/sung for instance. Would you rather say "I sang" or "I singed"?

I would rather neither, thank you. But feel free to argue with the dictionary, that's what I quoted and they are suppose to be the authority.

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I remember a time when parents, teachers, adults in general, would try to shield kids from those things, so as to not cause anxiety and harm the child. Nowadays, the schools are like, "you kids are going to DIE from climate change, and it's all your parents' fault! Hate them!"

Lol! Poor kids. They have no childhoods with this and all the other crap they have to hear about, like gender confusion, etc. I still believe that childhood should be carefree. It's the ONLY time in your life when that is allowed, but I guess not so much anymore.

"Shield", my ass. Forcing kids into cookie-cutter robot schooling isn't "shielding". It's "imprisoning", "stifling" and "indoctrinating".

Sounds like a very apt description of the current public schools.

It's certainly a description of the ones I went to in the '50s.

Really, how many different schools did you go to in any given year?

Very fine people do not march carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans. Blob supporters do. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise. It’s what you guys are..,bigoted, hyper antagonistic, and dishonest.

Perhaps you commies should get the timeline right. The torch march was the night before the protest of removing the statues. People form all walks were there the day of the protest. But that doesn't fit you lying propaganda, does it?


The torch march by blob supporting Nazi wasn’t a protest? What was it? Just blob supporters being blob supporters?

So people who are trying to protect history and preserve public displays are Nazi's, but the people who want to tear history and relics down are not.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell, 1984

Lost Cause statues are not "history". They're propaganda transmitters. The technology of the time.

NO statue is a "history". History is kept in what we call "books". The purpose of statues is not "history" --- it is "glorification".

No, it is history, just history the commies can't stand. If we allow them to remove history in statues, what's stopping them from removing history in books?

They're already rewriting the books.

As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Total, utter, shit. US has one of the biggest homicide rates when it comes to guns compared to the rest of the western world. I would say an armed society increases the chances of you being shot.

Yet, the more people who arm, the less shootings we have. Until the Ferguson Effect, our violent crime and gun crimes were on the decrease since the mid 90's. During that time, more and more states adopted CCW programs that allowed Americans to carry their loaded weapons just about anyplace we go.

Yeah, but even as you decrease, it is still way above other nations. NZ and Australia are polite societies, yet we have strict gun control laws. Just saying Satrebil's quote is a load of hogwash. Totally unproveable.

Probably nation most associated with "polite" would be Canada, which reminds me of one of my golden oldie hits.
From the wayback machine, begin paste:

I give you two cities, split by a river, kinda like Minneapolis and St. Paul are but this is a different pair of cities.

Obviously being next to each other, these cities have much in common regionally, climatically, industrially and so on. They are less than a mile apart, connected by a bridge and a tunnel. But the two cities show a stark difference in one area.

The city to the west recorded 377 total homicides in 2011 and 327 in 2010, according to police statistics(1), carrying a homicide rate of around 50 per 100,000 people

Across the bridge in the same time period, there was a total of one. For both years put together. A rate of 0.30. From September 27, 2009 to November 22, 2011 in that city, there were no murders at all. Zero.

What's going on here?

One of them is in Canada. The cities are Detroit and Windsor.

I haven't determined how many of those homicides were committed by firearm, but for a guide, out of 386 Detroit homicides in 2012, 333 were by firearm. Over 86%. (1)

And the one murder that finally broke the 2011 streak in Windsor? It was a stabbing.

People in his city of about 215,000 have a saying, Blaine said Friday afternoon: "In Windsor, when a 7-Eleven is held up, it usually is a knife. In Detroit, it is an Uzi."

It's not that there's no crime in Windsor, an industrial city that has seen its own economic challenges. "We're no different than any other major metropolitan area," Corey said. (here)

704 to 1 in homicide; several hundred to zero in gun deaths.
Detroit: at or near the highest murder rate in its country; Windsor: lowest in its country.
Less than a mile apart.

What's driving the difference? Gun control? Or gun culture?

Resources/further reading:
(1) 2012 Crime/Homicide Stats

(2) Freep.com 1/3/13

A Tale of Two Cities

Murder-Free Two Years

Detroit has more than 3 times the population of Windsor and totally different culture. Nothing like comparing Apples to a pile of shit.

Why would you punch the guy and escalate the situation into a fight when you can pull a gun and end it right there?

What is so horrible and irresponsible about DRAWING a gun in self defense?

Do you have a video of the situation? In any case you are simply wrong, what the attacker did was a crime, self-defense against politically motivated attacks is an honor at worst.
in self defense of who Norman, another guy with a gun, or a knife or a broken sharp wine bottle.....

but someone trying to knock your hat off??? really??? I just don't see it as a life threatening situation...

i'm sorry, but that just seems like an irresponsible use of a concealed carry gun... or any open carry gun.... a gun isn't a toy that's to be played with imho...

Someone reaching to your head... if that's not threatening I do not know what is. Self defense is not a crime Care...

Why are you siding with a criminal over an honest American minding his daily business? That's a better question. Trump hat was triggering?
reaching for your HAT, is not life threatening... you know it, I know it, everyone else on this board knows it.... but heels are dug in, as they always are, on this board!!!
I have to wonder at your stance here.

A stranger, moves on another stranger, in a politically motivated attack. The person reaching for the hat is so far out of the bounds of normal and acceptable behavior, it is more than reasonable to think that the person is not sane and is a serious threat to your health, if not your life.

Who has such a lack of impulse control? Mentally ill people, that is who.

You are wrong here.
Likely crazy or a smart ass kid, a punk.....

The police report did not say any contact was made....

And what would the weapon guy do, if he did not have a gun, in this situation, like most people?

I see a positive to concealed carrying in true life threatening situations, stop a shooter in the mall, or in your church, or school teacher perhaps, or stop a rape in the park, or stop a robbery in the bank you are in.....

Hat stealing and political yelling, just does not rise to the occasion imho.

Granted, I was not there....maybe the guy was not just taking the easy, but dangerous, way out?.... :dunno:

He was not too bright of a guy either, he chose to break the law, and carry in the mall, when It was illegal to do such...then, chose to draw the gun for a hat hat snatcher in a mall with lots of people that could have accidentally gotten hurt, again for a hat swiper that never laid a hand on him.....

I see it as ...iff you draw your gun, have the reason, justifiable reason, and assumption that you will likely kill someone.... if the situation does not warrant you to kill the aggressor, then don't draw it.... use other means to settle the squabble.

You're lying again, it was against mall policy, not against the law. And if you don't draw, then you could find yourself on the ground fighting for your life like George Zimmerman, instead of the bad guy just hauling ass.

As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Total, utter, shit. US has one of the biggest homicide rates when it comes to guns compared to the rest of the western world. I would say an armed society increases the chances of you being shot.

Yet, the more people who arm, the less shootings we have. Until the Ferguson Effect, our violent crime and gun crimes were on the decrease since the mid 90's. During that time, more and more states adopted CCW programs that allowed Americans to carry their loaded weapons just about anyplace we go.

Yeah, but even as you decrease, it is still way above other nations. NZ and Australia are polite societies, yet we have strict gun control laws. Just saying Satrebil's quote is a load of hogwash. Totally unproveable.

Probably nation most associated with "polite" would be Canada, which reminds me of one of my golden oldie hits.
From the wayback machine, begin paste:

I give you two cities, split by a river, kinda like Minneapolis and St. Paul are but this is a different pair of cities.

Obviously being next to each other, these cities have much in common regionally, climatically, industrially and so on. They are less than a mile apart, connected by a bridge and a tunnel. But the two cities show a stark difference in one area.

The city to the west recorded 377 total homicides in 2011 and 327 in 2010, according to police statistics(1), carrying a homicide rate of around 50 per 100,000 people

Across the bridge in the same time period, there was a total of one. For both years put together. A rate of 0.30. From September 27, 2009 to November 22, 2011 in that city, there were no murders at all. Zero.

What's going on here?

One of them is in Canada. The cities are Detroit and Windsor.

I haven't determined how many of those homicides were committed by firearm, but for a guide, out of 386 Detroit homicides in 2012, 333 were by firearm. Over 86%. (1)

And the one murder that finally broke the 2011 streak in Windsor? It was a stabbing.

People in his city of about 215,000 have a saying, Blaine said Friday afternoon: "In Windsor, when a 7-Eleven is held up, it usually is a knife. In Detroit, it is an Uzi."

It's not that there's no crime in Windsor, an industrial city that has seen its own economic challenges. "We're no different than any other major metropolitan area," Corey said. (here)

704 to 1 in homicide; several hundred to zero in gun deaths.
Detroit: at or near the highest murder rate in its country; Windsor: lowest in its country.
Less than a mile apart.

What's driving the difference? Gun control? Or gun culture?

Resources/further reading:
(1) 2012 Crime/Homicide Stats

(2) Freep.com 1/3/13

A Tale of Two Cities

Murder-Free Two Years

Windsor, Ontario: 72% White, 4.9% Black
Detroit Michigan: 10.6% White, 82.7% Black

But I'm sure that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the crime rates, right? It's totally racist to point out these facts.
in self defense of who Norman, another guy with a gun, or a knife or a broken sharp wine bottle.....

but someone trying to knock your hat off??? really??? I just don't see it as a life threatening situation...

i'm sorry, but that just seems like an irresponsible use of a concealed carry gun... or any open carry gun.... a gun isn't a toy that's to be played with imho...

Someone reaching to your head... if that's not threatening I do not know what is. Self defense is not a crime Care...

Why are you siding with a criminal over an honest American minding his daily business? That's a better question. Trump hat was triggering?
reaching for your HAT, is not life threatening... you know it, I know it, everyone else on this board knows it.... but heels are dug in, as they always are, on this board!!!
I have to wonder at your stance here.

A stranger, moves on another stranger, in a politically motivated attack. The person reaching for the hat is so far out of the bounds of normal and acceptable behavior, it is more than reasonable to think that the person is not sane and is a serious threat to your health, if not your life.

Who has such a lack of impulse control? Mentally ill people, that is who.

You are wrong here.
Likely crazy or a smart ass kid, a punk.....

The police report did not say any contact was made....

And what would the weapon guy do, if he did not have a gun, in this situation, like most people?

I see a positive to concealed carrying in true life threatening situations, stop a shooter in the mall, or in your church, or school teacher perhaps, or stop a rape in the park, or stop a robbery in the bank you are in.....

Hat stealing and political yelling, just does not rise to the occasion imho.

Granted, I was not there....maybe the guy was not just taking the easy, but dangerous, way out?.... :dunno:

He was not too bright of a guy either, he chose to break the law, and carry in the mall, when It was illegal to do such...then, chose to draw the gun for a hat hat snatcher in a mall with lots of people that could have accidentally gotten hurt, again for a hat swiper that never laid a hand on him.....

I see it as ...iff you draw your gun, have the reason, justifiable reason, and assumption that you will likely kill someone.... if the situation does not warrant you to kill the aggressor, then don't draw it.... use other means to settle the squabble.

You're lying again, it was against mall policy, not against the law. And if you don't draw, then you could find yourself on the ground fighting for your life like George Zimmerman, instead of the bad guy just hauling ass.

Ray already informed me of such earlier...

Does the law allow private businesses to determine whether guns are allowed on their premise? Is it written in to the law, this allowance for businesses, or court houses etc to choose?
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Someone reaching to your head... if that's not threatening I do not know what is. Self defense is not a crime Care...

Why are you siding with a criminal over an honest American minding his daily business? That's a better question. Trump hat was triggering?
reaching for your HAT, is not life threatening... you know it, I know it, everyone else on this board knows it.... but heels are dug in, as they always are, on this board!!!
I have to wonder at your stance here.

A stranger, moves on another stranger, in a politically motivated attack. The person reaching for the hat is so far out of the bounds of normal and acceptable behavior, it is more than reasonable to think that the person is not sane and is a serious threat to your health, if not your life.

Who has such a lack of impulse control? Mentally ill people, that is who.

You are wrong here.
Likely crazy or a smart ass kid, a punk.....

The police report did not say any contact was made....

And what would the weapon guy do, if he did not have a gun, in this situation, like most people?

I see a positive to concealed carrying in true life threatening situations, stop a shooter in the mall, or in your church, or school teacher perhaps, or stop a rape in the park, or stop a robbery in the bank you are in.....

Hat stealing and political yelling, just does not rise to the occasion imho.

Granted, I was not there....maybe the guy was not just taking the easy, but dangerous, way out?.... :dunno:

He was not too bright of a guy either, he chose to break the law, and carry in the mall, when It was illegal to do such...then, chose to draw the gun for a hat hat snatcher in a mall with lots of people that could have accidentally gotten hurt, again for a hat swiper that never laid a hand on him.....

I see it as ...iff you draw your gun, have the reason, justifiable reason, and assumption that you will likely kill someone.... if the situation does not warrant you to kill the aggressor, then don't draw it.... use other means to settle the squabble.

You're lying again, it was against mall policy, not against the law. And if you don't draw, then you could find yourself on the ground fighting for your life like George Zimmerman, instead of the bad guy just hauling ass.

Ray already informed me of such earlier...

Does the law allow private businesses to determine whether guns are allowed on their premise? Is it written in to the law, this allowance for businesses, or court houses etc to choose?

Apparently in PA, the government allows the establishment to make that determination. However in the process, the state does not sanction it. In my state, if an establishment forbids carrying by placing a sign on the doorway or window by the door and you violate it, it is a state issue. It's just a fine of course, and to an extreme, a suspension of the CCW's license.

When we first adopted the CCW program, nearly all businesses practiced the restriction. As they lost customers, they slowly began to back off and took the signs down. The liability is that if a customer is harmed because they were forbidden to carry in a place of business, they can be sued for damages if the customer was harmed because they were not allowed to carry to protect themselves.

Now that we went through this process, I took note that no businesses have those signs on their doorways or windows any longer.
Someone reaching to your head... if that's not threatening I do not know what is. Self defense is not a crime Care...

Why are you siding with a criminal over an honest American minding his daily business? That's a better question. Trump hat was triggering?
reaching for your HAT, is not life threatening... you know it, I know it, everyone else on this board knows it.... but heels are dug in, as they always are, on this board!!!
I have to wonder at your stance here.

A stranger, moves on another stranger, in a politically motivated attack. The person reaching for the hat is so far out of the bounds of normal and acceptable behavior, it is more than reasonable to think that the person is not sane and is a serious threat to your health, if not your life.

Who has such a lack of impulse control? Mentally ill people, that is who.

You are wrong here.
Likely crazy or a smart ass kid, a punk.....

The police report did not say any contact was made....

And what would the weapon guy do, if he did not have a gun, in this situation, like most people?

I see a positive to concealed carrying in true life threatening situations, stop a shooter in the mall, or in your church, or school teacher perhaps, or stop a rape in the park, or stop a robbery in the bank you are in.....

Hat stealing and political yelling, just does not rise to the occasion imho.

Granted, I was not there....maybe the guy was not just taking the easy, but dangerous, way out?.... :dunno:

He was not too bright of a guy either, he chose to break the law, and carry in the mall, when It was illegal to do such...then, chose to draw the gun for a hat hat snatcher in a mall with lots of people that could have accidentally gotten hurt, again for a hat swiper that never laid a hand on him.....

I see it as ...iff you draw your gun, have the reason, justifiable reason, and assumption that you will likely kill someone.... if the situation does not warrant you to kill the aggressor, then don't draw it.... use other means to settle the squabble.

You're lying again, it was against mall policy, not against the law. And if you don't draw, then you could find yourself on the ground fighting for your life like George Zimmerman, instead of the bad guy just hauling ass.

Ray already informed me of such earlier...

Does the law allow private businesses to determine whether guns are allowed on their premise? Is it written in to the law, this allowance for businesses, or court houses etc to choose?

Depends on the State, in TX if a business has the proper signs posted, you can be arrested for carrying in them, some just prohibit open carry. All court houses, jails, banks and bars that make more than 50% from alcohol service are off limits, but they're still required to post the proper signs. Other than than that all State, County and City government offices are open for carry, by State law. I can carry concealed or open in my congressman's office, because it's not in a federal building and not posted.

You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
Wonderful to see. We need to start taking these cowards out. PERMANENTLY.
Uhhh... no we dont. This is exactly the ammunition the left LOVES to use against the right.

Someone is going to to post "see, these gun nut just want to shoot everybody", and statements like this give them all the proof they need.

How about instead of killing the dems, maybe try to help them understand that difference of opinion is good, and just because we all disagree, you are not the enemy, and it's ok that we dont see eye to eye.

We've tried this approach. Doesn't work. Still, they are attacking Trump supporters for wearing a hat that triggers them. Even in some liberal run cities, some assaults perpetrated by the left have been ignored.

My response was to him saying we need to get rid of dems "permanently". Yeah, if someone wants to attack you, by all means , defend yourself, but what I'm saying is the answer isnt to be trying to "take them out". That's just another talking point the left doesnt need to be able use against the right.

Dear ChrisL and ThisIsMe
I agree that it isn't going to work to try to exclude, oppress or change all Liberals/Leftist/Democrats.
That's like trying to solve problems of Christianity by banning all religions.
I see people propose this, thinking that will solve the problem. But people FORM groups around
their beliefs, both religious and political, so they will always use bigger groups to leverage their interests.

Instead of the Left and Right competing to vote each other out of office or overrule the other side,
what we could do is start recognizing political beliefs, parties and religions the same way
we respect other religious organizations, where they are expected to fund their own policies.
NOT compete to get "majority rule" or judges on the bench to IMPOSE such beliefs on others!

When we get to the point we both recognize political beliefs as equal,
and see the advantages of defending these interests equally without compromise or conflict with the other,
then we might finally realize true pluralism, inclusion of diversity, and equal freedom, justice
and protections of the laws for all people. If we are going to achieve equal justice under law,
that isn't "equal" if one group amasses more power to censor or remove the other group.

Longterm solutions would likely involve mutual input and participation by all groups affected.
I believe the language, structure and process in our Constitution serve as a key framework in that process.
Trump said there were fine people on both sides of the issue involving the removal of Confederate statues. The liberal media jumped on that claiming that Trump was calling some Nazis "fine people" which was total HORSESHIT since Trump quite clearly denounced the Nazis who were marching! You embarrass yourself when you claim that, Candy!

Very fine people do not march carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans. Blob supporters do. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise. It’s what you guys are..,bigoted, hyper antagonistic, and dishonest.

Perhaps you commies should get the timeline right. The torch march was the night before the protest of removing the statues. People form all walks were there the day of the protest. But that doesn't fit you lying propaganda, does it?


The torch march by blob supporting Nazi wasn’t a protest? What was it? Just blob supporters being blob supporters?

So people who are trying to protect history and preserve public displays are Nazi's, but the people who want to tear history and relics down are not.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell, 1984

Lost Cause statues are not "history". They're propaganda transmitters. The technology of the time.

NO statue is a "history". History is kept in what we call "books". The purpose of statues is not "history" --- it is "glorification".


Dear Pogo
The same way SOME posters on the wall are political propaganda,
but some are framed art prints, and others might be both,
doesn't the same apply to STATUES?

The ancient Buddha statues carved into the mountainsides
were considered landmarks of world history.

The fertility goddess statues unearthed at various sites
serve as historical records of those previous matriarchal cultures.
Certainly those are a key stages in both art history and world cultural history.

Why would you assume that just because certain statues
are interpreted as propaganda to pit one class above others,
that ALL of these are limited to only THAT interpretation in that limited context?

Why would you impose your beliefs about this on everyone else.
Don't all people deserve equal freedom to research, process
and decide their own beliefs. How is it fair to dictate and push your view on others?

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