Leftards Beware When Assaulting Trump Fans

As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Thanks for the setup.


Can't argue truth.... so just mock truth. Sure it makes you look stupid, but it'll feel good in the moment.
Leftists are really the only "problems" that we have. They have reverted to attacking innocent people for wearing a hat or for presenting an ideology they don't like. Control yourselves before you get yourselves hurt.

These leftists who attack people on the right are not very bright. Who would risk going to jail, seriously hurting somebody, or perhaps accidentally killing somebody over a hat? That's just plain stupidity.

It reminds me of an old Chinese proverb my martial arts teacher taught me: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.

IMO, it is because they have all gone insane. TDS is not just a meme.

TDS is a meme, an echo used by those out of touch with reality.
Do you think getting so angry about a hat you knock it off someone's head is a rational action?

Hint: It's not.

The syntax in your question needs to be fixed, then I will try to decipher it.
There is nothing wrong with my question. The only thing wrong is your cowardice in refusing to answer it.

Another question: Does leftism attract cowards, or does leftism create cowards?
What pretend ? If somebody attacks you, you shoot. Period.

Zimmerman Syndrome ^^^

Zimmerman's problem is he shot way too late. That's why he sustained the injuries he had.

Zimmerman's problem was he was armed with a gun. Cowards with a gun gain confidence, it's why some cops can't pass probation, and jerks like Zimmerman seek out an opportunity to kill someone.
Cowards are people who attack people for the clothes they're wearing.

You know what normal, rational people do when they see someone wearing something they don't like?

Ignore it.

You know what leftists do when they see someone wearing something they don't like?


Leftists are pussies.

Gee, thanks so much for your effort to convince anyone about what is normal or rational. You then support it with an example that is absurd.
...says the guy who refuses to answer a simple question because he's afraid of it.
I love it when you pretend to be tough.

Pretend? You saw what the guy pretending to be tough did when his intended victim defended himself. He ran like a little girl.

These are the same cowards that attack the Covington kid.
Nobody attacked that little racist prick.
So...CNN settled the lawsuit out of, what, generosity?

Besides...YOU just attacked him. Dumbass.
I remember a time when parents, teachers, adults in general, would try to shield kids from those things, so as to not cause anxiety and harm the child. Nowadays, the schools are like, "you kids are going to DIE from climate change, and it's all your parents' fault! Hate them!"

Lol! Poor kids. They have no childhoods with this and all the other crap they have to hear about, like gender confusion, etc. I still believe that childhood should be carefree. It's the ONLY time in your life when that is allowed, but I guess not so much anymore.

"Shield", my ass. Forcing kids into cookie-cutter robot schooling isn't "shielding". It's "imprisoning", "stifling" and "indoctrinating".
Oh, then you agree the Department of Education should be abolished.

Now is the part where you sputter impotently in outrage.

Sure, go ahead. I could care. Although I don't think they have a lot to do with parochial schools.

It's kinda like guns, yanno? You can throw all the laws and regs you like at a social issue. It'll go nowhere, but you can feel like you're doing something.

In your case, hallucinating.
I hope he shit his pants.


Today you shit; yesterday you shat. Tomorrow, if it's a good day, you will have shut.

Wow, look who's all up on the terminology of scat. Anything else you'd like to share? LMAO

tRust a tRumpling to scoff at educated people.

So we have two that seem to be a bit too interested in the process of deification, any wonder they're both commies? And both seem to be a bit wrong. LMAO


shits (third person present) · shitted (past tense) · shitted (past participle) · shat (past tense) · shat (past participle) · shitting (present participle)

I guess the only thing you "shut" is a valve, window, door, lid or drawer.

The verb "to shit" needs to be a strong verb (shit/shat/shut). Unless you want your writing to be weak. I will concede that you could use the simple past (shat) as a participle, but it's weak.

See sing/sang/sung for instance. Would you rather say "I sang" or "I singed"?
You really just make stuff up and expect people to believe it, don't you?

v. Vulgar Slang
A past tense and a past participle of shit.
I remember a time when parents, teachers, adults in general, would try to shield kids from those things, so as to not cause anxiety and harm the child. Nowadays, the schools are like, "you kids are going to DIE from climate change, and it's all your parents' fault! Hate them!"

Lol! Poor kids. They have no childhoods with this and all the other crap they have to hear about, like gender confusion, etc. I still believe that childhood should be carefree. It's the ONLY time in your life when that is allowed, but I guess not so much anymore.

"Shield", my ass. Forcing kids into cookie-cutter robot schooling isn't "shielding". It's "imprisoning", "stifling" and "indoctrinating".
Oh, then you agree the Department of Education should be abolished.

Now is the part where you sputter impotently in outrage.

Sure, go ahead. I could care. Although I don't think they have a lot to do with parochial schools.

It's kinda like guns, yanno? You can throw all the laws and regs you like at a social issue. It'll go nowhere, but you can feel like you're doing something.

In your case, hallucinating.
Oh, so your criticism is aimed at non-public schools.

LOL! Figures. You hate it that people are allowed to believe differently than you.

Today you shit; yesterday you shat. Tomorrow, if it's a good day, you will have shut.

Wow, look who's all up on the terminology of scat. Anything else you'd like to share? LMAO

tRust a tRumpling to scoff at educated people.

So we have two that seem to be a bit too interested in the process of deification, any wonder they're both commies? And both seem to be a bit wrong. LMAO


shits (third person present) · shitted (past tense) · shitted (past participle) · shat (past tense) · shat (past participle) · shitting (present participle)

I guess the only thing you "shut" is a valve, window, door, lid or drawer.

The verb "to shit" needs to be a strong verb (shit/shat/shut). Unless you want your writing to be weak. I will concede that you could use the simple past (shat) as a participle, but it's weak.

See sing/sang/sung for instance. Would you rather say "I sang" or "I singed"?
You really just make stuff up and expect people to believe it, don't you?

v. Vulgar Slang
A past tense and a past participle of shit.

Ummmm........... I already posted that. Yesterday. Along with the past participle.

Maybe it'll penetrate your synapses by the weekend.
These leftists who attack people on the right are not very bright. Who would risk going to jail, seriously hurting somebody, or perhaps accidentally killing somebody over a hat? That's just plain stupidity.

It reminds me of an old Chinese proverb my martial arts teacher taught me: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.

IMO, it is because they have all gone insane. TDS is not just a meme.

TDS is a meme, an echo used by those out of touch with reality.
Do you think getting so angry about a hat you knock it off someone's head is a rational action?

Hint: It's not.

The syntax in your question needs to be fixed, then I will try to decipher it.
There is nothing wrong with my question. The only thing wrong is your cowardice in refusing to answer it.

Another question: Does leftism attract cowards, or does leftism create cowards?

Define leftism. What you describe seems to be what happens at trump rallies.
I remember a time when parents, teachers, adults in general, would try to shield kids from those things, so as to not cause anxiety and harm the child. Nowadays, the schools are like, "you kids are going to DIE from climate change, and it's all your parents' fault! Hate them!"

Lol! Poor kids. They have no childhoods with this and all the other crap they have to hear about, like gender confusion, etc. I still believe that childhood should be carefree. It's the ONLY time in your life when that is allowed, but I guess not so much anymore.

"Shield", my ass. Forcing kids into cookie-cutter robot schooling isn't "shielding". It's "imprisoning", "stifling" and "indoctrinating".
Oh, then you agree the Department of Education should be abolished.

Now is the part where you sputter impotently in outrage.

Sure, go ahead. I could care. Although I don't think they have a lot to do with parochial schools.

It's kinda like guns, yanno? You can throw all the laws and regs you like at a social issue. It'll go nowhere, but you can feel like you're doing something.

In your case, hallucinating.
Oh, so your criticism is aimed at non-public schools.

LOL! Figures. You hate it that people are allowed to believe differently than you.

Nope, I'd include both. I was imprisoned in both and I don't see a difference.

So how long have you had this fascist disease where you sit on a message board and purport to dick-tate what somebody else thinks? What is is, some kind of drain bammage?
Well given that deranged anti-Trumpers have tortured kid with a MAGA hat, I would not play with it lightly.

Why are you siding with the person who obviously wronged? You have ZERO business reaching for someone else's hat or head in general in any way. Whoever took the hat is lucky he was not shot dead on the spot.
I agree with you Norman, he had no business in harrassing the guy about his hat or trying to take a swipe at knocking it off... he was definitely in the wrong...

A person who is a concealed gun carrier,should be much more responsible, and level headed, than to pull a gun, on a guy, in the middle of the mall, because the guy tried to swipe his hat....

THAT was a crazy ass reaction as well!!!!

Punch the guy/gal in the nose, make it bleed as dad used to teach small little me, when or if being bullied!

But to pull your gun, for hat swiping? That's simply irrational, someone too high strung himself, to be carrying a concealed weapon...

So, in no way do I side with the jerk off hat swiper,

but I also do not agree that this incident was worthy of killing a man over it. And drawing the gun, showed me, the guy with the concealed gun, would take the chance of killing, over it... which is bat shit crazy!

Why would you punch the guy and escalate the situation into a fight when you can pull a gun and end it right there?

What is so horrible and irresponsible about DRAWING a gun in self defense?

Do you have a video of the situation? In any case you are simply wrong, what the attacker did was a crime, self-defense against politically motivated attacks is an honor at worst.
in self defense of who Norman, another guy with a gun, or a knife or a broken sharp wine bottle.....

but someone trying to knock your hat off??? really??? I just don't see it as a life threatening situation...

i'm sorry, but that just seems like an irresponsible use of a concealed carry gun... or any open carry gun.... a gun isn't a toy that's to be played with imho...

Someone reaching to your head... if that's not threatening I do not know what is. Self defense is not a crime Care...

Why are you siding with a criminal over an honest American minding his daily business? That's a better question. Trump hat was triggering?
reaching for your HAT, is not life threatening... you know it, I know it, everyone else on this board knows it.... but heels are dug in, as they always are, on this board!!!
I have to wonder at your stance here.

A stranger, moves on another stranger, in a politically motivated attack. The person reaching for the hat is so far out of the bounds of normal and acceptable behavior, it is more than reasonable to think that the person is not sane and is a serious threat to your health, if not your life.

Who has such a lack of impulse control? Mentally ill people, that is who.

You are wrong here.
Wow, look who's all up on the terminology of scat. Anything else you'd like to share? LMAO

tRust a tRumpling to scoff at educated people.

So we have two that seem to be a bit too interested in the process of deification, any wonder they're both commies? And both seem to be a bit wrong. LMAO


shits (third person present) · shitted (past tense) · shitted (past participle) · shat (past tense) · shat (past participle) · shitting (present participle)

I guess the only thing you "shut" is a valve, window, door, lid or drawer.

The verb "to shit" needs to be a strong verb (shit/shat/shut). Unless you want your writing to be weak. I will concede that you could use the simple past (shat) as a participle, but it's weak.

See sing/sang/sung for instance. Would you rather say "I sang" or "I singed"?
You really just make stuff up and expect people to believe it, don't you?

v. Vulgar Slang
A past tense and a past participle of shit.

Ummmm........... I already posted that. Yesterday. Along with the past participle.

Maybe it'll penetrate your synapses by the weekend.
"Shat" IS the past participle. The word "shut" is in no way related to the word "shit".
IMO, it is because they have all gone insane. TDS is not just a meme.

TDS is a meme, an echo used by those out of touch with reality.
Do you think getting so angry about a hat you knock it off someone's head is a rational action?

Hint: It's not.

The syntax in your question needs to be fixed, then I will try to decipher it.
There is nothing wrong with my question. The only thing wrong is your cowardice in refusing to answer it.

Another question: Does leftism attract cowards, or does leftism create cowards?

Define leftism. What you describe seems to be what happens at trump rallies.
Yes, someone disconnected from reality would see it that way.

Meanwhile, I can't help but notice you're wasted yet another opportunity to answer my simple question.

Do I need to repeat it, or are you just going to keep pretending it's not there?
I remember a time when parents, teachers, adults in general, would try to shield kids from those things, so as to not cause anxiety and harm the child. Nowadays, the schools are like, "you kids are going to DIE from climate change, and it's all your parents' fault! Hate them!"

Lol! Poor kids. They have no childhoods with this and all the other crap they have to hear about, like gender confusion, etc. I still believe that childhood should be carefree. It's the ONLY time in your life when that is allowed, but I guess not so much anymore.

"Shield", my ass. Forcing kids into cookie-cutter robot schooling isn't "shielding". It's "imprisoning", "stifling" and "indoctrinating".
Oh, then you agree the Department of Education should be abolished.

Now is the part where you sputter impotently in outrage.

Sure, go ahead. I could care. Although I don't think they have a lot to do with parochial schools.

It's kinda like guns, yanno? You can throw all the laws and regs you like at a social issue. It'll go nowhere, but you can feel like you're doing something.

In your case, hallucinating.
Oh, so your criticism is aimed at non-public schools.

LOL! Figures. You hate it that people are allowed to believe differently than you.

Nope, I'd include both. I was imprisoned in both and I don't see a difference.

So how long have you had this fascist disease where you sit on a message board and purport to dick-tate what somebody else thinks? What is is, some kind of drain bammage?

You really do just make stuff up, don't you?

How's that working out for you?
tRust a tRumpling to scoff at educated people.

So we have two that seem to be a bit too interested in the process of deification, any wonder they're both commies? And both seem to be a bit wrong. LMAO


shits (third person present) · shitted (past tense) · shitted (past participle) · shat (past tense) · shat (past participle) · shitting (present participle)

I guess the only thing you "shut" is a valve, window, door, lid or drawer.

The verb "to shit" needs to be a strong verb (shit/shat/shut). Unless you want your writing to be weak. I will concede that you could use the simple past (shat) as a participle, but it's weak.

See sing/sang/sung for instance. Would you rather say "I sang" or "I singed"?
You really just make stuff up and expect people to believe it, don't you?

v. Vulgar Slang
A past tense and a past participle of shit.

Ummmm........... I already posted that. Yesterday. Along with the past participle.

Maybe it'll penetrate your synapses by the weekend.
"Shat" IS the past participle. The word "shut" is in no way related to the word "shit".

AGAIN -- what's the past participle of "sing"?
Or "begin"?
Or "sink"?
Or "drink"?
Or "spin"?
Or "swim"?
"Shield", my ass. Forcing kids into cookie-cutter robot schooling isn't "shielding". It's "imprisoning", "stifling" and "indoctrinating".
Oh, then you agree the Department of Education should be abolished.

Now is the part where you sputter impotently in outrage.

Sure, go ahead. I could care. Although I don't think they have a lot to do with parochial schools.

It's kinda like guns, yanno? You can throw all the laws and regs you like at a social issue. It'll go nowhere, but you can feel like you're doing something.

In your case, hallucinating.
Oh, so your criticism is aimed at non-public schools.

LOL! Figures. You hate it that people are allowed to believe differently than you.

Nope, I'd include both. I was imprisoned in both and I don't see a difference.

So how long have you had this fascist disease where you sit on a message board and purport to dick-tate what somebody else thinks? What is is, some kind of drain bammage?

You really do just make stuff up, don't you?

How's that working out for you?

Apparently pretty well since you can't answer the question.
So we have two that seem to be a bit too interested in the process of deification, any wonder they're both commies? And both seem to be a bit wrong. LMAO


shits (third person present) · shitted (past tense) · shitted (past participle) · shat (past tense) · shat (past participle) · shitting (present participle)

I guess the only thing you "shut" is a valve, window, door, lid or drawer.

The verb "to shit" needs to be a strong verb (shit/shat/shut). Unless you want your writing to be weak. I will concede that you could use the simple past (shat) as a participle, but it's weak.

See sing/sang/sung for instance. Would you rather say "I sang" or "I singed"?
You really just make stuff up and expect people to believe it, don't you?

v. Vulgar Slang
A past tense and a past participle of shit.

Ummmm........... I already posted that. Yesterday. Along with the past participle.

Maybe it'll penetrate your synapses by the weekend.
"Shat" IS the past participle. The word "shut" is in no way related to the word "shit".

AGAIN -- what's the past participle of "sing"?
Or "begin"?
Or "sink"?
Or "drink"?
Or "spin"?
Or "swim"?
You know English doesn't work like that, right?

Gimme a link, or shut up, you pompous buffoon.
Oh, then you agree the Department of Education should be abolished.

Now is the part where you sputter impotently in outrage.

Sure, go ahead. I could care. Although I don't think they have a lot to do with parochial schools.

It's kinda like guns, yanno? You can throw all the laws and regs you like at a social issue. It'll go nowhere, but you can feel like you're doing something.

In your case, hallucinating.
Oh, so your criticism is aimed at non-public schools.

LOL! Figures. You hate it that people are allowed to believe differently than you.

Nope, I'd include both. I was imprisoned in both and I don't see a difference.

So how long have you had this fascist disease where you sit on a message board and purport to dick-tate what somebody else thinks? What is is, some kind of drain bammage?

You really do just make stuff up, don't you?

How's that working out for you?

Apparently pretty well since you can't answer the question.
You, of all people, shouldn't be complaining about unanswered questions.

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