Leftards Beware When Assaulting Trump Fans

I love it when you pretend to be tough.

his pretense to be "TOUGH" is just to mask his psychopathic desire to kill liberals for their crime of not being psychopathic murderers like him.

:cuckoo: Better watch out with your accusing people of being murderers or criminals, weirdo.
Maybe you shouldn't associate yourself with murderers and criminals, then you won't have to worry about it.

Who is this murderer and criminal? Who did this person kill . . . in your fantasy?
I remember a time when parents, teachers, adults in general, would try to shield kids from those things, so as to not cause anxiety and harm the child. Nowadays, the schools are like, "you kids are going to DIE from climate change, and it's all your parents' fault! Hate them!"

Lol! Poor kids. They have no childhoods with this and all the other crap they have to hear about, like gender confusion, etc. I still believe that childhood should be carefree. It's the ONLY time in your life when that is allowed, but I guess not so much anymore.

"Shield", my ass. Forcing kids into cookie-cutter robot schooling isn't "shielding". It's "imprisoning", "stifling" and "indoctrinating".

Sounds like a very apt description of the current public schools.

Right, Candy! The side that's taken violence to the streets...time and again...isn't the right...it's the left! Antifa? Liberals wearing masks to hide their identities while they roam the streets in mobs blocking traffic, smashing windows and assaulting anyone who appears to disagree with their politics. Cowards assault others when they outnumber them. That's the way of the left these days. Cowardly attacks against the elderly...women...and children. You OWN that!

I’ll give you that. While blob supporters were carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans, they were not wearing masks.

However in Charlottesville, a lot of your blob’s very fine people were wearing masks during their assault spree.

Nazis have been marching long before Trump was ever elected President, Candy! You on the left use laughably small marches by a bunch of Nazi idiots as your excuse to assault ALL conservatives with impunity! It's the excuse that ANTIFA employs to use mob violence in the streets!

In Virginia?
Did the POTUS call those Nazi’s very fine people?

Trump said there were fine people on both sides of the issue involving the removal of Confederate statues. The liberal media jumped on that claiming that Trump was calling some Nazis "fine people" which was total HORSESHIT since Trump quite clearly denounced the Nazis who were marching! You embarrass yourself when you claim that, Candy!

Very fine people do not march carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans. Blob supporters do. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise. It’s what you guys are..,bigoted, hyper antagonistic, and dishonest.

Perhaps you commies should get the timeline right. The torch march was the night before the protest of removing the statues. People form all walks were there the day of the protest. But that doesn't fit you lying propaganda, does it?

I’ll give you that. While blob supporters were carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans, they were not wearing masks.

However in Charlottesville, a lot of your blob’s very fine people were wearing masks during their assault spree.

Nazis have been marching long before Trump was ever elected President, Candy! You on the left use laughably small marches by a bunch of Nazi idiots as your excuse to assault ALL conservatives with impunity! It's the excuse that ANTIFA employs to use mob violence in the streets!

In Virginia?
Did the POTUS call those Nazi’s very fine people?

Trump said there were fine people on both sides of the issue involving the removal of Confederate statues. The liberal media jumped on that claiming that Trump was calling some Nazis "fine people" which was total HORSESHIT since Trump quite clearly denounced the Nazis who were marching! You embarrass yourself when you claim that, Candy!

Very fine people do not march carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans. Blob supporters do. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise. It’s what you guys are..,bigoted, hyper antagonistic, and dishonest.

Perhaps you commies should get the timeline right. The torch march was the night before the protest of removing the statues. People form all walks were there the day of the protest. But that doesn't fit you lying propaganda, does it?


The torch march by blob supporting Nazi wasn’t a protest? What was it? Just blob supporters being blob supporters?
Nazis have been marching long before Trump was ever elected President, Candy! You on the left use laughably small marches by a bunch of Nazi idiots as your excuse to assault ALL conservatives with impunity! It's the excuse that ANTIFA employs to use mob violence in the streets!

In Virginia?
Did the POTUS call those Nazi’s very fine people?

Trump said there were fine people on both sides of the issue involving the removal of Confederate statues. The liberal media jumped on that claiming that Trump was calling some Nazis "fine people" which was total HORSESHIT since Trump quite clearly denounced the Nazis who were marching! You embarrass yourself when you claim that, Candy!

Very fine people do not march carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans. Blob supporters do. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise. It’s what you guys are..,bigoted, hyper antagonistic, and dishonest.

Perhaps you commies should get the timeline right. The torch march was the night before the protest of removing the statues. People form all walks were there the day of the protest. But that doesn't fit you lying propaganda, does it?


The torch march by blob supporting Nazi wasn’t a protest? What was it? Just blob supporters being blob supporters?

More like idiots acting like fools. But of course you fools won't admit Trump was talking about the protest the following day, when he said there were some good people there. I know, no one who disagrees with you commies can be good people, RIGHT?

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Nazis have been marching long before Trump was ever elected President, Candy! You on the left use laughably small marches by a bunch of Nazi idiots as your excuse to assault ALL conservatives with impunity! It's the excuse that ANTIFA employs to use mob violence in the streets!

In Virginia?
Did the POTUS call those Nazi’s very fine people?

Trump said there were fine people on both sides of the issue involving the removal of Confederate statues. The liberal media jumped on that claiming that Trump was calling some Nazis "fine people" which was total HORSESHIT since Trump quite clearly denounced the Nazis who were marching! You embarrass yourself when you claim that, Candy!

Very fine people do not march carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans. Blob supporters do. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise. It’s what you guys are..,bigoted, hyper antagonistic, and dishonest.

Perhaps you commies should get the timeline right. The torch march was the night before the protest of removing the statues. People form all walks were there the day of the protest. But that doesn't fit you lying propaganda, does it?


The torch march by blob supporting Nazi wasn’t a protest? What was it? Just blob supporters being blob supporters?

So people who are trying to protect history and preserve public displays are Nazi's, but the people who want to tear history and relics down are not.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell, 1984
Right, Candy! The side that's taken violence to the streets...time and again...isn't the right...it's the left! Antifa? Liberals wearing masks to hide their identities while they roam the streets in mobs blocking traffic, smashing windows and assaulting anyone who appears to disagree with their politics. Cowards assault others when they outnumber them. That's the way of the left these days. Cowardly attacks against the elderly...women...and children. You OWN that!

I’ll give you that. While blob supporters were carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans, they were not wearing masks.

However in Charlottesville, a lot of your blob’s very fine people were wearing masks during their assault spree.

Nazis have been marching long before Trump was ever elected President, Candy! You on the left use laughably small marches by a bunch of Nazi idiots as your excuse to assault ALL conservatives with impunity! It's the excuse that ANTIFA employs to use mob violence in the streets!

In Virginia?
Did the POTUS call those Nazi’s very fine people?

Trump said there were fine people on both sides of the issue involving the removal of Confederate statues. The liberal media jumped on that claiming that Trump was calling some Nazis "fine people" which was total HORSESHIT since Trump quite clearly denounced the Nazis who were marching! You embarrass yourself when you claim that, Candy!

Very fine people do not march carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans. Blob supporters do. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise. It’s what you guys are..,bigoted, hyper antagonistic, and dishonest.

Oh, bullshit! You know as well as I do that Trump wasn't referring to the Nazis...he was referring to people who felt strongly that statues honoring the Confederates who died fighting in the Civil War shouldn't be torn down...THOSE are some of the ones he referred to as being fine people! He denounced the Nazis and said there was no room in America for that kind of hatred. You can't admit that though...can you? You have to continue to tell the lie! Shame on you, Candy...
Nazis have been marching long before Trump was ever elected President, Candy! You on the left use laughably small marches by a bunch of Nazi idiots as your excuse to assault ALL conservatives with impunity! It's the excuse that ANTIFA employs to use mob violence in the streets!

In Virginia?
Did the POTUS call those Nazi’s very fine people?

Trump said there were fine people on both sides of the issue involving the removal of Confederate statues. The liberal media jumped on that claiming that Trump was calling some Nazis "fine people" which was total HORSESHIT since Trump quite clearly denounced the Nazis who were marching! You embarrass yourself when you claim that, Candy!

Very fine people do not march carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans. Blob supporters do. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise. It’s what you guys are..,bigoted, hyper antagonistic, and dishonest.

Perhaps you commies should get the timeline right. The torch march was the night before the protest of removing the statues. People form all walks were there the day of the protest. But that doesn't fit you lying propaganda, does it?


The torch march by blob supporting Nazi wasn’t a protest? What was it? Just blob supporters being blob supporters?

And Trump specifically excluded nazis from those he said had good people protesting. So you lie about it.

Have you ever dared look in the mirror and say to yourself "holy shit, I am what I accuse Trump of......but he isn't ".

Because the facts are it is YOUwho are the liars.

Not Trump.
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What is ... um, what are your problems?

Leftists are really the only "problems" that we have. They have reverted to attacking innocent people for wearing a hat or for presenting an ideology they don't like. Control yourselves before you get yourselves hurt.

These leftists who attack people on the right are not very bright. Who would risk going to jail, seriously hurting somebody, or perhaps accidentally killing somebody over a hat? That's just plain stupidity.

It reminds me of an old Chinese proverb my martial arts teacher taught me: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.

IMO, it is because they have all gone insane. TDS is not just a meme.

TDS is a meme, an echo used by those out of touch with reality.
Do you think getting so angry about a hat you knock it off someone's head is a rational action?

Hint: It's not.

The syntax in your question needs to be fixed, then I will try to decipher it.
I love it when you pretend to be tough.

What pretend ? If somebody attacks you, you shoot. Period.

Zimmerman Syndrome ^^^

Zimmerman's problem is he shot way too late. That's why he sustained the injuries he had.

Zimmerman's problem was he was armed with a gun. Cowards with a gun gain confidence, it's why some cops can't pass probation, and jerks like Zimmerman seek out an opportunity to kill someone.
Cowards are people who attack people for the clothes they're wearing.

You know what normal, rational people do when they see someone wearing something they don't like?

Ignore it.

You know what leftists do when they see someone wearing something they don't like?


Leftists are pussies.

Gee, thanks so much for your effort to convince anyone about what is normal or rational. You then support it with an example that is absurd.
I’ll give you that. While blob supporters were carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans, they were not wearing masks.

However in Charlottesville, a lot of your blob’s very fine people were wearing masks during their assault spree.

Nazis have been marching long before Trump was ever elected President, Candy! You on the left use laughably small marches by a bunch of Nazi idiots as your excuse to assault ALL conservatives with impunity! It's the excuse that ANTIFA employs to use mob violence in the streets!

In Virginia?
Did the POTUS call those Nazi’s very fine people?

Trump said there were fine people on both sides of the issue involving the removal of Confederate statues. The liberal media jumped on that claiming that Trump was calling some Nazis "fine people" which was total HORSESHIT since Trump quite clearly denounced the Nazis who were marching! You embarrass yourself when you claim that, Candy!

Very fine people do not march carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans. Blob supporters do. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise. It’s what you guys are..,bigoted, hyper antagonistic, and dishonest.

Oh, bullshit! You know as well as I do that Trump wasn't referring to the Nazis...he was referring to people who felt strongly that statues honoring the Confederates who died fighting in the Civil War shouldn't be torn down...THOSE are some of the ones he referred to as being fine people! He denounced the Nazis and said there was no room in America for that kind of hatred. You can't admit that though...can you? You have to continue to tell the lie! Shame on you, Candy...
Those are the nazis.
I love it when you pretend to be tough.

I love it when you pretend to be tough attacking innocent civilians carrying out their private lives - it makes you look like the jokes that you are.

Leftists... always side with criminals over honest Americans.
I'm.not attacking anyone, but anyone wearing a maga hat is a criminal.
You sound like those racists who once said the Jew will not replace us,
do you chant the Trump supporter will not replace us at your meetings?
Magahat is now a race?

Are they all.orange?
WHERE did I say maga?
I love it when you pretend to be tough.

Pretend? You saw what the guy pretending to be tough did when his intended victim defended himself. He ran like a little girl.

These are the same cowards that attack the Covington kid.

No Weatherman2020
These are all different people.
Each individual is responsible for their own actions.

If we want to enforce ethical standards of direct accountability,
we shouldn't jump in the same mob mentality business of painting all people
as a group with a broad brush. When both sides do this, we lose accountability to each other.

Let's not reinforce that collective mentality and fall into the same traps used in the media to bait and incite more of the same.

There is a reason the Bill of Rights specifically demands due process protections
of INDIVIDUAL rights from oppression by COLLECTIVE authority of government.

If we want to instill this respect for INDIVIDUAL liberty and due process of laws,
we can't buy into the business of deprivation by accusing people by "association with a group."

We the people are the authority behind government.
So if we want our government not to punish us "by mere association with groups"
then we should enforce the same standards. We get the government we live by.
A 9mm? Lol

Either that or they’ll find another way to be violent...mail bombs to you, drive over you in their car...blob supporters crave violence.

Dear candycorn

How are you comparing
A. a person who draws a weapon after being personally accosted (but doesn't harm anyone)
B. someone who isn't being attacked who mails bombs to people anonymously who haven't attacked them (and causes harm)
C. someone who isn't being attacked who drives a car through a crowd of protestors not attacking them (including killing an innocent person)

If you see A the same as B and C,
and would "punish them all equally"
there you have the mindset of a terrorist who collectively groups and punishes people regardless of guilt or innocence.

Do you really agree to enforce this same mindset?
Your statement above reflects collective punishment of people you see as a group deserving of this.
Really candycorn?
You don't care to make distinctions of guilt or innocence individually
before declaring groups of people deserving of punishment?

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