Leftards Beware When Assaulting Trump Fans

I love it when you pretend to be tough.

I love it when you pretend to be tough attacking innocent civilians carrying out their private lives - it makes you look like the jokes that you are.

Leftists... always side with criminals over honest Americans.
I'm.not attacking anyone, but anyone wearing a maga hat is a criminal.
You sound like those racists who once said the Jew will not replace us,
do you chant the Trump supporter will not replace us at your meetings?
Magahat is now a race?

Are they all.orange?
WHERE did I say maga?
Did you not read the OP before commenting?

Whatta dumbass.
Easy65 just posted a new topic of yet another attack on a MAGA hat wearer. A 43 year old guy attacked a 67 year old by spitting on him. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail and said he didn't care about it. Typical leftist.
spit slapping senior citizens around is really something to be proud of -
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
Wonderful to see. We need to start taking these cowards out. PERMANENTLY.
Uhhh... no we dont. This is exactly the ammunition the left LOVES to use against the right.

Someone is going to to post "see, these gun nut just want to shoot everybody", and statements like this give them all the proof they need.

How about instead of killing the dems, maybe try to help them understand that difference of opinion is good, and just because we all disagree, you are not the enemy, and it's ok that we dont see eye to eye.

We've tried this approach. Doesn't work. Still, they are attacking Trump supporters for wearing a hat that triggers them. Even in some liberal run cities, some assaults perpetrated by the left have been ignored.

My response was to him saying we need to get rid of dems "permanently". Yeah, if someone wants to attack you, by all means , defend yourself, but what I'm saying is the answer isnt to be trying to "take them out". That's just another talking point the left doesnt need to be able use against the right.
Pretend? You saw what the guy pretending to be tough did when his intended victim defended himself. He ran like a little girl.

I hope he shit his pants.


Today you shit; yesterday you shat. Tomorrow, if it's a good day, you will have shut.

Wow, look who's all up on the terminology of scat. Anything else you'd like to share? LMAO

tRust a tRumpling to scoff at educated people.

So we have two that seem to be a bit too interested in the process of deification, any wonder they're both commies? And both seem to be a bit wrong. LMAO


shits (third person present) · shitted (past tense) · shitted (past participle) · shat (past tense) · shat (past participle) · shitting (present participle)

I guess the only thing you "shut" is a valve, window, door, lid or drawer.

The verb "to shit" needs to be a strong verb (shit/shat/shut). Unless you want your writing to be weak. I will concede that you could use the simple past (shat) as a participle, but it's weak.

See sing/sang/sung for instance. Would you rather say "I sang" or "I singed"?
I remember a time when parents, teachers, adults in general, would try to shield kids from those things, so as to not cause anxiety and harm the child. Nowadays, the schools are like, "you kids are going to DIE from climate change, and it's all your parents' fault! Hate them!"

Lol! Poor kids. They have no childhoods with this and all the other crap they have to hear about, like gender confusion, etc. I still believe that childhood should be carefree. It's the ONLY time in your life when that is allowed, but I guess not so much anymore.

"Shield", my ass. Forcing kids into cookie-cutter robot schooling isn't "shielding". It's "imprisoning", "stifling" and "indoctrinating".

Sounds like a very apt description of the current public schools.

It's certainly a description of the ones I went to in the '50s.
In Virginia?
Did the POTUS call those Nazi’s very fine people?

Trump said there were fine people on both sides of the issue involving the removal of Confederate statues. The liberal media jumped on that claiming that Trump was calling some Nazis "fine people" which was total HORSESHIT since Trump quite clearly denounced the Nazis who were marching! You embarrass yourself when you claim that, Candy!

Very fine people do not march carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans. Blob supporters do. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise. It’s what you guys are..,bigoted, hyper antagonistic, and dishonest.

Perhaps you commies should get the timeline right. The torch march was the night before the protest of removing the statues. People form all walks were there the day of the protest. But that doesn't fit you lying propaganda, does it?


The torch march by blob supporting Nazi wasn’t a protest? What was it? Just blob supporters being blob supporters?

So people who are trying to protect history and preserve public displays are Nazi's, but the people who want to tear history and relics down are not.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell, 1984

Lost Cause statues are not "history". They're propaganda transmitters. The technology of the time.

NO statue is a "history". History is kept in what we call "books". The purpose of statues is not "history" --- it is "glorification".
Trump said there were fine people on both sides of the issue involving the removal of Confederate statues. The liberal media jumped on that claiming that Trump was calling some Nazis "fine people" which was total HORSESHIT since Trump quite clearly denounced the Nazis who were marching! You embarrass yourself when you claim that, Candy!

Very fine people do not march carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans. Blob supporters do. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise. It’s what you guys are..,bigoted, hyper antagonistic, and dishonest.

Perhaps you commies should get the timeline right. The torch march was the night before the protest of removing the statues. People form all walks were there the day of the protest. But that doesn't fit you lying propaganda, does it?


The torch march by blob supporting Nazi wasn’t a protest? What was it? Just blob supporters being blob supporters?

So people who are trying to protect history and preserve public displays are Nazi's, but the people who want to tear history and relics down are not.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell, 1984

Lost Cause statues are not "history". They're propaganda transmitters. The technology of the time.

NO statue is a "history". History is kept in what we call "books". The purpose of statues is not "history" --- it is "glorification".

No, it is history, just history the commies can't stand. If we allow them to remove history in statues, what's stopping them from removing history in books?
As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Thanks for the setup.

Very fine people do not march carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans. Blob supporters do. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise. It’s what you guys are..,bigoted, hyper antagonistic, and dishonest.

Perhaps you commies should get the timeline right. The torch march was the night before the protest of removing the statues. People form all walks were there the day of the protest. But that doesn't fit you lying propaganda, does it?


The torch march by blob supporting Nazi wasn’t a protest? What was it? Just blob supporters being blob supporters?

So people who are trying to protect history and preserve public displays are Nazi's, but the people who want to tear history and relics down are not.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell, 1984

Lost Cause statues are not "history". They're propaganda transmitters. The technology of the time.

NO statue is a "history". History is kept in what we call "books". The purpose of statues is not "history" --- it is "glorification".

No, it is history, just history the commies can't stand. If we allow them to remove history in statues, what's stopping them from removing history in books?

The simple fact that, again, STATUES ARE NOT HISTORY. They're fricking GLORIFICATION.

When New Orleans removed several of these Lost Cause monuments the first one to go was a memorial to a city coup d'etat, completely illegal, which overthrew the duly elected biracial city government and as the plaque declared, "gave us our state". That obelisk stood at the foot of Canal Street, literally the busiest traffic spot in the city, for decades before the city moved it, prompting a lawsuit by David Duke to put it back. After being moved to a less noticeable spot, it's now completely gone. And yet the history of that city coup is not only STILL KNOWN but highlighted by the removal of that obelisk that stood in place reminding the black citizens who was in charge around here.


Similarly, when the plaque that the UDC --- the same group who ran around erecting all these Lost Cause propaganda transmitters --- had put on a building in Pulaski Tennessee "honoring" that building as the birthplace of the original Ku Klux Klan, was turned backward so its inscription could no longer be read, the only ones upset about it were the Klan stragglers themselves. And yet, that history of that building and what went on in it, is well known and documented, WITHOUT the plaque.

Disempowering propaganda transmitters serves to write more history books, not fewer. A city removes a statue or monument somewhere, the public wants to know why. That begets investigation, which then tells you about the Lost Cause Cult, the Klan, other terrorist groups like the White League, it tells you all about who was who and what they did. Would you rather sit amidst a veneer of propaganda and never be told you were being lied to?

And finally, as in the case in the New Orleans monuments above and innumerable other places including Charlottesville, these propaganda transmitters were placed -- DELIBERATELY -- on public property, in high-profile areas, where they would have the biggest propaganda impact. That public property still belongs to the public, and that public still has the right to decide how its property will be used. That's what New Orleans did and that's what Charlottesville did too. They voted to evict the propaganda, prompting a gaggle of fascists like Duke and Spencer and Fields to come oozing in from out of town to tell a city none of them live in what it can do with its own property.

Tellya what. Do you know who the Nazis were? As much as they're invoked on this forum, you should. But how can you know after this happened?

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Uh huh. You sure do get angry when people don't unquestioningly accept everything you say.

Uh huh. Looks like you're the angry man here.
Hell even in the avatars. I come in with music, you with guns? Oh yes DO tell us all about "angry".
It's funny how scared you weenies are by a painting of a fictional character with weapons pointed in a safe direction.

It's a good thing the left made being a pussy a positive thing so you can feel better about yourself.

Looks to me like you're pointing them at the post above yours. Which in this case is a woman.

Again, compare avatars. They say much.
Ummm, you do know paintings of guns can't harm anyone, right?

Meanwhile, you're still refusing to answer why you feel you're entitled to know why anyone carries a weapon.

Ummm, well the answer to both is I don't respond to strawmen.
Odd how the questions you're too chickenshit to answer all turn out to be "strawmen", isn't it?

Just coincidence, I'm sure.

I love it when you pretend to be tough.

The guy demanding someone take off a Trump hat is the one pretending to be tough and theres been a lot of that going around. These people need to mind their own business before they get hurt. Stop invading peoples personal space or get yourself hurt.
Oooh! Another one!

I almost got chills!

Not really.

I don't quite understand your reaction. So are you saying you go around intimidating people wearing Trump clothing?
He just hasn't met the one Trump supporter who has violent tendencies if pushed to use violence.
Nope. All tRumplings have violent tendencies, but they all run when confronted.

It's just a fact kiddo. Deal with it.
Sheer projection.
I love it when you pretend to be tough.

I love it when you pretend to be tough attacking innocent civilians carrying out their private lives - it makes you look like the jokes that you are.

Leftists... always side with criminals over honest Americans.
I'm.not attacking anyone, but anyone wearing a maga hat is a criminal.
What's the crime?
Hey, Crepitus, I asked you a question. You need to answer it.
Sorry, I don't usually read posts from morons, I only saw this by accident.

The crime is treason.
And the really funny part?

You expect to be taken seriously. LOL!
As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Total, utter, shit. US has one of the biggest homicide rates when it comes to guns compared to the rest of the western world. I would say an armed society increases the chances of you being shot.

Yet, the more people who arm, the less shootings we have. Until the Ferguson Effect, our violent crime and gun crimes were on the decrease since the mid 90's. During that time, more and more states adopted CCW programs that allowed Americans to carry their loaded weapons just about anyplace we go.
I love it when you pretend to be tough.

I love it when you pretend to be tough attacking innocent civilians carrying out their private lives - it makes you look like the jokes that you are.

Leftists... always side with criminals over honest Americans.
I'm.not attacking anyone, but anyone wearing a maga hat is a criminal.
You sound like those racists who once said the Jew will not replace us,
do you chant the Trump supporter will not replace us at your meetings?
Magahat is now a race?

Are they all.orange?
You sound like you don't know what metaphors are.

Why is it you claim to be educated again?
I remember a time when parents, teachers, adults in general, would try to shield kids from those things, so as to not cause anxiety and harm the child. Nowadays, the schools are like, "you kids are going to DIE from climate change, and it's all your parents' fault! Hate them!"

Lol! Poor kids. They have no childhoods with this and all the other crap they have to hear about, like gender confusion, etc. I still believe that childhood should be carefree. It's the ONLY time in your life when that is allowed, but I guess not so much anymore.

"Shield", my ass. Forcing kids into cookie-cutter robot schooling isn't "shielding". It's "imprisoning", "stifling" and "indoctrinating".
Oh, then you agree the Department of Education should be abolished.

Now is the part where you sputter impotently in outrage.

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