Leftards Beware When Assaulting Trump Fans

As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Total, utter, shit. US has one of the biggest homicide rates when it comes to guns compared to the rest of the western world. I would say an armed society increases the chances of you being shot.

Yet, the more people who arm, the less shootings we have. Until the Ferguson Effect, our violent crime and gun crimes were on the decrease since the mid 90's. During that time, more and more states adopted CCW programs that allowed Americans to carry their loaded weapons just about anyplace we go.

Yeah, but even as you decrease, it is still way above other nations. NZ and Australia are polite societies, yet we have strict gun control laws. Just saying Satrebil's quote is a load of hogwash. Totally unproveable.
The verb "to shit" needs to be a strong verb (shit/shat/shut). Unless you want your writing to be weak. I will concede that you could use the simple past (shat) as a participle, but it's weak.

See sing/sang/sung for instance. Would you rather say "I sang" or "I singed"?
You really just make stuff up and expect people to believe it, don't you?

v. Vulgar Slang
A past tense and a past participle of shit.

Ummmm........... I already posted that. Yesterday. Along with the past participle.

Maybe it'll penetrate your synapses by the weekend.
"Shat" IS the past participle. The word "shut" is in no way related to the word "shit".

AGAIN -- what's the past participle of "sing"?
Or "begin"?
Or "sink"?
Or "drink"?
Or "spin"?
Or "swim"?
You know English doesn't work like that, right?

Gimme a link, or shut up, you pompous buffoon.

You actually don't know? I thought they were simple enough.


*should be

Lemme know if you detect a pattern.

This wasn't even your verb in the first place so all your'e doing here is off-topic trolling. That ends here. Any more bullshit, I'll just put you on the old IL.
Last edited:
As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Total, utter, shit. US has one of the biggest homicide rates when it comes to guns compared to the rest of the western world. I would say an armed society increases the chances of you being shot.

Yet, the more people who arm, the less shootings we have. Until the Ferguson Effect, our violent crime and gun crimes were on the decrease since the mid 90's. During that time, more and more states adopted CCW programs that allowed Americans to carry their loaded weapons just about anyplace we go.

Yeah, but even as you decrease, it is still way above other nations. NZ and Australia are polite societies, yet we have strict gun control laws. Just saying Satrebil's quote is a load of hogwash. Totally unproveable.

Probably nation most associated with "polite" would be Canada, which reminds me of one of my golden oldie hits.
From the wayback machine, begin paste:

I give you two cities, split by a river, kinda like Minneapolis and St. Paul are but this is a different pair of cities.

Obviously being next to each other, these cities have much in common regionally, climatically, industrially and so on. They are less than a mile apart, connected by a bridge and a tunnel. But the two cities show a stark difference in one area.

The city to the west recorded 377 total homicides in 2011 and 327 in 2010, according to police statistics(1), carrying a homicide rate of around 50 per 100,000 people

Across the bridge in the same time period, there was a total of one. For both years put together. A rate of 0.30. From September 27, 2009 to November 22, 2011 in that city, there were no murders at all. Zero.

What's going on here?

One of them is in Canada. The cities are Detroit and Windsor.

I haven't determined how many of those homicides were committed by firearm, but for a guide, out of 386 Detroit homicides in 2012, 333 were by firearm. Over 86%. (1)

And the one murder that finally broke the 2011 streak in Windsor? It was a stabbing.

People in his city of about 215,000 have a saying, Blaine said Friday afternoon: "In Windsor, when a 7-Eleven is held up, it usually is a knife. In Detroit, it is an Uzi."

It's not that there's no crime in Windsor, an industrial city that has seen its own economic challenges. "We're no different than any other major metropolitan area," Corey said. (here)

704 to 1 in homicide; several hundred to zero in gun deaths.
Detroit: at or near the highest murder rate in its country; Windsor: lowest in its country.
Less than a mile apart.

What's driving the difference? Gun control? Or gun culture?

Resources/further reading:
(1) 2012 Crime/Homicide Stats

(2) Freep.com 1/3/13

A Tale of Two Cities

Murder-Free Two Years
I agree with you Norman, he had no business in harrassing the guy about his hat or trying to take a swipe at knocking it off... he was definitely in the wrong...

A person who is a concealed gun carrier,should be much more responsible, and level headed, than to pull a gun, on a guy, in the middle of the mall, because the guy tried to swipe his hat....

THAT was a crazy ass reaction as well!!!!

Punch the guy/gal in the nose, make it bleed as dad used to teach small little me, when or if being bullied!

But to pull your gun, for hat swiping? That's simply irrational, someone too high strung himself, to be carrying a concealed weapon...

So, in no way do I side with the jerk off hat swiper,

but I also do not agree that this incident was worthy of killing a man over it. And drawing the gun, showed me, the guy with the concealed gun, would take the chance of killing, over it... which is bat shit crazy!

Why would you punch the guy and escalate the situation into a fight when you can pull a gun and end it right there?

What is so horrible and irresponsible about DRAWING a gun in self defense?

Do you have a video of the situation? In any case you are simply wrong, what the attacker did was a crime, self-defense against politically motivated attacks is an honor at worst.
in self defense of who Norman, another guy with a gun, or a knife or a broken sharp wine bottle.....

but someone trying to knock your hat off??? really??? I just don't see it as a life threatening situation...

i'm sorry, but that just seems like an irresponsible use of a concealed carry gun... or any open carry gun.... a gun isn't a toy that's to be played with imho...

Someone reaching to your head... if that's not threatening I do not know what is. Self defense is not a crime Care...

Why are you siding with a criminal over an honest American minding his daily business? That's a better question. Trump hat was triggering?
reaching for your HAT, is not life threatening... you know it, I know it, everyone else on this board knows it.... but heels are dug in, as they always are, on this board!!!
I have to wonder at your stance here.

A stranger, moves on another stranger, in a politically motivated attack. The person reaching for the hat is so far out of the bounds of normal and acceptable behavior, it is more than reasonable to think that the person is not sane and is a serious threat to your health, if not your life.

Who has such a lack of impulse control? Mentally ill people, that is who.

You are wrong here.
Likely crazy or a smart ass kid, a punk.....

The police report did not say any contact was made....

And what would the weapon guy do, if he did not have a gun, in this situation, like most people?

I see a positive to concealed carrying in true life threatening situations, stop a shooter in the mall, or in your church, or school teacher perhaps, or stop a rape in the park, or stop a robbery in the bank you are in.....

Hat stealing and political yelling, just does not rise to the occasion imho.

Granted, I was not there....maybe the guy was not just taking the easy, but dangerous, way out?.... :dunno:

He was not too bright of a guy either, he chose to break the law, and carry in the mall, when It was illegal to do such...then, chose to draw the gun for a hat hat snatcher in a mall with lots of people that could have accidentally gotten hurt, again for a hat swiper that never laid a hand on him.....

I see it as ...iff you draw your gun, have the reason, justifiable reason, and assumption that you will likely kill someone.... if the situation does not warrant you to kill the aggressor, then don't draw it.... use other means to settle the squabble.
As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Total, utter, shit. US has one of the biggest homicide rates when it comes to guns compared to the rest of the western world. I would say an armed society increases the chances of you being shot.

Yet, the more people who arm, the less shootings we have. Until the Ferguson Effect, our violent crime and gun crimes were on the decrease since the mid 90's. During that time, more and more states adopted CCW programs that allowed Americans to carry their loaded weapons just about anyplace we go.

Yeah, but even as you decrease, it is still way above other nations. NZ and Australia are polite societies, yet we have strict gun control laws. Just saying Satrebil's quote is a load of hogwash. Totally unproveable.

So does England. However last year, London surpassed New York city in murders. They didn't use guns, they used knives instead. In fact they were trying to institute knife control policies over there, because they still haven't figured out an inanimate object is not the problem. The people are the problem.

The US is an extremely diverse country compared to many others. Here, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. So if you remove our murder rate caused by minorities, even with our guns, we are probably more inline to the statistics of your country and others like it.

That aside, while you don't have firearms for protection, it leaves people defenseless to protect themselves. That's why you will have higher robbery rates, higher rape rates, higher assault rates. A rapist here has to really consider the possibility of getting killed by attacking a woman because she very well may be armed. A rapist where you live is quite confident he will get away with his attack because there, she is defenseless.
You really just make stuff up and expect people to believe it, don't you?

v. Vulgar Slang
A past tense and a past participle of shit.

Ummmm........... I already posted that. Yesterday. Along with the past participle.

Maybe it'll penetrate your synapses by the weekend.
"Shat" IS the past participle. The word "shut" is in no way related to the word "shit".

AGAIN -- what's the past participle of "sing"?
Or "begin"?
Or "sink"?
Or "drink"?
Or "spin"?
Or "swim"?
You know English doesn't work like that, right?

Gimme a link, or shut up, you pompous buffoon.

You actually don't know? I thought they were simple enough.


*should be

Lemme know if you detect a pattern.

This wasn't even your verb in the first place so all your'e doing here is off-topic trolling. That ends here. Any more bullshit, I'll just put you on the old IL.
Hmmm. No link.

Not at all surprising, really. You say shit and insist people should believe you without question.

Then you can't back up your claims, and then throw your little bitch fit.

You can run along now.
As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Total, utter, shit. US has one of the biggest homicide rates when it comes to guns compared to the rest of the western world. I would say an armed society increases the chances of you being shot.

Yet, the more people who arm, the less shootings we have. Until the Ferguson Effect, our violent crime and gun crimes were on the decrease since the mid 90's. During that time, more and more states adopted CCW programs that allowed Americans to carry their loaded weapons just about anyplace we go.

Yeah, but even as you decrease, it is still way above other nations. NZ and Australia are polite societies, yet we have strict gun control laws. Just saying Satrebil's quote is a load of hogwash. Totally unproveable.

So does England. However last year, London surpassed New York city in murders. They didn't use guns, they used knives instead. In fact they were trying to institute knife control policies over there, because they still haven't figured out an inanimate object is not the problem. The people are the problem.

The US is an extremely diverse country compared to many others. Here, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. So if you remove our murder rate caused by minorities, even with our guns, we are probably more inline to the statistics of your country and others like it.

That aside, while you don't have firearms for protection, it leaves people defenseless to protect themselves. That's why you will have higher robbery rates, higher rape rates, higher assault rates. A rapist here has to really consider the possibility of getting killed by attacking a woman because she very well may be armed. A rapist where you live is quite confident he will get away with his attack because there, she is defenseless.
Now wait just a damn minute. Don't you know that people killed with guns are WAY MORE TOTALLY DEADER than people killed with knives? That's why guns should be banned.

Right, USMB lefties?
As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Thanks for the setup.


Well golly gee, your bonehead cartoon totally changed my mind. :rolleyes:
Why would you punch the guy and escalate the situation into a fight when you can pull a gun and end it right there?

What is so horrible and irresponsible about DRAWING a gun in self defense?

Do you have a video of the situation? In any case you are simply wrong, what the attacker did was a crime, self-defense against politically motivated attacks is an honor at worst.
in self defense of who Norman, another guy with a gun, or a knife or a broken sharp wine bottle.....

but someone trying to knock your hat off??? really??? I just don't see it as a life threatening situation...

i'm sorry, but that just seems like an irresponsible use of a concealed carry gun... or any open carry gun.... a gun isn't a toy that's to be played with imho...

Someone reaching to your head... if that's not threatening I do not know what is. Self defense is not a crime Care...

Why are you siding with a criminal over an honest American minding his daily business? That's a better question. Trump hat was triggering?
reaching for your HAT, is not life threatening... you know it, I know it, everyone else on this board knows it.... but heels are dug in, as they always are, on this board!!!
I have to wonder at your stance here.

A stranger, moves on another stranger, in a politically motivated attack. The person reaching for the hat is so far out of the bounds of normal and acceptable behavior, it is more than reasonable to think that the person is not sane and is a serious threat to your health, if not your life.

Who has such a lack of impulse control? Mentally ill people, that is who.

You are wrong here.
Likely crazy or a smart ass kid, a punk.....

The police report did not say any contact was made....

And what would the weapon guy do, if he did not have a gun, in this situation, like most people?

I see a positive to concealed carrying in true life threatening situations, stop a shooter in the mall, or in your church, or school teacher perhaps, or stop a rape in the park, or stop a robbery in the bank you are in.....

Hat stealing and political yelling, just does not rise to the occasion imho.

Granted, I was not there....maybe the guy was not just taking the easy, but dangerous, way out?.... :dunno:

He was not too bright of a guy either, he chose to break the law, and carry in the mall, when It was illegal to do such...then, chose to draw the gun for a hat hat snatcher in a mall with lots of people that could have accidentally gotten hurt, again for a hat swiper that never laid a hand on him.....

I see it as ...iff you draw your gun, have the reason, justifiable reason, and assumption that you will likely kill someone.... if the situation does not warrant you to kill the aggressor, then don't draw it.... use other means to settle the squabble.

You are speaking form opinion and not the law. First off, the no gun policy was of the mall, not the state. Secondly, the attacker did threaten assault. If somebody makes such a threat to me, I have every reason to believe he will carry out that threat, and if possible, I'm not going to allow that to happen.
As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Total, utter, shit. US has one of the biggest homicide rates when it comes to guns compared to the rest of the western world. I would say an armed society increases the chances of you being shot.

Yet, the more people who arm, the less shootings we have. Until the Ferguson Effect, our violent crime and gun crimes were on the decrease since the mid 90's. During that time, more and more states adopted CCW programs that allowed Americans to carry their loaded weapons just about anyplace we go.

Yeah, but even as you decrease, it is still way above other nations. NZ and Australia are polite societies, yet we have strict gun control laws. Just saying Satrebil's quote is a load of hogwash. Totally unproveable.

So does England. However last year, London surpassed New York city in murders. They didn't use guns, they used knives instead. In fact they were trying to institute knife control policies over there, because they still haven't figured out an inanimate object is not the problem. The people are the problem.

The US is an extremely diverse country compared to many others. Here, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. So if you remove our murder rate caused by minorities, even with our guns, we are probably more inline to the statistics of your country and others like it.

That aside, while you don't have firearms for protection, it leaves people defenseless to protect themselves. That's why you will have higher robbery rates, higher rape rates, higher assault rates. A rapist here has to really consider the possibility of getting killed by attacking a woman because she very well may be armed. A rapist where you live is quite confident he will get away with his attack because there, she is defenseless.
Londonistan is full of knife-wielding Muzzie crazies...
As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Total, utter, shit. US has one of the biggest homicide rates when it comes to guns compared to the rest of the western world. I would say an armed society increases the chances of you being shot.

Yet, the more people who arm, the less shootings we have. Until the Ferguson Effect, our violent crime and gun crimes were on the decrease since the mid 90's. During that time, more and more states adopted CCW programs that allowed Americans to carry their loaded weapons just about anyplace we go.

Yeah, but even as you decrease, it is still way above other nations. NZ and Australia are polite societies, yet we have strict gun control laws. Just saying Satrebil's quote is a load of hogwash. Totally unproveable.

Unproveable eh?

Tell me which person you're more likely to assault:

A) The guy with no gun.
B) The guy with a gun.

Case closed.
As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Thanks for the setup.


Well golly gee, your bonehead cartoon totally changed my mind. :rolleyes:

Excellent. I honestly didn't expect it would be that easy but ya never know.
Anyway welcome to the bright side.

It's called sarcasm, Puggo. Jesus...

I chose to turn it back on ya. I'm an optimist that way.
You're welcome.
As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Thanks for the setup.


Well golly gee, your bonehead cartoon totally changed my mind. :rolleyes:

Excellent. I honestly didn't expect it would be that easy but ya never know.
Anyway welcome to the bright side.

It's called sarcasm, Puggo. Jesus...

I chose to ignore it. I'm an optimist that way.
You're welcome.

I would expect nothing less from people who think Russian memes dictated my vote.

BTW, nice edit attempt on your own stupidity.
in self defense of who Norman, another guy with a gun, or a knife or a broken sharp wine bottle.....

but someone trying to knock your hat off??? really??? I just don't see it as a life threatening situation...

i'm sorry, but that just seems like an irresponsible use of a concealed carry gun... or any open carry gun.... a gun isn't a toy that's to be played with imho...

Someone reaching to your head... if that's not threatening I do not know what is. Self defense is not a crime Care...

Why are you siding with a criminal over an honest American minding his daily business? That's a better question. Trump hat was triggering?
reaching for your HAT, is not life threatening... you know it, I know it, everyone else on this board knows it.... but heels are dug in, as they always are, on this board!!!
I have to wonder at your stance here.

A stranger, moves on another stranger, in a politically motivated attack. The person reaching for the hat is so far out of the bounds of normal and acceptable behavior, it is more than reasonable to think that the person is not sane and is a serious threat to your health, if not your life.

Who has such a lack of impulse control? Mentally ill people, that is who.

You are wrong here.
Likely crazy or a smart ass kid, a punk.....

The police report did not say any contact was made....

And what would the weapon guy do, if he did not have a gun, in this situation, like most people?

I see a positive to concealed carrying in true life threatening situations, stop a shooter in the mall, or in your church, or school teacher perhaps, or stop a rape in the park, or stop a robbery in the bank you are in.....

Hat stealing and political yelling, just does not rise to the occasion imho.

Granted, I was not there....maybe the guy was not just taking the easy, but dangerous, way out?.... :dunno:

He was not too bright of a guy either, he chose to break the law, and carry in the mall, when It was illegal to do such...then, chose to draw the gun for a hat hat snatcher in a mall with lots of people that could have accidentally gotten hurt, again for a hat swiper that never laid a hand on him.....

I see it as ...iff you draw your gun, have the reason, justifiable reason, and assumption that you will likely kill someone.... if the situation does not warrant you to kill the aggressor, then don't draw it.... use other means to settle the squabble.

You are speaking form opinion and not the law. First off, the no gun policy was of the mall, not the state. Secondly, the attacker did threaten assault. If somebody makes such a threat to me, I have every reason to believe he will carry out that threat, and if possible, I'm not going to allow that to happen.
And if you were not carrying, as the mall rule, how would you have handled it?
Someone reaching to your head... if that's not threatening I do not know what is. Self defense is not a crime Care...

Why are you siding with a criminal over an honest American minding his daily business? That's a better question. Trump hat was triggering?
reaching for your HAT, is not life threatening... you know it, I know it, everyone else on this board knows it.... but heels are dug in, as they always are, on this board!!!
I have to wonder at your stance here.

A stranger, moves on another stranger, in a politically motivated attack. The person reaching for the hat is so far out of the bounds of normal and acceptable behavior, it is more than reasonable to think that the person is not sane and is a serious threat to your health, if not your life.

Who has such a lack of impulse control? Mentally ill people, that is who.

You are wrong here.
Likely crazy or a smart ass kid, a punk.....

The police report did not say any contact was made....

And what would the weapon guy do, if he did not have a gun, in this situation, like most people?

I see a positive to concealed carrying in true life threatening situations, stop a shooter in the mall, or in your church, or school teacher perhaps, or stop a rape in the park, or stop a robbery in the bank you are in.....

Hat stealing and political yelling, just does not rise to the occasion imho.

Granted, I was not there....maybe the guy was not just taking the easy, but dangerous, way out?.... :dunno:

He was not too bright of a guy either, he chose to break the law, and carry in the mall, when It was illegal to do such...then, chose to draw the gun for a hat hat snatcher in a mall with lots of people that could have accidentally gotten hurt, again for a hat swiper that never laid a hand on him.....

I see it as ...iff you draw your gun, have the reason, justifiable reason, and assumption that you will likely kill someone.... if the situation does not warrant you to kill the aggressor, then don't draw it.... use other means to settle the squabble.

You are speaking form opinion and not the law. First off, the no gun policy was of the mall, not the state. Secondly, the attacker did threaten assault. If somebody makes such a threat to me, I have every reason to believe he will carry out that threat, and if possible, I'm not going to allow that to happen.
And if you were not carrying, as the mall rule, how would you have handled it?

Try to defend myself the best I can. It's all you can do. But in doing so, I risk one of my health problems killing me, I risk serious injuries, I risk getting killed on purpose or by accident by the attacker. However once I pull out my gun, the fight never started, and I go home safely.

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