Leftards Beware When Assaulting Trump Fans

A 9mm? Lol

Either that or they’ll find another way to be violent...mail bombs to you, drive over you in their car...blob supporters crave violence.

Right, Candy! The side that's taken violence to the streets...time and again...isn't the right...it's the left! Antifa? Liberals wearing masks to hide their identities while they roam the streets in mobs blocking traffic, smashing windows and assaulting anyone who appears to disagree with their politics. Cowards assault others when they outnumber them. That's the way of the left these days. Cowardly attacks against the elderly...women...and children. You OWN that!

I’ll give you that. While blob supporters were carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans, they were not wearing masks.

However in Charlottesville, a lot of your blob’s very fine people were wearing masks during their assault spree.

Nazis have been marching long before Trump was ever elected President, Candy! You on the left use laughably small marches by a bunch of Nazi idiots as your excuse to assault ALL conservatives with impunity! It's the excuse that ANTIFA employs to use mob violence in the streets!

In Virginia?
Did the POTUS call those Nazi’s very fine people?

Trump said there were fine people on both sides of the issue involving the removal of Confederate statues. The liberal media jumped on that claiming that Trump was calling some Nazis "fine people" which was total HORSESHIT since Trump quite clearly denounced the Nazis who were marching! You embarrass yourself when you claim that, Candy!

Very fine people do not march carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans. Blob supporters do. Why do you continue to pretend otherwise. It’s what you guys are..,bigoted, hyper antagonistic, and dishonest.
I love it when you pretend to be tough.
Weatherman uses facts, Crepitus. Facts are very tough but are far and away not part of your realm of lies that result in calumny against very good people on the right of the aisle.
Lol @ "facts".

He uses bullshit from climate denying RWNJ sites.

There are no facts there, only lies, and he's not tough, he's a wuss.
Not climate deniers

just rational people who do not buy into the man-made-global warming-doomsday hoax being pushed by liberals

I know of several "climate disasters" that were going to be the end of the world as we know it, the ozone layer hole comes to mind. I can't say whether it is real or a natural cycle, but I KNOW the governments are hyping it up BIG TIME. Some people fall for scare tactics. If the earth's climate is changing, there is probably not a darn thing we can do about it though!

Now beer drinking Warren is trying to scare people into voting for her by telling the sheep the planet depends on this next election. None of their scare tactics came true, and there have been many of them. If they were so convinced the ocean is going to rise up and swallow the people, why did DumbBama buy a mansion by the water?

Tell me about it. I live in Massachusetts, and I do not like Elizabeth Warren at all. Her whole demeanor is like nails on a chalkboard for me. I hate everything about her and her policies. Still, I would not assault her or try to rip her hat off her head though. Lol. I will definitely not be voting for her though!!!
Weatherman uses facts, Crepitus. Facts are very tough but are far and away not part of your realm of lies that result in calumny against very good people on the right of the aisle.
Lol @ "facts".

He uses bullshit from climate denying RWNJ sites.

There are no facts there, only lies, and he's not tough, he's a wuss.
Not climate deniers

just rational people who do not buy into the man-made-global warming-doomsday hoax being pushed by liberals

I know of several "climate disasters" that were going to be the end of the world as we know it, the ozone layer hole comes to mind. I can't say whether it is real or a natural cycle, but I KNOW the governments are hyping it up BIG TIME. Some people fall for scare tactics. If the earth's climate is changing, there is probably not a darn thing we can do about it though!

Now beer drinking Warren is trying to scare people into voting for her by telling the sheep the planet depends on this next election. None of their scare tactics came true, and there have been many of them. If they were so convinced the ocean is going to rise up and swallow the people, why did DumbBama buy a mansion by the water?

Tell me about it. I live in Massachusetts, and I do not like Elizabeth Warren at all. Her whole demeanor is like nails on a chalkboard for me. I hate everything about her and her policies. Still, I would not assault her or try to rip her hat off her head though. Lol. I will definitely not be voting for her though!!!

The funny thing about it is that the sheep never question their own hero's. Think they'd sit back and say "Wait a minute, I think somebody is trying to fool me. If global warming is the end of us, why did they select a Speaker that lives all the way on the other side of the country who takes their own private plane? Why did Obama buy a mansion at Martha's Vineyard? Why didn't he buy a mansion on a mountain somewhere for when the oceans rise?"

I think sometimes these Democrat politicians get together and laugh at their followers and how stupid they are.
They are trying to make us AFRAID to support our candidate of choice. It's not going to work. I am not ashamed and I am not afraid to support the candidate of my choice. Screw you, leftist nuts.

Believe me, Chris, nobody on this board expects you to ever be ashamed you voted for Trump. If nothing he has said has succeed in doing that, we know that nothing we could say would ever make you be ashamed.

Just as you are not ashamed for yourself and your silly anecdotes.

By all means, get yourself a gun. And don't forget to look for Hillary under your bed every night!
Having been verbally assaulted by Trump fans four times, because they did not like my "Not my President" bumper sticker, I stay clear of anyone wearing a red hat. All of them were total strangers, and two of them invited me outside to settle it. Presumably, they felt empowered to do so, since my car has a handicapped plate.

I find your claim very hard to believe. Progressives lie all of the time. THAT we DO have evidence of. And you're a progressive.

They absolutely lie all the time. As long as their TRUTH is morally correct, accuracy need not apply.

It is always supremely amusing to watchTtrump supporters try to take the higher moral ground about lying...

Yeah? well I would like to know if Biden actually told his wife to fire a shotgun off the back porch, and AOC has told us herself telling accurate truth is not important. take her word for it not mine. Her economic plan was off by something like 20 Trillion. and then this..

She's lying or stupid, because no amount of spending in the US will have any bearing on these things. First off all, China, India and Africa and others are increasing their carbon outputs, so anything we do would be like pissing in the rain. Yet these progressives say its still worth driving the U.S. economy into the ground because its the moral thing to do, even though we are the one major country who has already been lowering carbon output.

Well, by god, in that case, I will certainly not vote for AOC in this presidential election. As for Biden and his shotgun, I have no idea what you are talking about, but are you suggesting that Biden should not have the right to own a gun?
Weatherman uses facts, Crepitus. Facts are very tough but are far and away not part of your realm of lies that result in calumny against very good people on the right of the aisle.
Lol @ "facts".

He uses bullshit from climate denying RWNJ sites.

There are no facts there, only lies, and he's not tough, he's a wuss.
Not climate deniers

just rational people who do not buy into the man-made-global warming-doomsday hoax being pushed by liberals

I know of several "climate disasters" that were going to be the end of the world as we know it, the ozone layer hole comes to mind. I can't say whether it is real or a natural cycle, but I KNOW the governments are hyping it up BIG TIME. Some people fall for scare tactics. If the earth's climate is changing, there is probably not a darn thing we can do about it though!

Now beer drinking Warren is trying to scare people into voting for her by telling the sheep the planet depends on this next election. None of their scare tactics came true, and there have been many of them. If they were so convinced the ocean is going to rise up and swallow the people, why did DumbBama buy a mansion by the water?

Tell me about it. I live in Massachusetts, and I do not like Elizabeth Warren at all. Her whole demeanor is like nails on a chalkboard for me. I hate everything about her and her policies. Still, I would not assault her or try to rip her hat off her head though. Lol. I will definitely not be voting for her though!!!

I dunno, when she did that "I think I'll have a beer" piece, her hat should have been ripped off her head.
I'm.not attacking anyone, but anyone wearing a maga hat is a criminal.

Seems to me the MAGA hat wearer was the victim and the leftist attacker was the criminal.

at this point, anyone who still supports trump is a traitor.

honest opinion.

Ah yes, that old traitor thing again. The traitors are the Democrat party. The are against capitalism, against freedom, against our Republic and Constitution. They want to turn this great place our founders created into another socialist shithole.
View attachment 299898

"Mourn a terrorist".? Better turn off your AM radio. It is rotting your brain.
Lol @ "facts".

He uses bullshit from climate denying RWNJ sites.

There are no facts there, only lies, and he's not tough, he's a wuss.
Not climate deniers

just rational people who do not buy into the man-made-global warming-doomsday hoax being pushed by liberals

I know of several "climate disasters" that were going to be the end of the world as we know it, the ozone layer hole comes to mind. I can't say whether it is real or a natural cycle, but I KNOW the governments are hyping it up BIG TIME. Some people fall for scare tactics. If the earth's climate is changing, there is probably not a darn thing we can do about it though!

Now beer drinking Warren is trying to scare people into voting for her by telling the sheep the planet depends on this next election. None of their scare tactics came true, and there have been many of them. If they were so convinced the ocean is going to rise up and swallow the people, why did DumbBama buy a mansion by the water?

Tell me about it. I live in Massachusetts, and I do not like Elizabeth Warren at all. Her whole demeanor is like nails on a chalkboard for me. I hate everything about her and her policies. Still, I would not assault her or try to rip her hat off her head though. Lol. I will definitely not be voting for her though!!!

I dunno, when she did that "I think I'll have a beer" piece, her hat should have been ripped off her head.

How phony was that??? Fauxcahontas strikes again! :bs1:
They are trying to make us AFRAID to support our candidate of choice. It's not going to work. I am not ashamed and I am not afraid to support the candidate of my choice. Screw you, leftist nuts.

Believe me, Chris, nobody on this board expects you to ever be ashamed you voted for Trump. If nothing he has said has succeed in doing that, we know that nothing we could say would ever make you be ashamed.

Just as you are not ashamed for yourself and your silly anecdotes.

By all means, get yourself a gun. And don't forget to look for Hillary under your bed every night!

If I knew her personally, I probably would! People who know Hilary tend to turn up in body bags! Lol!
They are trying to make us AFRAID to support our candidate of choice. It's not going to work. I am not ashamed and I am not afraid to support the candidate of my choice. Screw you, leftist nuts.

Believe me, Chris, nobody on this board expects you to ever be ashamed you voted for Trump. If nothing he has said has succeed in doing that, we know that nothing we could say would ever make you be ashamed.

Just as you are not ashamed for yourself and your silly anecdotes.

By all means, get yourself a gun. And don't forget to look for Hillary under your bed every night!

If I knew her personally, I probably would! People who know Hilary tend to turn up in body bags! Lol!

Okay , you have, indeed, gone around the bend. I am off to look for some sanity. Maybe Conspiracy Theories forum will be less wacky. I can find out where Elvis REALLY is....
They are trying to make us AFRAID to support our candidate of choice. It's not going to work. I am not ashamed and I am not afraid to support the candidate of my choice. Screw you, leftist nuts.

Believe me, Chris, nobody on this board expects you to ever be ashamed you voted for Trump. If nothing he has said has succeed in doing that, we know that nothing we could say would ever make you be ashamed.

Just as you are not ashamed for yourself and your silly anecdotes.

By all means, get yourself a gun. And don't forget to look for Hillary under your bed every night!

If I knew her personally, I probably would! People who know Hilary tend to turn up in body bags! Lol!

Okay , you have, indeed, gone around the bend. I am off to look for some sanity. Maybe Conspiracy Theories forum will be less wacky. I can find out where Elvis REALLY is....

Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!
Oh hell. I am outa the closet, I voted for Trump.I fear the retribution, nay WRATH of those holier than thou liberals . Just last Thanksgiving I broke bread with my brethren and sisteren, and I NEVER brought it up. They are good people. It's sad I felt compelled to hide in the closet like some queer that screws kids...
Oh hell. I am outa the closet, I voted for Trump.I fear the retribution, nay WRATH of those holier than thou liberals . Just last Thanksgiving I broke bread with my brethren and sisteren, and I NEVER brought it up. They are good people. It's sad I felt compelled to hide in the closet like some queer that screw kids...

Don't let them make you feel that way, Mary. Don't let them bully you.
Oh hell. I am outa the closet, I voted for Trump.I fear the retribution, nay WRATH of those holier than thou liberals . Just last Thanksgiving I broke bread with my brethren and sisteren, and I NEVER brought it up. They are good people. It's sad I felt compelled to hide in the closet like some queer.

Good on ya for employing the word sisteren. There may be hope for ya.

Bretheren is one of only three words (that I can think of) that still retain the Germanic -en plural ending, the other two being children and oxen.
I remember a time when parents, teachers, adults in general, would try to shield kids from those things, so as to not cause anxiety and harm the child. Nowadays, the schools are like, "you kids are going to DIE from climate change, and it's all your parents' fault! Hate them!"

Lol! Poor kids. They have no childhoods with this and all the other crap they have to hear about, like gender confusion, etc. I still believe that childhood should be carefree. It's the ONLY time in your life when that is allowed, but I guess not so much anymore.

"Shield", my ass. Forcing kids into cookie-cutter robot schooling isn't "shielding". It's "imprisoning", "stifling" and "indoctrinating".

Exactly. Which is why the public schools are so desperate to eliminate home schooling and even charter schools.

Their sole purpose is indoctrination of the kids.
Having been verbally assaulted by Trump fans four times, because they did not like my "Not my President" bumper sticker, I stay clear of anyone wearing a red hat. All of them were total strangers, and two of them invited me outside to settle it. Presumably, they felt empowered to do so, since my car has a handicapped plate.

I find your claim very hard to believe. Progressives lie all of the time. THAT we DO have evidence of. And you're a progressive.

They absolutely lie all the time. As long as their TRUTH is morally correct, accuracy need not apply.

It is always supremely amusing to watchTtrump supporters try to take the higher moral ground about lying...

Who claimed a higher moral ground? I just pointed out that YOU were lying.
I love it when you pretend to be tough.
Weatherman uses facts, Crepitus. Facts are very tough but are far and away not part of your realm of lies that result in calumny against very good people on the right of the aisle.
Lol @ "facts".

He uses bullshit from climate denying RWNJ sites.

There are no facts there, only lies, and he's not tough, he's a wuss.
Not climate deniers

just rational people who do not buy into the man-made-global warming-doomsday hoax being pushed by liberals

I know of several "climate disasters" that were going to be the end of the world as we know it, the ozone layer hole comes to mind. I can't say whether it is real or a natural cycle, but I KNOW the governments are hyping it up BIG TIME. Some people fall for scare tactics. If the earth's climate is changing, there is probably not a darn thing we can do about it though!
And when one hoax plays out they just move to another
I love it when you pretend to be tough.

Pretend? You saw what the guy pretending to be tough did when his intended victim defended himself. He ran like a little girl.

I hope he shit his pants.


Today you shit; yesterday you shat. Tomorrow, if it's a good day, you will have shut.

Wow, look who's all up on the terminology of scat. Anything else you'd like to share? LMAO

tRust a tRumpling to scoff at educated people.

So we have two that seem to be a bit too interested in the process of deification, any wonder they're both commies? And both seem to be a bit wrong. LMAO


shits (third person present) · shitted (past tense) · shitted (past participle) · shat (past tense) · shat (past participle) · shitting (present participle)

I guess the only thing you "shut" is a valve, window, door, lid or drawer.

Lol @ "facts".

He uses bullshit from climate denying RWNJ sites.

There are no facts there, only lies, and he's not tough, he's a wuss.
Not climate deniers

just rational people who do not buy into the man-made-global warming-doomsday hoax being pushed by liberals

I know of several "climate disasters" that were going to be the end of the world as we know it, the ozone layer hole comes to mind. I can't say whether it is real or a natural cycle, but I KNOW the governments are hyping it up BIG TIME. Some people fall for scare tactics. If the earth's climate is changing, there is probably not a darn thing we can do about it though!

Now beer drinking Warren is trying to scare people into voting for her by telling the sheep the planet depends on this next election. None of their scare tactics came true, and there have been many of them. If they were so convinced the ocean is going to rise up and swallow the people, why did DumbBama buy a mansion by the water?

Tell me about it. I live in Massachusetts, and I do not like Elizabeth Warren at all. Her whole demeanor is like nails on a chalkboard for me. I hate everything about her and her policies. Still, I would not assault her or try to rip her hat off her head though. Lol. I will definitely not be voting for her though!!!

The funny thing about it is that the sheep never question their own hero's. Think they'd sit back and say "Wait a minute, I think somebody is trying to fool me. If global warming is the end of us, why did they select a Speaker that lives all the way on the other side of the country who takes their own private plane? Why did Obama buy a mansion at Martha's Vineyard? Why didn't he buy a mansion on a mountain somewhere for when the oceans rise?"

I think sometimes these Democrat politicians get together and laugh at their followers and how stupid they are.
I think pelosi has an Air Force jet for her and her family and flies at taxpayer expense

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