Lefties: ‘Trump is doing a terrible job...How dare he work for America’s Best?’

Until now.
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...
Trump isn't doing better than Obama. Sorry.
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...
Trump isn't doing better than Obama. Sorry.
You are a dreamer....just ask anyone you meet if they are better off today than two years ago....go ahead educate yourself....
Until now.
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...
America is greater, under Trump, if you are a white nationalist or a white supremacist. If your assessment of the economy is maximizing today at the cost of the economy in the future. This judgement is based on selfish greed.
America is greater for selfish, greedy, white nationalists.
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...
America is greater, under Trump, if you are a white nationalist or a white supremacist. If your assessment of the economy is maximizing today at the cost of the economy in the future. This judgement is based on selfish greed.
America is greater for selfish, greedy, white nationalists.
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...
Tramp NEVER had a quarter of 4% GDP growth, but Obama has. Obama even had a quarter of 5% GDP growth!!!
Tramp is a third rate Obama!!!!!
I'm glad you fall for your fake news and stats because it will make Trump's re election all that more sweet....
Tramp just got caught faking economic numbers.
Here are the real numbers:
United States GDP Growth Rate
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...
Tramp NEVER had a quarter of 4% GDP growth, but Obama has. Obama even had a quarter of 5% GDP growth!!!
Tramp is a third rate Obama!!!!!

The Super Nig inherited a failing startup and was given $10 trillion dollars to force a rebound. My teen daughter could have made the spread sheets look amazing in the aforementioned scenario.
Trump inherited Microsoft...growth potential is there but steep growth trajectory is not likely.
My point, steady growth in a ‘peaked out’ economy is far more difficult to induce, sustain and manage. What else can I teach your ignorant ass?
Huge deficits.
Stagnant market.
Slowing economy.
Farmers going bankrupt.
Border worse than ever.
Yeah doing a great job....

Stagnant market....You mean peaked market?
Slowing economy...You mean sustained economy?
Farmers going bankrupt...Farmers have been going bankrupt for decades
Border worse than ever...You mean more controlled than ever?
No I mean a market that has been stagnant for about a year. It's currently 1,000 below it's high.
2% is really weak according to trump.
And trump is helping more go bankrupt with his silly trade war. Steel doing poorly too.
No border seems to be as big a mess as ever.
You love failure don't you?
/——-/ “ No I mean a market that has been stagnant for about a year. It's currently 1,000 below it's high.“
/——/ Here we go again, stock market analysis from a know nothing libtard.
NYSEArca -
Performance Overview YTD
The libs have mostly vacated the board...they now realize they have been wrong about Trump all along and their media masters have lied to them repeatedly...in warfare this is called a slaughter....:5_1_12024:

How dare he allow Americans to keep more of their earnings.
How dare he stop Mexico from fucking Americans over.
How dare he cut funding overseas.
How dare he stop the tree huggers from ruining industries.
How dare he inject Christianity into D.C.
How dare he say “Americans First”
This list goes on and on...
Give us a call when something he does works... The giveaway to the rich and the screw job for everyone else continues. Only the brainwash keeps this GOP mess going.
This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?
Trump embodies everything wrong with America and is supported by the worst we have to offer.
The world is upside down and inside out in the leftie mind. Good is bad and right is wrong. Lefties only thrive in times of crisis and social unrest and that's why they tend to support the socialist/democrat party and try to undermine a thriving economy under a republican administration.
America is greater, under Trump, if you are a white nationalist or a white supremacist. If your assessment of the economy is maximizing today at the cost of the economy in the future. This judgement is based on selfish greed. America is greater for selfish, greedy, white nationalists.
The greed you note is your own and that of your fellow loony-leftards (such as Bill Maher) who are so desperate for power they would much prefer the US crash & burn than continue to succeed & prosper.
Give us a call when something he does works... The giveaway to the rich and the screw job for everyone else continues. Only the brainwash keeps this GOP mess going.
Trump embodies everything wrong with America and is supported by the worst we have to offer.
The good news is all but the bitter Clintonettes recognize that by pluck or luck we have done pretty well with Trump as POTUS despite leftarded efforts to derail us.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you always angry, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
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America is greater, under Trump, if you are a white nationalist or a white supremacist. If your assessment of the economy is maximizing today at the cost of the economy in the future. This judgement is based on selfish greed. America is greater for selfish, greedy, white nationalists.
The greed you note is your own and that of your fellow loony-leftards (such as Bill Maher) who are so desperate for power they would much rather the US crash & burn than continue to succeed & prosper.
Give us a call when something he does works... The giveaway to the rich and the screw job for everyone else continues. Only the brainwash keeps this GOP mess going.
Trump embodies everything wrong with America and is supported by the worst we have to offer.
The good news is all but the bitter Clintonettes recognize that by pluck or luck we have done pretty well with Trump as POTUS despite leftarded efforts to derail us.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you always angry, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever continue to just get worse well the bloated Rich are the only ones doing well. There is really no difference between Obama's economy and Trump's except Trump blew 2 trillion dollars on debt for a tax cut for the rich and giant corporations. You live on another planet. Yes unemployment continues to go down, at least until Trump's chaos and stupid trade Wars wreck the world economy again. The GOP is always doing this.
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...
Trump isn't doing better than Obama. Sorry.
You are a dreamer....just ask anyone you meet if they are better off today than two years ago....go ahead educate yourself....
I talk to many. We aren't better off.
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...
Trump isn't doing better than Obama. Sorry.
You are a dreamer....just ask anyone you meet if they are better off today than two years ago....go ahead educate yourself....
Why don't you ask some farmers how they are doing?
Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Jesus would not support anything trump is doing. Clearly.

America IS NOT a Christian nation and never has been. We have the FREEDOM to worship anyway we choose.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nothing biblical here huh?
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”

What part of that statement don't you understand? I know, the "all men are created equal" part, yes? And if you do understand it, then
stop calling certain people stupid names.
Until now.
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...

Obama was getting us out of a severe recession which was one tick from depression and we were lucky to have any growth at all. The "chosen one" is in the process of leading us right back into a severe recession with his antics.
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...

Obama was getting us out of a severe recession which was one tick from depression and we were lucky to have any growth at all. The "chosen one" is in the process of leading us right back into a severe recession with his antics.
Really?...how long were you willing to give Obama?...he had 8 years!...Trump got us out in 6 months....
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...
Trump isn't doing better than Obama. Sorry.
You are a dreamer....just ask anyone you meet if they are better off today than two years ago....go ahead educate yourself....
Why don't you ask some farmers how they are doing?
I guess they are doing okay because 73% of them support Trump....

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