Lefties: ‘Trump is doing a terrible job...How dare he work for America’s Best?’

You just told me you didn't change that trump is everything you have always wanted. Yet you were a tea bagger who claimed to hate deficits. You are as dishonest as trump
I said he says what I believe to be true he voices my concerns...does he hit all of my concerns?....no but he hits most of them.....
And deficits were the biggest concern for the tea baggers. Not so much for you anymore eh? ha
We are bringing in record amounts of revenue into the treasury as we speak so no.....not as much as keeping progressives and globalist out of power....
Trump is pretty progressive big government. Looks like you lose.
Trump is using government when necessary as warranted....I don't know what you are talking about...big government is not like a light switch...you can't turn it on or off instantly....your strategy of trying to turn Trump voters will not be successful...the alternative is to frightening....
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.
I said he says what I believe to be true he voices my concerns...does he hit all of my concerns?....no but he hits most of them.....
And deficits were the biggest concern for the tea baggers. Not so much for you anymore eh? ha
We are bringing in record amounts of revenue into the treasury as we speak so no.....not as much as keeping progressives and globalist out of power....
Trump is pretty progressive big government. Looks like you lose.
Trump is using government when necessary as warranted....I don't know what you are talking about...big government is not like a light switch...you can't turn it on or off instantly....your strategy of trying to turn Trump voters will not be successful...the alternative is to frightening....
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.
Obama raised the national debt more than any other president in history....
And deficits were the biggest concern for the tea baggers. Not so much for you anymore eh? ha
We are bringing in record amounts of revenue into the treasury as we speak so no.....not as much as keeping progressives and globalist out of power....
Trump is pretty progressive big government. Looks like you lose.
Trump is using government when necessary as warranted....I don't know what you are talking about...big government is not like a light switch...you can't turn it on or off instantly....your strategy of trying to turn Trump voters will not be successful...the alternative is to frightening....
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.
Obama raised the national debt more than any other president in history....

Until now.
We are bringing in record amounts of revenue into the treasury as we speak so no.....not as much as keeping progressives and globalist out of power....
Trump is pretty progressive big government. Looks like you lose.
Trump is using government when necessary as warranted....I don't know what you are talking about...big government is not like a light switch...you can't turn it on or off instantly....your strategy of trying to turn Trump voters will not be successful...the alternative is to frightening....
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.
Obama raised the national debt more than any other president in history....

Until now.
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
I said he says what I believe to be true he voices my concerns...does he hit all of my concerns?....no but he hits most of them.....
And deficits were the biggest concern for the tea baggers. Not so much for you anymore eh? ha
We are bringing in record amounts of revenue into the treasury as we speak so no.....not as much as keeping progressives and globalist out of power....
Trump is pretty progressive big government. Looks like you lose.
Trump is using government when necessary as warranted....I don't know what you are talking about...big government is not like a light switch...you can't turn it on or off instantly....your strategy of trying to turn Trump voters will not be successful...the alternative is to frightening....
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.

We know you like spending on wetbacks, ShaQuita and all things filth....so be specific, what spending do you disagree with?
And deficits were the biggest concern for the tea baggers. Not so much for you anymore eh? ha
We are bringing in record amounts of revenue into the treasury as we speak so no.....not as much as keeping progressives and globalist out of power....
Trump is pretty progressive big government. Looks like you lose.
Trump is using government when necessary as warranted....I don't know what you are talking about...big government is not like a light switch...you can't turn it on or off instantly....your strategy of trying to turn Trump voters will not be successful...the alternative is to frightening....
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.
Obama raised the national debt more than any other president in history....
Yes and when he handed the country over to Trump deficits INCREASED!
Trump is pretty progressive big government. Looks like you lose.
Trump is using government when necessary as warranted....I don't know what you are talking about...big government is not like a light switch...you can't turn it on or off instantly....your strategy of trying to turn Trump voters will not be successful...the alternative is to frightening....
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.
Obama raised the national debt more than any other president in history....

Until now.
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
And deficits were the biggest concern for the tea baggers. Not so much for you anymore eh? ha
We are bringing in record amounts of revenue into the treasury as we speak so no.....not as much as keeping progressives and globalist out of power....
Trump is pretty progressive big government. Looks like you lose.
Trump is using government when necessary as warranted....I don't know what you are talking about...big government is not like a light switch...you can't turn it on or off instantly....your strategy of trying to turn Trump voters will not be successful...the alternative is to frightening....
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.

We know you like spending on wetbacks, ShaQuita and all things filth....so be specific, what spending do you disagree with?
First you have to try to be honest. Show me any post that makes your claim true. I think all spending can be cut.
We are bringing in record amounts of revenue into the treasury as we speak so no.....not as much as keeping progressives and globalist out of power....
Trump is pretty progressive big government. Looks like you lose.
Trump is using government when necessary as warranted....I don't know what you are talking about...big government is not like a light switch...you can't turn it on or off instantly....your strategy of trying to turn Trump voters will not be successful...the alternative is to frightening....
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.
Obama raised the national debt more than any other president in history....
Yes and when he handed the country over to Trump deficits INCREASED!
Yes Obama's deficits....
Trump is pretty progressive big government. Looks like you lose.
Trump is using government when necessary as warranted....I don't know what you are talking about...big government is not like a light switch...you can't turn it on or off instantly....your strategy of trying to turn Trump voters will not be successful...the alternative is to frightening....
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.
Obama raised the national debt more than any other president in history....
Yes and when he handed the country over to Trump deficits INCREASED!
Yes Obama's deficits....
Yes trump actually managed to INCREASE deficits after Obama. Amazing isn't it?
Trump is using government when necessary as warranted....I don't know what you are talking about...big government is not like a light switch...you can't turn it on or off instantly....your strategy of trying to turn Trump voters will not be successful...the alternative is to frightening....
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.
Obama raised the national debt more than any other president in history....

Until now.
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
Trump is using government when necessary as warranted....I don't know what you are talking about...big government is not like a light switch...you can't turn it on or off instantly....your strategy of trying to turn Trump voters will not be successful...the alternative is to frightening....
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.
Obama raised the national debt more than any other president in history....
Yes and when he handed the country over to Trump deficits INCREASED!
Yes Obama's deficits....
Yes trump actually managed to INCREASE deficits after Obama. Amazing isn't it?
Residual effect....
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.
Obama raised the national debt more than any other president in history....

Until now.
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Yet Trump is making Obama look pretty good. Trump runs deficits like we are in a recession when we are not.
Obama raised the national debt more than any other president in history....
Yes and when he handed the country over to Trump deficits INCREASED!
Yes Obama's deficits....
Yes trump actually managed to INCREASE deficits after Obama. Amazing isn't it?
Residual effect....
Yes Obama had decreasing deficits and trump managed to turn that around in a strong economy. That's as irresponsible as it gets right mr tea party?
True, the ignorant, uninformed, uneducated ain't buyin' it. Nothing new here. Wetbacks, aye? Smooth

Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Jesus would not support anything trump is doing. Clearly.

America IS NOT a Christian nation and never has been. We have the FREEDOM to worship anyway we choose.

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My view is that many of the minority who support Trump are "born again Christians" just like their "chosen one in chief". They have
been involved in nefarious activities most of their lives and have been "forgiven" so that they can start their shit all over again, just like their con-man in chief who is "born again" and now has resorted to his old divisive, uncompassionate self.
Obama raised the national debt more than any other president in history....

Until now.
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...
True, the ignorant, uninformed, uneducated ain't buyin' it. Nothing new here. Wetbacks, aye? Smooth

Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Jesus would not support anything trump is doing. Clearly.

America IS NOT a Christian nation and never has been. We have the FREEDOM to worship anyway we choose.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nothing biblical here huh?
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
Until now.
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...
Tramp NEVER had a quarter of 4% GDP growth, but Obama has. Obama even had a quarter of 5% GDP growth!!!
Tramp is a third rate Obama!!!!!
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...
Tramp NEVER had a quarter of 4% GDP growth, but Obama has. Obama even had a quarter of 5% GDP growth!!!
Tramp is a third rate Obama!!!!!
I'm glad you fall for your fake news and stats because it will make Trump's re election all that more sweet....
Trump has six more years to get a handle on the National debt...our treasury is receiving record amounts of revenue...
We can't afford 6 more years. Look at all the damage he did during a strong economy. Imagine the damage he'll do when his recession starts.
BS the economy is better for the working class than it has been in 25 years....you bore me with your lies....
There you go with some imaginary trump numbers. What's so great about a stagnant market and 2% growth?
Your statistics are wrong but even if they were correct...2% is still better than Obama's 1.3%..especially after months of near 4% growth...
Tramp NEVER had a quarter of 4% GDP growth, but Obama has. Obama even had a quarter of 5% GDP growth!!!
Tramp is a third rate Obama!!!!!

The Super Nig inherited a failing startup and was given $10 trillion dollars to force a rebound. My teen daughter could have made the spread sheets look amazing in the aforementioned scenario.
Trump inherited Microsoft...growth potential is there but steep growth trajectory is not likely.
My point, steady growth in a ‘peaked out’ economy is far more difficult to induce, sustain and manage. What else can I teach your ignorant ass?

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