Lefties: ‘Trump is doing a terrible job...How dare he work for America’s Best?’

Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!

While my positions align with many conservative ideals I am far from a traditional conservative....Conservatives tend to be nutless pussified bitches....they enjoy getting their assed handed to them by the Left.
What does that have to do with what policy you support? You clearly support big government policy. You are much more liberal than me.

What are “big government policies”? Be specific
Donald Trump's Big Government Presidency

Now, the bad. The administration's self-destructive protectionist trade policies are well documented. These resulted in higher tariffs on both imports and exports from many countries, higher prices shouldered by American consumers, nonstop uncertainty, bailouts for affected farmers, and the first manufacturing output contraction since 2009, all with little tangible progress—in terms of trade deals with our partners—to show for it.

Then, there are the ruthless immigration policies doubled with numerous threats of a reduction in legal immigration and no fundamental reform.

Not all aspects of the tax reform were good policy. The rhetoric and design of an income tax cut for the middle class may have been politically valuable, but it makes no sense economically. Contrary to the administration's rhetoric, it was not the middle class that needed a tax cut. The average income tax rate for the middle-income quintile was 2.6 percent in 2013. In 2014, the highest-earning, top 10 percent shouldered around 70 percent of the total income tax burden, up from 49 percent in 1980.

In the end, the tax reform kicked more taxpayers off the tax roll, which is not a good way to make them aware of the need to solve our fiscal problems. Worst of all, because it's not offset with spending cuts, it adds to the budget deficit.

As for spending, this administration and the GOP Congress' record is a complete abdication of fiscal responsibility. From the first terrible budget deal to a second budget agreement that might qualify as our worst ever, modern Republicans make Democrats look like Calvin Coolidge. Don't get too comfortable with your tax cut because with this level of spending, it may not last long.

Then there's the president's constant bullying of Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell to bring back loose monetary policies and inject the economy with a sugar rush to temper the consequences of bad trade policies. And there's the swamp-filling move to revive the Export-Import Bank, an antiquated bastion of cronyism that mostly benefits large domestic companies, state-owned foreign companies, and subsidizes some producers in China, all backed by U.S. taxpayers.

Some will say that Democrats running for office would be more interventionist and worse for the economy, and that Trump gives us an alternative. But those of us who genuinely want less government in our lives should not pretend that these policies are acceptable.

Let's face it: This president is no more interested in fiscal discipline and free markets than his 21st-century predecessors were.
We can worry about "fiscal discipline when we bring our troops home from the field...until then I don't give a shit about debt and deficits....if you think this will turn Trump supporters you are gravely mistaken...we all know how we got into this financial mess and we know its Trump that is making the right moves to get us out of it.....
Just stop pretending to be conservatives. You aren't. You are very liberal.
I'm an America first patriot...I don't consider myself conservative...I am not republican...I am for our nation and our people over all others....
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!
Its either our government or the Chinese government...which do you prefer?...
Free trade and free market capitalism. Stop this tariff foolishness and corporate socialism.
We can't stop the tariff nonsense on the China side...we can't open up their markets by asking them or we would have...we can't stop them from spying and stealing our technology by asking them...so how do you think we should proceed?...just let them continue to take advantage of us and the world until they sit alone at the top?....are you even researching the Chinese and what they are doing militarily?...you are against this because you hate Trump and that is about as stupid and selfish as one can be...
So we let china hurt itself with tariffs. How does us hurting ourselves help?

Stealing our technology? Most of our corporations sent them the tech on a silver plater. No stealing necessary.

When was the last time China attacked anyone?
For far too long we have allowed China to shit on us....those days are over...someone had to do something...hey why don't you go to Hong Kong and talk with them on how much you like China just the way they are.....
We are the richest country in the world. They didn't shit on us. They sent us all their resources for next to nothing you moron.

China is in big trouble anyhow. The one child law ruined them. You think the baby boomers are gonna be an fiscal problem for us? Imagine the mess China created. They are going to have lots of old and lots of young and few who pay much in taxes. They doomed themselves.
Donald Trump's Big Government Presidency

Now, the bad. The administration's self-destructive protectionist trade policies are well documented. These resulted in higher tariffs on both imports and exports from many countries, higher prices shouldered by American consumers, nonstop uncertainty, bailouts for affected farmers, and the first manufacturing output contraction since 2009, all with little tangible progress—in terms of trade deals with our partners—to show for it.

Then, there are the ruthless immigration policies doubled with numerous threats of a reduction in legal immigration and no fundamental reform.

Not all aspects of the tax reform were good policy. The rhetoric and design of an income tax cut for the middle class may have been politically valuable, but it makes no sense economically. Contrary to the administration's rhetoric, it was not the middle class that needed a tax cut. The average income tax rate for the middle-income quintile was 2.6 percent in 2013. In 2014, the highest-earning, top 10 percent shouldered around 70 percent of the total income tax burden, up from 49 percent in 1980.

In the end, the tax reform kicked more taxpayers off the tax roll, which is not a good way to make them aware of the need to solve our fiscal problems. Worst of all, because it's not offset with spending cuts, it adds to the budget deficit.

As for spending, this administration and the GOP Congress' record is a complete abdication of fiscal responsibility. From the first terrible budget deal to a second budget agreement that might qualify as our worst ever, modern Republicans make Democrats look like Calvin Coolidge. Don't get too comfortable with your tax cut because with this level of spending, it may not last long.

Then there's the president's constant bullying of Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell to bring back loose monetary policies and inject the economy with a sugar rush to temper the consequences of bad trade policies. And there's the swamp-filling move to revive the Export-Import Bank, an antiquated bastion of cronyism that mostly benefits large domestic companies, state-owned foreign companies, and subsidizes some producers in China, all backed by U.S. taxpayers.

Some will say that Democrats running for office would be more interventionist and worse for the economy, and that Trump gives us an alternative. But those of us who genuinely want less government in our lives should not pretend that these policies are acceptable.

Let's face it: This president is no more interested in fiscal discipline and free markets than his 21st-century predecessors were.
We can worry about "fiscal discipline when we bring our troops home from the field...until then I don't give a shit about debt and deficits....if you think this will turn Trump supporters you are gravely mistaken...we all know how we got into this financial mess and we know its Trump that is making the right moves to get us out of it.....
Just stop pretending to be conservatives. You aren't. You are very liberal.
I'm an America first patriot...I don't consider myself conservative...I am not republican...I am for our nation and our people over all others....
So you have no real beliefs. You follow a con man. Bravo.
I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!
Its either our government or the Chinese government...which do you prefer?...
Free trade and free market capitalism. Stop this tariff foolishness and corporate socialism.
We can't stop the tariff nonsense on the China side...we can't open up their markets by asking them or we would have...we can't stop them from spying and stealing our technology by asking them...so how do you think we should proceed?...just let them continue to take advantage of us and the world until they sit alone at the top?....are you even researching the Chinese and what they are doing militarily?...you are against this because you hate Trump and that is about as stupid and selfish as one can be...
Why shoot more holes in the bottom of the boat?

You are a prime example on how the libs do not understand Trump and his popularity...and that ignorance will cause you to lose every time...
Donald Trump's Big Government Presidency

Now, the bad. The administration's self-destructive protectionist trade policies are well documented. These resulted in higher tariffs on both imports and exports from many countries, higher prices shouldered by American consumers, nonstop uncertainty, bailouts for affected farmers, and the first manufacturing output contraction since 2009, all with little tangible progress—in terms of trade deals with our partners—to show for it.

Then, there are the ruthless immigration policies doubled with numerous threats of a reduction in legal immigration and no fundamental reform.

Not all aspects of the tax reform were good policy. The rhetoric and design of an income tax cut for the middle class may have been politically valuable, but it makes no sense economically. Contrary to the administration's rhetoric, it was not the middle class that needed a tax cut. The average income tax rate for the middle-income quintile was 2.6 percent in 2013. In 2014, the highest-earning, top 10 percent shouldered around 70 percent of the total income tax burden, up from 49 percent in 1980.

In the end, the tax reform kicked more taxpayers off the tax roll, which is not a good way to make them aware of the need to solve our fiscal problems. Worst of all, because it's not offset with spending cuts, it adds to the budget deficit.

As for spending, this administration and the GOP Congress' record is a complete abdication of fiscal responsibility. From the first terrible budget deal to a second budget agreement that might qualify as our worst ever, modern Republicans make Democrats look like Calvin Coolidge. Don't get too comfortable with your tax cut because with this level of spending, it may not last long.

Then there's the president's constant bullying of Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell to bring back loose monetary policies and inject the economy with a sugar rush to temper the consequences of bad trade policies. And there's the swamp-filling move to revive the Export-Import Bank, an antiquated bastion of cronyism that mostly benefits large domestic companies, state-owned foreign companies, and subsidizes some producers in China, all backed by U.S. taxpayers.

Some will say that Democrats running for office would be more interventionist and worse for the economy, and that Trump gives us an alternative. But those of us who genuinely want less government in our lives should not pretend that these policies are acceptable.

Let's face it: This president is no more interested in fiscal discipline and free markets than his 21st-century predecessors were.
We can worry about "fiscal discipline when we bring our troops home from the field...until then I don't give a shit about debt and deficits....if you think this will turn Trump supporters you are gravely mistaken...we all know how we got into this financial mess and we know its Trump that is making the right moves to get us out of it.....
Just stop pretending to be conservatives. You aren't. You are very liberal.
I'm an America first patriot...I don't consider myself conservative...I am not republican...I am for our nation and our people over all others....
So you have no real beliefs. You follow a con man. Bravo.
I just spent the last two hours expressing my beliefs dummy...LMFAO....funny you chose Brain for your screen name....
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!
Its either our government or the Chinese government...which do you prefer?...
Free trade and free market capitalism. Stop this tariff foolishness and corporate socialism.
We can't stop the tariff nonsense on the China side...we can't open up their markets by asking them or we would have...we can't stop them from spying and stealing our technology by asking them...so how do you think we should proceed?...just let them continue to take advantage of us and the world until they sit alone at the top?....are you even researching the Chinese and what they are doing militarily?...you are against this because you hate Trump and that is about as stupid and selfish as one can be...
Why shoot more holes in the bottom of the boat?

You are a prime example on how the libs do not understand Trump and his popularity...and that ignorance will cause you to lose every time...

Yes every great economist will tell you how stupid trumps tariffs are. But you been conned.

Huge deficits.
Failed on healthcare.
Failed with North Korea.
Slowing economy.
Big government policy.
Stagnant market.
All that and dopes like you follow along. Too tunny.
Donald Trump's Big Government Presidency

Now, the bad. The administration's self-destructive protectionist trade policies are well documented. These resulted in higher tariffs on both imports and exports from many countries, higher prices shouldered by American consumers, nonstop uncertainty, bailouts for affected farmers, and the first manufacturing output contraction since 2009, all with little tangible progress—in terms of trade deals with our partners—to show for it.

Then, there are the ruthless immigration policies doubled with numerous threats of a reduction in legal immigration and no fundamental reform.

Not all aspects of the tax reform were good policy. The rhetoric and design of an income tax cut for the middle class may have been politically valuable, but it makes no sense economically. Contrary to the administration's rhetoric, it was not the middle class that needed a tax cut. The average income tax rate for the middle-income quintile was 2.6 percent in 2013. In 2014, the highest-earning, top 10 percent shouldered around 70 percent of the total income tax burden, up from 49 percent in 1980.

In the end, the tax reform kicked more taxpayers off the tax roll, which is not a good way to make them aware of the need to solve our fiscal problems. Worst of all, because it's not offset with spending cuts, it adds to the budget deficit.

As for spending, this administration and the GOP Congress' record is a complete abdication of fiscal responsibility. From the first terrible budget deal to a second budget agreement that might qualify as our worst ever, modern Republicans make Democrats look like Calvin Coolidge. Don't get too comfortable with your tax cut because with this level of spending, it may not last long.

Then there's the president's constant bullying of Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell to bring back loose monetary policies and inject the economy with a sugar rush to temper the consequences of bad trade policies. And there's the swamp-filling move to revive the Export-Import Bank, an antiquated bastion of cronyism that mostly benefits large domestic companies, state-owned foreign companies, and subsidizes some producers in China, all backed by U.S. taxpayers.

Some will say that Democrats running for office would be more interventionist and worse for the economy, and that Trump gives us an alternative. But those of us who genuinely want less government in our lives should not pretend that these policies are acceptable.

Let's face it: This president is no more interested in fiscal discipline and free markets than his 21st-century predecessors were.
We can worry about "fiscal discipline when we bring our troops home from the field...until then I don't give a shit about debt and deficits....if you think this will turn Trump supporters you are gravely mistaken...we all know how we got into this financial mess and we know its Trump that is making the right moves to get us out of it.....
Just stop pretending to be conservatives. You aren't. You are very liberal.
I'm an America first patriot...I don't consider myself conservative...I am not republican...I am for our nation and our people over all others....
So you have no real beliefs. You follow a con man. Bravo.
I just spent the last two hours expressing my beliefs dummy...LMFAO....funny you chose Brain for your screen name....
Your beliefs are not your own. Your beliefs are whatever trump says they are.
We can worry about "fiscal discipline when we bring our troops home from the field...until then I don't give a shit about debt and deficits....if you think this will turn Trump supporters you are gravely mistaken...we all know how we got into this financial mess and we know its Trump that is making the right moves to get us out of it.....
Just stop pretending to be conservatives. You aren't. You are very liberal.
I'm an America first patriot...I don't consider myself conservative...I am not republican...I am for our nation and our people over all others....
So you have no real beliefs. You follow a con man. Bravo.
I just spent the last two hours expressing my beliefs dummy...LMFAO....funny you chose Brain for your screen name....
Your beliefs are not your own. Your beliefs are whatever trump says they are.
Wrong again dummy...I voted for Trump because he says what I have always believed...you actually are puppetting Obama's every word and belief even though it was a proven fail....sucks to be you doesn't it?....
Obama's failures...8 years of failures.....
Huge deficits.
Failed on healthcare.
Failed with North Korea.
Slowing economy.
Big government policy.
Stagnant market.
Obama's failures...8 years of failures.....
Huge deficits.
Failed on healthcare.
Failed with North Korea.
Slowing economy.
Big government policy.
Stagnant market.
You don't hear me praising him.

Bill Clinton
Booming economy
Decreasing deficits
Welfare reform
Huge drop in crime
Sure makes trump and the last few presidents look like shit.
Just stop pretending to be conservatives. You aren't. You are very liberal.
I'm an America first patriot...I don't consider myself conservative...I am not republican...I am for our nation and our people over all others....
So you have no real beliefs. You follow a con man. Bravo.
I just spent the last two hours expressing my beliefs dummy...LMFAO....funny you chose Brain for your screen name....
Your beliefs are not your own. Your beliefs are whatever trump says they are.
Wrong again dummy...I voted for Trump because he says what I have always believed...you actually are puppetting Obama's every word and belief even though it was a proven fail....sucks to be you doesn't it?....
You have always been this stupid?
Just stop pretending to be conservatives. You aren't. You are very liberal.
I'm an America first patriot...I don't consider myself conservative...I am not republican...I am for our nation and our people over all others....
So you have no real beliefs. You follow a con man. Bravo.
I just spent the last two hours expressing my beliefs dummy...LMFAO....funny you chose Brain for your screen name....
Your beliefs are not your own. Your beliefs are whatever trump says they are.
Wrong again dummy...I voted for Trump because he says what I have always believed...you actually are puppetting Obama's every word and belief even though it was a proven fail....sucks to be you doesn't it?....
And here you are pretending to care about deficits. Oh how that has changed eh? You are a tea party? hahaha good one.
Rubio sends warning letter to obama: Debt soon ‘well above $16 trillion’…

Follow along little sheep.
Obama's failures...8 years of failures.....
Huge deficits.
Failed on healthcare.
Failed with North Korea.
Slowing economy.
Big government policy.
Stagnant market.
You don't hear me praising him.

Bill Clinton
Booming economy
Decreasing deficits
Welfare reform
Huge drop in crime
Sure makes trump and the last few presidents look like shit.

Slick Willy was a badass...blowjobs from interns and all.
Remember though...his run was 40 million beaners ago.
Obama's failures...8 years of failures.....
Huge deficits.
Failed on healthcare.
Failed with North Korea.
Slowing economy.
Big government policy.
Stagnant market.
You don't hear me praising him.

Bill Clinton
Booming economy
Decreasing deficits
Welfare reform
Huge drop in crime
Sure makes trump and the last few presidents look like shit.

Slick Willy was a badass...blowjobs from interns and all.
Remember though...his run was 40 million beaners ago.
Yes he was. Reagan was good too. Not much good I can say about anyone else in my lifetime. Trump is flopping hard.
Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!
Its either our government or the Chinese government...which do you prefer?...
Free trade and free market capitalism. Stop this tariff foolishness and corporate socialism.
Time for my :2cents:. First of all, Trump lied out his ass about waiting until AFTER the holidays for the next round of tariffs. They go into affect this Sunday. And by the middle of December, another round goes into affect raising the tariffs even further and a broader scale of items. By the end of the year, almost everything coming out of China into the US will be from 25 to 29% higher in tariffs.

Is this good or bad? Right now, the suppliers are biting the bullet with the 5 to 10% tariffs. But after Sunday and especially the middle of December, they will no longer be able to absorb it. That means, the consumer pays for it in increased prices.

I am not against this. I know it sounds at face value that I am but I said almost a decade ago that we needed to put a 25% tariff on China and any country playing those silly assed games. It should have been done in the Double OOs or even sooner. There were other things I recommended as well but it may be too late for those. Or not.

But it has to be done. And the 1% MUST be made to pay a price on this since they have been making the lions share of the profits.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!
Its either our government or the Chinese government...which do you prefer?...
Free trade and free market capitalism. Stop this tariff foolishness and corporate socialism.
Time for my :2cents:. First of all, Trump lied out his ass about waiting until AFTER the holidays for the next round of tariffs. They go into affect this Sunday. And by the middle of December, another round goes into affect raising the tariffs even further and a broader scale of items. By the end of the year, almost everything coming out of China into the US will be from 25 to 29% higher in tariffs.

Is this good or bad? Right now, the suppliers are biting the bullet with the 5 to 10% tariffs. But after Sunday and especially the middle of December, they will no longer be able to absorb it. That means, the consumer pays for it in increased prices.

I am not against this. I know it sounds at face value that I am but I said almost a decade ago that we needed to put a 25% tariff on China and any country playing those silly assed games. It should have been done in the Double OOs or even sooner. There were other things I recommended as well but it may be too late for those. Or not.

But it has to be done. And the 1% MUST be made to pay a price on this since they have been making the lions share of the profits.
The silly game of sending us all their resources for next to nothing? We should stop that?
Obama's failures...8 years of failures.....
Huge deficits.
Failed on healthcare.
Failed with North Korea.
Slowing economy.
Big government policy.
Stagnant market.
You don't hear me praising him.

Bill Clinton
Booming economy
Decreasing deficits
Welfare reform
Huge drop in crime
Sure makes trump and the last few presidents look like shit.

Slick Willy was a badass...blowjobs from interns and all.
Remember though...his run was 40 million beaners ago.
Yes he was. Reagan was good too. Not much good I can say about anyone else in my lifetime. Trump is flopping hard.
Reagan is quite possibly the worst President in American history...his Amnesty Bill fucked over Americans like nothing else in history has. Well, Lincoln may have been worse for not sending all the freed slaves back to their homelands. They were both complete pieces of shits that fucked over Americans.
Obama's failures...8 years of failures.....
Huge deficits.
Failed on healthcare.
Failed with North Korea.
Slowing economy.
Big government policy.
Stagnant market.
You don't hear me praising him.

Bill Clinton
Booming economy
Decreasing deficits
Welfare reform
Huge drop in crime
Sure makes trump and the last few presidents look like shit.

Slick Willy was a badass...blowjobs from interns and all.
Remember though...his run was 40 million beaners ago.
Yes he was. Reagan was good too. Not much good I can say about anyone else in my lifetime. Trump is flopping hard.
Reagan is quite possibly the worst President in American history...his Amnesty Bill fucked over Americans like nothing else in history has. Well, Lincoln May have been worse for not sending all the freed slaves back to their homelands. They were both complete pieces of shits that fucked over Americans.
Reagan beat the Soviets. Clearly you are quite the racist, too bad.
Obama's failures...8 years of failures.....
Huge deficits.
Failed on healthcare.
Failed with North Korea.
Slowing economy.
Big government policy.
Stagnant market.
You don't hear me praising him.

Bill Clinton
Booming economy
Decreasing deficits
Welfare reform
Huge drop in crime
Sure makes trump and the last few presidents look like shit.

Slick Willy was a badass...blowjobs from interns and all.
Remember though...his run was 40 million beaners ago.
Yes he was. Reagan was good too. Not much good I can say about anyone else in my lifetime. Trump is flopping hard.
Reagan is quite possibly the worst President in American history...his Amnesty Bill fucked over Americans like nothing else in history has. Well, Lincoln may have been worse for not sending all the freed slaves back to their homelands. They were both complete pieces of shits that fucked over Americans.
How have immigrants personally hurt you? Are you actually fighting with them for jobs?

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