Lefties: ‘Trump is doing a terrible job...How dare he work for America’s Best?’

This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?


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The United states is in no way responsible for the short comings of south and central American nations ...we have the blueprint for success...all these other nations have to do is follow those blueprints...I think its wrong to continue to blame America for the stupidity of other nations...we are not to blame for their constant desires to make socialism work...it doesn't work and they are not willing to except that reality....

We are directly responsible for this mess because we supported tyrants for oil and the populace was not taken care of, resulting in drug cartels and other nefarious groups preying on the people of these countries. My comment is not an opinion, and it is an observation.
What tyrants did we support?....what oil?...we lead the continent in fighting the drug cartels...
Read some history and you will learn all about it. Our government has been involved in this stuff for years. I believe that we pulled a tyrant that we inserted out of Panama and tossed him in jail after he got too big for his britches.

I agree, the United States totally sucks...now round up all your wetbacks friends, your LefTarded buddies and go help the human cockroaches in Mexico...PLEASE.

The United States sucks? I didn't know that you feel that way. Now round up all your bigoted, uninformed, uneducated friends and go somewhere where your type can exist all by yourselves--in the woods with the other white supremacists.
Then you had better leave because are not changing for you....
Savings are down and personal debt is up
Stats show the opposite...and healthcare was messed up by government....they have been trying to ruin it for decades so they can one day run it all from DC...they almost got there....until Trump won...
Americans' credit spending was greater than ever in 2018, as debt levels reached record totals. Overall consumer debt reached $13.3 trillion in the last quarter of 2018, while the total amount of unused revolving limits hit $4.1 trillion. Record-setting numbers, based on Experian data from the fourth quarter of 2018, spanned several credit categories:

  • Credit card debt reached an all-time high of $834 billion.
  • Mortgage debt reached a new high of $9.4 trillion.
  • Personal loan debt totaled $291 billion and was the fastest-growing type of consumer debt in the past year.
  • Student loan debt reached a record high of $1.37 trillion.
  • Auto loan balances hit $1.27 trillion, an all-time high, coupled with a new record for the average monthly auto payment, at $523.
Consumer Debt Reaches $13 Trillion in Q4 2018
LOL your stupid link shows debt beginning 5 years ago....I think Obama damn hear had the USA pinned on the mat at that time...you need to find what it was in 2016 and what it is today.....dummy....
Haha...that’s not what was implied or said...l was simply making the point that you can’t embrace the invasion of millions of wetbacks, demand that we foster and spoon feed them and then bitch about deficit spending...You would have to be one dumbmothafucker to think that makes any fucking sense at all to anyone sane.

We are responsible for the disaster at the border in that we supported tyrants in those countries, and helped to create the horrors that exist. We created the monster and we are talking about human beings.
NOPE...sell that ignorant bunch of bullshit to all your wetbacks buddies. Nobody sane is buying it.

True, the ignorant, uninformed, uneducated ain't buyin' it. Nothing new here. Wetbacks, aye? Smooth

Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
The United states is in no way responsible for the short comings of south and central American nations ...we have the blueprint for success...all these other nations have to do is follow those blueprints...I think its wrong to continue to blame America for the stupidity of other nations...we are not to blame for their constant desires to make socialism work...it doesn't work and they are not willing to except that reality....

We are directly responsible for this mess because we supported tyrants for oil and the populace was not taken care of, resulting in drug cartels and other nefarious groups preying on the people of these countries. My comment is not an opinion, and it is an observation.
What tyrants did we support?....what oil?...we lead the continent in fighting the drug cartels...
Read some history and you will learn all about it. Our government has been involved in this stuff for years. I believe that we pulled a tyrant that we inserted out of Panama and tossed him in jail after he got too big for his britches.

I agree, the United States totally sucks...now round up all your wetbacks friends, your LefTarded buddies and go help the human cockroaches in Mexico...PLEASE.

The United States sucks? I didn't know that you feel that way. Now round up all your bigoted, uninformed, uneducated friends and go somewhere where your type can exist all by yourselves--in the woods with the other white supremacists.

Haha...so basically anywhere in this nation other than south Mexifornia and Loon York City?
Savings are down and personal debt is up
Stats show the opposite...and healthcare was messed up by government....they have been trying to ruin it for decades so they can one day run it all from DC...they almost got there....until Trump won...
Americans' credit spending was greater than ever in 2018, as debt levels reached record totals. Overall consumer debt reached $13.3 trillion in the last quarter of 2018, while the total amount of unused revolving limits hit $4.1 trillion. Record-setting numbers, based on Experian data from the fourth quarter of 2018, spanned several credit categories:

  • Credit card debt reached an all-time high of $834 billion.
  • Mortgage debt reached a new high of $9.4 trillion.
  • Personal loan debt totaled $291 billion and was the fastest-growing type of consumer debt in the past year.
  • Student loan debt reached a record high of $1.37 trillion.
  • Auto loan balances hit $1.27 trillion, an all-time high, coupled with a new record for the average monthly auto payment, at $523.
Consumer Debt Reaches $13 Trillion in Q4 2018
LOL your stupid link shows debt beginning 5 years ago....I think Obama damn hear had the USA pinned on the mat at that time...you need to find what it was in 2016 and what it is today.....dummy....
Sorry that you were wrong again. Debt is way up.
We are responsible for the disaster at the border in that we supported tyrants in those countries, and helped to create the horrors that exist. We created the monster and we are talking about human beings.
NOPE...sell that ignorant bunch of bullshit to all your wetbacks buddies. Nobody sane is buying it.

True, the ignorant, uninformed, uneducated ain't buyin' it. Nothing new here. Wetbacks, aye? Smooth

Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Jesus would not support anything trump is doing. Clearly.
We are responsible for the disaster at the border in that we supported tyrants in those countries, and helped to create the horrors that exist. We created the monster and we are talking about human beings.
NOPE...sell that ignorant bunch of bullshit to all your wetbacks buddies. Nobody sane is buying it.

True, the ignorant, uninformed, uneducated ain't buyin' it. Nothing new here. Wetbacks, aye? Smooth

Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!
NOPE...sell that ignorant bunch of bullshit to all your wetbacks buddies. Nobody sane is buying it.

True, the ignorant, uninformed, uneducated ain't buyin' it. Nothing new here. Wetbacks, aye? Smooth

Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!
Its either our government or the Chinese government...which do you prefer?...
True, the ignorant, uninformed, uneducated ain't buyin' it. Nothing new here. Wetbacks, aye? Smooth

Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!
Its either our government or the Chinese government...which do you prefer?...
Free trade and free market capitalism. Stop this tariff foolishness and corporate socialism.
NOPE...sell that ignorant bunch of bullshit to all your wetbacks buddies. Nobody sane is buying it.

True, the ignorant, uninformed, uneducated ain't buyin' it. Nothing new here. Wetbacks, aye? Smooth

Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!

While my positions align with many conservative ideals I am far from a traditional conservative....Conservatives tend to be nutless pussified bitches....they enjoy getting their assed handed to them by the Left.
True, the ignorant, uninformed, uneducated ain't buyin' it. Nothing new here. Wetbacks, aye? Smooth

Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!

While my positions align with many conservative ideals I am far from a traditional conservative....Conservatives tend to be nutless pussified bitches....they enjoy getting their assed handed to them by the Left.
What does that have to do with what policy you support? You clearly support big government policy. You are much more liberal than me.
Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!
Its either our government or the Chinese government...which do you prefer?...
Free trade and free market capitalism. Stop this tariff foolishness and corporate socialism.
We can't stop the tariff nonsense on the China side...we can't open up their markets by asking them or we would have...we can't stop them from spying and stealing our technology by asking them...so how do you think we should proceed?...just let them continue to take advantage of us and the world until they sit alone at the top?....are you even researching the Chinese and what they are doing militarily?...you are against this because you hate Trump and that is about as stupid and selfish as one can be...
Donald Trump's Big Government Presidency

Now, the bad. The administration's self-destructive protectionist trade policies are well documented. These resulted in higher tariffs on both imports and exports from many countries, higher prices shouldered by American consumers, nonstop uncertainty, bailouts for affected farmers, and the first manufacturing output contraction since 2009, all with little tangible progress—in terms of trade deals with our partners—to show for it.

Then, there are the ruthless immigration policies doubled with numerous threats of a reduction in legal immigration and no fundamental reform.

Not all aspects of the tax reform were good policy. The rhetoric and design of an income tax cut for the middle class may have been politically valuable, but it makes no sense economically. Contrary to the administration's rhetoric, it was not the middle class that needed a tax cut. The average income tax rate for the middle-income quintile was 2.6 percent in 2013. In 2014, the highest-earning, top 10 percent shouldered around 70 percent of the total income tax burden, up from 49 percent in 1980.

In the end, the tax reform kicked more taxpayers off the tax roll, which is not a good way to make them aware of the need to solve our fiscal problems. Worst of all, because it's not offset with spending cuts, it adds to the budget deficit.

As for spending, this administration and the GOP Congress' record is a complete abdication of fiscal responsibility. From the first terrible budget deal to a second budget agreement that might qualify as our worst ever, modern Republicans make Democrats look like Calvin Coolidge. Don't get too comfortable with your tax cut because with this level of spending, it may not last long.

Then there's the president's constant bullying of Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell to bring back loose monetary policies and inject the economy with a sugar rush to temper the consequences of bad trade policies. And there's the swamp-filling move to revive the Export-Import Bank, an antiquated bastion of cronyism that mostly benefits large domestic companies, state-owned foreign companies, and subsidizes some producers in China, all backed by U.S. taxpayers.

Some will say that Democrats running for office would be more interventionist and worse for the economy, and that Trump gives us an alternative. But those of us who genuinely want less government in our lives should not pretend that these policies are acceptable.

Let's face it: This president is no more interested in fiscal discipline and free markets than his 21st-century predecessors were.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!
Its either our government or the Chinese government...which do you prefer?...
Free trade and free market capitalism. Stop this tariff foolishness and corporate socialism.
We can't stop the tariff nonsense on the China side...we can't open up their markets by asking them or we would have...we can't stop them from spying and stealing our technology by asking them...so how do you think we should proceed?...just let them continue to take advantage of us and the world until they sit alone at the top?....are you even researching the Chinese and what they are doing militarily?...you are against this because you hate Trump and that is about as stupid and selfish as one can be...
So we let china hurt itself with tariffs. How does us hurting ourselves help?

Stealing our technology? Most of our corporations sent them the tech on a silver plater. No stealing necessary.

When was the last time China attacked anyone?
Donald Trump's Big Government Presidency

Now, the bad. The administration's self-destructive protectionist trade policies are well documented. These resulted in higher tariffs on both imports and exports from many countries, higher prices shouldered by American consumers, nonstop uncertainty, bailouts for affected farmers, and the first manufacturing output contraction since 2009, all with little tangible progress—in terms of trade deals with our partners—to show for it.

Then, there are the ruthless immigration policies doubled with numerous threats of a reduction in legal immigration and no fundamental reform.

Not all aspects of the tax reform were good policy. The rhetoric and design of an income tax cut for the middle class may have been politically valuable, but it makes no sense economically. Contrary to the administration's rhetoric, it was not the middle class that needed a tax cut. The average income tax rate for the middle-income quintile was 2.6 percent in 2013. In 2014, the highest-earning, top 10 percent shouldered around 70 percent of the total income tax burden, up from 49 percent in 1980.

In the end, the tax reform kicked more taxpayers off the tax roll, which is not a good way to make them aware of the need to solve our fiscal problems. Worst of all, because it's not offset with spending cuts, it adds to the budget deficit.

As for spending, this administration and the GOP Congress' record is a complete abdication of fiscal responsibility. From the first terrible budget deal to a second budget agreement that might qualify as our worst ever, modern Republicans make Democrats look like Calvin Coolidge. Don't get too comfortable with your tax cut because with this level of spending, it may not last long.

Then there's the president's constant bullying of Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell to bring back loose monetary policies and inject the economy with a sugar rush to temper the consequences of bad trade policies. And there's the swamp-filling move to revive the Export-Import Bank, an antiquated bastion of cronyism that mostly benefits large domestic companies, state-owned foreign companies, and subsidizes some producers in China, all backed by U.S. taxpayers.

Some will say that Democrats running for office would be more interventionist and worse for the economy, and that Trump gives us an alternative. But those of us who genuinely want less government in our lives should not pretend that these policies are acceptable.

Let's face it: This president is no more interested in fiscal discipline and free markets than his 21st-century predecessors were.
We can worry about "fiscal discipline when we bring our troops home from the field...until then I don't give a shit about debt and deficits....if you think this will turn Trump supporters you are gravely mistaken...we all know how we got into this financial mess and we know its Trump that is making the right moves to get us out of it.....
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!
Its either our government or the Chinese government...which do you prefer?...
Free trade and free market capitalism. Stop this tariff foolishness and corporate socialism.
We can't stop the tariff nonsense on the China side...we can't open up their markets by asking them or we would have...we can't stop them from spying and stealing our technology by asking them...so how do you think we should proceed?...just let them continue to take advantage of us and the world until they sit alone at the top?....are you even researching the Chinese and what they are doing militarily?...you are against this because you hate Trump and that is about as stupid and selfish as one can be...
Why shoot more holes in the bottom of the boat?
Donald Trump's Big Government Presidency

Now, the bad. The administration's self-destructive protectionist trade policies are well documented. These resulted in higher tariffs on both imports and exports from many countries, higher prices shouldered by American consumers, nonstop uncertainty, bailouts for affected farmers, and the first manufacturing output contraction since 2009, all with little tangible progress—in terms of trade deals with our partners—to show for it.

Then, there are the ruthless immigration policies doubled with numerous threats of a reduction in legal immigration and no fundamental reform.

Not all aspects of the tax reform were good policy. The rhetoric and design of an income tax cut for the middle class may have been politically valuable, but it makes no sense economically. Contrary to the administration's rhetoric, it was not the middle class that needed a tax cut. The average income tax rate for the middle-income quintile was 2.6 percent in 2013. In 2014, the highest-earning, top 10 percent shouldered around 70 percent of the total income tax burden, up from 49 percent in 1980.

In the end, the tax reform kicked more taxpayers off the tax roll, which is not a good way to make them aware of the need to solve our fiscal problems. Worst of all, because it's not offset with spending cuts, it adds to the budget deficit.

As for spending, this administration and the GOP Congress' record is a complete abdication of fiscal responsibility. From the first terrible budget deal to a second budget agreement that might qualify as our worst ever, modern Republicans make Democrats look like Calvin Coolidge. Don't get too comfortable with your tax cut because with this level of spending, it may not last long.

Then there's the president's constant bullying of Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell to bring back loose monetary policies and inject the economy with a sugar rush to temper the consequences of bad trade policies. And there's the swamp-filling move to revive the Export-Import Bank, an antiquated bastion of cronyism that mostly benefits large domestic companies, state-owned foreign companies, and subsidizes some producers in China, all backed by U.S. taxpayers.

Some will say that Democrats running for office would be more interventionist and worse for the economy, and that Trump gives us an alternative. But those of us who genuinely want less government in our lives should not pretend that these policies are acceptable.

Let's face it: This president is no more interested in fiscal discipline and free markets than his 21st-century predecessors were.
We can worry about "fiscal discipline when we bring our troops home from the field...until then I don't give a shit about debt and deficits....if you think this will turn Trump supporters you are gravely mistaken...we all know how we got into this financial mess and we know its Trump that is making the right moves to get us out of it.....
Just stop pretending to be conservatives. You aren't. You are very liberal.
I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Do you really think you are a conservative? With your full support of government control of trade? You are big government boy!
Its either our government or the Chinese government...which do you prefer?...
Free trade and free market capitalism. Stop this tariff foolishness and corporate socialism.
We can't stop the tariff nonsense on the China side...we can't open up their markets by asking them or we would have...we can't stop them from spying and stealing our technology by asking them...so how do you think we should proceed?...just let them continue to take advantage of us and the world until they sit alone at the top?....are you even researching the Chinese and what they are doing militarily?...you are against this because you hate Trump and that is about as stupid and selfish as one can be...
So we let china hurt itself with tariffs. How does us hurting ourselves help?

Stealing our technology? Most of our corporations sent them the tech on a silver plater. No stealing necessary.

When was the last time China attacked anyone?
For far too long we have allowed China to shit on us....those days are over...someone had to do something...hey why don't you go to Hong Kong and talk with them on how much you like China just the way they are.....

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