Lefties: ‘Trump is doing a terrible job...How dare he work for America’s Best?’

NOPE...sell that ignorant bunch of bullshit to all your wetbacks buddies. Nobody sane is buying it.

True, the ignorant, uninformed, uneducated ain't buyin' it. Nothing new here. Wetbacks, aye? Smooth

Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Jesus would not support anything trump is doing. Clearly.

America IS NOT a Christian nation and never has been. We have the FREEDOM to worship anyway we choose.

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Obama's failures...8 years of failures.....
Huge deficits.
Failed on healthcare.
Failed with North Korea.
Slowing economy.
Big government policy.
Stagnant market.
You don't hear me praising him.

Bill Clinton
Booming economy
Decreasing deficits
Welfare reform
Huge drop in crime
Sure makes trump and the last few presidents look like shit.

Slick Willy was a badass...blowjobs from interns and all.
Remember though...his run was 40 million beaners ago.
Yes he was. Reagan was good too. Not much good I can say about anyone else in my lifetime. Trump is flopping hard.
Reagan is quite possibly the worst President in American history...his Amnesty Bill fucked over Americans like nothing else in history has. Well, Lincoln may have been worse for not sending all the freed slaves back to their homelands. They were both complete pieces of shits that fucked over Americans.
How have immigrants personally hurt you? Are you actually fighting with them for jobs?

“Immigrants” haven’t hurt me.
ILLEGAL wetbacks have hurt this nation...BIG TIME!
You didn’t know that?
You don't hear me praising him.

Bill Clinton
Booming economy
Decreasing deficits
Welfare reform
Huge drop in crime
Sure makes trump and the last few presidents look like shit.

Slick Willy was a badass...blowjobs from interns and all.
Remember though...his run was 40 million beaners ago.
Yes he was. Reagan was good too. Not much good I can say about anyone else in my lifetime. Trump is flopping hard.
Reagan is quite possibly the worst President in American history...his Amnesty Bill fucked over Americans like nothing else in history has. Well, Lincoln may have been worse for not sending all the freed slaves back to their homelands. They were both complete pieces of shits that fucked over Americans.
How have immigrants personally hurt you? Are you actually fighting with them for jobs?

“Immigrants” haven’t hurt me.
ILLEGAL wetbacks have hurt this nation...BIG TIME!
You didn’t know that?

They are merely working hard to feed their families. They are not hurting this country. The people that hire them are. Cheap labor and no benefits. JAIL THE EMPLOYERS. Problem solved.

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True, the ignorant, uninformed, uneducated ain't buyin' it. Nothing new here. Wetbacks, aye? Smooth

Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Jesus would not support anything trump is doing. Clearly.

America IS NOT a Christian nation and never has been. We have the FREEDOM to worship anyway we choose.

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Declaration of Independence: Our Rights Come From God | The American View
Look Cuck...America is supposed to do what’s best for Americans...That’s the way shit is supposed to work. It’s not surprising that that sucks for you unAmericans.
Thought we were a Christian nation?

I thought we weren’t?
Even hardcore Christians have finally grown tired of being fucked over by their graciousness. Further, Christians are firm believers in law and order, borders and divided communities.

LefTard Logic:
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
Jesus would not support anything trump is doing. Clearly.

America IS NOT a Christian nation and never has been. We have the FREEDOM to worship anyway we choose.

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Declaration of Independence: Our Rights Come From God | The American View
Oh hi sheep. Remember when you used to pretend to be tea party? But you haven’t changed right?
You don't hear me praising him.

Bill Clinton
Booming economy
Decreasing deficits
Welfare reform
Huge drop in crime
Sure makes trump and the last few presidents look like shit.

Slick Willy was a badass...blowjobs from interns and all.
Remember though...his run was 40 million beaners ago.
Yes he was. Reagan was good too. Not much good I can say about anyone else in my lifetime. Trump is flopping hard.
Reagan is quite possibly the worst President in American history...his Amnesty Bill fucked over Americans like nothing else in history has. Well, Lincoln may have been worse for not sending all the freed slaves back to their homelands. They were both complete pieces of shits that fucked over Americans.
How have immigrants personally hurt you? Are you actually fighting with them for jobs?

“Immigrants” haven’t hurt me.
ILLEGAL wetbacks have hurt this nation...BIG TIME!
You didn’t know that?
Ah they haven’t hurt you. Go figure.
Oh hi sheep. Remember when you used to pretend to be tea party? But you haven’t changed right?
We all pick our battles and the the timing of....something had to be done to stop you leftest lunatics from Obamaizing the nation...we had to stop the so called progressives....there are different levels of danger....
Last edited:
Oh hi sheep. Remember when you used to pretend to be tea party? But you haven’t changed right?
We all pick our battles the the timing of....something had to be done to stop you leftest lunatics from Obamaizing the nation...we had to stop the so called progressives....there are different levels of danger....
You just told me you didn't change that trump is everything you have always wanted. Yet you were a tea bagger who claimed to hate deficits. You are as dishonest as trump.
You just told me you didn't change that trump is everything you have always wanted. Yet you were a tea bagger who claimed to hate deficits. You are as dishonest as trump
I said he says what I believe to be true he voices my concerns...does he hit all of my concerns?....no but he hits most of them.....
You just told me you didn't change that trump is everything you have always wanted. Yet you were a tea bagger who claimed to hate deficits. You are as dishonest as trump
I said he says what I believe to be true he voices my concerns...does he hit all of my concerns?....no but he hits most of them.....
And deficits were the biggest concern for the tea baggers. Not so much for you anymore eh? ha
You just told me you didn't change that trump is everything you have always wanted. Yet you were a tea bagger who claimed to hate deficits. You are as dishonest as trump
I said he says what I believe to be true he voices my concerns...does he hit all of my concerns?....no but he hits most of them.....
And deficits were the biggest concern for the tea baggers. Not so much for you anymore eh? ha
We are bringing in record amounts of revenue into the treasury as we speak so no.....not as much as keeping progressives and globalist out of power....
Slick Willy was a badass...blowjobs from interns and all.
Remember though...his run was 40 million beaners ago.
Yes he was. Reagan was good too. Not much good I can say about anyone else in my lifetime. Trump is flopping hard.
Reagan is quite possibly the worst President in American history...his Amnesty Bill fucked over Americans like nothing else in history has. Well, Lincoln may have been worse for not sending all the freed slaves back to their homelands. They were both complete pieces of shits that fucked over Americans.
How have immigrants personally hurt you? Are you actually fighting with them for jobs?

“Immigrants” haven’t hurt me.
ILLEGAL wetbacks have hurt this nation...BIG TIME!
You didn’t know that?
Ah they haven’t hurt you. Go figure.

This reminds me of an old Monty Python Skit

Savings are down and personal debt is up
Stats show the opposite...and healthcare was messed up by government....they have been trying to ruin it for decades so they can one day run it all from DC...they almost got there....until Trump won...
Americans' credit spending was greater than ever in 2018, as debt levels reached record totals. Overall consumer debt reached $13.3 trillion in the last quarter of 2018, while the total amount of unused revolving limits hit $4.1 trillion. Record-setting numbers, based on Experian data from the fourth quarter of 2018, spanned several credit categories:

  • Credit card debt reached an all-time high of $834 billion.
  • Mortgage debt reached a new high of $9.4 trillion.
  • Personal loan debt totaled $291 billion and was the fastest-growing type of consumer debt in the past year.
  • Student loan debt reached a record high of $1.37 trillion.
  • Auto loan balances hit $1.27 trillion, an all-time high, coupled with a new record for the average monthly auto payment, at $523.
Consumer Debt Reaches $13 Trillion in Q4 2018

Haha...the TDS has you Loons bitching about consumer confidence now....WTF?
Are you just learning that people tend to run up their debt when they feel good about the economy and the sustainability of their income?
Savings are down and personal debt is up
Stats show the opposite...and healthcare was messed up by government....they have been trying to ruin it for decades so they can one day run it all from DC...they almost got there....until Trump won...
Americans' credit spending was greater than ever in 2018, as debt levels reached record totals. Overall consumer debt reached $13.3 trillion in the last quarter of 2018, while the total amount of unused revolving limits hit $4.1 trillion. Record-setting numbers, based on Experian data from the fourth quarter of 2018, spanned several credit categories:

  • Credit card debt reached an all-time high of $834 billion.
  • Mortgage debt reached a new high of $9.4 trillion.
  • Personal loan debt totaled $291 billion and was the fastest-growing type of consumer debt in the past year.
  • Student loan debt reached a record high of $1.37 trillion.
  • Auto loan balances hit $1.27 trillion, an all-time high, coupled with a new record for the average monthly auto payment, at $523.
Consumer Debt Reaches $13 Trillion in Q4 2018

Haha...the TDS has you Loons bitching about consumer confidence now....WTF?
Are you just learning that people tend to run up their debt when they feel good about the economy and the sustainability of their income?

Are you trying to find a replacement for Mattis? You said it. And a replacement will be right along.

Slick Willy was a badass...blowjobs from interns and all.
Remember though...his run was 40 million beaners ago.
Yes he was. Reagan was good too. Not much good I can say about anyone else in my lifetime. Trump is flopping hard.
Reagan is quite possibly the worst President in American history...his Amnesty Bill fucked over Americans like nothing else in history has. Well, Lincoln may have been worse for not sending all the freed slaves back to their homelands. They were both complete pieces of shits that fucked over Americans.
How have immigrants personally hurt you? Are you actually fighting with them for jobs?

“Immigrants” haven’t hurt me.
ILLEGAL wetbacks have hurt this nation...BIG TIME!
You didn’t know that?
Ah they haven’t hurt you. Go figure.

Ah the olé “It doesn’t bother me personally so why should I care” bit huh?
You must be an awesome American.
Slick Willy was a badass...blowjobs from interns and all.
Remember though...his run was 40 million beaners ago.
Yes he was. Reagan was good too. Not much good I can say about anyone else in my lifetime. Trump is flopping hard.
Reagan is quite possibly the worst President in American history...his Amnesty Bill fucked over Americans like nothing else in history has. Well, Lincoln may have been worse for not sending all the freed slaves back to their homelands. They were both complete pieces of shits that fucked over Americans.
How have immigrants personally hurt you? Are you actually fighting with them for jobs?

“Immigrants” haven’t hurt me.
ILLEGAL wetbacks have hurt this nation...BIG TIME!
You didn’t know that?

They are merely working hard to feed their families. They are not hurting this country. The people that hire them are. Cheap labor and no benefits. JAIL THE EMPLOYERS. Problem solved.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Haha...”just working hard to feed their families” while riding on the backs of good real Americans and fucking the place up along the way...free education, free healthcare, free, free, free!
Raping and killing our people driving drunk, leaving shitty diapers in Walmart parking lots, leaving Modello and Bud Light cans on our roadways and beaches, crowding our roadways, schools and emergency rooms, abusing public services, packing our jails and prisons...I’m glad we can help the disgusting human cockroaches out and only have to compromise our quality of life and sacrifice a Mollie Tibbetts here and there. Fucking awesome.
By the way, what part of that filthy brown shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking real Americans over?
Savings are down and personal debt is up
Stats show the opposite...and healthcare was messed up by government....they have been trying to ruin it for decades so they can one day run it all from DC...they almost got there....until Trump won...
Americans' credit spending was greater than ever in 2018, as debt levels reached record totals. Overall consumer debt reached $13.3 trillion in the last quarter of 2018, while the total amount of unused revolving limits hit $4.1 trillion. Record-setting numbers, based on Experian data from the fourth quarter of 2018, spanned several credit categories:

  • Credit card debt reached an all-time high of $834 billion.
  • Mortgage debt reached a new high of $9.4 trillion.
  • Personal loan debt totaled $291 billion and was the fastest-growing type of consumer debt in the past year.
  • Student loan debt reached a record high of $1.37 trillion.
  • Auto loan balances hit $1.27 trillion, an all-time high, coupled with a new record for the average monthly auto payment, at $523.
Consumer Debt Reaches $13 Trillion in Q4 2018

Haha...the TDS has you Loons bitching about consumer confidence now....WTF?
Are you just learning that people tend to run up their debt when they feel good about the economy and the sustainability of their income?

Middle working-class Americans run up their debt when their bills exceed their ability to pay them, but I guess that you are not aware of that. They wouldn't have a debt if they could afford to pay. They hardly feel good about the economy and the sustainability of their income
because they have been left behind by Trump, who is taking care of the wealthy. You must get your info from Hannity.
You just told me you didn't change that trump is everything you have always wanted. Yet you were a tea bagger who claimed to hate deficits. You are as dishonest as trump
I said he says what I believe to be true he voices my concerns...does he hit all of my concerns?....no but he hits most of them.....
And deficits were the biggest concern for the tea baggers. Not so much for you anymore eh? ha
We are bringing in record amounts of revenue into the treasury as we speak so no.....not as much as keeping progressives and globalist out of power....
Trump is pretty progressive big government. Looks like you lose.
Yes he was. Reagan was good too. Not much good I can say about anyone else in my lifetime. Trump is flopping hard.
Reagan is quite possibly the worst President in American history...his Amnesty Bill fucked over Americans like nothing else in history has. Well, Lincoln may have been worse for not sending all the freed slaves back to their homelands. They were both complete pieces of shits that fucked over Americans.
How have immigrants personally hurt you? Are you actually fighting with them for jobs?

“Immigrants” haven’t hurt me.
ILLEGAL wetbacks have hurt this nation...BIG TIME!
You didn’t know that?
Ah they haven’t hurt you. Go figure.

Ah the olé “It doesn’t bother me personally so why should I care” bit huh?
You must be an awesome American.
So you change your tune now? But you care about people being personally affected by deficits? You need to be more consistent, it's too easy to point out your dishonesty.
You just told me you didn't change that trump is everything you have always wanted. Yet you were a tea bagger who claimed to hate deficits. You are as dishonest as trump
I said he says what I believe to be true he voices my concerns...does he hit all of my concerns?....no but he hits most of them.....
And deficits were the biggest concern for the tea baggers. Not so much for you anymore eh? ha
We are bringing in record amounts of revenue into the treasury as we speak so no.....not as much as keeping progressives and globalist out of power....
Trump is pretty progressive big government. Looks like you lose.
Trump is using government when necessary as warranted....I don't know what you are talking about...big government is not like a light switch...you can't turn it on or off instantly....your strategy of trying to turn Trump voters will not be successful...the alternative is to frightening....

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