Lefties: ‘Trump is doing a terrible job...How dare he work for America’s Best?’

What has he spent on that you disagree with… Be specific.
I disagree with spending more than we have period.

You remember Bill Clinton? He actually decreased deficits. That's what responsible leadership does.

Okay, so you want to cut spending but you want all the wetbacks Mexico has to offer, you want to pay for their education, healthcare and welfare...you want them driving wages in the shitter, working off the books and not contributing to the treasury. You want to spend millions researching cow farts and saving frogs...I’m curious, where would you like to see spending cut?
Who said that? Thought I have to say trump is quite the failure on the border too. Where is that wall? I would start by freezing any increases. Then an across the board cut.

All your Lefty buddies say that daily...where have you been?
I don’t recall any posts from you where you have condemned their positions on such. Can you link us to those posts from you...you know, for the sake of your own credibility and all.
It's really not a big issue for me kid. I can tell you trump hasn't made anything better, that is for sure. haha

Haha...so after all this exchange of dialogue you now admit that you really can’t give two fucks about deficit spending...particularly when said spending is on filthy wetbacks?
And you wonder why people can’t take you whacks serious.
I disagree with spending more than we have period.

You remember Bill Clinton? He actually decreased deficits. That's what responsible leadership does.

Okay, so you want to cut spending but you want all the wetbacks Mexico has to offer, you want to pay for their education, healthcare and welfare...you want them driving wages in the shitter, working off the books and not contributing to the treasury. You want to spend millions researching cow farts and saving frogs...I’m curious, where would you like to see spending cut?
Who said that? Thought I have to say trump is quite the failure on the border too. Where is that wall? I would start by freezing any increases. Then an across the board cut.

All your Lefty buddies say that daily...where have you been?
I don’t recall any posts from you where you have condemned their positions on such. Can you link us to those posts from you...you know, for the sake of your own credibility and all.
It's really not a big issue for me kid. I can tell you trump hasn't made anything better, that is for sure. haha

Haha...so after all this exchange of dialogue you now admit that you really can’t give two fucks about deficit spending...particularly when said spending is on filthy wetbacks?
And you wonder why people can’t take you whacks serious.
I am not aware of any spending on illegal immigrants. I'm very lawful, if people are illegal kick them out. Trump seems to be no better at that than any other president. So you are telling me deficits went way up because trumps letting in lots of illegal immigrants? Wow, thought he was going to fix that?
Okay, so you want to cut spending but you want all the wetbacks Mexico has to offer, you want to pay for their education, healthcare and welfare...you want them driving wages in the shitter, working off the books and not contributing to the treasury. You want to spend millions researching cow farts and saving frogs...I’m curious, where would you like to see spending cut?
Who said that? Thought I have to say trump is quite the failure on the border too. Where is that wall? I would start by freezing any increases. Then an across the board cut.

All your Lefty buddies say that daily...where have you been?
I don’t recall any posts from you where you have condemned their positions on such. Can you link us to those posts from you...you know, for the sake of your own credibility and all.
It's really not a big issue for me kid. I can tell you trump hasn't made anything better, that is for sure. haha

Haha...so after all this exchange of dialogue you now admit that you really can’t give two fucks about deficit spending...particularly when said spending is on filthy wetbacks?
And you wonder why people can’t take you whacks serious.
I am not aware of any spending on illegal immigrants. I'm very lawful, if people are illegal kick them out. Trump seems to be no better at that than any other president. So you are telling me deficits went way up because trumps letting in lots of illegal immigrants? Wow, thought he was going to fix that?

Haha,.,that’s a hell of a spin...it makes you look extremely ignorant.
If you aren’t aware of any spending on wetbacks you really need to pull your head from your ass before engaging in these adult discussions.
Who said that? Thought I have to say trump is quite the failure on the border too. Where is that wall? I would start by freezing any increases. Then an across the board cut.

All your Lefty buddies say that daily...where have you been?
I don’t recall any posts from you where you have condemned their positions on such. Can you link us to those posts from you...you know, for the sake of your own credibility and all.
It's really not a big issue for me kid. I can tell you trump hasn't made anything better, that is for sure. haha

Haha...so after all this exchange of dialogue you now admit that you really can’t give two fucks about deficit spending...particularly when said spending is on filthy wetbacks?
And you wonder why people can’t take you whacks serious.
I am not aware of any spending on illegal immigrants. I'm very lawful, if people are illegal kick them out. Trump seems to be no better at that than any other president. So you are telling me deficits went way up because trumps letting in lots of illegal immigrants? Wow, thought he was going to fix that?

Haha,.,that’s a hell of a spin...it makes you look extremely ignorant.
If you aren’t aware of any spending on wetbacks you really need to pull your head from your ass before engaging in these adult discussions.
Spin? Deficits went way up under trump and you are telling me its because of illegal immigrants. Wow he sure sucks eh?
So he's selling out our future for cheap political points? He's being completely irresponsible. I bet you complained a lot about Obama deficits....

What has he spent on that you disagree with… Be specific.
Liberals complaining about spending and deficits is like a wolf complaining that the rooster is leaving the chicken coop door open....its so disingenuous that I'm actually a little embarrassed for them...
Good thing I'm an independent. Some of us are still fiscally responsible, we just aren't republicans.
You will have to try and sell that elsewhere because I don't bye that for a minuet...maybe you can tell me when any negative scary doom and gloom prediction over too much debt has materialized...because I can't think of one...we have been running federal deficits a long time with little adverse effect...the only difference this time is who is at the helm....if you really want to do something about over spending call Congress....call Obama and tell him he ran the debt up too high....Trump's first year trying to fix Obama's messes is going to cost....
It is funny how Trump turns tea partiers into the spenders. Remember Greece? haha
Trump was elected to close up the money leaks in DC and to undo the damage done by Bush and Obama....he is doing that...it would be nice if he had support from the cheap seats...but he is slowly moving forward....in the right direction...Putting China in its place and placing Iran on notice and shutting down the tax dollar wasteland of illegal immigration...
Just a year ago you libs would argue with emotion that illegal aliens are not voting and not on welfare...Trump exposed that lie...what other lies are you operating on?
What has he spent on that you disagree with… Be specific.
Liberals complaining about spending and deficits is like a wolf complaining that the rooster is leaving the chicken coop door open....its so disingenuous that I'm actually a little embarrassed for them...
Good thing I'm an independent. Some of us are still fiscally responsible, we just aren't republicans.
You will have to try and sell that elsewhere because I don't bye that for a minuet...maybe you can tell me when any negative scary doom and gloom prediction over too much debt has materialized...because I can't think of one...we have been running federal deficits a long time with little adverse effect...the only difference this time is who is at the helm....if you really want to do something about over spending call Congress....call Obama and tell him he ran the debt up too high....Trump's first year trying to fix Obama's messes is going to cost....
It is funny how Trump turns tea partiers into the spenders. Remember Greece? haha
Trump was elected to close up the money leaks in DC and to undo the damage done by Bush and Obama....he is doing that...it would be nice if he had support from the cheap seats...but he is slowly moving forward....in the right direction...Putting China in its place and placing Iran on notice and shutting down the tax dollar wasteland of illegal immigration...
Just a year ago you libs would argue with emotion that illegal aliens are not voting and not on welfare...Trump exposed that lie...what other lies are you operating on?
And what money leaks is he closing up exactly?

Tariffs are part of the reason our economy is slowing. Moving jobs to Vietnam does us no good.

Brokeloser says our deficits went way up because of illegal immigrants. Sounds like trump isn't doing a thing.
All your Lefty buddies say that daily...where have you been?
I don’t recall any posts from you where you have condemned their positions on such. Can you link us to those posts from you...you know, for the sake of your own credibility and all.
It's really not a big issue for me kid. I can tell you trump hasn't made anything better, that is for sure. haha

Haha...so after all this exchange of dialogue you now admit that you really can’t give two fucks about deficit spending...particularly when said spending is on filthy wetbacks?
And you wonder why people can’t take you whacks serious.
I am not aware of any spending on illegal immigrants. I'm very lawful, if people are illegal kick them out. Trump seems to be no better at that than any other president. So you are telling me deficits went way up because trumps letting in lots of illegal immigrants? Wow, thought he was going to fix that?

Haha,.,that’s a hell of a spin...it makes you look extremely ignorant.
If you aren’t aware of any spending on wetbacks you really need to pull your head from your ass before engaging in these adult discussions.
Spin? Deficits went way up under trump and you are telling me its because of illegal immigrants. Wow he sure sucks eh?

Haha...that’s not what was implied or said...l was simply making the point that you can’t embrace the invasion of millions of wetbacks, demand that we foster and spoon feed them and then bitch about deficit spending...You would have to be one dumbmothafucker to think that makes any fucking sense at all to anyone sane.
You’re projecting...tell us how in real time deficits impact your quality of life TODAY.
See, that’s the difference...While not always possible, Trump and his policies aim to benefit and improve the quality of life for good, real Americans TODAY. Why does that suck for you?
So he's selling out our future for cheap political points? He's being completely irresponsible. I bet you complained a lot about Obama deficits....

What has he spent on that you disagree with… Be specific.
Liberals complaining about spending and deficits is like a wolf complaining that the rooster is leaving the chicken coop door open....its so disingenuous that I'm actually a little embarrassed for them...
Good thing I'm an independent. Some of us are still fiscally responsible, we just aren't republicans.
You will have to try and sell that elsewhere because I don't bye that for a minuet...maybe you can tell me when any negative scary doom and gloom prediction over too much debt has materialized...because I can't think of one...we have been running federal deficits a long time with little adverse effect...the only difference this time is who is at the helm....if you really want to do something about over spending call Congress....call Obama and tell him he ran the debt up too high....Trump's first year trying to fix Obama's messes is going to cost....
Obama ran up the debt for a good reason, to keep our country from sinking into a depression.
The economy was on the upswing when Trump took office and didn't need any goosing, so what is his excuse?
It's really not a big issue for me kid. I can tell you trump hasn't made anything better, that is for sure. haha

Haha...so after all this exchange of dialogue you now admit that you really can’t give two fucks about deficit spending...particularly when said spending is on filthy wetbacks?
And you wonder why people can’t take you whacks serious.
I am not aware of any spending on illegal immigrants. I'm very lawful, if people are illegal kick them out. Trump seems to be no better at that than any other president. So you are telling me deficits went way up because trumps letting in lots of illegal immigrants? Wow, thought he was going to fix that?

Haha,.,that’s a hell of a spin...it makes you look extremely ignorant.
If you aren’t aware of any spending on wetbacks you really need to pull your head from your ass before engaging in these adult discussions.
Spin? Deficits went way up under trump and you are telling me its because of illegal immigrants. Wow he sure sucks eh?

Haha...that’s not what was implied or said...l was simply making the point that you can’t embrace the invasion of millions of wetbacks, demand that we foster and spoon feed them and then bitch about deficit spending...You would have to be one dumbmothafucker to think that makes any fucking sense at all to anyone sane.
I think that is what you said. You are blaming them on increasing deficits and well, trump increased deficits.

And like I said, kick out illegals. They are illegal after all. Trump seems to be doing a really poor job at the border.
So he's selling out our future for cheap political points? He's being completely irresponsible. I bet you complained a lot about Obama deficits....

What has he spent on that you disagree with… Be specific.
Liberals complaining about spending and deficits is like a wolf complaining that the rooster is leaving the chicken coop door open....its so disingenuous that I'm actually a little embarrassed for them...
Good thing I'm an independent. Some of us are still fiscally responsible, we just aren't republicans.
You will have to try and sell that elsewhere because I don't bye that for a minuet...maybe you can tell me when any negative scary doom and gloom prediction over too much debt has materialized...because I can't think of one...we have been running federal deficits a long time with little adverse effect...the only difference this time is who is at the helm....if you really want to do something about over spending call Congress....call Obama and tell him he ran the debt up too high....Trump's first year trying to fix Obama's messes is going to cost....
Obama ran up the debt for a good reason, to keep our country from sinking into a depression.
The economy was on the upswing when Trump took office and didn't need any goosing, so what is his excuse?
This is the credit card economy. Built on debt.
Liberals complaining about spending and deficits is like a wolf complaining that the rooster is leaving the chicken coop door open....its so disingenuous that I'm actually a little embarrassed for them...
Good thing I'm an independent. Some of us are still fiscally responsible, we just aren't republicans.
You will have to try and sell that elsewhere because I don't bye that for a minuet...maybe you can tell me when any negative scary doom and gloom prediction over too much debt has materialized...because I can't think of one...we have been running federal deficits a long time with little adverse effect...the only difference this time is who is at the helm....if you really want to do something about over spending call Congress....call Obama and tell him he ran the debt up too high....Trump's first year trying to fix Obama's messes is going to cost....
It is funny how Trump turns tea partiers into the spenders. Remember Greece? haha
Trump was elected to close up the money leaks in DC and to undo the damage done by Bush and Obama....he is doing that...it would be nice if he had support from the cheap seats...but he is slowly moving forward....in the right direction...Putting China in its place and placing Iran on notice and shutting down the tax dollar wasteland of illegal immigration...
Just a year ago you libs would argue with emotion that illegal aliens are not voting and not on welfare...Trump exposed that lie...what other lies are you operating on?
And what money leaks is he closing up exactly?

Tariffs are part of the reason our economy is slowing. Moving jobs to Vietnam does us no good.

Brokeloser says our deficits went way up because of illegal immigrants. Sounds like trump isn't doing a thing.


Trump administration's latest asylum rule allowed to stand in Texas, New Mexico

Federal Judge Rules in Favor of Trump’s New Policy Banning Most Asylum-Seekers
What has he spent on that you disagree with… Be specific.
Liberals complaining about spending and deficits is like a wolf complaining that the rooster is leaving the chicken coop door open....its so disingenuous that I'm actually a little embarrassed for them...
Good thing I'm an independent. Some of us are still fiscally responsible, we just aren't republicans.
You will have to try and sell that elsewhere because I don't bye that for a minuet...maybe you can tell me when any negative scary doom and gloom prediction over too much debt has materialized...because I can't think of one...we have been running federal deficits a long time with little adverse effect...the only difference this time is who is at the helm....if you really want to do something about over spending call Congress....call Obama and tell him he ran the debt up too high....Trump's first year trying to fix Obama's messes is going to cost....
Obama ran up the debt for a good reason, to keep our country from sinking into a depression.
The economy was on the upswing when Trump took office and didn't need any goosing, so what is his excuse?
This is the credit card economy. Built on debt.
Then why are savings up and personal debt down?....you guys just make crap up or visit the fake news sites set up for Sheeple....
It's really not a big issue for me kid. I can tell you trump hasn't made anything better, that is for sure. haha

Haha...so after all this exchange of dialogue you now admit that you really can’t give two fucks about deficit spending...particularly when said spending is on filthy wetbacks?
And you wonder why people can’t take you whacks serious.
I am not aware of any spending on illegal immigrants. I'm very lawful, if people are illegal kick them out. Trump seems to be no better at that than any other president. So you are telling me deficits went way up because trumps letting in lots of illegal immigrants? Wow, thought he was going to fix that?

Haha,.,that’s a hell of a spin...it makes you look ext. remely ignorant.
If you aren’t aware of any spending on wetbacks you really need to pull your head from your ass before engaging in these adult discussions.
Spin? Deficits went way up under trump and you are telling me its because of illegal immigrants. Wow he sure sucks eh?

Haha...that’s not what was implied or said...l was simply making the point that you can’t embrace the invasion of millions of wetbacks, demand that we foster and spoon feed them and then bitch about deficit spending...You would have to be one dumbmothafucker to think that makes any fucking sense at all to anyone sane.

We are responsible for the disaster at the border in that we supported tyrants in those countries, and helped to create the horrors that exist. We created the monster and we are talking about human beings.
So he's selling out our future for cheap political points? He's being completely irresponsible. I bet you complained a lot about Obama deficits....

What has he spent on that you disagree with… Be specific.
Liberals complaining about spending and deficits is like a wolf complaining that the rooster is leaving the chicken coop door open....its so disingenuous that I'm actually a little embarrassed for them...
Good thing I'm an independent. Some of us are still fiscally responsible, we just aren't republicans.
You will have to try and sell that elsewhere because I don't bye that for a minuet...maybe you can tell me when any negative scary doom and gloom prediction over too much debt has materialized...because I can't think of one...we have been running federal deficits a long time with little adverse effect...the only difference this time is who is at the helm....if you really want to do something about over spending call Congress....call Obama and tell him he ran the debt up too high....Trump's first year trying to fix Obama's messes is going to cost....
Obama ran up the debt for a good reason, to keep our country from sinking into a depression.
The economy was on the upswing when Trump took office and didn't need any goosing, so what is his excuse?
Obama could have done what Trump did...cut taxes and regulation and the recession would have been over and slowing down the deficit uptick....but he didn't...why?....is he stupid?...did he not care?...or did he like things as they were?...a shrinking middle class and a growing dependent class....wake up...
What has he spent on that you disagree with… Be specific.
Liberals complaining about spending and deficits is like a wolf complaining that the rooster is leaving the chicken coop door open....its so disingenuous that I'm actually a little embarrassed for them...
Good thing I'm an independent. Some of us are still fiscally responsible, we just aren't republicans.
You will have to try and sell that elsewhere because I don't bye that for a minuet...maybe you can tell me when any negative scary doom and gloom prediction over too much debt has materialized...because I can't think of one...we have been running federal deficits a long time with little adverse effect...the only difference this time is who is at the helm....if you really want to do something about over spending call Congress....call Obama and tell him he ran the debt up too high....Trump's first year trying to fix Obama's messes is going to cost....
Obama ran up the debt for a good reason, to keep our country from sinking into a depression.
The economy was on the upswing when Trump took office and didn't need any goosing, so what is his excuse?
This is the credit card economy. Built on debt.
Not what the facts show at all....
Liberals complaining about spending and deficits is like a wolf complaining that the rooster is leaving the chicken coop door open....its so disingenuous that I'm actually a little embarrassed for them...
Good thing I'm an independent. Some of us are still fiscally responsible, we just aren't republicans.
You will have to try and sell that elsewhere because I don't bye that for a minuet...maybe you can tell me when any negative scary doom and gloom prediction over too much debt has materialized...because I can't think of one...we have been running federal deficits a long time with little adverse effect...the only difference this time is who is at the helm....if you really want to do something about over spending call Congress....call Obama and tell him he ran the debt up too high....Trump's first year trying to fix Obama's messes is going to cost....
Obama ran up the debt for a good reason, to keep our country from sinking into a depression.
The economy was on the upswing when Trump took office and didn't need any goosing, so what is his excuse?
This is the credit card economy. Built on debt.
Then why are savings up and personal debt down?....you guys just make crap up or visit the fake news sites set up for Sheeple....
Government spending ya dipshit. Trillion dollar deficits.

Course it looks like you are wrong on your claims for personal debt too.
Consumer Debt Reaches $13 Trillion in Q4 2018
Americans' credit spending was greater than ever in 2018, as debt levels reached record totals. Overall consumer debt reached $13.3 trillion in the last quarter of 2018, while the total amount of unused revolving limits hit $4.1 trillion. Record-setting numbers, based on Experian data from the fourth quarter of 2018, spanned several credit categories:
What has he spent on that you disagree with… Be specific.
Liberals complaining about spending and deficits is like a wolf complaining that the rooster is leaving the chicken coop door open....its so disingenuous that I'm actually a little embarrassed for them...
Good thing I'm an independent. Some of us are still fiscally responsible, we just aren't republicans.
You will have to try and sell that elsewhere because I don't bye that for a minuet...maybe you can tell me when any negative scary doom and gloom prediction over too much debt has materialized...because I can't think of one...we have been running federal deficits a long time with little adverse effect...the only difference this time is who is at the helm....if you really want to do something about over spending call Congress....call Obama and tell him he ran the debt up too high....Trump's first year trying to fix Obama's messes is going to cost....
Obama ran up the debt for a good reason, to keep our country from sinking into a depression.
The economy was on the upswing when Trump took office and didn't need any goosing, so what is his excuse?
Obama could have done what Trump did...cut taxes and regulation and the recession would have been over and slowing down the deficit uptick....but he didn't...why?....is he stupid?...did he not care?...or did he like things as they were?...a shrinking middle class and a growing dependent class....wake up...
Hate to break it to you, but trump did those things and we have a slowing economy. There has been no uptick, never even got 3%.
Liberals complaining about spending and deficits is like a wolf complaining that the rooster is leaving the chicken coop door open....its so disingenuous that I'm actually a little embarrassed for them...
Good thing I'm an independent. Some of us are still fiscally responsible, we just aren't republicans.
You will have to try and sell that elsewhere because I don't bye that for a minuet...maybe you can tell me when any negative scary doom and gloom prediction over too much debt has materialized...because I can't think of one...we have been running federal deficits a long time with little adverse effect...the only difference this time is who is at the helm....if you really want to do something about over spending call Congress....call Obama and tell him he ran the debt up too high....Trump's first year trying to fix Obama's messes is going to cost....
Obama ran up the debt for a good reason, to keep our country from sinking into a depression.
The economy was on the upswing when Trump took office and didn't need any goosing, so what is his excuse?
This is the credit card economy. Built on debt.
Then why are savings up and personal debt down?....you guys just make crap up or visit the fake news sites set up for Sheeple....
Savings are down and personal debt is up, especially those without health insurance. Remember when we were promised a better, cheaper health plan? Now there is zappo
74 Million Americans Have More Credit Card Debt Than Savings ...

https://www.thesimpledollar.com › Credit Cards › Blog

Mar 26, 2019 - Looked at another way, only 44% of American households have more emergency savings than credit card debt, according to the same report.
Last edited:
Haha...so after all this exchange of dialogue you now admit that you really can’t give two fucks about deficit spending...particularly when said spending is on filthy wetbacks?
And you wonder why people can’t take you whacks serious.
I am not aware of any spending on illegal immigrants. I'm very lawful, if people are illegal kick them out. Trump seems to be no better at that than any other president. So you are telling me deficits went way up because trumps letting in lots of illegal immigrants? Wow, thought he was going to fix that?

Haha,.,that’s a hell of a spin...it makes you look ext. remely ignorant.
If you aren’t aware of any spending on wetbacks you really need to pull your head from your ass before engaging in these adult discussions.
Spin? Deficits went way up under trump and you are telling me its because of illegal immigrants. Wow he sure sucks eh?

Haha...that’s not what was implied or said...l was simply making the point that you can’t embrace the invasion of millions of wetbacks, demand that we foster and spoon feed them and then bitch about deficit spending...You would have to be one dumbmothafucker to think that makes any fucking sense at all to anyone sane.

We are responsible for the disaster at the border in that we supported tyrants in those countries, and helped to create the horrors that exist. We created the monster and we are talking about human beings.
The United states is in no way responsible for the short comings of south and central American nations ...we have the blueprint for success...all these other nations have to do is follow those blueprints...I think its wrong to continue to blame America for the stupidity of other nations...we are not to blame for their continuing desires to make socialism work...it doesn't work and they are not willing to except that reality....

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