Lefties: ‘Trump is doing a terrible job...How dare he work for America’s Best?’

This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?
If trump had a policy that worked we'd all be shocked.
This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?

The grifter is only committed to himself.

Why are blind to that? Racism? Addedledness? Loss of critical thinking?
This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?
Trump is only committed to Trump. And his boss Putin.

He is not committed to anyone else.
Trump is committed to serving his talk radio base. He also knows that, for every initiative that doesn't go well, they're going to blame Obama or Hillary or the Deep State or commies or the Fed or the media or whatever, so he has complete cover.

This is all about the talk radio base and keeping them happy. It worked in 2016 and it's his only plan for 2020.
Donald Trump thinks climate change is a hoax. here's the bad news for Trump: he himself is the hoax!
This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?
Rumpy is a loser like you! The only ass kicking he is doing is to his appointees. As for claiming to be sane you are far from it.
This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?
Trump is only committed to Trump. And his boss Putin.

He is not committed to anyone else.

The greatest investigator the world has ever known couldn’t prove a Russian connection but some weird dude in cyberspace says its real so therefore it is...haha
You Loons really got to let go of that Putin shit...you’re seriously making complete fools of yourselves.
Trump is committed to serving his talk radio base. He also knows that, for every initiative that doesn't go well, they're going to blame Obama or Hillary or the Deep State or commies or the Fed or the media or whatever, so he has complete cover.

This is all about the talk radio base and keeping them happy. It worked in 2016 and it's his only plan for 2020.

Who makes up this “talk radio base” you love to speak about? Is that just another neat phrase you came up with?
Are we talking about the 30 states and 2,623 counties that elected him?
Are you mad that he aims to please the good people in theses 30 states and 2,623 counties?
Trump is committed to serving his talk radio base. He also knows that, for every initiative that doesn't go well, they're going to blame Obama or Hillary or the Deep State or commies or the Fed or the media or whatever, so he has complete cover.

This is all about the talk radio base and keeping them happy. It worked in 2016 and it's his only plan for 2020.

Who makes up this “talk radio base” you love to speak about? Is that just another neat phrase you came up with?
Are we talking about the 30 states and 2,623 counties that elected him?
Are you mad that he aims to please the good people in theses 30 states and 2,623 counties?
I love the way you guys have to parse the numbers. You have to, since he lost the popular vote. Then the excuse is that some millions of illegals voted. Yeah, that's it. Let's run with that one.

By your own personal definition of "good people", Trump's doing a fabulous job. He has talk radio's proud stamp of approval (good thing, since they made him). The actual facts on the economy, China, North Korea, The Wall, global relations and race relations all prove you wrong, but you're happy, your alternate universe is happy, and that's all I care about!
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Trump is committed to serving his talk radio base. He also knows that, for every initiative that doesn't go well, they're going to blame Obama or Hillary or the Deep State or commies or the Fed or the media or whatever, so he has complete cover.

This is all about the talk radio base and keeping them happy. It worked in 2016 and it's his only plan for 2020.

Who makes up this “talk radio base” you love to speak about? Is that just another neat phrase you came up with?
Are we talking about the 30 states and 2,623 counties that elected him?
Are you mad that he aims to please the good people in theses 30 states and 2,623 counties?
I love the way you guys have to parse the numbers. You have to, since he lost the popular vote. Then the excuse is that some millions of illegals voted. Yeah, that's it. Let's run with that one.

By your own personal definition of "good people", Trump's doing a fabulous job. He has talk radio's proud stamp of approval (good thing, since they made him). The actual facts on the economy, China, North Korea, The Wall, global relations and race relations all prove you wrong, but you're happy, your alternate universe is happy, and that's all I care about!

Mac, where have you been...those numbers are not “parsed” at all; those are the numbers. There is no such thing as a popular vote...only one party campaigned to win over the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York, the other won the real election. Please tell me you understand this? Further, didn’t Trump win the “popular vote” among 49 states?
You keep making the same mistake...you’re trying to believe he won on anything other than two platforms...he didn’t. “Fuck Wetbacks” and “Americans First” is / was all he needed to win...he’ll win in 2020 on the exact same platforms...bank on it.
Literally everybody I talk with in depth, mostly wealthy people whom you would think are all about economics can’t give two fucks about the state of the economy or foreign relations etc etc....we simply want wetbacks gone, we want our country back and we want Americans put first. It really is that simple....Sucks huh?
This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?

America’s best what exactly?

Surely you don’t mean Stormy...
The left are discombobulated by Trump's success. Remember all their dire warnings about how the country would collapse if Trump were elected. Sucks to be you libs rot in hell you traitors.
This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?

America’s best what exactly?

Surely you don’t mean Stormy...

America’s Best citizens of course.
Surely you know what makes one part of the group “America’s Best”....right?
This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?

America’s best what exactly?

Surely you don’t mean Stormy...

America’s Best citizens of course.
Surely you know what makes one part of the group “America’s Best”....right?

Hmmm…why don’t you explain what makes one American better than the others….
This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?

America’s best what exactly?

Surely you don’t mean Stormy...

America’s Best citizens of course.
Surely you know what makes one part of the group “America’s Best”....right?

Hmmm…why don’t you explain what makes one American better than the others….

Full disclosure, no sugar coating....only a total filthy piece of shit would pretend they don’t know what makes one part of America’s Best.
Are you pretending?
This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?

America’s best what exactly?

Surely you don’t mean Stormy...

America’s Best citizens of course.
Surely you know what makes one part of the group “America’s Best”....right?

Hmmm…why don’t you explain what makes one American better than the others….

Full disclosure, no sugar coating....only a total filthy piece of shit would pretend they don’t know what makes one part of America’s Best.
Are you pretending?

Oh, I know what you think makes one person better than another…I just am forcing you to say it...
This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?

America’s best what exactly?

Surely you don’t mean Stormy...

America’s Best citizens of course.
Surely you know what makes one part of the group “America’s Best”....right?

Hmmm…why don’t you explain what makes one American better than the others….

Full disclosure, no sugar coating....only a total filthy piece of shit would pretend they don’t know what makes one part of America’s Best.
Are you pretending?

Oh, I know what you think makes one person better than another…I just am forcing you to say it...

Wow, a mind reader, that's pretty good. Not being a liberal sure helps make one person better than the other.
This shit is hilarious...Lefties continue to show us just how backwards shit really is in LibTardia.
How many threads have been started with the intent to criticize Trump for his commitment to Americans? Do they realize that all they’re really doing is telling sane folks that he’s doing a kick-ass job for good, real Americans?

America’s best what exactly?

Surely you don’t mean Stormy...

America’s Best citizens of course.
Surely you know what makes one part of the group “America’s Best”....right?

Hmmm…why don’t you explain what makes one American better than the others….

Full disclosure, no sugar coating....only a total filthy piece of shit would pretend they don’t know what makes one part of America’s Best.
Are you pretending?

Oh, I know what you think makes one person better than another…I just am forcing you to say it...

This is clearly super trivial for you...I’ll play along.
America’s Best are assets to american society, they are not liabilities, they are proud, patriotic and NATIONALISTIC, they always want fellow countrymen put first, they fight to preserve American culture, values and tradition, they are law abiding, they respect law and order, they will exhaust all effort in family and in teaching family values.
I could carry on and on...you getting the gist of it?
Basically, they are everything a Lefty is not....you still confused?

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