Leftist bully attacks two 14 year olds for wearing MAGA hat

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Assault, threats, theft, intimidation are all the left has... Time to stomp on the fascist left like a bug..
Reminds me of the Wafen SS movement in Germany in the 1930's and is really a problem, the real scare is who is funding and supporting them?
No, maxine stated that libs must become violent and that's what they're doing.
Dude, it's right there in black and white. Why lie about it?
Because, like their Orange lord and master, lying is all they've got. And it's a positive trait for them.

No, the left is becoming violent. That is no lie.
Lol how long have your kind been spouting off about revolution and civil war?
Since Obama was elected and started to destroy our country.

Meanwhile, look at the antifa dicks. They put girls in front, swarm people..then whine and cry when they get their asses kicked. Again.

Your biggest problem with President Obama is his skin color.
And I can give you more from the opposing side. You're not helping your case in the slightest.

Feel free. My case is that both sides do it. You'll just further confirm it. The floor is yours. Go for it.

I already have stated that both sides do it. I have also shown through video evidence (tons of it) that the overwhelming majority is from the left wing.
Here's a short list. And these are just attacks which resulted in murder.

Anti-abortion murders
Oklahoma City bombing
Larry Shoemake
Eric Rudolph
Christian murder of gay couple
Benjamin Nathaniel Smith
Jewish Community Center

Richard Baumhammers
Mark Stroman
Knoxville church shooting
Keith Luke rape and murder
Pittsburgh police officers
Anti-abortion murder

Holly Grigsby
Sikh temple shooting
Jewish Community Center shooting
Charleston black church massacre
Lafayette cinema shooting
Planned Parenthood shooting
Kansas racist shooting
James Harris Jackson
Richard Collins murder
Charlottesville rally attack
Kenneth Gleason
Blaze Bernstein

The Murrah building was done by your beloved "gubermint", little faun. Two years before that your beloved gubermint fried women and children in Waco. Debate me on this, ya pussy...

BTW have you ever heard of Cody Snodgres?
Aww, poor, delusional dale. reduced to begging others to play with him.

You poor, schmuck. Last time I bothered with you, I embarrassed the shit out of you after you idiotically posted about David Hogg graduating in California years ago and how he wasn't on lockdown the morning of the Parkland shooting; but instead, raced to the school to beat the police there after learning about the shooting. :cuckoo:

But g'head, give it your best shot.


  • And then you woke up and realizef
And I can give you more from the opposing side. You're not helping your case in the slightest.

Feel free. My case is that both sides do it. You'll just further confirm it. The floor is yours. Go for it.

I already have stated that both sides do it. I have also shown through video evidence (tons of it) that the overwhelming majority is from the left wing.
Here's a short list. And these are just attacks which resulted in murder.

Anti-abortion murders
Oklahoma City bombing
Larry Shoemake
Eric Rudolph
Christian murder of gay couple
Benjamin Nathaniel Smith
Jewish Community Center

Richard Baumhammers
Mark Stroman
Knoxville church shooting
Keith Luke rape and murder
Pittsburgh police officers
Anti-abortion murder

Holly Grigsby
Sikh temple shooting
Jewish Community Center shooting
Charleston black church massacre
Lafayette cinema shooting
Planned Parenthood shooting
Kansas racist shooting
James Harris Jackson
Richard Collins murder
Charlottesville rally attack
Kenneth Gleason
Blaze Bernstein

The Murrah building was done by your beloved "gubermint", little faun. Two years before that your beloved gubermint fried women and children in Waco. Debate me on this, ya pussy...

BTW have you ever heard of Cody Snodgres?
Aww, poor, delusional dale. reduced to begging others to play with him.

You poor, schmuck. Last time I bothered with you, I embarrassed the shit out of you after you idiotically posted about David Hogg graduating in California years ago and how he wasn't on lockdown the morning of the Parkland shooting; but instead, raced to the school to beat the police there after learning about the shooting. :cuckoo:

But g'head, give it your best shot.


Yeah and then you woke up and realized that it had all been a dream. You might want to revisit that conversation. ? So, where do we start as far as the false flag event that was the OKC bombing? Because that is exactly what it was.
I will give you part of the day to come up with some lame talking points.

Here go that man again! (snicker)

Wait, I get that, but republicans don't advocate violence. Other than Trump saying take the protestors out on a stretcher, no republican has been close.
My question is why do lefties show up to rallies they don't want to be at, just to start fights? you just don't see right wingers ever do this stuff.

The guy who mowed down the woman in Charlottesville was invited to their demonstration?
I have no idea, but that has nothing to do with politics. That was about a statue, I think the people wanting the statue started the rallies, the lefties then showed up, why????
They knew they were gonna start shit,

The left can't just let things go. They lost let it go.
Republicans do not protest leftwing speakers, they do not show up to leftwing political rallies, they have never encouraged publicly attacking democrat administration officials, they don't incite violence and encourage riots.

The person that did that in Charlottesville did so with no backing from any conservative or republican that I am aware of, and should be in jail. Killing someone is a serious crime and that person should receive the death penalty.

“Jews will not replace us”was about a statue?
So you have a precanned response to my post.
Charlottesville was about a statue, what do jews have to do with it?
And my post was we don't encourage or tolerate those things and the person who committed murder should be punished.

Your responses are so silly, yes.
Your "statue" protesters chanted "Jews will not replace us."

I do like how you say "I have no idea" if the motorist who killed the woman was invited to the demonstration where people were marching. Hint...he was in the car.
First if the white supremacists and black supremacists want to kill each other, I'm fine with it, stick them on an island and let er rip. Both groups are disgusting. As for the care, he was in a car, how does that determine if he was invited?
Using threats and intimidation to enforce your political views is also referred to as terrorism.

Texas teenager attacked on video for wearing Make America Great Again hat

A 16-year-old boy has been verbally abused and assaulted at a restaurant for wearing one of Donald Trump’s trademark “Make America Great Again” hats.

The ordeal, which took place in San Antonio, was caught on camera and has been widely shared.

The clip shows an unidentified suspect chucking a drink in Hunter Richard’s face while saying “you ain’t supporting s***” before leaving the restaurant with his red hat.

Mr Hunter, who is from the Texas city, was having a meal with his friends at a Whataburger restaurant in Thousands Oaks when the incident took place.

"I support my President and if you don’t let’s have a conversation about it instead of ripping my hat off," Mr Hunter told News 4 San Antonio.

"I just think a conversation about politics is more productive for the entire whole rather than taking my hat and yelling subjective words to me".

Wonder where they got the idea to resort to violence? This may be a clue....

Trump on protester: 'I’d like to punch him in the face'

Trump said the protester had been “throwing punches.” By the time a POLITICO reporter spotted the protester being led from the floor of South Point Arena by security personnel, the man was not throwing punches.

According to multiple South Point security personnel, the man did not throw any punches. Trump "was just over-exaggerating," said one security guard, who asked that his name not be used.

“We’re not allowed to punch back any more,” Trump lamented. The billionaire said he missed the “good old days,” when the man would be treated differently.

“You know what they used to do to a guy like that in a place like this?” Trump said. “They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”
They get it from the left, of course.

Violence is never the answer....
But when you sponsor violence...don't be surprised when violence is someone else's solution as well.
I love how you put violence off on the right.
We don't show up at your rallies starting shit
we don't shut down your speakers
we don't attack your people in public because we disagree with them

you guys do all of the above and did it waaaaaay before Trump
Fuck you lefties (not right wingers, but BLM types) took Sanders microphone at a rally, these people are really really sick
we only promote violence when we are attacked
when your protestors spit and intimidate families going to a rally and in some cases attack them, they do deserve an ass kicking.
Feel free. My case is that both sides do it. You'll just further confirm it. The floor is yours. Go for it.

I already have stated that both sides do it. I have also shown through video evidence (tons of it) that the overwhelming majority is from the left wing.
Here's a short list. And these are just attacks which resulted in murder.

Anti-abortion murders
Oklahoma City bombing
Larry Shoemake
Eric Rudolph
Christian murder of gay couple
Benjamin Nathaniel Smith
Jewish Community Center

Richard Baumhammers
Mark Stroman
Knoxville church shooting
Keith Luke rape and murder
Pittsburgh police officers
Anti-abortion murder

Holly Grigsby
Sikh temple shooting
Jewish Community Center shooting
Charleston black church massacre
Lafayette cinema shooting
Planned Parenthood shooting
Kansas racist shooting
James Harris Jackson
Richard Collins murder
Charlottesville rally attack
Kenneth Gleason
Blaze Bernstein

The Murrah building was done by your beloved "gubermint", little faun. Two years before that your beloved gubermint fried women and children in Waco. Debate me on this, ya pussy...

BTW have you ever heard of Cody Snodgres?
Aww, poor, delusional dale. reduced to begging others to play with him.

You poor, schmuck. Last time I bothered with you, I embarrassed the shit out of you after you idiotically posted about David Hogg graduating in California years ago and how he wasn't on lockdown the morning of the Parkland shooting; but instead, raced to the school to beat the police there after learning about the shooting. :cuckoo:

But g'head, give it your best shot.


  • And then you woke up and realizef
Feel free. My case is that both sides do it. You'll just further confirm it. The floor is yours. Go for it.

I already have stated that both sides do it. I have also shown through video evidence (tons of it) that the overwhelming majority is from the left wing.
Here's a short list. And these are just attacks which resulted in murder.

Anti-abortion murders
Oklahoma City bombing
Larry Shoemake
Eric Rudolph
Christian murder of gay couple
Benjamin Nathaniel Smith
Jewish Community Center

Richard Baumhammers
Mark Stroman
Knoxville church shooting
Keith Luke rape and murder
Pittsburgh police officers
Anti-abortion murder

Holly Grigsby
Sikh temple shooting
Jewish Community Center shooting
Charleston black church massacre
Lafayette cinema shooting
Planned Parenthood shooting
Kansas racist shooting
James Harris Jackson
Richard Collins murder
Charlottesville rally attack
Kenneth Gleason
Blaze Bernstein

The Murrah building was done by your beloved "gubermint", little faun. Two years before that your beloved gubermint fried women and children in Waco. Debate me on this, ya pussy...

BTW have you ever heard of Cody Snodgres?
Aww, poor, delusional dale. reduced to begging others to play with him.

You poor, schmuck. Last time I bothered with you, I embarrassed the shit out of you after you idiotically posted about David Hogg graduating in California years ago and how he wasn't on lockdown the morning of the Parkland shooting; but instead, raced to the school to beat the police there after learning about the shooting. :cuckoo:

But g'head, give it your best shot.


Yeah and then you woke up and realized that it had all been a dream. You might want to revisit that conversation. ? So, where do we start as far as the false flag event that was the OKC bombing? Because that is exactly what it was.
I will give you part of the day to come up with some lame talking points.

Here go that man again! (snicker)

That is some disjointed post you made there. But as far as David Hogg... despite you delusions that he wasn’t a student a Douglas and on lockdown that morning... here’s the video of him on lockdown....

Leftist bully attacks two 14 year olds for wearing MAGA hat

But I agree with you - that dude is a dick. Surprised actually that he isn't a Trump supporter!

He's been fired from his part-time bar job, though. The teen and his family won't prosecute as the teen says people make mistakes. He said he rather have a conversation with the man over what happened.
Reginald-Denny Millennials

First these weaklings chicken out from taking physical action against the Hillabully, and now they gutlessly fake compassion and refuse to prosecute. Turning that hothead loose on the rest of us shows how little these selfish spoiled brats care about society
I don't think so. Your pissant 30 percent does not represent any significant portion of this country.

Keep thinking that silly girl. Makes it so much easier when you get your ass handed to you.

Nobody is going to be handing me my ass. Your boy has a 40 percent approval rating.

And the shrilary has a 95% chance of being POTUS.



States who voted for Clinton: 20

States who voted for Trump: 30

That is a LANDSLIDE victory, Democrat bitching and meaningless fancy charts notwithstanding.
About Face!

We are the United States, not the United Coasts. Notice how Caliphornia and Nueva Jork are oriented towards foreign shores.
Using threats and intimidation to enforce your political views is also referred to as terrorism.

Texas teenager attacked on video for wearing Make America Great Again hat

A 16-year-old boy has been verbally abused and assaulted at a restaurant for wearing one of Donald Trump’s trademark “Make America Great Again” hats.

The ordeal, which took place in San Antonio, was caught on camera and has been widely shared.

The clip shows an unidentified suspect chucking a drink in Hunter Richard’s face while saying “you ain’t supporting s***” before leaving the restaurant with his red hat.

Mr Hunter, who is from the Texas city, was having a meal with his friends at a Whataburger restaurant in Thousands Oaks when the incident took place.

"I support my President and if you don’t let’s have a conversation about it instead of ripping my hat off," Mr Hunter told News 4 San Antonio.

"I just think a conversation about politics is more productive for the entire whole rather than taking my hat and yelling subjective words to me".

Wonder where they got the idea to resort to violence? This may be a clue....

Trump on protester: 'I’d like to punch him in the face'

Trump said the protester had been “throwing punches.” By the time a POLITICO reporter spotted the protester being led from the floor of South Point Arena by security personnel, the man was not throwing punches.

According to multiple South Point security personnel, the man did not throw any punches. Trump "was just over-exaggerating," said one security guard, who asked that his name not be used.

“We’re not allowed to punch back any more,” Trump lamented. The billionaire said he missed the “good old days,” when the man would be treated differently.

“You know what they used to do to a guy like that in a place like this?” Trump said. “They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”
They get it from the left, of course.

Aww you defend your dear leader even when he threatens people. He was far too cowardly to join the service. Poor little Captain Bone Spurs. Even Jane Fonda wasn't too scared to go to Vietnam, and she didn't salute their generals like Lying Trump saluted North Korean generals.
Wow. Bet you thought the picture of Fonda sitting on an AA gun they could kill American pilots was awesome to ?

Or sissyboy Bush in his pilot's uniform doing his fake service. This is why Populists hate the guts of both Left and Right. Only a veteran with no self-respect would say, "Bush didn't protest or call us names. So having his Daddy get him out of having to fight is OK with me."
Wonder where they got the idea to resort to violence? This may be a clue....

Trump on protester: 'I’d like to punch him in the face'
They get it from the left, of course.

Violence is never the answer....
But when you sponsor violence...don't be surprised when violence is someone else's solution as well.
Your side has been pushing violence.....for quite a while now..........Paid protesters even before Trump was elected.

These are kids............minding their own damned business and that asshat did that...................Your side has no ethical grounds anymore when your own politicians are throwing gas on the fire.

Glad the punk is getting charged..........glad he got fired too.........Hope enjoyed his low life moment of fame.

It wasn't that long ago a GOP candidate spoke of "second amendment solutions". Not some wacko somewhere...the GOP nominee for Senator from Nevada...Sharon Angle. There is plenty of blame to go around for the discourse being what it is. Getting back to the thread topic... In the 2016 election, Trump said he would "like to punch someone in the face". A change from the previous major candidates...would you not agree? When people respond in kind....I'm just saying don't be shocked.
Your side has no moral ground.........you have a history of violent protest.............people are tired of it...........and you still don't say a dang word about that punk picking on kids.................
When Wild Animals Smell Fear, They Attack

The Antiffy violence will continue until their victims start fighting back and Trump supporters quit showing sympathy for those who don't. And I don't mean the deceptively cowardly slogan, "An Eye for an Eye"; the only effective reaction is An Eye for a Tooth.
Liberals are becoming increasingly violent. Now, they're attacking and assaulting children.
Never Bring a Mouth to a Fistfight

"Children"? So these sissies have become the GOPers' Trayvons?

Yes, children. The part you are ignoring is trayvon placed himself in the position where he was killed. He didn't have to follow the asshole to where he got shot. These children were peacefully eating a burger when an asshole assaulted them. Nice to see you are so capable of comparing an apple to a fucking elephant. Moron.
Using threats and intimidation to enforce your political views is also referred to as terrorism.

Texas teenager attacked on video for wearing Make America Great Again hat

Wonder where they got the idea to resort to violence? This may be a clue....

Trump on protester: 'I’d like to punch him in the face'

Trump said the protester had been “throwing punches.” By the time a POLITICO reporter spotted the protester being led from the floor of South Point Arena by security personnel, the man was not throwing punches.

According to multiple South Point security personnel, the man did not throw any punches. Trump "was just over-exaggerating," said one security guard, who asked that his name not be used.

“We’re not allowed to punch back any more,” Trump lamented. The billionaire said he missed the “good old days,” when the man would be treated differently.

“You know what they used to do to a guy like that in a place like this?” Trump said. “They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”
They get it from the left, of course.

Aww you defend your dear leader even when he threatens people. He was far too cowardly to join the service. Poor little Captain Bone Spurs. Even Jane Fonda wasn't too scared to go to Vietnam, and she didn't salute their generals like Lying Trump saluted North Korean generals.
Wow. Bet you thought the picture of Fonda sitting on an AA gun they could kill American pilots was awesome to ?

Or sissyboy Bush in his pilot's uniform doing his fake service. This is why Populists hate the guts of both Left and Right. Only a veteran with no self-respect would say, "Bush didn't protest or call us names. So having his Daddy get him out of having to fight is OK with me."

To be called a "sage" implies intelligence and wisdom. So far you are exhibiting none of that. Bush, for all of his faults, and they are many, actually did fly an incredibly dangerous aircraft. Yes, he only flew over the USA but that aircraft killed 20% of its pilots. So bush was smart enough to stay alive in a notoriously vicious aircraft. Your defense of this asshole only serves to show us that you too, are an asshole.
Dude, it's right there in black and white. Why lie about it?
Because, like their Orange lord and master, lying is all they've got. And it's a positive trait for them.

No, the left is becoming violent. That is no lie.
Lol how long have your kind been spouting off about revolution and civil war?
Since Obama was elected and started to destroy our country.

Meanwhile, look at the antifa dicks. They put girls in front, swarm people..then whine and cry when they get their asses kicked. Again.

Your biggest problem with President Obama is his skin color.

Ah yes, a lib bringing up skin color. Goes back to slavery and segregation.
Actually, what the teen said about having a discussion with the perp made more sense. He showed maturity. Had it happened to my kids, then I'd get mad and be trying to fight him, but a conversation would be the better option. He kept his cool and tried to have a discussion why he was doing it. It ended up he wanting to toss the hat into his fireplace. The guy is a loon. Feel kinda sorry for him.
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