Leftist bully attacks two 14 year olds for wearing MAGA hat

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America needs to decide if they want a party fueled by rage and anger entrusted to run the Country. They smash windows, burn cars, assault rally attendees of the opposing party, call for Cabinet members of the opposing party to be assaulted....

Who wants this?
well right now the left *thinks* they do.

but they never seem to like it when people use their tactics back on 'em. almost always results in tons and tons of whining and UNFAIR commentary.
It wasn't that long ago a GOP candidate spoke of "second amendment solutions". Not some wacko somewhere...the GOP nominee for Senator from Nevada...Sharon Angle. There is plenty of blame to go around for the discourse being what it is. Getting back to the thread topic... In the 2016 election, Trump said he would "like to punch someone in the face". A change from the previous major candidates...would you not agree? When people respond in kind....I'm just saying don't be shocked.
Your side has no moral ground.........you have a history of violent protest.............people are tired of it...........and you still don't say a dang word about that punk picking on kids.................

I gave you examples of elected officials and candidates--people who should know better--sponsoring violence. Sorry but you're wrong.

And I can give you more from the opposing side. You're not helping your case in the slightest.

Feel free. My case is that both sides do it. You'll just further confirm it. The floor is yours. Go for it.

I already have stated that both sides do it. I have also shown through video evidence (tons of it) that the overwhelming majority is from the left wing.

Doubtful but okay.
Didn’t know bob ran for office
No, but every time he says he wants to commit a felony he gets cheers from Democrats.

People didn't cheer when Trump said he wanted to punch someone in the face?
I don't remember.....but then again, Trump had been provoked.
Bobby felt he had to act like a shit all on his own.

Oh, he was provoked....weak.
As for Bobby....I guess whenever someone here is saying that the Statue of Liberty protester should be "target practice", they were not doing it?
Yeah...fuck you.

You're like Robert Deniro….you have some deep-seated hatred for Trump for some reason.
Deniro is a closeted queen who hates what Trump represents because he's gay.

Trump's supporters were attacked by thugs and you figure they had it coming.

I tend to believe that when you go looking for a fight....don't complain when you find one.

Precisely what Trump did...go looking for a fight. And now, this thread...the complaint when one found one of his supporters.

As for being gay, I'm sure you could teach Bobby some things about it.
It wasn't that long ago a GOP candidate spoke of "second amendment solutions". Not some wacko somewhere...the GOP nominee for Senator from Nevada...Sharon Angle. There is plenty of blame to go around for the discourse being what it is. Getting back to the thread topic... In the 2016 election, Trump said he would "like to punch someone in the face". A change from the previous major candidates...would you not agree? When people respond in kind....I'm just saying don't be shocked.
Your side has no moral ground.........you have a history of violent protest.............people are tired of it...........and you still don't say a dang word about that punk picking on kids.................

I gave you examples of elected officials and candidates--people who should know better--sponsoring violence. Sorry but you're wrong.

And I can give you more from the opposing side. You're not helping your case in the slightest.

Feel free. My case is that both sides do it. You'll just further confirm it. The floor is yours. Go for it.

I already have stated that both sides do it. I have also shown through video evidence (tons of it) that the overwhelming majority is from the left wing.
Here's a short list. And these are just attacks which resulted in murder.

Anti-abortion murders
Oklahoma City bombing
Larry Shoemake
Eric Rudolph
Christian murder of gay couple
Benjamin Nathaniel Smith
Jewish Community Center

Richard Baumhammers
Mark Stroman
Knoxville church shooting
Keith Luke rape and murder
Pittsburgh police officers
Anti-abortion murder

Holly Grigsby
Sikh temple shooting
Jewish Community Center shooting
Charleston black church massacre
Lafayette cinema shooting
Planned Parenthood shooting
Kansas racist shooting
James Harris Jackson
Richard Collins murder
Charlottesville rally attack
Kenneth Gleason
Blaze Bernstein
Violence is never the answer....
But when you sponsor violence...don't be surprised when violence is someone else's solution as well.
Your side has been pushing violence.....for quite a while now..........Paid protesters even before Trump was elected.

These are kids............minding their own damned business and that asshat did that...................Your side has no ethical grounds anymore when your own politicians are throwing gas on the fire.

Glad the punk is getting charged..........glad he got fired too.........Hope enjoyed his low life moment of fame.

It wasn't that long ago a GOP candidate spoke of "second amendment solutions". Not some wacko somewhere...the GOP nominee for Senator from Nevada...Sharon Angle. There is plenty of blame to go around for the discourse being what it is. Getting back to the thread topic... In the 2016 election, Trump said he would "like to punch someone in the face". A change from the previous major candidates...would you not agree? When people respond in kind....I'm just saying don't be shocked.
Your side has no moral ground.........you have a history of violent protest.............people are tired of it...........and you still don't say a dang word about that punk picking on kids.................

I gave you examples of elected officials and candidates--people who should know better--sponsoring violence. Sorry but you're wrong.
Admit what the guy did to the kids is wrong............They weren't bothering no one.
No problem there. It was wrong. Violence is never the answer.

Your side has been fanning the flames........and this is complete Horse Hockey...........this is not isolated.........The Attorney General was going to see a movie with her kids and was threatened.........had to have a police escort just to leave the movie. Your radicals are out of control.

Its not as if someone hoped for some "second amendment solutions" like a Republican candidate for the US senate did.
Your side has no moral ground.........you have a history of violent protest.............people are tired of it...........and you still don't say a dang word about that punk picking on kids.................

I gave you examples of elected officials and candidates--people who should know better--sponsoring violence. Sorry but you're wrong.

And I can give you more from the opposing side. You're not helping your case in the slightest.

Feel free. My case is that both sides do it. You'll just further confirm it. The floor is yours. Go for it.

I already have stated that both sides do it. I have also shown through video evidence (tons of it) that the overwhelming majority is from the left wing.
Here's a short list. And these are just attacks which resulted in murder.

Anti-abortion murders
Oklahoma City bombing
Larry Shoemake
Eric Rudolph
Christian murder of gay couple
Benjamin Nathaniel Smith
Jewish Community Center

Richard Baumhammers
Mark Stroman
Knoxville church shooting
Keith Luke rape and murder
Pittsburgh police officers
Anti-abortion murder

Holly Grigsby
Sikh temple shooting
Jewish Community Center shooting
Charleston black church massacre
Lafayette cinema shooting
Planned Parenthood shooting
Kansas racist shooting
James Harris Jackson
Richard Collins murder
Charlottesville rally attack
Kenneth Gleason
Blaze Bernstein

Good list but seriously folks, whenever you try to assign some sort of higher meaning to someone's actions, you run the risk of condemning the whole group.

Both sides do it. Both sides are wrong.

For example, in Corpus Christi, Texas a woman sold her kids to pay off drug debts. So does that mean that all Hispanics (she was Hispanic), do this? No. She likely was Catholic. Do all Catholics do this? No. Not sure about her politics or even if she had ever voted...does everyone of her political bend (if she had one) does this? No.

Remember, nearly every one of these guys who have Trump's cock down their throat right now, pulled a lever for the comparatively moderate John McCain. Taking one or two data points and trying to fan them upward is fun but it is seldom truthful.
I gave you examples of elected officials and candidates--people who should know better--sponsoring violence. Sorry but you're wrong.

And I can give you more from the opposing side. You're not helping your case in the slightest.

Feel free. My case is that both sides do it. You'll just further confirm it. The floor is yours. Go for it.

I already have stated that both sides do it. I have also shown through video evidence (tons of it) that the overwhelming majority is from the left wing.
Here's a short list. And these are just attacks which resulted in murder.

Anti-abortion murders
Oklahoma City bombing
Larry Shoemake
Eric Rudolph
Christian murder of gay couple
Benjamin Nathaniel Smith
Jewish Community Center

Richard Baumhammers
Mark Stroman
Knoxville church shooting
Keith Luke rape and murder
Pittsburgh police officers
Anti-abortion murder

Holly Grigsby
Sikh temple shooting
Jewish Community Center shooting
Charleston black church massacre
Lafayette cinema shooting
Planned Parenthood shooting
Kansas racist shooting
James Harris Jackson
Richard Collins murder
Charlottesville rally attack
Kenneth Gleason
Blaze Bernstein

Good list but seriously folks, whenever you try to assign some sort of higher meaning to someone's actions, you run the risk of condemning the whole group.

Both sides do it. Both sides are wrong.

For example, in Corpus Christi, Texas a woman sold her kids to pay off drug debts. So does that mean that all Hispanics (she was Hispanic), do this? No. She likely was Catholic. Do all Catholics do this? No. Not sure about her politics or even if she had ever voted...does everyone of her political bend (if she had one) does this? No.

Remember, nearly every one of these guys who have Trump's cock down their throat right now, pulled a lever for the comparatively moderate John McCain. Taking one or two data points and trying to fan them upward is fun but it is seldom truthful.
Corny, you're so Jewish!
Your side has no moral ground.........you have a history of violent protest.............people are tired of it...........and you still don't say a dang word about that punk picking on kids.................

I gave you examples of elected officials and candidates--people who should know better--sponsoring violence. Sorry but you're wrong.

And I can give you more from the opposing side. You're not helping your case in the slightest.

Feel free. My case is that both sides do it. You'll just further confirm it. The floor is yours. Go for it.

I already have stated that both sides do it. I have also shown through video evidence (tons of it) that the overwhelming majority is from the left wing.
Here's a short list. And these are just attacks which resulted in murder.

Anti-abortion murders
Oklahoma City bombing
Larry Shoemake
Eric Rudolph
Christian murder of gay couple
Benjamin Nathaniel Smith
Jewish Community Center

Richard Baumhammers
Mark Stroman
Knoxville church shooting
Keith Luke rape and murder
Pittsburgh police officers
Anti-abortion murder

Holly Grigsby
Sikh temple shooting
Jewish Community Center shooting
Charleston black church massacre
Lafayette cinema shooting
Planned Parenthood shooting
Kansas racist shooting
James Harris Jackson
Richard Collins murder
Charlottesville rally attack
Kenneth Gleason
Blaze Bernstein
that it?

the left would have this knocked out by lunch.

I like happy endings!:muahaha:

That’s not what he said, let me help you.
There was someone at his rally that was planning to throw tomatoes at him or crowd, and Trump said if you see someone fixing to throw a tomato just knock the hell out of them, I’ll pay your legal bills.
Would you let someone throw tomatoes at you? You are welcome to protest but violence isn’t welcome.
If He could have told us Trumpsters to beat the protesters outside then maybe you would have a point, but he didn’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Maxine Waters, Donald Trump and comments inciting violence

No, maxine stated that libs must become violent and that's what they're doing.
Dude, it's right there in black and white. Why lie about it?
Because, like their Orange lord and master, lying is all they've got. And it's a positive trait for them.

No, the left is becoming violent. That is no lie.
Lol how long have your kind been spouting off about revolution and civil war?
They get it from the left, of course.

Aww you defend your dear leader even when he threatens people. He was far too cowardly to join the service. Poor little Captain Bone Spurs. Even Jane Fonda wasn't too scared to go to Vietnam, and she didn't salute their generals like Lying Trump saluted North Korean generals.
Wow. Bet you thought the picture of Fonda sitting on an AA gun they could kill American pilots was awesome to ?

That's all you weirdos have. You carry that picture with you like it's one of your beloved grandma.

But you cheered Trump when he saluted a North Korean general. Far worse in reality. Jane Fonda was an actress. You cheer for this orange turd that is president to salute the generals of our enemies.

Your batshit is batshit.
My mother's Father, Father and two Uncles served in Vietnam you fucking loon so hell yeah whenever someone brings up the bitches name for any reason I'm going to say something. I never defended Trump returning a salute from a foreign General.


Were you even alive when "Thunderkiss1965" was on the radio? :uhoh3:
I was in my early 20's when the song came out.
No, but every time he says he wants to commit a felony he gets cheers from Democrats.

People didn't cheer when Trump said he wanted to punch someone in the face?
I don't remember.....but then again, Trump had been provoked.
Bobby felt he had to act like a shit all on his own.

Oh, he was provoked....weak.
As for Bobby....I guess whenever someone here is saying that the Statue of Liberty protester should be "target practice", they were not doing it?
Yeah...fuck you.

You're like Robert Deniro….you have some deep-seated hatred for Trump for some reason.
Deniro is a closeted queen who hates what Trump represents because he's gay.

Trump's supporters were attacked by thugs and you figure they had it coming.

I tend to believe that when you go looking for a fight....don't complain when you find one.

Precisely what Trump did...go looking for a fight. And now, this thread...the complaint when one found one of his supporters.

As for being gay, I'm sure you could teach Bobby some things about it.
Sorry, but I can't.
You see in order to be gay one must enjoy the smell of shit during sex.
People didn't cheer when Trump said he wanted to punch someone in the face?
I don't remember.....but then again, Trump had been provoked.
Bobby felt he had to act like a shit all on his own.

Oh, he was provoked....weak.
As for Bobby....I guess whenever someone here is saying that the Statue of Liberty protester should be "target practice", they were not doing it?
Yeah...fuck you.

You're like Robert Deniro….you have some deep-seated hatred for Trump for some reason.
Deniro is a closeted queen who hates what Trump represents because he's gay.

Trump's supporters were attacked by thugs and you figure they had it coming.

I tend to believe that when you go looking for a fight....don't complain when you find one.

Precisely what Trump did...go looking for a fight. And now, this thread...the complaint when one found one of his supporters.

As for being gay, I'm sure you could teach Bobby some things about it.
Sorry, but I can't.
You see in order to be gay one must enjoy the smell of shit during sex.

Since you are a piece of shit....take it from there.
I gave you examples of elected officials and candidates--people who should know better--sponsoring violence. Sorry but you're wrong.

And I can give you more from the opposing side. You're not helping your case in the slightest.

Feel free. My case is that both sides do it. You'll just further confirm it. The floor is yours. Go for it.

I already have stated that both sides do it. I have also shown through video evidence (tons of it) that the overwhelming majority is from the left wing.
Here's a short list. And these are just attacks which resulted in murder.

Anti-abortion murders
Oklahoma City bombing
Larry Shoemake
Eric Rudolph
Christian murder of gay couple
Benjamin Nathaniel Smith
Jewish Community Center

Richard Baumhammers
Mark Stroman
Knoxville church shooting
Keith Luke rape and murder
Pittsburgh police officers
Anti-abortion murder

Holly Grigsby
Sikh temple shooting
Jewish Community Center shooting
Charleston black church massacre
Lafayette cinema shooting
Planned Parenthood shooting
Kansas racist shooting
James Harris Jackson
Richard Collins murder
Charlottesville rally attack
Kenneth Gleason
Blaze Bernstein

Good list but seriously folks, whenever you try to assign some sort of higher meaning to someone's actions, you run the risk of condemning the whole group.

Both sides do it. Both sides are wrong.

For example, in Corpus Christi, Texas a woman sold her kids to pay off drug debts. So does that mean that all Hispanics (she was Hispanic), do this? No. She likely was Catholic. Do all Catholics do this? No. Not sure about her politics or even if she had ever voted...does everyone of her political bend (if she had one) does this? No.

Remember, nearly every one of these guys who have Trump's cock down their throat right now, pulled a lever for the comparatively moderate John McCain. Taking one or two data points and trying to fan them upward is fun but it is seldom truthful.
Don't get me wrong, I am not condemning a whole group. The purpose of that list is to show there are plenty of kooks on the right committing violence. I don't see how anyone can claim any high ground?
I gave you examples of elected officials and candidates--people who should know better--sponsoring violence. Sorry but you're wrong.

And I can give you more from the opposing side. You're not helping your case in the slightest.

Feel free. My case is that both sides do it. You'll just further confirm it. The floor is yours. Go for it.

I already have stated that both sides do it. I have also shown through video evidence (tons of it) that the overwhelming majority is from the left wing.
Here's a short list. And these are just attacks which resulted in murder.

Anti-abortion murders
Oklahoma City bombing
Larry Shoemake
Eric Rudolph
Christian murder of gay couple
Benjamin Nathaniel Smith
Jewish Community Center

Richard Baumhammers
Mark Stroman
Knoxville church shooting
Keith Luke rape and murder
Pittsburgh police officers
Anti-abortion murder

Holly Grigsby
Sikh temple shooting
Jewish Community Center shooting
Charleston black church massacre
Lafayette cinema shooting
Planned Parenthood shooting
Kansas racist shooting
James Harris Jackson
Richard Collins murder
Charlottesville rally attack
Kenneth Gleason
Blaze Bernstein
that it?

the left would have this knocked out by lunch.
Great, then let's see your list....
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