Leftist bully attacks two 14 year olds for wearing MAGA hat

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I don't remember.....but then again, Trump had been provoked.
Bobby felt he had to act like a shit all on his own.

Oh, he was provoked....weak.
As for Bobby....I guess whenever someone here is saying that the Statue of Liberty protester should be "target practice", they were not doing it?
Yeah...fuck you.

You're like Robert Deniro….you have some deep-seated hatred for Trump for some reason.
Deniro is a closeted queen who hates what Trump represents because he's gay.

Trump's supporters were attacked by thugs and you figure they had it coming.

I tend to believe that when you go looking for a fight....don't complain when you find one.

Precisely what Trump did...go looking for a fight. And now, this thread...the complaint when one found one of his supporters.

As for being gay, I'm sure you could teach Bobby some things about it.
Sorry, but I can't.
You see in order to be gay one must enjoy the smell of shit during sex.

Since you are a piece of shit....take it from there.

Well, you're the expert on shit.

No, maxine stated that libs must become violent and that's what they're doing.
Dude, it's right there in black and white. Why lie about it?
Because, like their Orange lord and master, lying is all they've got. And it's a positive trait for them.

No, the left is becoming violent. That is no lie.
Lol how long have your kind been spouting off about revolution and civil war?

And then yet again, the left is renewing its hate ie the slavery and segregation.
Your side has no moral ground.........you have a history of violent protest.............people are tired of it...........and you still don't say a dang word about that punk picking on kids.................

I gave you examples of elected officials and candidates--people who should know better--sponsoring violence. Sorry but you're wrong.

And I can give you more from the opposing side. You're not helping your case in the slightest.

Feel free. My case is that both sides do it. You'll just further confirm it. The floor is yours. Go for it.

I already have stated that both sides do it. I have also shown through video evidence (tons of it) that the overwhelming majority is from the left wing.
Here's a short list. And these are just attacks which resulted in murder.

Anti-abortion murders
Oklahoma City bombing
Larry Shoemake
Eric Rudolph
Christian murder of gay couple
Benjamin Nathaniel Smith
Jewish Community Center

Richard Baumhammers
Mark Stroman
Knoxville church shooting
Keith Luke rape and murder
Pittsburgh police officers
Anti-abortion murder

Holly Grigsby
Sikh temple shooting
Jewish Community Center shooting
Charleston black church massacre
Lafayette cinema shooting
Planned Parenthood shooting
Kansas racist shooting
James Harris Jackson
Richard Collins murder
Charlottesville rally attack
Kenneth Gleason
Blaze Bernstein

The Murrah building was done by your beloved "gubermint", little faun. Two years before that your beloved gubermint fried women and children in Waco. Debate me on this, ya pussy...

BTW have you ever heard of Cody Snodgres?
I gave you examples of elected officials and candidates--people who should know better--sponsoring violence. Sorry but you're wrong.

And I can give you more from the opposing side. You're not helping your case in the slightest.

Feel free. My case is that both sides do it. You'll just further confirm it. The floor is yours. Go for it.

I already have stated that both sides do it. I have also shown through video evidence (tons of it) that the overwhelming majority is from the left wing.
Here's a short list. And these are just attacks which resulted in murder.

Anti-abortion murders
Oklahoma City bombing
Larry Shoemake
Eric Rudolph
Christian murder of gay couple
Benjamin Nathaniel Smith
Jewish Community Center

Richard Baumhammers
Mark Stroman
Knoxville church shooting
Keith Luke rape and murder
Pittsburgh police officers
Anti-abortion murder

Holly Grigsby
Sikh temple shooting
Jewish Community Center shooting
Charleston black church massacre
Lafayette cinema shooting
Planned Parenthood shooting
Kansas racist shooting
James Harris Jackson
Richard Collins murder
Charlottesville rally attack
Kenneth Gleason
Blaze Bernstein

The Murrah building was done by your beloved "gubermint", little faun. Two years before that your beloved gubermint fried women and children in Waco. Debate me on this, ya pussy...

BTW have you ever heard of Cody Snodgres?
Aww, poor, delusional dale. reduced to begging others to play with him.

You poor, schmuck. Last time I bothered with you, I embarrassed the shit out of you after you idiotically posted about David Hogg graduating in California years ago and how he wasn't on lockdown the morning of the Parkland shooting; but instead, raced to the school to beat the police there after learning about the shooting. :cuckoo:

But g'head, give it your best shot.

He has been identified...Kino Jimenez.... and he has taken down his FB page
The balls need to be cut off this disgusting piece of shit. We don't need his progeny running around either. Time to start making an example of these assholes who think they are justified attacking Trump supporters.
it's ok, he attacked a white person
so, no mention of race in the MSM/not a big deal/etc
He has been identified...Kino Jimenez.... and he has taken down his FB page
The balls need to be cut off this disgusting piece of shit. We don't need his progeny running around either. Time to start making an example of these assholes who think they are justified attacking Trump supporters.
put him in the cage with the apes, see how he is so tough then
I'm surprised health rules allowed such a shitty hat in there to start with. People were eating there.

Erm... hat is not food. And wearing a hat is not unhealthy, no matter what the text.

How stupid are these people? The Trump derangement is turning them insane.

A shitty hat should not be around food. You don't get that?
so if im wewring my blacktop mojo hat at whataburger, im fair game for assault?

Not sure what wewring means, but good for you.
so you got nothing n bag on a typo.

good for you. run to your strengths.
SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.

Do you think we care, really, Trump has done so much damage with his filthy mouth, that is what we care about.

You whimps can sure dish it out but not take it. Don't expect us to be silent as you trash it out.

Who is the "we" to which you refer, penny dear? None of my friends attack adolescents for their political "opinions"

No, maxine stated that libs must become violent and that's what they're doing.
Dude, it's right there in black and white. Why lie about it?
Because, like their Orange lord and master, lying is all they've got. And it's a positive trait for them.

No, the left is becoming violent. That is no lie.
Lol how long have your kind been spouting off about revolution and civil war?
Since Obama was elected and started to destroy our country.

Meanwhile, look at the antifa dicks. They put girls in front, swarm people..then whine and cry when they get their asses kicked. Again.

Keep thinking that silly girl. Makes it so much easier when you get your ass handed to you.

Nobody is going to be handing me my ass. Your boy has a 40 percent approval rating.

And the shrilary has a 95% chance of being POTUS.



How sad for her that she ignored the fact that it is the Electoral College that matters. The Founders realized that stupid people could be easily led astray by a cult of personality to did their best to limit that occurrence. They were successful.

Stupid people voted for Trump.

and even more stupid people voted for Hillary.

2016 was a no win situation.
SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.

Do you think we care, really, Trump has done so much damage with his filthy mouth, that is what we care about.

You whimps can sure dish it out but not take it. Don't expect us to be silent as you trash it out.

Who is the "we" to which you refer, penny dear? None of my friends attack adolescents for their political "opinions"
It's 'rich' when individuals cite their relatively nil & anecdotal circle of influence as being representative of the millions out there who contradict their assertions... lol (sorry irosie91, that doesn't mean 'Sheite')
SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.

Do you think we care, really, Trump has done so much damage with his filthy mouth, that is what we care about.

You whimps can sure dish it out but not take it. Don't expect us to be silent as you trash it out.

Who is the "we" to which you refer, penny dear? None of my friends attack adolescents for their political "opinions"
It's 'rich' when individuals cite their relatively nil & anecdotal circle of influence as being representative of the millions out there who contradict their assertions... lol (sorry irosie91, that doesn't mean 'Sheite')
It's rich when someone who is asked to explain who they are and why anybody should listen to them, claim that other people shouldn't speak anecdotally lol.
No, maxine stated that libs must become violent and that's what they're doing.
Dude, it's right there in black and white. Why lie about it?
Because, like their Orange lord and master, lying is all they've got. And it's a positive trait for them.

No, the left is becoming violent. That is no lie.
Lol how long have your kind been spouting off about revolution and civil war?

And then yet again, the left is renewing its hate ie the slavery and segregation.

Dude, pull yer head outta Infowars. You're not getting enough oxygen.
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