Leftist Comedian Says She Will Gladly "Make Sweet Love" To The Leaker And Then Gladly Abort Any Pregnancy That Results

You do as you are told for your party. You spew the crap they tell you to.
You are just overflowing with information about what I think and do, and I was unaware of all of it. Are you psychic, or are the space aliens giving you all this information?
You are just overflowing with information about what I think and do, and I was unaware of all of it. Are you psychic, or are the space aliens giving you all this information?
Answer this, you good with protesters going to the Supreme Court justices houses to protest? Yes or no?
Killing babies is funny to you? :cuckoo:

I don't know about him personally, I didn't find the joke funny but I'll still say nothing should be off limits for a comedian. Louis ck made a joke about killing babies that I laughed at. Even if I don't like the joke comedy shouldn't be censored, even in bad taste. God forgive my soul but I've even laughed at Gilbert Gottfried making incest and child sex jokes.

I don't have it in me to say one comedian is ok and another isn't.
Why not? As long as they don't break any laws, it's their right.
The laws they are breaking is as follows:

  • Obstruction of Justice
  • Assault
  • Criminal Conspiracy
  • Threatening A Justice On The Supreme Court
  • Disturbing The Peace
If the cops wanted to they could throw their commie asses in jail and make them wait for a court date to make sure they don't do it again.
The laws they are breaking is as follows:

  • Obstruction of Justice
  • Assault
  • Criminal Conspiracy
  • Threatening A Justice On The Supreme Court
  • Disturbing The Peace
If the cops wanted to they could throw their commie asses in jail and make them wait for a court date to make sure they don't do it again.
Not sure how any of those would apply. I understand you are stretching, but to claim assault is just funny.
Which different one, good poster Chic?
There are, after all, maybe 5,000 currently being worshipped.

But don't fret that, Chic, you, undoubtedly, chose the right one for you.....despite all the odds.
I hope you feel blessed.
And I also hope that you work....gratefully, and humbly.....to come to an acceptance of those 4,999 (approx) others.

But, if you do go about dismissing other folks' idea of god......well, why?
What's in it for you?

I was so pleased when you revealed how easily you are swayed by the lies and half-lies. You fit into the category of soft-hearted but soft-headed.

You wrote this about Barbara Ehrenreich’s Liberal tract, “Nickel And Dimed,” the plight of America's working-class poor.”

You wrote:

“It is a terrific read. I highly recommend it today......and have been recommending it for years. It informed me.
Read Nickel & Dime. It will make you a better American.” The American Dream Is No Longer Possible…. post #7


“This book gives one a peek into that world of low-pay hard-work while trying to get an apartment, a car, insurance, etc. It gave me a whole new perspective on those immigrant laborers …” Post #11

But it didn’t ‘inform’ you….it mislead you, and as a result you vote for the Bolsheviks, whose god is the state.

One reviewer wrote about the book you claimed made you a better American... “This is a book that I wanted to like — I sympathize with the author's motives — but what could have been an interesting project (and an interesting book) is instead a bizarre Marxist screed about class warfare. Ehrenreich enters her experiment with the end in mind — failure — and she seems to do everything she can to make this end come to fruition.

Nickel and Dimed could have been so much more. I wanted to hear about the people Ehrenreich worked with, wanted to hear their backgrounds and stories and dreams, but very little of that comes through in the book. Instead, we learn about all the little ways in which Ehrenreich sabotages any chance at success.”

A young man, Adam Shepard, found Ehrenreich's book so depressing, he went out to see if it was correct. He proved the American Dream was alive and well….and he wrote a book about it. Scratch Beginnings: Me, $25, and the Search for the American Dream

You read the propaganda, but failed to read a real life experiment that proved the opposite.

And once you were suckered in, they got you to vote for this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

You're not much of a thinker, are you.
One reviewer wrote about the book you claimed made you a better American...

And another reviewer offered us this:

"5.0 out of 5 stars I get it. I'm living it.

I got this book on the advice of my pastor after I lost my newspaper job. I have a part-time job cleaning offices and couldn't believe how physically hard and mentally challenging it is, and he recommended Ehrenreich's story. All I can say is she's right on. People who criticize her method are missing the larger point; Ehrenreich shows how hard it is to make it -- let alone get ahead -- on low wages. This should be the wake-up call for people who think a job, any job, is the answer to getting out of poverty or financial insecurity. This is the only job I have while I await word on my unemployment compensation; my cleaning coworkers don't have this luxury. Most of them work at least two jobs and some work three or more. The age range is 40-late 60s. Ehrenreich hit the nail on the head in seeing how unfair this system is and how it works against low-wage workers and, may I add, this is 10-15 years after she wrote this book. I believe with my education and background, I will find a new higher-paying job eventually. But maybe I won't, and this will be life from here on. In these circumstances, that's scary.
68 people found this helpful

And another reviewer offered us this:

"5.0 out of 5 stars I get it. I'm living it.

I got this book on the advice of my pastor after I lost my newspaper job. I have a part-time job cleaning offices and couldn't believe how physically hard and mentally challenging it is, and he recommended Ehrenreich's story. All I can say is she's right on. People who criticize her method are missing the larger point; Ehrenreich shows how hard it is to make it -- let alone get ahead -- on low wages. This should be the wake-up call for people who think a job, any job, is the answer to getting out of poverty or financial insecurity. This is the only job I have while I await word on my unemployment compensation; my cleaning coworkers don't have this luxury. Most of them work at least two jobs and some work three or more. The age range is 40-late 60s. Ehrenreich hit the nail on the head in seeing how unfair this system is and how it works against low-wage workers and, may I add, this is 10-15 years after she wrote this book. I believe with my education and background, I will find a new higher-paying job eventually. But maybe I won't, and this will be life from here on. In these circumstances, that's scary.
68 people found this helpful

So why are you afraid to read the opposite, the actual events that disprove the Marxist screed you praised????

Do you need to beg permission from your party????

I read both......and only this one has the truth:

  1. For a real-world perspective on the American ethic, find the Alan Shepard book, “Scratch Beginnings, in which the author recounts his own social experiment, at age 24, starting out at the lowest rung of the economic ladder. The question: could he conquer poverty in one year at his best efforts?
  2. He left his home with nothing but a tarp, sleeping bag, an empty gym bag, the clothes on his back, and $25. The went to Charleston, South Carolina…a city where he had never been before, and where he knew nobody. He didn’t use his college education as a resume, nor any family or other contacts.
  3. The first night he finds the Crisis Ministries homeless shelter, and, next morning, begins working odd jobs. Within a few weeks, he gets a regular job with a moving company. He moonlights on weekends to make extra money.
  4. He makes friends and contacts, and these help him to find jobs and housing…Within five months, he gets a raise from the moving company to $10/ hour. And another, to $11/hour in less than nine months.
  5. Progress was retarded by breaking his foot on the job, yet by three months he was able to move out of the homeless shelter and rent a room in a large house in an upscale part of town. (It was owned by a friend he met while working a second job on weekends.) Then, just a month later, he moved into a two-bedroom duplex with the cousin of one of his co-workers. It was a bit rundown, so the two of them spent a week-end making it like new. (His share was $325 because he took the master bedroom.)
  6. After just ten months he was living in his own furnished apartment, with his own car, and he had $5,300 in savings.
    1. The book also tells of other low-income people he met, and how they, also, would like a safety net second to their own work,

Scratch Beginnings: Me, $25, and the Search for the American Dream [Paperback]​

Adam W. Shepard (Author)
Why not? As long as they don't break any laws, it's their right.
Going to the house of someone is pushing it. The neighborhood has to live with it. Progs keep setting the bar for this. Repub voters for the most part have not done this at least with the zeal of Progs. We know what Progs are now. Many did not a decade ago or so. But they are in the game as near the whole system has been coopted by the Prog Socialists.
Going to the house of someone is pushing it. The neighborhood has to live with it. Progs keep setting the bar for this. Repub voters for the most part have not done this at least with the zeal of Progs. We know what Progs are now. Many did not a decade ago or so. But they are in the game as near the whole system has been coopted by the Prog Socialists.
Most neighborhoods just have to live with people behaving legally in public areas. What makes their particular neighborhood different?
These people are sick. This is a live broadcast on MSNBC.
The hosts thought it was funny.....

Evidently leftist hags mistake"sweet love" to acting like a whore to prove a point

But then again most of the ugly hags are desperate
If a fetus can survive outside of the womb it's probably a child.
The Court resolved this balancing test by tying state regulation of abortion to the three trimesters of pregnancy: during the first trimester, governments could not prohibit abortions at all; during the second trimester, governments could require reasonable health regulations; during the third trimester, abortions could be prohibited entirely so long as the laws contained exceptions for cases when they were necessary to save the life or health of the mother.[5] The Court classified the right to choose to have an abortion as "fundamental", which required courts to evaluate challenged abortion laws under the "strict scrutiny" standard, the highest level of judicial review in the United States.[6]

Leftie comedians are so one note… to the point of being lame.

They can only be controversial if their jokes are approved by their echo chamber.


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